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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 8, 2022. It is now read-only.

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614 lines (386 loc) · 37.5 KB

File metadata and controls

614 lines (386 loc) · 37.5 KB

1.36.0 (2019-06-13)

  • Updated auth-client to 2.15.1. #531

1.35.0 (2019-05-07)

  • Updated auth-client to 2.14.0. #529

1.34.1 (2019-05-02)

  • Replaced use of http-server during internal e2e tests. #527

1.34.0 (2019-04-29)

  • Added support for @skyux/i18n@3.6.1 and @skyux/router@3.1.1. #526

1.33.1 (2019-03-28)

  • Added support for @skyux/i18n@3.5.2 which fixes a circular reference error for later versions of SKY UX. #524

1.33.0 (2019-03-19)

  • Added support for @skyux/i18n@3.5.1 and @blackbaud/auth-client@2.13.0. #523

1.32.1 (2019-03-11)

  • Fixed module aliases to work properly for skyux build and skyux e2e commands. #519

1.32.0 (2019-03-04)

  • Added configuration option to allow for custom module resolution at build time. #517

1.31.1 (2019-02-04)

  • Backported fix for webpack-dev-server to support Node 10. #512

1.31.0 (2019-01-29)

  • Added support for @skyux/config@3.3.0. #510
  • Added checks for existing file to skyux generate. #500

1.30.0 (2018-11-26)

  • Added SkyAuthHttpClientModule that can be used in conjunction with Angular's HttpClient to make authenticated calls to services backed by Blackbaud ID. (blackbaud/skyux-http#11)[blackbaud/skyux-http#11]
  • Fixed coverage reports to accurately match against configured thresholds. #499

1.29.0 (2018-11-09)

  • Added support for @blackbaud/auth-client@2.12.0 which allows permission scopes to specify a legal entity ID. #498

1.28.0 (2018-11-08)

  • Added support for @skyux/i18n@3.3.0. #496

1.27.0 (2018-10-31)

  • Added config option to include style sheets in bundle. #484
  • Added support for Node.js 8. #490
  • Bugfix to allow custom NotFoundComponent. #485
  • Bugfix to address endless loops and crashes during unit tests. #492

1.26.1 (2018-10-24)

  • Fixed issue with using Builder when strictNullChecks is enabled. #487 Thanks @bentefay!

1.26.0 (2018-10-19)

  • Updated skyux e2e to automatically install appropriate ChromeDriver version for the installed version of Chrome. Previous functionality was to always install the latest version, which caused version mismatches.
  • Added support for developing builder on Node 8.

1.25.0 (2018-10-17)

  • Added support for @skyux/i18n@3.2.0. #486
  • Fixed bootstrapper to allow for TypeScript strict mode. #464

1.24.0 (2018-10-01)

  • Updated auth-client library to pick up change that displays the omnibar inactivity prompt at a z-index high enough to display over SKY UX modals. #481

1.23.2 (2018-09-27)

  • Bugfix to address endless loop when running skyux watch. #479

1.23.1 (2018-09-24)

  • Bugfix to re-add SkyAuthHttp to primary module's providers. #476

1.23.0 (2018-09-24)

  • Fixed help widget to not display when SPA is in add-in mode. #475
  • Fixed library bundler to also transpile source files located in the root public directory. #474

1.22.0 (2018-09-19)

  • Added support for libraries to include an isolated "testing" module. #471
  • Upgraded skyux-lib-help to 1.3.1. #473

1.21.0 (2018-09-13)

  • Added preload hook to the skyux build-public-library command to let plugins modify library files. #469

1.20.2 (2018-09-06)

  • Replaced the expired local server certificate used with the skyux serve and skyux e2e commands. #467

1.20.1 (2018-09-06)

  • Disabled the aria-allowed-attr rule in aXe a11y testing. This will be re-enabled when we can update to axe-core version 3.1.1. #465

1.20.0 (2018-08-30)

Note Updating to this version of SKY UX Builder requires that SKY UX also be updated to 2.21.0 because it takes advantages of new features in SKY UX.

  • Minor tweaks to code coverage instrumentation for SKY UX libraries. #457
  • CSS imports now reference the new @skyux/theme library that is part of the latest version of SKY UX 2. #458
  • Added the ability to specify a browserSet for e2e tests similar to the option that exists for unit tests. Currently the only supported browserSet value is speedy. #459
  • Addressed a minor issue when logging build status. #460
  • SPAs can now force a legal entity context and allow users to pick a legal entity from a list if the user belongs to more than one legal entity, or to automatically select a default legal entity if the user only belongs to one legal entity. To use this feature, ensure that the parameters section of skyuxconfig.json specifies leid as a required parameter. #461 Example:
"params": {
  "leid": {
    "required": true
  • Updated @blackbaud/auth-client package to reflect a change in policy for changing BBID user session timeouts from 15 minutes of inactivity to 90 minutes. #462

1.19.3 (2018-08-16)

  • Bugfix to allow SPAs to reference resource files in libraries even if the SPAs do not include resource files. #449
  • Bugfix to catch JavaScript errors in browsers during unit tests. #452

1.19.2 (2018-08-02)

  • Reverted stricter type information for SkyPactService. #446
  • Bugfix for skyux build-public-library command to successfully run on Windows. #445

1.19.1 (2018-07-23)

  • Bugfix to allow component libraries to properly consume external components. #439

1.19.0 (2018-07-18)

  • Updated the skyux build-public-library command to use same compiler as skyux build. #417
  • Added better type info and documentation to SkyPactService. #430 Thanks @Blackbaud-KrisMahon!
  • Exposed skyuxconfig.json to skyux test and skyux e2e configuration files. #431
  • Created the $schema property in skyuxconfig.json to allow for better IDE intergration. The value of ./node_modules/@blackbaud/skyux-builder/skyuxconfig-schema.jsonis applied to the default template and can be retroactively added to older SPAs. #358
  • Created the browserSet property in skyuxconfig.json to control which browsers to use during testing. Applicable values are speedy, quirky, and paranoid. #431
  • Created the excludeFromRequest property in skyuxconfig.json to exlude parameters from requests. #432

1.18.0 (2018-06-21)

  • Added LCOV code coverage output when running skyux test. #416
  • Added support to use tildes for imports in SCSS files in libraries. #415
  • Added support for route navigation during skyux e2e. #414
  • Bugfix to properly handle multiline entry of styleUrls. #418

1.17.0 (2018-06-14)

  • Updated auth-client to 2.7.0 which supports omnibar theming. #412

1.16.0 (2018-05-31)

  • Updated auth-client to 2.6.0 to support passing leid to the omnibar, to automatically include leid in SkyAuthHttp requests, and to add an leid flag for skyux serve that adds a legal entity ID to the Host URL. #406

1.15.0 (2018-05-11)

  • Bugfix to properly fail skyux e2e if build step fails. #404
  • Updated skyAppLink directive to not include parameters whose current values match their default values. #402
  • Upgraded auth-client to 2.5.0. #407
  • Upgraded skyux-lib-help to 1.3.0. #401, #405

1.14.0 (2018-04-19)

  • SKY UX libraries can now define their own locale files for localizing strings. #379

  • Changed the Webpack source map devtool from cheap-module-eval-source-map to source-map. This fixes source maps in Firefox. #384

  • Added the ability to resolve a missing environment ID context before rendering the application. For instance, if the envid parameter is required by your application, but none is supplied either through the query string or the SPA's skyuxconfig.json file, the user will be presented with a screen to select an environment. If the user is only in one environment, the application will automatically be reloaded with that environment. #399

To opt into this new behavior, simply add the following to your skyuxconfig.json file (or merge it with your existing params section if it already exists):

"params": {
  "envid": {
    "required": true

1.13.0 (2018-04-13)

  • Added support for the addin parameter. #396
  • Added support for JSON files when using require. #395
  • Bugfix to properly encode and decode parameters. #394
  • Bugfix to prevent new instances of the omnibar when HMR is enabled. #393 Thanks @Blackbaud-MitchellThomas!
  • Bugfix to make skyAppLink respect the queryParams attribute. #390 Thanks @Blackbaud-MitchellThomas!
  • Bugfix in toHaveText test method. #392
  • Exposed SkyAppRuntimeModule through @blackbaud/skyux-builder/runtime. #391

1.12.0 (2018-03-30)

  • Made skyux test more efficient by checking for spec files before initializing. #381
  • Bugfix when parsing querystring parameters. #385
  • Added test utility from SKY UX. #382 and #386
  • Added ability to import individual SKY UX modules using the skyuxModules property in skyuxconfig.json. #383

1.11.1 (2018-03-20)

  • Fixed an issue where URL parameters did not persist when navigating to another route within a SPA. #377
  • Fixed errors that occur when building a library that implements the skyAppResources pipe. #371
  • Fixed an issue where Karma and Protractor configs did not use the correct logger. #376

1.11.0 (2018-03-16)

  • Fixed an issue that occurs when navigating to a URL that partially matches the current base URL. #372
  • Added support for required parameters in skyuxconfig.json. #370 Thanks @Blackbaud-BrandonHare!
  • Enabled the use of Hot Module Replacement (HMR) during skyux serve with the --hmr flag. #359
  • Initial creation of skyAppLinkExternal directive. #366 Thanks @Blackbaud-MitchellThomas!
  • Migrated all logging to use the @blackbaud/skyux-logger package. #357

1.10.1 (2018-03-08)

  • Fixed errors that occur when building a library that imports from Builder's runtime directory. #368

1.10.0 (2018-01-24)

  • Added support for the codeCoverageThreshold property in skyuxconfig.json. #355
  • Created skyuxconfig-schema.json to provide IntelliSense capabilities. #347

1.9.0 (2018-01-17)

  • Added support for reading locale from SKYUX_HOST global variable. #345
  • Disabled standalone install for webdriver manager. #349
  • Using the latest release of Chrome when testing on Appveyor. #352
  • Removed process.exit(0) from the generate module so the generate command can be passed through to plugins. #351
  • Created e2e tests around integration with the help service. #311
  • Release skyux pact command to allow Pact testing without using skyux e2e. #319 and #350 Thanks @Blackbaud-JoshLandi!

1.8.0 (2017-12-07)

  • Upgraded @blackbaud/auth-client to 2.2.0. #344

1.7.1 (2017-11-17)

  • Fixed slowness and out-of-memory issues with build. #340

1.7.0 (2017-11-14)

  • Added ability to generate a component from the SKY UX CLI. Run skyux generate component <component-name> where <component-name> is the name of the component preceded by an optional subfolder (e.g. skyux generate component some-folder/some-thing). This will generate the TypeScript, HTML, CSS and spec files for your new component in the specified folder. #330

1.6.2 (2017-11-14)

  • Reduced number of console logs for output keep alive. #334

1.6.1 (2017-11-13)

  • Fixed navigation via Omnibar due to loading outside Angular. #332

1.6.0 (2017-11-13)

  • Added webpack OutputKeepAlivePlugin to periodically print to the console to reset any timeouts associated with watched output. #328
  • Added support for RxJS 5.4.3. #298 Thanks @Blackbaud-MikitaYankouski!
  • Adjusted regular expression specificity for elements referencing static assets. #326

1.5.0 (2017-11-03)

  • Added SkyAppOmnibarProvider to enable custom envId and svcId to be provided to the omnibar. #323
  • Cleaned up logging by only generating config for known commands. #321
  • Enabled default envid and svcid params in skyuxconfig.json. #320
  • Exposed --platform flag and adjusted config paths to improve internal continuous integration. #297, #322
  • Performance enhancement to load omnibar outside context of Angular. #317
  • Bugfix to handle stopping skyux test before linter finishes. #316

1.4.0 (2017-10-27)

  • Adjusted class names used to hide help invoker on full-page modal. #314
  • Bugfix to not force URLs to lowercase when calling navigateByUrl. #313
  • Using AppVeyor to validate building on the Windows platform. #310, #312
  • Upgraded @blackbaud/auth-client to 2.0.0. Providing backwards compatibility until 2.x.x release. #308
  • Fixed the paths used for automatically excluding files from code coverage. #306

1.3.1 (2017-10-20)

  • Fixed help invoker not being hidden when full-page modal opened. #304

1.3.0 (2017-10-16)

  • Added support for @blackbaud/auth-client 1.18.0. #302
  • Separated coverage and e2e steps into separate environments. #299

1.2.0 (2017-10-04)

  • Created SkyAppViewportService for tracking when properties of the viewport change, such as when all styles and fonts have been loaded and the contents are ready for display. #300
  • Upgraded @blackbaud/skyux-lib-help to 1.1.10. #293
  • Bugfix regarding merging of multiple skyuxconfig.json files. #292 Thanks @Blackbaud-BrandonHare!

1.1.0 (2017-10-04)

  • Updated runCommmand to return a boolean to skyux-cli, indicating whether the command was handled. #277
  • Bugfix to correctly merge multiple skyuxconfig.json files. #288 Thanks @Blackbaud-BrandonHare!
  • Upgraded @blackbaud/auth-client to 1.15.0. Supplying allowAnonymous flag to Omnibar. #290
  • Added ability to handle child route with parameter. #286 Thanks @Blackbaud-JoshGerdes!
  • Exporting SkyAppAssetsService in default @blackbaud/skyux-builder/runtime barrel. #287

1.0.2 (2017-09-27)

  • Removed help-client from dependencies as it was causing a conflict with the help library. (#284)[#284]

1.0.1 (2017-09-26)

  • Bugfix: Reverted some dependencies to fix @angular/animations errors. #281

1.0.0 (2017-09-20)

1.0.0-rc.19 (2017-09-13)

  • Upgraded @blackbaud/auth-client to 1.15.0. #268
  • Bugfix to allow periods in the filenames of JavaScript assets. #271

1.0.0-rc.18 (2017-09-06)

  • Created the --no-build flag for skyux e2e to skip the build step before running end-to-end tests. #262
  • Disabled downloading Gecko driver when running skyux e2e. #263
  • More verbose messages when using toHaveText helper in skyux test. #264 Thanks @Blackbaud-BryonWilkins!

1.0.0-rc.17 (2017-08-23)

  • Created the --serve/-s flag for skyux build to serve the SPA locally after it builds. Can use in conjunction with the --launch and --browser flags. #219
  • Upgraded @blackbaud/auth-client to 1.12.0. #259

1.0.0-rc.16 (2017-08-18)

  • Created SkyA11y class. It's available during skyux e2e and aids in testing accessibility guidelines. #250
  • Bugfix when running skyux serve more than once at the same time on Windows. #257
  • Made skyux e2e more efficient by checking for spec files before performing a build. #256 Thanks @blackbaud-brandonhare!

1.0.0-rc.15 (2017-08-04)

  • Fixed issue where the default port for local files during skyux serve could not be manually overridden in skyuxconfig.json. #254

1.0.0-rc.14 (2017-08-03)

  • Added support for @blackbaud/auth-client@1.11.0. #251
  • Fixed bug where files were being processed twice by plugins during AoT compilation (Windows only). #252

1.0.0-rc.13 (2017-07-27)

  • Fixed TSLint checking node_modules #247

1.0.0-rc.12 (2017-07-26)

  • Added ability to specify a permission scope with SkyAuthHttp. #245
  • Added string formatting method to SkyAppResourcesTestService. #239
  • Added skyux lint command and fixed TSLint rules (that require type checking) not failing the build. #205
  • Added check to prevent window scroll if a route fragment exists. #232
  • Added colors to console logs. #244
  • Made public and referenced route properties optional. #240
  • Fixed bug with change detection when a resource string is loaded asynchronously. #243

1.0.0-rc.11 (2017-07-24)

  • Fixed transient dependency of enhanced-resolve created by @ngtools/webpack, which was breaking skyux build and skyux e2e. #241

1.0.0-rc.10 (2017-07-21)

  • Fixed bug around Font Face Observer to allow compatibility with SKY UX 2.0.0-rc.7 and above.
  • Upgraded rxjs to 5.4.2

1.0.0-rc.9 (2017-07-19)

  • Added ability to format a templated resource string. #231
  • Added version range to install latest rc-x branch from SKY UX. #233
  • Fixed bug with static assets URL in e2e tests. #234
  • Fixed redirects type in SkyAppConfig. #229

1.0.0-rc.8 (2017-07-14)

  • Bugfix to allow redirects property in skyuxconfig.json. #224
  • Bugfix that caused plugins to process files twice during AOT compilation. #225
  • Implemented a better caching strategy and fallback to non-region-specific languages. #226
  • Upgraded @blackbaud/auth-client to 1.9.1. #227

1.0.0-rc.7 (2017-07-13)

  • Added ability to configure route redirects in skyuxconfig.json. #217
  • Added a new CLI command, skyux build-public-library, which bundles Angular component libraries into a consumable module for NPM. #198
  • Fixed various issues with Builder development in a Windows environment. #185
  • Added SkyAppResourcesService and skyAppResources pipe for retrieving and displaying strings in the assets/locale folder. #552
  • Added SkyAppAssetsService for getting a URL for an asset file. #766

1.0.0-rc.6 (2017-07-05)

  • Updated the auth client library to pick up logic for showing the search button based on whether search has been implemented by the SPA author. #214

1.0.0-rc.5 (2017-07-03)

  • Added web-animations polyfill to support Angular animations in more browsers. #204
  • Added support for Angular v4.2.5 and SKY UX 2.0.0-rc.4. #208
  • Added support for useHashRouting in skyuxconfig.json. #206

1.0.0-rc.4 (2017-06-29)

  • Added support for SKY UX 2.0.0-rc.2.
  • Fixed typo when passing svcid to auth-client. #201
  • Improved execution time for skyux test and skyux watch. #202

1.0.0-rc.3 (2017-06-23)

  • Added support for SKY UX 2.0.0-rc.1.
  • Fixed a typings bug with SkyAuthHttp.

1.0.0-rc.2 (2017-06-21)

  • Fixed invalid glob pattern (and unit tests) for ignored auto-generated components.

1.0.0-rc.1 (2017-06-20)

  • Ignoring src/app/public directory when auto-generating components. #187
  • Updated path and rules related to Codelyzer. #192
  • Correctly setting envId and svcId for auth-client. #193

1.0.0-rc.0 (2017-06-16)

  • Added support for Angular v4.1.3 and SKY UX 2.0.0-rc.0.

1.0.0-beta.33 (2017-06-15)

  • Bugfix to stop SkyAuthHttp from adding duplicate envid or svcid params. #182

1.0.0-beta.32 (2017-06-14)

  • Bugfix for plugins to successfully run in an AOT build. #180
  • Upgraded the default 404 route to use the SKY UX error component. #178
  • Added support for a root route guard and child routes. #177 Thanks @blackbaud-brandonstirnaman!

1.0.0-beta.31 (2017-06-07)

1.0.0-beta.30 (2017-06-06)

  • Bugfix for SkyAuthHttp. #171

1.0.0-beta.29 (2017-06-05)

  • Implemented style loader to resolve FOUC (flash of unstyled content). #166
  • Initial creation of skyRouterLink directive. #159
  • Updated testing suite to include internal files in src/app directory.
  • Added the --browser or -b flag to determine which browser to open during skyux serve. #167

1.0.0-beta.28 (2017-05-25)

  • Bugfix to correct incorrect paths specified when running skyux e2e.

1.0.0-beta.27 (2017-05-25)

  • Passing enableHelp to the omnibar config. #160
  • Bugfix where skyux e2e failed if the skyuxconfig.json file contained more than 8000 characters. #161
  • Added the --no-coverage flag to the skyux test and skyux watch commands. #157
  • Passing SkyAppConfig to any plugins defined in skyuxconfig.json. #156

1.0.0-beta.26 (2017-05-16)

  • Added support for passing local navigation to omnibar via skyuxconfig.json. #152
  • Refactored publicRoutes property in skyuxconfig.json to routes with public and referenced properties in preparation for publishing SPA routes to the navigation service. #152
  • Fixed bug parsing skyuxconfig.json when a BOM was present. #153
  • Updated @blackbaud\auth-client to 1.5.0. #154

1.0.0-beta.25 (2017-05-15)

  • Added appSettings property to skyuxconfig.json. #146
  • Removed internal duplicate interface for AuthClient. #145, #149
  • Removed internal duplicate interface for HelpClient. #147
  • Bugfix: Correctly expose SkyAppConfig.runtime.routes. #150

1.0.0-beta.24 (2017-05-10)

  • Bugfix: Correctly return a non-zero exit code if the skyux build command fails.

1.0.0-beta.23 (2017-05-10)

  • Correctly displaying sourcemaps for TypeScript file. #136
  • Updated dependencies. #133
  • Fixed dependency reference for remap-istanbul.
  • Excluding src/app/lib/ folder from code coverage instrumentation. #135
  • Allowing TSLint errors to fail the skyux build command. #139

1.0.0-beta.22 (2017-04-27)

  • Added ability for tokens to be provided via a token provider rather than always using BBAuth to obtain a token. #129
  • Fixed issue where not all possible properties for help config were specified in the help config interface. #130
  • Upgraded @blackbaud/auth-client to 1.3.1. #131

1.0.0-beta.21 (2017-04-25)

  • Using subjectAltName in SSL certificate in order to support Chrome 58+. #127
  • Bugfix to allow content to pass through multiple plugins. #124

1.0.0-beta.20 (2017-04-24)

  • Explicitly adding Access-Control-Allow-Origin header when running skyux serve.

1.0.0-beta.19 (2017-04-24)

  • Bugfix: Removed unnecessary route information in order to fix skyux e2e on Windows. #122

1.0.0-beta.18 (2017-04-21)

  • Preventing skyux test from failing if no *.spec.ts files are specified.

1.0.0-beta.17 (2017-04-20)

  • Bugfix: Reverted to src/app for tests/imports. #118
  • Mock auth during e2e tests. #117

1.0.0-beta.16 (2017-04-17)

  • Bugfix to correctly read importPath from skyuxconfig.json.

1.0.0-beta.15 (2017-04-13)

  • Bundling images stored in src/assets and referenced via ~/assets/ in all HTML/SCSS files.
  • Automatically including envid and svcid in SkyAuthHttp requests.
  • Added preload and postload plugin hooks. Started initial work for lifecycle hooks. (Thanks @Blackbaud-SteveBrush!)
  • Created a consistent SkyAppConfig interface for passing around configuration.

1.0.0-beta.14 (2017-03-22)

  • Merging skyuxconfig.{current-skyux-command}.json, if it exists, into the skyuxconfig.json file. For example, skyuxconfig.serve.json.
  • Adding --envid and --svcid to be specified via the CLI and added to the Host URL opened when running skyux serve. For example, skyux serve --envid 1234
  • SKY UX styles are now loaded when running unit tests so CSS rules defined in SKY UX take effect during tests. This allows you to check the the expected computed style of an element when using things like the HTML hidden property that only take effect when SKY UX styles are loaded.

1.0.0-beta.13 (2017-03-06)

  • Bugfix: Fixes AOT + Auth build.

1.0.0-beta.12 (2017-03-01)

  • Bugfix: Reorganized runtime exports into browser and e2e.

1.0.0-beta.11 (2017-03-01)

  • Updated URI used when accessing HOST to
  • Removed hard-coded port used in skyux serve in favor of dynamically finding an available one. Port is configurable in skyuxconfig.json with the app: { port: <port> } setting.
  • Automatically passing SPA name when using host-utils.
  • Created SkyAppTestModule to support better SPA unit testing.
  • Bugfix: Added json-loader as dependency.
  • Bugfix: Calling webdriver-manager update before running npm run test. (Testing SKY UX Builder).
  • Bugfix: Incorrectly passed SPA name twice in URL opened by skyux serve.

1.0.0-beta.10 (2017-02-13)

  • Allowing help-client to be automatically included by adding "help": { "productId": "applicable-productId" } to skyuxconfig.json. Thanks @blackbaud-stevebrush!
  • Refactored e2e command to run build, then lightly serve files to host.
  • Created SkyHostBrowser for easily communicating with SKY UX Host when running skyux e2e.
  • Deprecated --noServe option on skyux e2e.

1.0.0-beta.9 (2017-01-27)

  • Correctly passing --launch none when running skyux e2e.
  • Fixed import path for bootstrapper in AoT mode.

1.0.0-beta.8 (2017-01-27)

  • Fixed 'No provider for SkyAuthHttp' error with AoT compilation.
  • Relaxed constraints on omnibar configuration to account for all possible omnibar options.

1.0.0-beta.7 (2017-01-26)

  • Fixed AoT compilation that broke when Blackbaud auth/omnibar support was added.

1.0.0-beta.6 (2017-01-23)

  • Added Blackbaud auth/omnibar integration.

1.0.0-beta.5 (2017-01-18)

  • Bugfix where skyux e2e would fail if no spec files were found.
  • Bugfix where skyux version incorrectly read version from SPA's package.json.
  • Changed skyux serve to only pass externals, scripts, and localUrl in querystring.
  • Corrected documentation for -l or --launch flags.
  • Added badges to README.

1.0.0-beta.4 (2017-01-11)

  • Removed support for --noOpen flag. Instead added -launch flag with none, local, or host (default). Ex: -launch local.
  • Bugfix where e2e task would always return an exit code of 0.
  • Passing any externals defined in skyuxconfig.json for local development.

1.0.0-beta.3 (2017-01-11)

  • Added externals support in skyuxconfig.json for adding external CSS and JS.
  • Upgraded SSL certificates used. Please follow installation instructions.

1.0.0-beta.2 (2017-01-10)

  • Upgraded various NPM packages including SKY UX and Angular.

1.0.0-beta.1 (2017-01-09)

  • Using single underscore to prefix routes with parameters.
  • Bugfix where new folders were not added to the watch list when running skyux serve.

1.0.0-beta.0 (2017-01-05)

  • Initial release to NPM.