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3rd Party Modules
Kristjan ESPERANTO edited this page Mar 12, 2025
1637 revisions
- Notes for Module Creators
- Module List organized into categories
- Outdated Modules
There is always a need for more modules. Check out the forum to see what people are requesting.
If you want to build your own modules, check out the MagicMirror² Module Development Documentation.
When you're done, just edit this page and add your module to the list!
Don't forget to present your module in the forum.
We highly recommend you to include the following information in your README file:
- A high quality screenshot of your working module.
- A short, one sentence, clear description what it does.
- What external APIs it depend on, including web links to those
- Whether the API/request require a key and the user limitations of those. (Is it free?)
- What is the current development status (WIP, searching for new maintainer or abandoned).
The following modules are maintained by their respective authors. If you have a GitHub account, don't forget to star ⭐ the modules you like!
Here you can find an unofficial list based on this official list, but supplemented with screenshots and a search function.
Title | Author | Description |
mmpm | Bee-Mar | An unofficial MagicMirror² 3rd Party Package Manager. Automates searching, installation, removal, updating, and upgrading of MagicMirror² modules. |
MMM-Template | Dennis-Rosenbaum | A template for creating new MagicMirror² modules. |
MMM-AlertExt | MMRIZE | Alternative programmable alert/notification presenter. |
MMM-AutoDimmer | Fifteen15Studios | Set 1 or more schedules to dim and brighten your screen at specific times. |
MMM-Bash | draxiom | A simple module to run a bash/terminal command on a loop, displaying stdout/stderr to screen. |
MMM-BurnIn | werthdavid | Flicker the whole screen to prevent a burn-in effect on your display. |
MMM-Button | PtrBld | Use a button to hide or show different modules via a broadcast message. |
MMM-Buttons | MarcLandis | Allows you to enhance your setup by integrating physical buttons via GPIO. This module supports multiple buttons, each of which can be individually configured to perform different actions based on short or long presses. With configurable notifications and versatile functionality, MMM-Buttons provides a powerful way to interact with your MagicMirror². |
MMM-Carousel | shbatm | Rotate modules, to save space on screen. |
MMM-connection-status | SheyaBernstein | Display internet connection status. |
cookiecutter-magic-mirror-module | xadamxk | CookieCutter template for generating MagicMirror² modules. |
MMM-CustomElementTime | MMRIZE | Custom element mm-time launcher. |
MMM-Dynamic-Modules | gonzonia | Change positions of modules. |
MMM-FF-code-injector | shin10 | Multi purpose module to inject code and mess around with your mirror without developing a complete new module. |
MMM-Flick-Gestures | jancalve | Detecting 3D gesture with GestIC Sensor (MGC3130). |
MMM-Forum | KristjanESPERANTO | Displays information from the MagicMirror² forum. Like latest posts, unread posts, etc. The module should also work for other NodeBB forums, but it is not tested. |
MMM-Gestures | thobach | Allows gesture control of compliments (only show when stepping in front of mirror), newsfeed (wave left / right, up for full-screen) and pages with two types of infrared sensors. Gestures can be up, down, left, right, far and close movements of the hand in front of a gesture sensor (APDS-9960) and present and away gestures in front of an IR distance sensor (GP2Y0A21YK). |
MMM-Gitlab-MergeRequests | jkschoen | Displays merge requests from gitlab and their status. |
MMM-GitHub-Monitor | fpfuetsch | Displays GitHub repository information. |
MMM-GitHub-Notifications | ByteException_ | Displays clickable GitHub notifications. |
MMM-GPIO-HANDLER | Sjohn21 | Handle GPIO, Inputs (Buttons, PIR, Other) and Outputs (including PWM), with notifications from and to other modules. |
MMM-GroveGestures | MMRIZE | Detecting 3D gesture with GroveGesture Sensor(PAJ7620u2). |
MMM-HTMLSnippet | ulrichwisser | Include arbitrary HTML snippets in an iframe (script tags work). |
MMM-JokeAPI | Kreshnik | Show jokes from the JokeAPI. |
MMM-LogExt | MMRIZE | Deliver the logs from Frontend to Backend and more features. |
MMM-Logging | shbatm | More details and customization for MM's Node.js console logs. |
MMM-MagicMover | Lavve | Prevent screen burn-in on your MagicMirror². |
MMM-Markdown | wmawhinney1990 | Render markdown files on your MagicMirror². |
MMM-ModuleMonkeyPatch | MMRIZE | On running-time monkey patch for other module. |
MMM-ModuleScheduler | ianperrin | Create schedules to control when other modules are shown, hidden or dimmed and to send notifications to other modules. |
MMM-ModuleToggleButton | balassy | Shows or hides other modules when a momentary push button is pressed. Useful for development and maintenance after the module is deployed. |
MMM-Navigate | AxLED | Connect a rotary encoder to MagicMirror² and use it for navigation inside of MagicMirror². |
MMM-NetworkConnection | Slamet PS | Display network connection status (ping, download speed, upload speed). |
MMM-network-signal | PoOwAa | Display a solid wifi logo as network signal based on ping speed. |
MMM-NotificationTrigger | MMRIZE | MMM-NotificationTrigger is a simple notification relay which can convert notifications from TRIGGER_NOTIFICATION to FIRE_NOTIFICATION. |
MMM-OnScreenMenu | shbatm | Simple On-Screen Menu for controlling the MagicMirror². |
MMM-pages | sdetweil | Rotate out pages of modules. |
MMM-Pages-Screencast | jboucly | Interface module between MMM-pages and MMM-Screencast. Module to automatically change page when a video is cast on the MagicMirror². |
MMM-page-indicator | edward-shen | A helper module to display what page you're on. Intended to be used with other modules that rotate out modules. |
MMM-Page-Pusher | zerosamski | Use 2 HCSR04 sensors to enable switching between pages by making a push gesture. |
MMM-Page-Selector | Veldrovive | Configure location and visibity of modules on defined pages. |
MMM-PersonalConfig-Template | CFenner | Module to version your personal config in a separate repository. |
MMM-PhoneDetect | Pierre Gode | Automatically controls the screen's power based on the presence of specified phones or devices within the network. |
MMM-ProfileSwitcher | toasti007 | This Module adds the ability to have different layouts for different profiles. |
MMM-ProfileControl | Tom-Hirschberger | Indicator module for MMM-ProfileSwitcher. |
MMM-ProxyImage | daxiang28 | Display basic auth images through a simple Express proxy. |
MMM-RaiderIO | jwcnewton | Display Raider IO score for multiple characters over any realms or regions. |
MMM-RelativeTime-i18n | buxxi | Customize all the relative times in the default module (and others) that depend on moment.js |
MMM-Remote-Control | Jopyth | Cleanly shutdown (or reboot) your mirror, edit which modules are shown on your mirror and turn your monitor off and on from a simple website, i.e. from your smartphone. |
MM-Remote | Klettner | Android 📱 and Windows-desktop 💻 app to control your MagicMirror² remotely. (Shutdown, reboot, toggle monitor on/off, change brightness of monitor, custom-commands, etc.). |
MMM-Scenes2 | MMRIZE | Change screen scenes by time and order with animation effect. Successor of MMM-Scenes since MM 2.25 (AnimateCSS is introduced). |
MMM-SendNotificationButton | ralberth | Web form to send arbitrary messages via this.sendNotification() . |
MMM-SmartTouch | EbenKouao | This module allows you to transform your MagicMirror² into a touchscreen interactive experience. This includes hiding all modules (Standby Mode) and Side Menu Option to shutdown your mirror via MagicMirror² UI. |
MMM-SocketClientController | totoluto | This module allows you to control your MagicMirror² via an external API. It listens to the socket events which are deployed by your socket server. |
MMM-Tabulator | E:V:A | A Demo module for using Tabulator to directly parse JSON/XML into MM DHTML tables. |
MMM-ViewNotifications | glitch452 | Display a list of notifications that have been broadcast to all the modules. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-AVStock | lavolp3 | Display stock prices and charts using Yahoo Finance API. |
MMM-bitcoin | valmassoi | Display bitcoin ticker price. |
MMM-bitcoin-portfolio | jeroenpeters1986 | Display bitcoin ticket price + worth of your own wallet/portfolio. |
MMM-Binance | brssaricicek | Display cryptocurrency information from the Binance website. |
MMM-bunq | choffmann | Display your bunq account balance. |
MMM-CoinGecko | malako | Display cryptocurrency information from CoinGecko. Ticker price, logos, 7d sparkline, holdings etc. |
MMM-CoinMarketCap | glitch452 | Display cryptocurrency information from the Coin Market Cap website. Ticker Price, Logos, Sparkline Graphs, etc. |
coinsquaremodule | marcomerens | Displays cryptocurreency values and trends in different currencies based of COINSQUARE. |
MMM-cryptocurrency | matteodanelli | Display cryptocurrencies ticker price, with graphs and changes over time. |
MMM-CryptoPortfolio | DzMassi | Displays real-time performance and balance of your cryptocurrency portfolio. |
MMM-CurrencyArg | consus2903 | Display the dollar price in real time. |
MMM-ethereum | hansman84 | Display ethereum ticker. |
MMM-Ethermine | AjaxCarroway | Displays Ethereum miner rig statistics for miners on the ethermine.org mining pool. |
MMM-EUElectricityPrice | late4marshmellow | Display EU electricity prices from Nord Pool. |
MMM-FearAndGreedIndex | Pip1405 | Displays color-coded Fear & Greed Index Values from CNBC for Stocks and from Alternative.me for Crypto. |
MMM-Helium-Wallet | hayseedbyte | Display your helium wallet balance and value (in your chosen currency). |
MMM-Jast | Jalibu | A simple but powerful vertical, horizontal or static stock ticker based on Yahoo's finance API. Supports international stocks, crypto currencies and index symbols. No API key required. |
MMM-MktIndex | thess | Display market indicies using (free) Yahoo Finance API. |
MMM-NFTcollections | TemianMihai | Display details about a NFT collection. |
MMM-Nordic-Electrical-Spot-Prices | cSharpBastard | Display current electrical spot prices in northen Europe (also works in Germany). |
MMM-PreciousMetals | Fifteen15Studios | Displays prices of select precious metals and commodities, like gold and silver. Retrieves information from API provided by api.metals.live. |
MMM-Questrade | Daniel1145 | Displays your Questrade positions. |
MMM-Sbanken | reidarw | Displaying transactions and account balance from Sbanken (Norway). |
MMM-SingleStock | balassy | Displays the stock price of a single company without any fancy animation. |
MMM-Stock | hakanmhmd | Displays current stock prices of companies using YAHOO FINANCE API. |
MMM-stocks | elaniobro | Display a scrolling stocks ticker. |
mmm-uah-currency | wzooff | Display UAH currency from bank.gov.ua. |
MMM-YNAB | thesoftwarejedi | Displays categories of your choosing from your YNAB budget. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-affluences | kahllenny | Module shows the occupancy rate of a place using affluences |
MMM-air-raid-monitor-ua | PavlenkoM | This module shows the current status of air raid sirens in Ukraine. |
MMM-anotherNewsFeed | MMRIZE | Modified version of the default newsfeed module. |
MMM-Blitzer | Dawi | Show radar traps around based on blitzer.de. |
MMM-CalendarTodayTomorrow | Qunu | This calendar module functions the same as the default calendar app, but it only displays Today and Tomorrows events. |
MMM-CrisisInformationSweden | Pejjo | News feed from the Swedish Government Crisis Information (krisinformation.se). |
MMM-CyberSecurityNews | gueguet | This module allows you to display the last news about Cyber Security. |
MMM-DailyStoic | MrRoot | Your everyday stoic quote. |
MMM-DogBrew | phpwun | Rewrite of MMM-Brewdog, using new API and more info. |
MMM-EarthquakeMonitor | rcollie | This module allows you to display global earthquake data from the USGS. |
MMM-Ecosia-Tree-Counter | rehne | Displays the tree counter from Ecosia. |
MMM-Ecowatt | tttooommm56 | Graphical and textual informations from Ecowatt. |
MMM-Ethos | Helpi90 | Displays the rig infos from Ethos API. |
MMM-FlagRise | ItsMeBrille | Raise an image of a flag according to national flag rules (Norwegian rules). Fetches sunrise and sunset times using Steder-API. |
MMM-Flatastic | joschi27 | Displays information from the flatastic commune management app. |
MMM-FrenchHoroscope | Amand-M | Show your horoscope of the day, the week or the month on your MagicMirror². Currently only in French. |
MMM-GoogleCalendar | randomBrainstormer | Get your Google Calendars in the shape of MagicMirror's default calendar. |
MMM-HLTV | Helpi90 | Show CS:GO matches provided by HLTV. |
JIR-Tarifa-luz | jirsis | This module shows the different ranges of electricity prices in Spain during the day. |
MMM-LesJoiesDuCode | Tomadelostacos | Displays the last post from Les Joies Du Code, or TheCodingLove (The english version). |
MMM-LeagueOfLegends | Julian | Displays your rank in League Of Legends, as well as a match history of your recent games. |
MMM-LoadShedding | Qunu | Display the expected power cut periods throughout the day. |
MMM-NewsAPI | mumblebaj | Get news from newsapi.org. |
MMM-NewsAPI | totoluto | Get top headlines from newsapi.org. |
MMM-News-QR | Nischi | Add a QR Code with the link to the showing Newsfeed (Default Newsfeed Module). |
MMM-NINA | Jalibu | Client implementation for German NINA Warn API. Supports alerts of KatWarn, Biwapp and Mowas. |
MMM-NOKElectricityForecast | Andreas Hagman | Norwegian electricity prices forecast. |
MMM-Oelpreise | Eckonator | The module displays oil prices for the current year based on Chart.js and the API of heizoel24.de. |
MMM-OpeningHours | Menturan | Display places opening hours. |
MMM-OnThisDay | nkl-kst | Display historical events from Wikipedia based on the current date. |
MMM-OnThisDayWikiApi | slugmuffin | Display historical events from Wikipedia based on the current date using the Wikimedia API. Can display as list or newsfeed style. |
MMM-PlaceInfo | njwilliams | Displays brief information (flag, weather, exchange rate) about multiple locations at once. |
MMM-Pelletpreise | Eckonator | The module displays pellet prices for the current year based on Chart.js and the API of heizpellets24.de. |
MMM-Reddit-News-Ticker | hayseedbyte | Horizontal scrolling news ticker using reddit r/news titles to avoid clickbait. |
MMM-SRVMA | cgillinger | Displays real-time Swedish VMA (Viktigt Meddelande till Allmänheten) alerts, including public safety notifications, weather warnings, and emergency updates. Supports Swedish (sv-SE ) and English (en-US ) localization. |
MMM-Russianwarship | uncleLem | The total losses of the russian occupier since the full-scale invasion in Ukraine, per General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. |
MMM-WeeklySchedule | pinsdorf | Display weekly recurring timetables such as class schedules. |
MMM-wiki | mrinzis | Displays random Wikipedia snippets. |
MMM-Year-Progress | ryck | Track the progress of the current year / month. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-AC-aseag | j-hiller | Displays departures for ASEAG busses in Aachen, Germany. |
MMM-AtbSanntid | Springvar | Unofficial module showing departure times from given stops for the public transport service in Trøndelag, Norway - AtB. |
MMM-AT-Bus | Estanz0 | Displays arrival time in minutes or scheduled arrival for a selected bus or stop in Auckland, NZ. |
MMM-Autobahn | JockeyDoe | Traffic warnings for the German Autobahn. |
MMM-Avinor | KAG | Avinor flight schedule for airports in Norway. |
MMM-BartTimes | Alex Goldstein | Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) departure times. |
MMM-BCFerries | stonecrown | Displays the current info for scheduled sailings of specified BC Ferries route. |
MMM-BdxBus | kuitin | Hour bus station of Bordeaux. |
MMM-Bensinpriser | ItsMeBrille | Display current fuel prices at your nearest gas station in Norway. |
MMM-Bixi | Nicolas Truong | Displays the number of available bikes and electric bikes on any Bixi stations in Montreal. |
MMM-Bluebikes | jschless | Displays the number of available bikes at selected stations of the Boston public bike system (Bluebikes). |
MMM-Bluelinky | Cyw00d | Displays some of your Hyundai's data on your Mirror, the code is based on MMM-Tesla2. |
MMM-Bubi | balassy | Displays the number of available bikes on the selected stations of the Budapest public bike system (aka MOL Bubi). |
MMM-bustimes | cirdan | Display Dutch bus and some other public transports for a targeted set of bus stops. |
MMM-Bysykkel | JonasTriki | Display the availability of the city bikes around in Norway from A to B. |
MMM-Caltrain | efritz09 | Caltrain (San Francisco Bay Area) status monitoring. |
MMM-Caltrain | Zac Henney | Display departure times or estimated time to departure for the selected Caltrain station. |
MMM-ClosestFlight | RC7 | Displays the closest aircraft's callsign and altitude using ADS-B data. |
MMM-CoupEscooters | Bogomips | Display COUP e-scooters around you and sort them by distance. It works for Berlin and other cities. |
MMM-CracowMPK | wkra | Real time tram departure from selected stop in Cracow (Poland). |
MMM-CTA | NateDee | Displays arrival times for the Chicago Transit Authority 'L' system buses and trains. |
MMM-CTA | JHWelch | Arrival times for Chicago Transit Authority buses and trains. Supports multiple bus and/or train stops. |
MMM-CuandoLlega | bibaldo | Real time bus information from Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. |
MMM-DBF | Helpi90 | Display train arrivals/departures (unofficial frontend for db navigator) with details for Germany. |
MMM-DCMetroTimes | Kyle Kelly | A fork of MMM-DCMetroTrainTimes (above) that also displays arrival times for buses. |
MMM-DCMetroTrainTimes | AdamMoses-GitHub | Displays the arrival time of trains to any station in the Washington DC subway metro system (WMATA) as well as incidents reported for any of the line colors. |
MMM-DeLijn | wouter-heerwegh | Retrieves live timings of busses for a specific bus stop. |
MMM-DisneyWaitTimes | gberg927 | Displays ride wait times at the Disney World Parks. |
MMM-Dorba-Trails | drventure | Display status of mountain bike trails via the trailforks.com website. |
MMM-DublinRTPI | galaktor | Customisable real-time stop data for Dublin Bus, Luas and IrishRail stops. |
MMM-DVB | skastenholz | Station monitor for the Dresden/Germany local transport (DVB) bus, tram and train system. |
DWD-RealtimeIrishRail | DavidLSmyth | Display Realtime Irish Rail data for a targeted station. |
MMM-EFA-departures | sourceforge807 | Station monitor for local transport companies using the EFA system. |
emt | jirsis | Estimated arrival time and distance Madrid buses. |
MMM-Elvira | balassy | Displays Hungarian public train departure times using real-time data from the "Elvira" service provided by the Hungarian national railway company (MÁV). |
MMM-EMTValencia | TheRaulXP | Get estimations for bus stops in the city of Valencia (Spain). |
MMM-Entur-tavle | Arve | Display public transport information/departure boards for any public transport in Norway. |
MMM-Flights | karsten13 | Displays current flights in a defined area with a map containing the plane positions. |
MMM-FlightsAbove | E:V:A | A flight radar that display airplane/flight details of what is currently flying in the airspace above some location. |
MMM-FlightTracker | tbouron | Use ADS-B systems to track and display nearby planes. |
MMM-Fuel | fewieden | Display gas station prices. |
MMM-Futar | balassy | Displays Budapest public transport information directly from the Futár webservice. |
MMM-Gas | cowboysdude | Display gas station prices in the USA. |
MMM-GasPricesPT | Fneves7 | Display the cheapest gas station prices in Portugal. |
MMM-GeoTracking | asimhsidd | Geo-track a moving object on the map by continuously listening to a pubnub channel where the publisher (example file attached) has to publish the new location (lat, lon) as and when moves. |
MMM-GoogleMaps-Tracking | MartinGris | Tracking of multiple objects on a google map. Position can be updated by a notification. |
MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic | ChrisF1976 | Displays a Google map, centred at provided coordinates, with traffic information. |
MMM-google-route | mrdis | Displays the two best routes from an origin to a destination, using Google Directions API. |
MMM-GoogleTrafficTimes | Jacopo1891 | Lists travel times to requested locations taking into account Google traffic information with "classic view". |
MMM-GyeonggiBus | iceship | Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea Bus Location ETA Time, Remaining Seat information. |
MMM-HH-LocalTransport | skuethe | Display local transport in Hamburg/Germany. |
MMM-HK-Transport-ETA | winstonma | Display Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) of Hong Kong public transport. |
mm-hsl-timetable | ZakarFin | Display departures for public transport in Helsinki region - Finland. |
MMM-IDF-LOCALTRANSPORT | djey47 | Local transport in IDF (STIF) module based on MMM-Paris-RATP-PG. |
MMM-IdF-Transport | FalseIlyu | Display next bus/tramway/metro/train in the Paris/Ile-de-France region in France using IDFM API. |
MMM-idos | soyrubio | Display estimated departures for public transport stops in the Czech Republic. |
MMM-iHaveBeenThere | basti0001 | Visualizes your places where you have been traveled..or intend to go. |
MMM-Ilevia-Lille | Jilano5 | Time to the next buses, tramways from a list of stations / lines for Lille (Ilevia). |
MMM-imhdsk | Adman | Display real-time estimations for public transport stops in Bratislava, Slovakia. |
MMM-JNV | michgue | Station monitor for the Jena/Germany local transport (JNV) bus and tram. |
MMM-KVV | yo-less | Station monitor for the Karlsruhe/Germany local transport (KVV) bus, tram and train system. |
MMM-LAMetro | pbuabthong | Shows real-time departures for LA Metro (Los Angeles, CA). |
MMM-LocalTransport | CFenner | Display the next public transport connections for a certain route. |
MMM-LothianBuses | tbouron | Display live timetables for specific bus stops of Lothian buses network. |
MMM-Luxembourg-Public-Transport | uxigene | Luxembourg public transport departures in real time. |
MMM-lyft | kyle-kelly | Estimated arrival times for lyft. |
MMM-MBTA | edward-shen | Displays information about a Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) station, including upcoming arrivals and alerts and warnings. |
MMM-MercedesMe | ashishtank | Displays EV/Fuel status and Range of Mercedes cars. |
mmm-miami-transit | istvanfedak | Displays the Miami Metrorail times for a given train station. |
MMM-MiBiciTuBici | bibaldo | Displays the number of available bikes on the selected stations of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina public bike system (aka MOVI). |
MMM-MTA-NextBus | Tie | Displays the arrival time of the next few buses for a particular bus stop. This is for the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) in New York City. |
MMM-MVG | KoblerS | Display public transportation from Munich (MVG) in Germany. |
MMM-MVVWiesty | wiesty | Display public transport 🚐 from Munich in Germany. |
MMM-MyBMW | Jargendas | Display data from MyBMW for your car. |
MMM-MyCommute | Jeff Clarke | Displays your commute times to several destinations. Highly configurable. |
MMM-MyTraffic | HTilburgs | Real Time Dutch traffic information from the ANWB. Module is dead for now (there is a PR which seems to fix it). |
MMM-MyTransitTime | SageBrushes | Display step by step directions to a location and provide an estimated time of arrival using Google Maps API. |
MMM-MyTTC | Jeff Clarke | Displays Toronto Transit schedule for your selected routes and stops. |
MMM-MyVolvo | mazim | Displays information about your Volvo from the Volvo Connect API. |
MMM-Nantes-TAN | normyx | time to the next buses, tramways or navibus from a list of stations / lines for Nantes (TAN). |
MMM-NCTtimes | dnmmrdr | Displays bus information for the Nottingham bus company, NCT. |
MMM-NesteBussAtB | ottopaulsen | Show how many minutes until the next bus(es) goes from given bus stops. |
MMM-nextbike | yo-less | Station monitor for the nextbike bike-sharing network. |
MMM-NextTrains | CptMeetKat | Display departures from Sydney train stations in NSW, Australia. |
MMM-NMBS-Connection | Jan-Bart | Display upcoming trains between 2 NMBS/SNCB stations (Belgium). |
MMM-NsInfo | MFurious | Shows Dutch train departures from the NS (Dutch railways), based on a configurable train station. |
MMM-nstreinen | qistoph | Shows information on trains departuring a configurable Dutch trainstation. |
MMM-NexusMetroRTI | jcktwd | Shows live estimates of train arrival times at stations along the Nexus Tyne and Wear Metro, located in the North-East of the UK. |
MMM-nyc-transit | elaniobro | Real-time MTA subway countdown clock for stations you choose. Configurable for marquee and or list view. |
MMM-oebb-station-board | Michael Scharl | Shows trains and other public transports for a configured ÖBB-Station. |
MMM-OneBusAway | Jesus Silva | Shows ETA for buses for a given stop using OneBusAway API. |
MMM-OsloCityBike | TobbenTM | Shows nearby CityBike stations in Oslo, and the number of bikes available at each. |
MMM-Paris-RATP-PG | da4throux | Time to the next buses, metros, rers & tramways for Paris Network (RATP), along with: the traffic status for selected lines, the risk of rain in the next hour, autolib and velib stations status. |
MMM-PasadenaTransit | pbuabthong | Shows real-time departures for Pasadena Transit. |
MMM-pathtime | comf0rts | An unofficial module to show Port Autority Trans-Hudson(PATH) Train schedules. |
MMM-pekavm | ytmytm | Station monitor for tram and bus system in Poznań. |
MMM-PGHBus | yuhanx0728 | Real Time Pittsburgh bus information from Port Authority. |
MMM-PublicTransportBerlin | deg0nz | Display departures for public transport in Berlin and Brandenburg (Covers VBB Area). |
MMM-PublicTransportHafas | KristjanESPERANTO | Displays departure information for public transportation in Germany and some other European countries. The hafas-client is used to query the information. The interface of the Deutsche Bahn is used as standard, this includes most of the local networks with buses, trams, etc. However, other hafas interfaces can also be used. |
MMM-PublicTransportVVO | ChristianGeie | Display live departures from public passenger transport service of the 'Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe' (VVO). |
MMM-RATP | closingin | Display next passing times and traffic information from the RATP for Metros, RERs, and Tramways of Paris, France. Fully featured. |
MMM-ResRobot | Alvinger | Public transport information for Sweden. |
MMM-RMV | Com-Lum | Rhein-Main local transport system (RMV) - Departure Monitor. |
MMM-RNV | jalibu | A departure monitor for stations within the Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr (RNV) public traffic network using the new API. |
MMM-RNV | jupadin | Departure Monitor for stations in the Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr (RNV) public traffic network using the new API. |
MMM-RNV | bogenpirat | Monitor a given station in the RNV traffic network. |
MMM-RVV | sebikolon | Departure monitor for the RVV (Regensburger Verkehrsverbund) public transport (bus) system (Bavaria/Germany). |
MMM-SeawayLockTraffic | ProfKP | Display order of turn information for ships transiting the St Lawrence Seaway Locks. |
MMM-SG-Transport-V2 | mosesyong | Display bus transport info in Singapore. |
MMM-Skyss | PabloDons | Based on MMM-Ruter, but for the municipality of Hordaland in Norway. |
MMM-SL-PublicTransport | ulrichwisser | Display public transport in Stockholm in Sweden. Updated to use latest API (mandatory from April 2024)! |
MMM-SNCF | jvanoost | Display upcoming trains between 2 SNCF stations (France). |
MMM-socialbicycles | 0lek | Station monitor for bicycle networks based on the Socialbicycles API/Infrastructure, e.g. Wavelo in Kraków, Poland. |
MMM-Star-Metro | alexandreLavenant | Display upcoming metros in Rennes (France). |
MMM-stib2 | bendardenne | STIB waiting times. Re-write of danito's MMM-stib, using the official STIB API and no XML parsing. |
MMM-SwissCommute | nixnuex | Display the next departures for your favorite (train) connection in Switzerland (SBB). |
MMM-SwissStationboard | vanhoekd | Display the next departures in every direction for your favorite trainstation in Switzerland with delay information. |
MMM-TakeAndDrive | sejka | Shows nearest scooters/cars/mopeds/bikes to rent in your area. Comes with direction and distance info. |
MMM-Tankerkoenig | wiesty | Display the local gas prices in Germany (Tankstellen-Preise). |
MMM-Tesla | mattdy | Display Tesla data from either TeslaFi or Tessie. |
MMM-TeslaLogger | spitzlbergerj | Displays data from TeslaLogger or/and TeslaMate via MQTT. |
MMM-TeslaMate | denverquane | Display live Tesla status using the Teslamate self-hosted monitoring system and MQTT Broker. |
MMM-TeslaStatus | aduyng | Display my tesla status using data from firebase realtime database. |
MMM-TFL-Status | emanuele-albini | Status board for TFL (Transport For London) lines including London Tube, Elizabeth line, Tram, DLR, Bus, River Coach. |
MMM-ThemeParkWaitTimes | vita10gy | Display wait times and upcoming park hours from theme parks including Disney Parks, Universal Studios, SeaWorld, Six Flags, and dozens more. |
MMM-TMB | jaumebosch | Display Barcelona's TMB bus times by line and stop. |
mm-tkl-timetable | eerotal | Display departures for public transport in Tampere region - Finland. |
MMM-TomTomCalculateRouteTraffic | teemoo7 | Calculate routes with TomTom API (free), and display travel time with traffic delays. |
MMM-TomTomTraffic | bendardenne | Show a map of a given area with TomTom traffic information. |
MMM-TomTomTrafficIncidents | travelbacon | Shows on a TomTom map of your location the current traffic and actual traffic incidents like crashes and road construction. You can choose if you want traffic delay/jam or traffic speed/flow to be displayed. |
MMM-Toulouse-Transports | LoneWanderer-GH | time to the next buses lines for Toulouse (Tisseo). |
MMM-TracCar | asimhsidd | Track moving objects through Traccar.org APIs on google maps. This is based on a websocket connection to the Traccar.org server over which the locations of all the registered users are received upon any update. Not only the markers are updated but also the map's center & zoom level. All online users have a green icon, rest are red. Error handling is built in too. |
MMM-Traffic | SamLewis0602 | Display commute travel time with current traffic conditions factored in. Can be used for driving, biking, walking, and public transit. |
MMM-TrainConnections | Bangee44 | Display trains from your favorite departure station to any destination in Europe. |
MMM-Trains-Trafikverket | per-garden | Display train departure times for railway stations within Sweden, as supplied by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). |
MMM-transitfeed | bnitkin | Upcoming departures for any transit agencies that publishes GTFS. |
MMM-TranslinkBrisbane | dekinet | Simple display of train departure times for Brisbane (Australia). |
MMM-TrainTimesRTT | tticehurst | Displays live train times making use of the RTT.io api. |
MMM-TransLoc | OrangleHoopla | Display TransLoc locations for a bus stop, used by the Rider App. |
MMM-Tronity | robotfishe | Pull charging and range data from your EV via Tronity Platform. |
MMM-Tube-Status | nigel-daniels | Simple at-a-glance display of the London Underground system status. See MMM-TFL-Status for more modes (e.g., Elizabeth line, DLR, Buses, Tram, etc.). |
MMM-TUZSAZaragoza | rafagale | Get estimations for bus stops in the city of Zaragoza (Spain). |
MMM-uber | kyle-kelly | Estimated arrival times for UBER. |
MMM-UKLiveBusStopInfo | AndyHazz | This module displays LIVE UK information about a specific bus stop and the routes that serve it. |
MMM-UKLiveTrainDepartures | XBCreepinJesus | Show live train departure/arrival times for the UK's National Rail network. |
MMM-UKNationalRail | mattdy | This module displays LIVE UK National Rail train arrivals & departures from a specified station. |
MMM-Vasttrafik-PublicTransport | Xkhi | Display public transport operated by Västtrafik for western part of Sweden, including Gothenburg. This version is updated to support multi-filtering and Vasttrafik's API version 4. |
MMM-Vrr | Klizzy | Easy configuration module to display bus and train arrivals/departures with different display types for Germany (VRR and more EFA). |
MMM-VTA-Live | nigel-daniels | Display the live arrival times at a stop on the VTA light rail system. |
MMM-vvsDeparture | Fabian Hinder | Display departures for public transport in Stuttgart (Covers VVS Area). |
MMM-WeasleyClock | Brian Hepler | Displays a clock that shows your family's location via OwnTracks. |
MMM-weconnectid | NikolasRupp | Shows Status of your VW ID Car based on We Connect. |
MMM-WienerLinien | fewieden | Display Public Transport timetable of Vienna/Austria. |
MMM-WMATA | btoconnor | Display WMATA Bus and Train arrival times. Rewritten version from MMM-DCMetroTimes and MMM-DCMetroTrainTimes. |
MMM-yandex-route | DimmanT | Displays car routes on the map, using Yandex.Maps API. |
MMM-ZAPTEC | PierreGode | Display ZAPTEC charging API. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-alexa | sakirtemel | Amazon Alexa integration with using JavaScript only. |
MMM-AlexaControl | JoChef2 | The MMM-AlexaControl module allows you to control your Mirror with Alexa (every device that support Wemos devices). You can turn it on and off, change the page and send notifications to other modules. |
MMM-AlexaOnOff | shbatm | Simple Mirror Control from External Home Assistant (Alexa/Google Home/HASS.io). |
MMM-GoogleTTS | MMRIZE | Text-to-Speech module with Google Cloud TTS API. Give a voice to your Mirror. |
MMM-Hello-Mirror | Matzefication | Voice-Control module based on Google Speech Recognizer (annyang). Send a notification to all other modules on voice detection. |
MMM-Hive | NateBrownProjects | Implements H.I.V.E AI into your mirror. |
MMM-Hotword2 | MMRIZE | Hotword detector / Voice Commander / Utterance recorder with Picovoice. |
MMM-kalliope | sispheor | Control MM from Kalliope assistant. |
MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall | joanaz | Alexa voice control to show/hide modules, search for images or Youtube video, and display them with the search term on the mirror. |
MMM-OTIS | Gomez0015 | Machine learning AI to take input and pass it through the AI to get an answer, best use is when combined with other modules to have full control over MagicMirror² with voice. |
MMM-Polly | dgburr | Text-to-Speech using Amazon Polly. |
MMM-Porcupine | SikandAlex | Picovoice Porcupine hotword detection, works with MMM-AssistantMk2. |
MMM-TTS | fewieden | Offline Text-To-Speech based on festival. |
MMM-voice | fewieden | Offline Voice Recognition Module, with ability to control other modules, based on pocketsphinx. |
MMM-Voice-Commands | Veldrovive | Highly configurable voice control based on annyang. |
MMM-Voice-Control | dr4ke616 | Voice control based on annyang. |
MMM-WhisperGPT | Nikro | Adds a personal ChatGPT (3.5) voice-controlled (through PicoVoice, Whisper, Mimic3) assistant. |
MMM-WebSpeechTTS | KristjanESPERANTO | A Text-To-Speech module which uses the Web Speech API of the browser. It is in an early stage of development. So far only German is supported. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-2Day-NOAA-Forecast | jinserk | Show 4 consecutive 12-hr forecast, provided by NOAA National Weather Service API. No user registration nor API-key required. |
MMM-3Day-Forecast | nigel-daniels | Simple display of today, tomorrow & next-day, designed to work with MMM-Weather-Now. Now uses WeatherAPI as Open Weather reduced the free service :( If you installed an older version ( < 6 May 2024 ), please update and get a new api key! |
MMM-AareGuru | buge | Displays the temperature from aare.guru for the river Aare in Switzerland (in Brienz, Interlaken, Thun, Bern, Hagneck, Biel or Brugg). |
MMM-AccuWeatherForecastDeluxe | maxbethge | Display weather information using the AccuWeather API. |
MMM-AccuWeatherForecastDeluxe | BigBot89 | A fork of maxbethge's weather module. This version fixes the hourly forecast and includes a missing icon for "hot" weather. It also disables a few options that break the layout. |
MMM-AirNow | nigel-daniels | Simple display of air quality based on the US AirNow API. |
MMM-AirQuality | CFenner | Display the air quality index for a certain location. |
MMM-airquality | Pierre Gode | Display air quality and Pollen information using data from the ambee API. Note: API key is only available with a business email address. |
MMM-Airly | mstarzec386 | Air pollution in Polish cities. Data from airly. |
MMM-AlplakesLiveTemperature | teemoo7 | Display live temperature of a given lake in the Alps (Switzerland, Italy, France, ...). Based on Alplakes API. |
MMM-AQI | ryck | Get the Air Quality Index (AQI) using the World Air Quality Index project API. |
MMM-aqicn | gpailler | Display the air quality index from aqicn project. |
MMM-AuroraWatchUK | AndyHazz | Display Aurora alerts when visibility is likely in the UK. |
MMM-aviationwx | stuloh | Display aviation weather (METAR) and FAA delay data for continental U.S. airports. |
MMM-bergfex | MajorChris1983 | Displays snow reports from bergfex.at. Countries provided by bergfex.at can be configured and set. This is a fork of the unmaintained module from nebulux. |
MMM-CanadianPublicWeatherAlerts | aSouchereau | Gets weather watches, warnings, and advisories for user specified regions. Using alert data published by Environment Canada. |
MMM-Currentweather-MQTT | spitzlbergerj | Extension of the standard module currentweather by the possibility to process and integrate MQTT telegrams of an own weather station. |
MMM-Buienradar | StefanNienhuis | This module will show a map with the weather forecast provided by Buienradar. |
MMM-DefaultWeatherAnimated | MatthiPi | Adds animated icons and changes layout of default weather plugin. |
MMM-DHT | ckoutavas | Reads the temperature and humidity from a DHT22 sensor and displays one or both with custom coloring based on a temperature/humidity range you specify. |
MMM-DHT-Sensor | Grena | Display the current temperature and humidity from DHT11, DHT22 and AM2302 sensors. |
MMM-DWD-WarnWeather | LukeSkywalker92 | Displays weather warnings for Germany. |
MMM-DWD-Pollen | carstendirks | Displays Pollen data from DWD for Germany. |
MMM-dht22 | nebulx29 | Displays temperature/humidity readings from DHT22 sensor connected via GPIOs. |
MMM-DHT22 | J0n4e | Displays temperature/humidity readings from DHT22 sensor. |
MMM-DynamicSnow | cgillinger | Performance-optimized falling snow effect with two modes - light mode for Raspberry Pi and rich mode for more powerful devices. Adds a gentle overlay of falling snowflakes across your entire mirror surface. |
MMM-DynamicWeather | scottcl88 | A heavily configurable module to display different animations based on current weather and show customized event effects. |
MMM-EnvCanada | CharlesMorris78 | Display weather forecast information from Environment Canada. |
MMM-Farevarsel | mabahj | Shows the text based weather alerts from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (the Yr weather providers). Norwegian language only. |
MMM-FF-multigeiger | shin10 | Show radiation charts from https://multigeiger.citysensor.de. |
MMM-FHEM | BenRoe | Display Readings/Values from your FHEM device like temperature or humidity. |
MMM-FloGraph | KAG | Displays tide graph for Norway. |
MMM-Flo | KAG | Displays tide table for Norway. |
MMM-GameOfLife | raywo | Displays a grid simulating the Game of Life. |
MMM-GPollen | martijndoes | Displays the pollen information (in table or map form) for your location based on the Google API. |
MMM-HDC1080 | MichaelF1 | Display the temperature and humidity of the I2C-based HDC1080-sensor. |
MMM-IndoorTemp | sebastianhodapp | The module emits the notification "INDOOR_TEMPERATURE" to display the indoor temperature received via a subscribed MQTT topic in the default Current Weather module. |
MMM-IndoorClimate-Endpoint | buxxi | This module exposes a HTTP-endpoint on the MagicMirror² that can receive the indoor temperature and/or humidity and then emits that value as notification "INDOOR_TEMPERATURE"/"INDOOR_HUMIDITY". |
MMM-IQAir | PavlenkoM | Air quality widget based on IQAir API. |
MMM-LocalTemperature | glitch452 | Show the temperature and/or humidity from a DHT11, DHT22, or AM2302 sensor. |
MMM-loldht22 | cslev | Show the temperature and humidity from a DHT22 sensor. This module uses the loldht_22 library and can work inside a docker container, i.e., when your Magicmirror² is inside a docker. Lot of settings can be made for how the temperature/humidity data are shown. Change colors, icons, layout, as well as, define threshold values when icons/colors should change according to the temperature. |
MMM-Looko2-aq | marska | Display the air quality index from looko2 sensor. |
MMM-Luftdaten | pixxelfriend | Displays data (particulate matter PM2.5/PM10, temperature, pressure) from air quality sensors, connected to sensor.community or local wifi. |
MMM-MarineWeather | Grena | Display the current marine weather (water and air temperatures, wind and wave conditions). |
MMM-MarsWeather | rcollie | Display current weather on Mars as provided by The {MAAS} API. |
MMM-Metar | calonmerc | Display raw METAR data for airports world-wide. (no formatting) |
MMM-meteoblueCurrent | Bangee44 | Display current weather based on the Meteoblue.com API. |
MMM-Moon | EnderFlop | Displays moonrise, moonset, and an image of the moon using AstronomyAPI. |
MMM-MoonPhase | Nolan Kingdon | Presents the real-time moon phase. |
MMM-MyDutchWeather | HTilburgs | Displays local Dutch weather from the KNMI 10-minutes netwerk. |
MMM-MyWeather | Martin Kooij | Weather module based on the Weatherbit API. |
MMM-NestRemoteThermostat | sisimomo | Display a Nest Like thermostat from a remote sensor that is capable to POST values through HTTP protocol. It is designed to be generic. Useful when having Home Assistant and MagicMirror². |
MMM-Netatmo | CFenner | Display your Netatmo in/outdoor weather station data. |
MMM-NL-rain-intensity | theKampany | Do I need an umbrella when i go out, or shall i take my chances? Shows rainintensity for a location in the Netherlands in the next hour. |
MMM-NOAAAlerts | mmtsweng | Displays current local weather warning and alerts from NOAA's free api. |
MMM-NOAATides | crice009 | Graph daily low and high tide predictions for a given NOAA tide station, and measured data as it is reported. Data is pulled from NOAA-tidesandcurrents. Data is a free service - no API key. |
MMM-OneCallWeather | KristjanESPERANTO | Display current and forecast weather based on Openweathermap OneCall API data with alternative formatting. With various icon sets, including an animated one. |
MMM-OpenmapWeather | SathyarajV | Display current weather as image based on the Openmap Weather API data with different formatting. |
MMM-OpenWeather24Hours | thobach | Shows weather information for the next 24 hours using the OpenWeather API. The idea of this module is to give you confidence on what to wear when you go outside / to work, or what transport mode you should take (in case you are a good weather-only biker). The hourly forecast gives you a good decision basis based on the weather condition at the times you go to work and return home. |
MMM-OpenWeatherForecast | Tom-Hirschberger | Displays current, hourly and daily forecast information using data from the OpenWeather One Call API. |
MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast | MarcLandis | A weather module that displays current, hourly and daily forecast information using data from the OpenWeatherMap One Call API. |
MMM-PirateSkyForecast | dankerthrone | A weather module that displays current, hourly and daily forecast information using data from the pirateweather API. |
MMM-Pollen | vincep5 | Display pollen.com information for your US zipcode. |
MMM-pollen | devduisburg | Display 2 day pollen forecast based on DWD geoserver data. |
MMM-Pollen-FR | lekesako | Display pollen.fr information for your FR region code. |
MMM-PollenSwe | cgillinger | Displays pollen forecast information for Sweden from Pollenrapporten.se. Includes customizable layout and regional forecasts. |
MMM-ProfileAndWeatherAlerts | Kurtern84 | A module that shows profile picture (optional), name (optional) and shows extream weather warnings from metalerts 2.0 (Yr.no.). |
MMM-PurpleAir | ajones | Display air quality sensor data from Purple Air. |
MMM-RBB-Weather | nkl-kst | Display RBB weather data. |
MMM-rainfc | cirdan | 2 hour Dutch rain forecast graph based on Buienradar. |
MMM-RainForecast | jupadin | Show rain forecast weather maps based on OpenStreeMap. Highlight multiple points of interest with colored markers. |
MMM-rain-forecast | Carl | Graphical rain forecast for the Netherlands. Superfast with scalable vector graphics in desired color. |
MMM-RAIN-MAP | Jalibu | A rain radar map based on OpenStreetMap. Multiple location markers, option for alternating positions and zoom levels. |
MMM-RainForecast-FR | tttooommm56 | Graphical and textual rain forecast for France. |
MMM-RAIN-RADAR | jojoDuQuartier | Displays a Precipitation Radar for your location. |
MMM-RecentRainfall | vincep5 | Display recent US rainfall with a small map of your state. |
MMM-Regenradar | Linas1234 | Rain radar for locations in Germany. The weather dates were provided by Morgenwirdes. |
MMM-RemoteTemperature | balassy | Displays the temperature from a remote sensor that is capable to POST the measured value through HTTP protocol in JSON. |
MMM-RunningForecast | supermem613 | Displays running forecasts from weather.com. |
MMM-SwissAlpLakes | lbartk | Customized module for displaying water temperature in Swiss lakes based on updated API. |
MMM-SwissLakeTemperature | roufri | Display the water temperature of a Swiss lake at a given point. |
MMM-SwissSmartUrbanHeatMap | git-pesche | Allows you to view climatic data from stations of the measuring network Smart Urban Heat Map Bern (temperature & humidity). |
MMM-TAF | imperian | Display METAR and TAF data for airports world-wide. |
MMM-Temperature | Tom-Hirschberger | Display tempature, humdity, and more of DHT11, DHT22, BMT280, HTU21, DS18B20 or other sensors. |
MMM-UKMOWeatherWarnings | maloakes | Display weather warnings for the UK issued by UK Met Office. |
MMM-UVIndex | rsperezn | Displays the current and forecasted UV Index for a given location given its longitude and latitude. It requires a free API token from https://www.openuv.io/. |
MMM-uv-index | thariq-shanavas | Displays UV Index from openweathermap.org OneCall API 3.0. |
MMM-UKTide | Captsi | Display tidal data in British Isles with free data from UKHO/Admiralty. |
MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance | Grena | Display the current level of vigilance of weather phenomena and associated risks for France. |
MMM-VigiCrues | Grena | Display the last value of water level at a station in the Vigicrues network in France. |
MMM-Vindsiden | erikmohn | Display weather data from weather stations available at vindsiden.no (Norway). |
MMM-WeatherEffects | cgillinger | Adds dynamic weather-based effects to your mirror. |
MMM-WeatherGraph | FlatPepsi | Weather forecast with rain & temp graphs. Lots of options to turn on & off. Data from OpenWeatherMap API. |
MMM-Weather-Now | nigel-daniels | Simple clean display of the weather now, designed to go with MMM-3Day-Forecast. |
MMM-WeatherOrNot | Mykle1 | Squeeze or stretch it. Watch it respond by reformatting itself. Fully customizable. Contrary to the description in the README, the DarkSky API is not used. |
MMM-WeatherOutfit | Lavve | Presents appropriate outfit depending on current outside temperature received from Otto Paulsen's outstanding MQTT module. |
MMM-Weather-SMHI-Hourly | Menturan | Displays weather from Swedish SMHI hourly. |
MMM-WeatherAlerts | gjonesme | Displays active weather alerts provided by OpenWeatherMap's onecall API. |
MMM-WeatherBackground | Brian Hepler | Dynamically loaded weather image background from Unsplash. This is a plugin of other weather modules. |
MMM-WeatherBridge | karsten13 | Uses the default weather module as data provider with own njk templates and animated weather icons. |
mmm-weatherchart | paphko | Display a weather diagram provided by yr.no. |
MMM-WeatherChart | mtatsuma | Display a weather forecast chart using OpenWeather API and Chart.js, an open-source library to plot data on charts. |
MMM-WeatherDependentClothes | fruestueck | Display clothing depending on the weather forecast and your personal preferences. |
MMM-weatherforecast | jharttech | This is a new version of the weather forecast module. This one does not come as a default module. This version has been edited to allow the days of the week to span left to right, each with its own weather icon and details. Uses openweathermap.org API Key. |
MMM-WeatherHourlyByDay | dWoolridge | Displays an hourly forecast table for multiple days. Allows you to specify what hours of the day to include and which forecast components will be displayed. |
MMM-WetterOnline | bogenpirat | Display weather data from WetterOnline. |
MMM-WH2600 | st3v0rr | This module integrates a WH2600 System to display several statistics like temperature and humidity for all registered sensors, wind data, UV index and rain data. |
MMM-Windy | santi4488 | Adds the windy weather map which covers the whole screen. |
MMM-WorldTides | yawns | Displays low and high water time predictions for a given tide station, derived from worldtides.info. |
MMM-YrNow | Yr | The official Yr Nowcast module for MagicMirror², which displays data from Yr. Nowcast data is only available for some Norwegian locations covered by the Norwegian weather radars. Yr is a weather service from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. |
MMM-YrThen | fmandal | Displays weather forecast from Yr. Yr is a weather service from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-BibleVerseClock | Tydyrium | Display a new verse per minute corresonding to the current time, from https://bible.helloao.org/docs/. |
MMM-DailyBibleVerse | Arthur Garza | Display the verse of the day from <www.biblegateway.com>. |
MMM-DailyBuddhismWisdom | anthpham | Display a daily bit of Buddhist wisdom from Thich Nhat Hanh's "Your True Home". |
MMM-DailyPower | oemel09 | Display the bible verse of the day from DailyPower. |
MMM-DailyUnreachedPeopleGroup | MStoltzfus | Display the "Unreached of the Day" data from Joshua Project. |
MMM-DagelijksWoord | Wim Timmer | Display the dutch verse of the day from <www.dagelijkswoord.nl>. |
MMM-ELMPrayerTime | Moin Ahmed | Displays praying times from East London Mosque in London. |
MMM-hukamnama | harv-singh | This module loads the latest Hukamnama from Sri Harmandir Sahib powered by the GurbaniNow API: https://github.com/GurbaniNow/api. |
MMM-IPT | uok825 | Displays Islamic Prayer Times for the place you want. |
MMM-Losung | Dobherrmann | Displays the daily bible verse from ther german “Losungstext” and the additional teaching text. |
MMM-MataChuan | Hcreak | Chinese online godfather NM$L Sun Xiaochuan. |
MMM-MyPrayerTimes | HTilburgs | MyPrayerTimes is a simple module, that calculate prayer times for any location around the world, based on a variety of calculation methods currently used in Muslim communities using the Aladhan API. |
MMM-PrayerTime | Slamet PS | Displays moslem praying time with Adhan recital. |
MMM-RandomQuranAyah | Slamet PS | Display ayah/verse of Qur'an randomly. |
MMM-shabbat | SheyaBernstein | Display shabbat times for the current week and optionally hide all modules. |
MMM-ShulSchedule | supermem613 | Displays a Shul's schedule from ShulCloud. |
MMM-Yahrzeit | supermem613 | Displays Yahrzeit (anniversary of a death according to the Jewish calendar). |
MMM-Zmanim | shmulyeng | Displays daily Jewish calendar information. |
MMM-Zmanim | supermem613 | Displays Zmanim (Jewish calendar information). |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-AllsvenskanStandings | retroflex | Shows the current standings of Allsvenskan (the top Swedish football league). |
MMM-Biathlon | 2hdlockness | Displays biathlon race results and upcoming events. It relies on the official biathlon API to provide up-to-date information. |
MMM-BiathlonResults | Grena | Display the current biathlon results (World Cup and IBU Cup). |
MMM-CHAMPIONSQUEUE-LEADERBOARD | xadamxk | Displays LOL Champions Queue standings. |
MMM-CollegeFootballTop25 | AdamMoses-GitHub | Displays the Top 25 College Football Teams (USA) based on the Associated Press Polling. |
MMM-CricketScores | dsouzadrian | Display cricket scores for ongoing live cricket matches. |
MMM-Cricket-Scores | Dennis-Rosenbaum and GertperdZA | Display cricket scores and automatically loop through them. |
MMM-euro2024 | 0m4r | Display live scores of Euro 2024 football games. |
MMM-Formula1 | ian | Display the driver standings from the current Formula 1 season. |
MMM-F1 | jupadin | Displays the current driver standings of the current Formula 1 season. |
MMM-FieldHockey-FFH | mmourcia | Display field hockey french rankings. |
MMM-GConnect | td | Display sports data from your Garmin Connect(tm) account. |
MMM-GHIN | C-Deck | Display your official USGA Ghin handicap. |
MMM-Liquipedia-Matches | buxxi | Displays current and upcoming pro matches in different e-sport games from Liquipedia (dota2, cs, lol etc). |
MMM-LOLESPORTS-SCHEDULES | xadamxk | Display League of Legends league schedules. |
MMM-LOLESPORTS-STANDINGS | xadamxk | Display League of Legends league standings. |
MMM-MLB-Scoreboard | jclarke54 | Display the days Major League Baseball games. |
MMM-MyScoreboard | dathbe | Display today's scores for your favourite teams across multiple sports. |
MMM-MyStandings | vincep5 | Display ESPN standings for major US Sports and international soccer leagues. |
MMM-NBA | jupadin | Display scores of National Basketball Association. |
MMM-NFL | fewieden | Display scores of National Football League (optional voice-control). |
MMM-NHL | parnic | Display scores of National Hockey League. |
MMM-NRL | ewwyumyuck | Displays NRL (National Rugby League) match scores and information. |
MMM-OlympicGames | fewieden | Displays the medals for olympic games. |
MMM-OLYMPIC-MEDALS | taylornoss | Displays the medals for the Olympic games. Works for both summer and winter Olympics. |
MMM-PGA | mumblebaj | Displays PGA tournaments scores. |
MMM-Promiedos | matiasmtl | Displays Argentinian main soccer league (LPF) rankings for both zones, A and B. |
MMM-Rugby | mumblebaj | Display Rugby World Rankings and Upcoming Matches and results. |
MMM-SHL | bureus | Display stands of Svenska Hockey Ligan (SHL). |
MMM-SleeperNFL | jackmeyer | Displays your Sleeper fantasy football matchup with live updating scores. |
MMM-SoccerLiveScore | 0m4r | Display live scores of your favorite football leagues/competitions. |
MMM-soccer | fewieden | Display standings from European Soccer (Football) leagues (optional voice-control). |
MMM-Speedway | LukasKlose | Display the tables of the Polish Speedway Leagues (PGE Ekstraliga, I. Liga Żużlowa , II. Liga Żużlowa). |
MMM-VALORANTESPORTS-SCHEDULES | xadamxk | Display Valorant Esports league schedules on your magic mirror. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-mmpm | Bee-Mar | Companion module for MMPM to enable hiding/showing of MagicMirror² modules. |
MMM-01ZM | rubinho101 | Display Xiaomi LYWSDCGQ 01ZM Temperature and Humidity sensor values directly AND Nova SDS011 PM Air Quality sensor data. |
MMM-Advent | Jopyth | Display a candle burning down towards a specific date (e.g. an advent candle). |
MMM-Afvalwijzer | gertperdZA | Display trashcollection days of the Afvalwijzer service in the Netherlands. |
MMM-AirbarHelper | Ryan Cooke | Add touch input to your mirror using a ~$50 USB plug and play sensor. |
MMM-Airtable | Yash | Display tables from Airtable. |
MMM-AlarmClock | fewieden | Alarm Clock Module (touch and non-touch). |
MMM-AmbientBrightnessDetection | eric-h-st | Ambient brightness detection and Auto-Brightness of the mirror modules accordingly. |
MMM-AnyList | codetheweb | Display a list from the AnyList app. |
MMM-AOE2-STATS | Fabian Niehaus | Display Age of Empire stats by player ID. |
MMM-ApexCharts | sharmstr | Chart data. Data can be supplied in config or pulled from JSON API. |
MMM-API | JuZim | A somewhat RESTful(ish) API. |
MMM-AquareaSmartCloud | martinburheimtingstad | This module integrates with Panasonic Aquarea Smart Cloud to display data from your heat pump. |
MMM-ArduPort | Dentrax | This module provides Arduino serial communication support with Raspberry PI. Arduino sends the sensor's data value to the module using Python. Your next favorite Plug&Play utility module. |
MMM-August-Lock | relm923 | This module pulls data (lock and door status) from August Locks connected to the configured account using august-connect. |
MMM-birthdays | amitchone | A simple, lightweight birthday reminder - specified either via simple JSON file or in config.js . Supports multiple languages. |
MMM-Beestat | vincep5 | Display Ecobee runtime data from beestat.io API. |
MMM-Block | BKeyport | Quick Module to easily move modules up or down for blank space. |
MMM-BluetoothDevices | timodejong95 | Connecting Bluetooth devices, currently only Oral-B toothbrushes. |
MMM-BoschSmartHome | Jalibu | A client interface for the Bosch Smart Home System. Supports rooms, Window/Door contacts, Room Climate Controls, Thermostats, Twinguards, Visualization of Temperature, Humidity and Purity, Bosch Home Connect Dishwashers, Philips Hue Bridge. |
MMM-BornBeforeDate | justjim1220 | Show the date you must be born before to enter premises. |
MMM-Bose-Soundtouch | Carl | Shows the music that plays on your Soundtouch. |
MMM-Bring | werthdavid | Display a Bring! shopping list in a flexible view and touch support. |
MMM-BringList | rseidt | Display a Bring! shopping list in a tabular view. |
MMM-Buller | da4throux | Dynamic compliments leveraging Google Tasks. |
MMM-BME280 | awitwicki | Display temperature, humidity, and pressure readings from BME280 I2C sensor. |
MMM-CalDAV | MMRIZE | CalDav Parser to convert to iCal format. |
MMM-CalendarExt2 | klaernie | Extended calendar and event view. |
MMM-CalendarExt3 | MMRIZE | Extended calendar and event view. |
MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda | MMRIZE | Extended calendar and event view. Show calendar as agenda. |
MMM-CalendarExt3Journal | MMRIZE | Presenting events as daily/weekly journal style. |
MMM-CalendarExt3Timeline | MMRIZE | Extended calendar and event view. Show calendar timeline. |
MMM-CalendarExtTimeline | klaernie | Display current timeline schedules. This is a plugin module for MMM-CalendarExt2 . |
MMM-CalendarExtMinimonth | klaernie | Display mini month calendar. This is a plugin module for MMM-CalendarExt2 . |
MMM-CalendarExtPlan | klaernie | Display daily plan by criteria. This is a plugin module for MMM-CalendarExt2 . |
MMM-CalendarWeek | heskja | Display a weekly (n days) calendar view. |
MMM-HebrewCalendar | neshkoli | Hebrew calendar in monthly view. |
MMM-Callmonitor-Current-Call | armybean | Extension for MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor. Displays the currently active call. |
camera | Rallymen007 | Display a webcamera video feed. |
MMM-CardDavBirthdaysProvider | Ulrich Wisser | Birthday calendar from your CardDav contacts. |
MMM-Chart | uxigene | Chart module. This is a simple wrapper for Chart.js. |
MMM-chromecast | flo80 | Directly cast from the MagicMirror² server to a chromecast. |
MMM-CommandToNotification | Tom-Hirschberger | Calls configurable scripts periodically and send the output as notification(s). |
MMM-ComEdPrice | vincep5 | Displays ComEd Hourly Pricing. |
MMM-ComEdPricing | skruglov2023 | Displays ComEd 5 Minute and Hourly Average, the other repo (MMM-ComEdPrice) has not been updated in a while. |
MMM-Config | sdetweil | Form based (in browser) configuration for MagicMirror and modules. |
MMM-CountDown | daterrell | Count down to or up from a datetime. |
MMM-CountEvents | MMRIZE | Countdown or countup for events. Revamped 2024. |
MMM-Cursor | uxigene | Display cursor when user moves mouse and hide after delay. |
MMM-CustomMessage | jpcaldwell30 | Post a message to your mirror either by MagicMirror API post or manual update (entering text onscreen). |
MMM-CustomText | dathbe | Display a custom message on your mirror, updatable via notification. Similar to MMM-CustomMessage, but allows multiple instances. |
MMM-CzechPost | RichieCZ | Display tracking information for parcels handled by Czech Post. |
MMM-D2L | lberryer | Displays information retreived from a D2L module for Linky. |
MMM-Daikin | KyMeyer | Displays information retreived from a Daikin Air Conditioner Unit. |
MMM-DaikinAirbase | matt-thurling | Forked from MMM-Daikin to work with Daikin Airbase controllers (wifi air conditioner controllers used in Australia/New Zealand regions). |
MMM-DateCounter | alltopafi | Shows either the time remaining to an event, or the time since an event. This module also supports having a supporting image. |
MMM-DenHaag-TrashCalendar | cokceken | Display trash collection days in Den Haag / the Netherlands. |
MMM-DiscordWatch | smiche | Display messages from discord channels. |
MMM-Discourse-notifications | jordy-u & OsinixXx | Show user notifications of a site that runs on Discourse. |
MMM-DockerVisualizer | aaron64 | See your docker swarm running in real time through docker-swarm-visualizer. |
MMM-Ecobee | Parnic | Display data from ecobee thermostats and remote sensors. |
MMM-edgerouter-throughput | Michael Scharl | Show the interface throughput of an Ubiquity EdgeRouter. |
MMM-EmbedURL | Tom-Hirschberger | Embed one or multiple websites with there URL. |
MMM-EmbedYoutube | nitpum | Embed youtube video and playlist. |
MMM-EnergyMonitor | deg0nz | Visualizes production and consumption of electrical energy in your home. Is meant to be used with solar energy converters and (optional) energy storage systems. |
MMM-EnphaseSolar | matt-thurling | Display live data and cumulative daily totals of energy produced from an Enphase Solar system by reading data from the local Enphase gateway (firmware 7.0+). |
MMM-EskomSePush | mumblebaj | Display loadshedding schedule data for the South African users. |
MMM-FastNotes | polarbearjngl | Can be used for adding notes using fast and easy web interface. |
MMM-FF-process-stats | shin10 | Display electron process information. |
MMM-FF-StatsJS | shin10 | Inject Ricardo Cabello's (mrdoob) stats.js to display FPS, MS and MEM consumption. |
MMM-fitbit | SVendittelli | Display your Fitbit statistics. |
MMM-flicio | nomis6432 | Send notifications to other modules with flic.io buttons. |
MMM-FortniteStats | Dawi | Display Fortnite Stats. |
MMM-FrameLight | RaspiManu | Controlling an RGB-LED strip around a smart mirror with or without touch input. It provides features for static background lighting, highly customizable effects on notifications and party lighting. |
MMM-FreeBox-Monitor | tataille | Display data from your FreeBox v6 server (Revolution) from the french ISP free. |
MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3 | drtorchwood | FRITZ!Box Callmonitor. Display an alert when someone is calling and offers a call history. |
MMM-FroelingConnect | Eckonator | The module builds charts to your FRÖLING pellet boiler based on data from the FRÖLING Connect API. Inspiration and code base comes from TA2k/ioBroker.froeling. |
MMM-fronius | peteyjaym | Fronius Solar Module. Display data from a Fronius Solar Inverter. |
MMM-Fronius2 | deg0nz | Displays data from a Fronius Solar Inverter, supports auto-off inverters and can be used as a data source for MMM-EnergyMonitor. |
MMM-FroniusSolar | ChrisF1976 | Visualize solar energy data from a Fronius solar system. It displays energy consumption using one compact gauge. |
MMM-FroniusSolar2 | ChrisF1976 | Display energy flows of a Fronius inverter using intuitive gauges and flow lines. |
MMM-FroniusSolar3 | ChrisF1976 | Uses also gauges but no flow lines. Module can be adjusted in width and gauges follow it. |
MMM-FroniusSolar4 | ChrisF1976 | Similar to #2 but can display energy from a Shelly device as well. |
MMM-FTP-image | jboucly | Displays images from an FTP server with a display delay. |
MMM-GamepadEvents | victor-paumier | Use Gamepad to send event of exec a command. |
MMM-GasMonitor | mumblebaj | Monitor your gas tank level on your mirror. |
MMM-GCP | da4throux | Track your GCP (Google Cloud Platform) activity. |
MMM-GetShellScript | uphillcheddar | Simple HTTP endpoint to your MagicMirror installation for executing predefined shell scripts. |
MMM-Grocy | B0neD0ct0r | Shows your meal plan for the week from grocy. |
MMM-GmailFeed | shaneapowell | Show a list of unread gmails. |
MMM-GmailNotifier | Kurtern84 | Displays the user's Gmail profile picture and name, and checks for unread emails in the inbox. |
MMM-go2rtc | Anonym-tsk | Viewing IP cameras RTSP stream in real time using WebRTC technology. Depends on go2rtc installed. |
MMM-GoogleBirthdaysProvider | PalatinCoder | Integrate your Google Contact's birthdays in the MagicMirror² calendar. |
MMM-GoogleDocs-Notes | No3x | Display notes from a Google Doc. |
MMM-GoogleKeep | taxilof | Displays one list from Google Keep. |
MMM-googlemaps | sp4ceman | Displays a google map of an origin and destination. |
MMM-GoogleTasks | Spydersoft Consulting | Display Google Tasks with Planned View. |
MMM-GoogleSheets | ryan-d-williams | Display Google Sheets data. Highly customizable. |
MMM-gpsd | brentpabst | Display real-time GPS data from GPSD. |
MMM-GPIO-Notifications | Tom-Hirschberger | Send notifications based on GPIO events. Can be used as PIR module and with rotary encoders. |
MMM-GrafanaChart | SvenSommer | Display a diagram generated by Grafana. |
MMM-Growatt | mumblebaj | Display data from Growatt Inveter. Support multiple Growatt Inverter types. |
MMM-Growatt | dekinet | Simple display for data from a Growatt solar panel inverter. |
MMM-Growatt-Stats | mumblebaj | Display status data from Growatt Inveter. Support multiple Growatt Inverter types. Made to work in conjunction with MMM-Growatt or independently. |
MMM-HabiticaStats | delightedCrow, ArrayOfFrost | Display your an overview of your Habitica player stats. |
MMM-hass | aserramonner | An alternate home-assistant integration. |
MMM-HideAll | Snille | Hide everything on screen. With a lot of features and customizations. |
MMM-Hive | flick116 | Displays Hive (British Gas) inside / outside temperature. |
MMM-HolidayCountdown | TouaregWarrior | Displays the number of days until a Holiday/Trip. Displays the next 4 trips from a configured list. |
MMM-HomeAssistant | zuo000 | HomeAssistant frontend module using HA REST API, including Light, Switch, Sensor. |
MMM-HomeAssistant | Dawi | Display information out of HomeAssistant. |
MMM-homeassistant-sensors | ledsi | Display information from Home Assistant using the home assistant REST API. |
MMM-homeassistant-sensors | Snille | Fork of leinich module. Many new features added. Display information from Home Assistant using the home assistant REST API. |
MMM-HomeAssistant-Touch | mathewmeconry | Displays information from HomeAssistant via Rest API. Litens for State changes with Websockets. Touch control for Entities. |
MMM-HomeAssistantDisplay | WonderSlug | Displays information from Home Assistant using Home Assistant Templates to render any HTML you want for the module. Includes support for Material Design Icons, Websockets for fast updating, and auto reconnect on Home Assistant restarts. Allows you to show or hide a whole module based on a Home Assistant Template as well. |
MMM-HomeAutomationNotifications | john3300 | Displays notifications sent with a simple HTTP POST request. |
MMM-HomeConnect | djerik | Shows status such as remaining program time of your Home Connect appliances. |
MMM-Homematic | Sickboy78 | Shows values and warnings from HomeMatic smart home components and system variables as text and/or icons. Highly flexible and customizable design. |
MMM-Homematic-Rooms | JFWenisch | Requests device information from the HomeMatic CCU and displays them grouped by the assigned room. |
MMM-Homematic-Thermostats | spitzlbergerj | Shows values from HomeMatic smart home radiator and wall thermostats. |
MMM-Home-Presence | tomgroenwoldt | Monitors reachability of local IP addresses. |
MMM-Hover | dancj | Connects to HoverLabs hover gesture detector and can raise notifications on swipes and taps. |
MMM-Hoymiles-Wifi | schris88 & evroom | Shows the current PV output of a Wifi enabled HMS Hoymiles inverter. |
MMM-HRS-PickupPlan | Martin Andreassen | Display upcoming pickup dates for garbage in the Norwegian municipalities of Harstad, Narvik, Evenes, Gratangen, Ibestad, Kvæfjord, Lavangen and Tjeldsund. |
mmm-hue-lights | michael5r | Display the status of your Philips Hue lights and light groups. Supports multiple view types and modes. |
MMM-Hue | MitchSS | Display the status of groups or lights in your Philips Hue setup. |
MMM-Hue-Controller | gueguet | This module allows you to control your Philips Hue lights with simple buttons. |
MMM-Hue-Controller-2 | jboucly | List your Hue light and allows complete interaction. |
MMM-HueControl | DreamyChloe | Control other MagicMirror modules using Philips Hue v2 API. |
MMM-HVIEW-Snapshot | c0d3rpu55y | Display a snapshot from your H.View security camera. |
MMM-ICA | Pierre Gode | List information from swedish food grocery ICA. |
MMM-iCal-ToDo | nixnuex | Display non-completed ToDos from an iCal source like CalDAV or the Task App in ownCloud or Nextcloud. |
MMM-iCloud-Client | Bitte-ein-Bit | Load iCloud addressbook and provide birthday iCal feed for calendar module and addressbook for MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor. |
MMM-IconDisplayer | wiedsee | Show an icon according to a MagicMirror² notification. |
MMM-iframes | draxiom | A simple way to cycle through a list of iframe sources. Example shows live video sources from YouTube and other webcam sources. |
MMM-iFrame-GSlides | jharttech | Add an iFrame of a published Google Slides Presentation. |
MMM-iFrame-Ping | AgP42 | An iFrame module to display any web content to your MagicMirror² (including YouTube, IP cameras, etc.). Several functionalities like auto-refresh, Ping the URL before to display it and last update time display. See also MMM-SmartWebDisplay. |
MMM-IntelliCenter | Parnic | Read data from and allow control of a Pentair IntelliCenter pool system. |
MMM-IntelligentOctopus | ianmccon | Displays energy usage history for your Octopus Energy account. For use if you are on the Intelligent Octopus tarrif. Based on MMM-OctoMon. |
internet-monitor | BrianHepler | Display internet statistics such as strength and speed information. |
MMM-IOTStatus | aduyng | Show my Smartthings Home automation device status using firebase realtime database. |
MMM-ioBroker | Bluefox | Display ioBroker values. |
MMM-ip | fewieden | Display IPv4/IPv6 Network Address. |
MMM-IPCam | RedNax67 | Display ipcam feed. |
MMM-ISY | shbatm | Display status of lights and variables on a floor plan connected to an ISY-994i Device. |
MMM-IT8951 | seb-ma | This module communicates with a IT8951 card to display MagicMirror² on a e-ink screen using IT8951 drivers. |
MMM-json | danielhabenicht | Display data from any JSON source. |
MMM-JsonValue | c-klinger | Display data from any Web/REST API that return JSON. |
MMM-JSONStatusChecker | shbatm | Display a True/False status from any JSON source (e.g. VPN Connected/Disconnected). |
MMM-Jeedom | prysme | Display values from Home automation software JEEDOM. |
MMM-jitsi | nomis6432 | Jitsi meet IFrame integration. |
MMM-JsonGraph | Timdows | Creates a SVG bar chart based on a list gathered from a JSON request. |
MMM-JsonTable | Timdows | Creates a table filled by a list gathered from a JSON request, and puts all variables of the object in its own table column. |
MMM-KeyBindings | shbatm | Getting bluetooth remote control and keyboard inputs. |
MMM-Keyboard | lavolp3 | Creates a virtual keyboard to be used to send commands or text to other modules. |
MMM-Keypress | ItsMeBrille | Sending notifications to other modules based on keys pressed. |
KeyDisplayed | MJØD | Use the keyboard to open and close a popupwindow in the MagicMirror². Like lets say using the "q" key will open a popupwindow on MagicMirror's webpage. Using the iFrame to display web content. |
MMM-LCDControl | Txukie | Turns on or off a device connected to GPIO (in my case, an LCD screen) based on the input of a PIR device. Integrates nicely with MMM-Assistant (for voice control) and MMM-TelegramBot (for Telegram control). |
MMM-LEDStripControl | Tom-Hirschberger | Control the color (and pong game parameters) of led strips via MQTT. |
MMM-Linky | 2hdlockness | A module to retrieve and display Linky consumption data using CONSO API. Intended for French users. |
MMM-LittleBockFermentationLog | SBrendan | 🍺 Display beer fermentation log from LittleBock API. |
MMM-Live-Stream-TV | mcintyrehh | Display HLS live feeds with Arduino powered channel changing. |
MMM-LKY-TIC | djey47 | Display info about home power supply - FRANCE TELEINFO ENEDIS. |
MMM-LocalVideoPlayer | RayTCosgrove | A lightweight local video player. |
MMM-Loxone | idoodler | MMM-Loxone connects to your Loxone Miniserver and lets it communicate to your MagicMirror². |
MMM-MacAddressScan | doctorfree | Determine the status of devices on the network based on their MAC address. It can also look up devices by IP addresses or hostnames. This module is an enhanced clone of the excellent MMM-NetworkScanner module by Ian Perrin. |
MMM-MagicHexClock | Lavve | Shows a clock in cool hexadecimal colors. |
MMM-MagicDraw | Ivica Lovric | Drawing board for MagicMirror with touch interactive UI interface. |
MMM-MailMessage | Uncle Roger | Send messages to be displayed on your MagicMirror via e-mail. |
MMM-Mashie-Skolmat | Alvinger | Show school lunch menus from Mashie.com. (based on MMM-Skolmaten with different source for menus). |
MMM-Mattermost | O5ten | Show specific messages from mattermost chat. (Similar to MMM-SlackAnnouncements, but not bound to a specific channel). |
MMM-max | mirko3000 | Displays the status of you MAX! radiator thermostats via the MAX! cube gateway. |
MMM-MealViewer | ElliAndDad | Displays school breakfast and lunch menus from MealViewer. |
MMM-MensaMax | fuerst | Show the menu of german school lunch service provider MensaMax. |
MMM-MHZ19 | awitwicki | Display CO2 readings from MH-Z19 sensor. |
MMM-MicrosoftToDo | thobach | Displays your Microsoft To Do tasks on your mirror. |
MMM-MieleAtHome | ViDiBi | Displays the status of you Miele@Home Devices. |
MMM-MinecraftServer | ItsMeBrille | Display Minecraft server status and shows list of active players. |
MMM-ModInstall | karsten13 | Simplifies module installation in MagicMirror. |
MMM-Modulebar | Snille | Add touch buttons for showing/hiding other modules. |
MMM-ModuleHandler | ahmedwab | An application that adds and removes any desired modules found on this website. |
MMM-ModulesGroupsRotation | mezderman | Group modules and toggle their visibility over time. |
MMM-MonthlyCalendar | kolbyjack | Display your calendar events in a monthly calendar view. |
MMM-moonraker | btastic | Moonraker API integration for Klipper powered 3D printers. |
MMM-MortgageCountdown | TouaregWarrior | Tracks the number of mortgage payments left. |
MMM-MotionDisplay | pjestico | Display motion detected by your security camera. |
MMM-Motion-Camera | yusinv | Show video from motion camera feed. |
MMM-MPlayer | evroom | Uses MPlayer to display various video files and RTSP streams. |
MMM-MPR121 | PatriceG | Connects multiple touch (capacitive) buttons via a MPR121 touch controller to send notifications to other modules (based on MMM-Buttons). |
MMM-qnapDownloadStation | flick116 | Displays downloads from Download Station running on a QNAP NAS. |
MMM-MQTTbridge | Tom-Hirschberger | A powerful module that subscribes to MQTT broker and read/send MQTT messages and MM Notifications with a lot of individual setup/rules. Allows you to integrate MM into smart home like Home Assistant. Powerful automation with structured Noti and MQTT dictionaries rules (e.g. one mqtt message could trigger many predefined noti, and one mm-noti could trigger different predefined mqtt messages). |
MMM-MQTT | ottopaulsen | Subscribe topics from MQTT message queues, and displays the payload values in a table, with configurable labels. |
MMM-MQTT | jupadin | Display received MQTT messages from a MQTT-Broker. |
MMM-MQTTbind | Janm84 | Subscribe to MQTT topics and forward the payload (as it is) as notification and vice versa. Features QoS, Clean Session, Retained Messages and Shortcuts. |
MMM-MQTT-Publisher | cybex-dev | Publishe notifications with any payload (messages, values, etc) sent via received by sendNotification() method to specified topics on MQTT Broker(s). |
MMM-MQTTfloorplan | DMailMan | Subscribe to topics from MQTT message queues, and display the sensor results on a floor plan of your house. |
MMM-Memo | schnibel | Add one to many memo notes ("post-it look & feel"). Content is manageable through HTTP get requests. |
MMM-MotionDetector | rejas | Camera based motion detector that turns of your display after a while, updated fork of alexyaks version. |
MMM-Multimonth | BKeyport | Display multiple mini-calendars at the same time. |
MMM-MusicOnDemand | Ptrk95 | Play music with deezer on a browser in the background. |
MMM-MyCalendar | dbeltjr | Same functionality as the default Calendar app but different display formatting. |
MMM-mycroft-bridge | oenstrom | Connecting your mirror to the Mycroft messagebus. |
MMM-MyGarbage | HTilburgs | Displays your Custom Garbage Calendar. |
MMM-MyHomeWizard | HTilburgs | Displays HomeWizard P1 Meter and/or Water Meter information. |
MMM-MyMonthlyCalendar | htilburgs | Display a compact monthly calendar view. |
MMM-MySenseHat | framboise-pi | Raspberry Pi SenseHat Module. Show sensors values, display pixelart and more. |
MMM-MysqlData | tabsl | Connect to a MySQL database, run a select query (one value) and display the result. |
MMM-MysqlQuery | ralberth | Run a SQL SELECT against a MySQL database and display the results in an HTML table. |
MMM-MyWastePickup | Jeff Clarke | Displays your schedule for Toronto curb-side waste collection. |
MMM-MyStudyLife | Ethan Partida | Displays upcoming classes, tasks and exams from the My Study Life app and website. |
MMM-MyWordsRandomed | framboise-pi | Display sentences built with randomed words. |
MMM-NatureRemo | mtatsuma | Displays sensor data collected by Nature Remo devices. |
MMM-NearCompliments | semox | Uses HC-SR04 sensors to measure distance and display compliments if USER_PRESENCE is detected by MMM-PIR-Sensor and user is near the MagicMirror². |
MMM_ncdeck | motey | Viewer for Nextcloud Deck app decks. |
MMM-neoomAPI | Martin Loidolt | Display your photovoltaic statistics from neoom. |
mmm-nest-cameras | michael5r | Displays your Nest cameras on your MagicMirror² and gives you the option to show either live streams or constantly-updated snapshots. |
mmm-nest-status | michael5r | Displays both your Nest thermostats and protect smoke detectors. Supports multiple designs & sizes. |
MMM-Netatmo-Presence | AgP42 | Display live snapshot of Netatmo Presence and Welcome cameras and an events timeline of all your Netatmo Presence cameras. |
MMM-NetworkScanner | nsprawling | Display the status of devices on the network based on their MAC address with nice columnview. |
MMM-NewsFeedTicker | justjim1220 | Mod of the default newsfeed module - shows the logo and scrolls the headlines and brief description across the screen like those seen on the news channels. |
MMM-NextCloud-Tasks | Coernel82 | Displays ToDo list(s) from NextCloud Tasks app and other ical / CalDav sources. Task can be toggled and sent back to the server, styling options and more filter options. |
MMM-NextEvent | cure | Display a count down to the next event from MMM-CalendarExt2. |
next-train-transilien | trizome | Next trains / RER transilien (SNCF) Ile-de-France from a station. |
MMM-NoteTaker | joanaz | Display your notes stored by Alexa skill Note Taker. |
MMM-Notification-To-Command | Tom-Hirschberger | Run shell commands based on notifications and use the name and/or payload of the notification as arguments (optional). |
MMM-Notion | choffmann | Display your Notion database. |
MMM-ObjectBlocks | jimmykh | Talk to Arduino two-way via web-socket and ObjectBlocks platform. |
octomirror-module | shbatm | View & Control an OctoPrint 3d Printer Server Instance. |
MMM-OctoMon | ChrisThomas | Displays energy usage history for your Octopus Energy account. |
MMM-OctoMonV2 | TouaregWarrior | A modified version of Chris Thomas (christopherpthomas)'s Octopus Energy module. This version has added functionality to include an extra column data to show exported energy calculations. |
MMM-octoprint | btastic | Octoprint API integration. |
MMM-Online-State | Legion2 | Displays the network connection availability of the browser. |
MMM-OneTracker | seeshaughnessy | Use OneTracker app to deliveries/packages by forwarding from any email address. |
MMM-OnSpotify | Fabrizz | Highly customizable module that displays what you are listening to in Spotify. Works with MMM-LiveLyrics and allows theming other modules! |
MMM-openhabfloorplan | paphko | Show lights and window states on a floorplan of an openhab server. |
MMM-OpenHAB-Items | hggh | Show OpenHAB Items (label, values) in a list. Also supports touchscreen to toggle Switches or use RollerShutter items. |
MMM-openhabQuickWatch | steve415 | Display item states from openhab. |
MMM-OpenSprinkler | johnny-co | Display OpenSprinkler lawn care station and programs. |
MMM-OpenTherm | RedNax67 | Display information from your OpenTherm gateway. |
MMM-ovos-wakeword | Smart'Gic | When a Mycroft AI wake word is detected, an image is displayed and when the recording is done the image disappears. |
MMM-PageReader | dgburr | Loads a website and highlights each sentence in turn (timer or event-driven). |
MMM-Parcel | martinkooij | Glance over your parcel deliveries on your mirror, track your shipments. >700 couriers supported (Integrating via Tracktry.com (free) or AfterShip.com (paid & legacy free)). Various layout options depending on your need. With auto translate feature to your language. |
MMM-ParticleStatus | NickEngmann & yummypasta | Display Particle.io device data. |
MMM-PDFSlideshow | ChrisF1976 | Displays PDF documents as a slideshow. |
MMM-PC-Stats | mykle1 | Get system stats from a PC board. Supports multiple core CPU's. |
MMM-Peloton | chicohernando | This will show you your Peloton information to keep you motivated to achieve your goals. |
MMM-PhilipsHue | mumblebaj | Grab the status of your lights from your Hue Bridge with some updated features to display status of lights or groups. |
MMM-Plenticore | eckonator | The module connects to the API of the KOSTAL Plenticore inverter and reads the current data and brings it to the output. |
phone-notification-mirror | ronny3050 | Displays and alerts mirror users on new phone notifications. |
MMM-Pins | PtrBld | Triggers any specified rpi pins with different trigger notifications. All messages will be registered with the MMM-Remote Module automatically. It can also play sounds using MMM-Sounds module when a pin is toggled. |
MMM-pihole-stats | SheyaBernstein | Display stats from Pi-Hole DNS ad blocking. |
MMM-PimaticFloorplan | marcelwinh | Show lights and window states on a floorplan given from a pimatic server. |
MMM-Pinfo | Salekur Rahaman | Informational module to display mirror information like Raspberry Pi model, unique serial number, network information, IPv4, IPv6, MAC address, OS information, CPU information, and more. |
MagicMirror-Ping-Module | CFenner | Display the mirrors connection status. |
MMM-ping | fewieden | Display status from website/ip's. |
MMM-PingTime | Protonos | Show the ping time based on a websocket connection. |
MMM-Pir | Coernel82 | The rescued Pir module of Bugsounet. |
MMM-PiTemp | ckoutavas | MMM-PiTemp works in conjunction with MagicMirror² and tells you the temperature of your raspberry pi's CPU. If the temperature is ever greater than 85 degrees then the pi shuts down. |
MMM-Plantower | gimdh | Displays air quality readings from Plantower PMSx003 series sensors. |
MMM-portscan | Wanztwurst | Track the status of your services with opened/closed ports. |
MMM-PostDelivery-Norway | reidarw | Show the next post delivery day for your zip code in Norway. |
MMM-Postnord | bureus | Automatically track and trace PostNords letters, parcels and pallets with your phone number or email. |
MMM-Powerwall | MikeBishop | Display status of Tesla Powerwall & Tesla vehicle charging. |
PiDisplaySleep | RpDp-git | A python script that puts your display to sleep, if your smartphone/smartwatch is not connected to the WiFi network. |
MMM-PrometheusAlerts | SpyderSoft Consulting | Display Prometheus Alerts. |
MMM-Property-Managed | Property Managed | Integrates with landlord management site Property Managed to display upcoming actions. |
MMM-Profilepicture | Snille | Adding a background picture to the current profile. |
MMM-PushBulletNotifications | basknol | Display notifications from phone and PC and control your mirror using Pushbullet (API). |
MMM-QRCode | uxigene | Show QRCode image of encoded text. |
MMM-QR-Remote-Link | Roger Poore | Display a QR code with a link to a local module. |
MMM-Radarr | gravitykillseverything | Displays recent downloads and upcoming monitored movies from Radarr. |
MMM-RouterClients | buxxi | Displays a list of clients connected to your router. |
MMM-RPI-LED | idoodler | Control the built in LEDs of your Raspberry Pi. |
MMM-RSS-FEED | taolanoz | Display any RSS feed. |
MMM-RTSPStream | shbatm | Show RTSP video stream(s) from one or more security cameras. |
MMM-RTSPtoWeb | shbatm | Viewing IP cameras RTSP stream in real time using WebRTC technology. |
MMM-RemoteCompliments | mitchelltmarino | Provides seamless integration with Google Drive™ to display compliments and images from Drive. |
MMM-RemoteYoutube | DreamyChloe | Allows you to play YouTube videos and playlists using notifications. |
MMM-RepoStats | karsten13 | Shows repository statistics for DockerHub, GitHub and GitLab. |
MMM-RepRapFirmware | arirobinson | Display live info from your 3D printer running RepRapFirmware. This firmware is mainly used on Duet3D control boards (Duet Wifi & Ethernet). |
MMM-RescueTime | Duske | Show your daily time spent using your digital devices with RescueTime. |
MMM-Rest | Tuxdiver | Fetching REST data and display them on the mirror. |
MMM-RingAlarm | Parnic | Display status and allow arming/disarming of a Ring alarm system. |
MMM-Roomba980 | relm923 | Display status of local Roomba. |
MMM-ROVA-trashcalendar | jeroenpeters1986 | Display when and which type of trash will be collected by Dutch garbage service ROVA. |
MMM-RubbishCollection | nikobix | Skim council website and extract rubish collection times. |
MMM-Scrapey | AndyHazz | Scrape a table from any webpage, choose which columns and rows you want and how often to refresh. |
MMM-ScreenLogic | Parnic | Read data from a Pentair ScreenLogic pool system. |
MMM-Screen-Powersave-Notification | Tom-Hirschberger | Screensaver module which shuts the screen off if USER_PRESENCE is not received within specified timeout. Can be used as PIR module in combination with MMM-GPIO-Notifications. |
MMM-Sensibo | wlans | Display real-time data from Sensibo thermostats. Features grid or list views, customizable room icons, dual temperature mode, and flexible configuration. Integrates with the Sensibo API for up-to-date thermostat information. |
MMM-SE-Reputation | ChielChiel | Display your reputation of a StackExchange site (such as StackOverflow). |
MMM-Selfie | Txukie | Takes a Selfie with an official Raspberry Pi Cam and can publish it to Facebook or Twitter. Needs API keys. Integrates nicely with MMM-Assistant (for voice control) and MMM-TelegramBot (for Telegram control). |
MMM-Selfieshot | Brian Hepler | Taking a Selfie with USB cam. |
MMM-Seneye | Si-Hill | Connects to the Seneye Aquarium Monitor API and displays water parameters from the most recent test data. |
MMM-SensorGateway | Mattileh | This module enables having live sensor data without touching the Pi hardware by utilizing the BLE advertisment beacons from sensors and routing that live info into MagicMirror² platform. |
MMM-ServerStatus | CreepinJesus | Check the up/down status of servers/devices on your network. |
MMM-Serial-Notifications | Tom-Hirschberger | Send notifications based on messages received via one/multiple serial devices. |
MMM-ServiceViewer | cybex-dev | Displays all Bonjour/Avahi services on your local network in a readable format, also allowing some interaction with the services, works well with XMMM-Xdg-Open. |
MMM-ShairportMetadata | surekap | Integrate Apple AirTunes/Airplay metadata coming via shairport-sync into the MagicMirror². Does not work with video or mirroring. |
MMM-Shell-Output | karsten13 | Shows output of commands executed on the host. |
MMM-ShellyEMMeter | mgarrix | Display data from Shelly EM sensor. |
Shelly-HT | Medve | Display data from 1 Shelly HT sensor. |
MMM-ShellyPlus-HT | IoT-Coder | Display data from Shelly+ HT sensor. Forked from Shelly-HT for Gen2 device Shelly Plus HT. |
MMM-Shelly-PM | stefanjacobs | Display data from 1 Shelly PM sensor, forked and modified by Shelly-HT. |
MMM-ShellyPV | ChrisF1976 | Monitor and display the status and energy consumption of Shelly devices, specifically focusing on devices related to solar power (PV systems) and energy usage. |
MMM-ShellyStatusTable | ChrisF1976 | Displays switch status and power consumption of Shelly devices via the Shelly Cloud API. Should be independent from the used devices. |
MMM-ShipmentTracking | fewieden | Display your shipment tracking status. |
MMM-ShoppingList | miguelrflor | Display a shopping list and interact with it using MMM-GoogleAssistant. |
MMM-SimpleLogo | frdteknikelektro | Simply displays logo with local image file path or url. |
MMM-SimpleNotifyTrashDay | sabo10o29 | Shows trash days with simple setup. |
MMM-SimplePIR | ryanjblajda | A very simple PIR motion sensor module |
MMM-Skolmaten | retroflex | Show school lunch menus in Sweden from skolmaten.se. |
MMM-Slack2 | Jupter1 | Cycles through the newest messages of a Slack channel. |
MMM-SlackAnnouncements | Hacker Home MTV | Post announcements to your mirror from a designated Slack channel. |
MMM-SleepWake | sdetweil | Use an external source for motion detection, like a web camera. |
MMM-Smappee | CFenner | Integrate Smappees smart home energy consumption monitor. |
MMM-SmartWebDisplay | AgP42 | An iFrame module to display web content (including YouTube, IP cameras, etc.). Several rotating URL, autorefresh and remote control of the URL to display, Next/Prev/Play/Stop. MMM-SmartWebDisplay forum. |
MMM-Solar | tkrywit | Display statistics from your Enphase Energy microinverter PV system. |
MMM-SolarEdge | st3v0rr | Display live data and statistics from your SolarEdge inverter system. PV and optional battery support. |
MMM-SolarEdge | bertieuk | Display statistics from your SolarEdge PV inverter system. |
MMM-SolarEdgeLite | jeroenpeters1986 | Display simple statistics from your SolarEdge (based on bertieuk). |
MMM-Solarman | utzl | Display statistics from the Solarman API, e.g. from Bosswerk PV inverter. |
MMM-Soliscloud | dekinet | Display Soliscloud inverter data. |
MMM-Sonarr | gravitykillseverything | Displays recent downloads and upcoming monitored TV Shows from Sonarr. |
MMM-Sonos | CFenner | Display the currently playing track of your Sonos system. |
MMM-Sonos | tbouron | Display playing tracks on your Sonos network. |
MMM-SnmpIntSpeed | irsheep | Uses SNMP to display bandwidth usage from a network device interface. |
MMM-SpaceLaunch | TouaregWarrior | Displays the next scheduled spacecraft launch - Global launches. |
MMM-StatusPageIo | Spydersoft Consulting | Display incidents and component status from a StatusPage.io site. |
MMM-StopwatchTimer | Klettner | Display an alert-style timer or stopwatch. Controllable via notifications or the MM-Remote android app. |
MMM-StorH | SkogDev | A shopping list module for users of the StorH app. |
MMM-Strava | ianperrin | Display your activity data from Strava.com. |
MMM-StravaWeekInBike | tylerstambaugh | Simple display of basic ride stats from Strava for a rolling window of time. |
MMM-Strava-Last-Activity-Map | tylerstambaugh | Shows the map of your last public activity uploaded to Strava along with the title, date, distance and time. |
MMM-SunnyPortal | linuxtuxie | Display the current, monthly and yearly power output of your SunnyPortal Solar Panels.(https://www.sunnyportal.com). |
MMM-SweepClock | mumblebaj | Display a classic railway clock. |
MMM-Swipe | Simon089 | Uses 2 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors to determing hand position to produce a "Swipe Left", "Swipe Right", or "Press". |
MMM-synology-ds | Thlb | Display Synology Download Station tasks. |
MMM-SynologySurveillance | Tom-Hirschberger | Display the video streams of cameras connected to your Synology Disc Stations and control their positions. |
MMM-syslog | marcinomen | API for sending notifications to your mirror. |
MMM-SystemInfo | dientuki | Get a lot of system stats from a PC board like CPU usage, ram usage, disk usage, CPU temperature, volume, internet status and private IP and status, beside that you can configure your WiFi network to create a QR code. |
MMM-SystemMonitor | btastic | Shows system stats similar to MMM-SystemStats. |
MMM-SystemStats | fry0815 | Shows Raspberry Pi system stats like CPU temperature, free Ram, System load, and Uptime. This is an active fork, the original module was abandoned. |
MMM-SystemTemperature | MichMich | Display your Raspberry Pi's processor temperature. |
MMM-Tado | WouterEekhout | Display information from your Tado Smart Thermostat. |
MMM-TelegramBot | MMRIZE | Interact with your mirror via Telegram. Revamped 2024. |
MMM-TelegramCommands | doctorfree | Creates and manages Telegram commands to control a MagicMirror² via the MirrorCommandLine tools. MMM-TelegramCommands requires the installation and configuration of the MMM-TelegramBot module and the MirrorCommandLine suite of command line utilites for the MagicMirror². |
MMM-Temp2IOT | ChrisF1976 | Display temperature readings from Temp2IOT sensors. |
MMM-temp-ds18b20 | Thlb | Display DS18B20 sensor's temperature. |
MMM-TFL-Arrivals | MMM-TFL-Arrivals | This module gets real time arrival predictions for specifc stops using the TfL API. |
MMM-Thingiverse | appdevelopmentandsuch | View the latest popular things on Thingiverse. |
MMM-Tibber | ottopaulsen | Show electricity related data for Tibber customers. Shows power, prices, consumption, voltage, current and more. |
MMM-TitanSchoolMealMenu | evanhsu | Retrieves school meal menus from the LinqConnect (formerly Titan Schools) API (api.linqconnect.com). |
MMM-Todoist | CBrooker | Displays your todos from Todoist. |
MMM-toggle-by-mqtt | moejetz | Shows/hides modules and turns on/off hdmi display based on mqtt command. |
MMM-Toon | MichMich | Disply information from the Toon Thermostat. |
MMM-Touch | gfischershaw | Universal touch gesture commander using touchscreen. |
MMM-TouchButton | Tom-Hirschberger | Add clickable buttons to send notifications or run commands. |
MMM-TPLink | Slamet PS | Display the status of TPLink lights/plugs in your local network. |
MMM-TranslatedMessages | ahmedwab | The MMM-Display a given list of messages translated to language inputted. |
MMM-Trello | benjaminflessner | This module can show Trello cards on your mirror. |
MMM-TRV-WastePlan | reidarw | Display the waste plan for your destination in Trondheim, Norway. |
MMM-TuyaSL | Slamet PS | Display the status of smarthome devices based on Tuya IoT-Platform (managed by SmartLife app). |
MMM-Transmission | nikxif | Connect to the Transmission BitTorrent client and display current torrent list information. |
MMM-Timetagger | TD | Shows the latest hours tracked by the time tracking application Timetagger. |
mmm-udr | CrimsonClyde | Display own events in default compliments module style. |
MMM-UniFi-Voucher | bacherd | Displays UniFi hotspot vouchers. |
MMM-Universal-Pir | karsten13 | A simple PIR motion sensor module where you can specify your own commands for controlling gpio and screen. |
MMM-updateFromStdOut | msteinkogler | Display temperature readings from a USB DVB-T stick acting as a 433Mhz SDR, receiving input from a cheap wireless weather sensor (GT-WT-01). |
MMM-uptimerobot | mrVragec | Display monitor data (online/offline detection) from https://uptimerobot.com/. |
MMM-uptimekuma | MikeBishop | Display monitor data (online/offline detection) from selfhosted https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma. |
MMM-AuthenticatedUptimeKuma | totoluto | Display monitor data from selfhosted https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma. Uses token authentication and does not need a public status page like MMM-uptimekuma. There are also more styling options and different values can be displayed. |
MMM-UserPresenceToMQTT | olexs | Publish USER_PRESENCE from PIR or motion detector modules to MQTT, allowing to use the mirror as a smart home presence sensor. |
MMM-VartaESS | deg0nz | Displays data from Varta Energy Storage Systems and can be used as data source for MMM-EnergyMonitor. |
MMM-ValuesByNotification | Tom-Hirschberger | Display the values of messages of notifications. Titles, icons, reformatting and parsing are supported. |
MMM-vCard2Calendar | n-gao | Enables you to display birthdays from a contacts via a vCard. |
MMM-VietNamEventsCalendar | phungorquan | Display your google calendar, VietNam or your country events and your personal events. |
MMM-WasteCollectionWuerzburg | mercredo | Keep track of Würzburg (and surrounding areas) waste collection dates so you know when to put your garbage out. |
MMM-WatchDog | MichMich | Keeps an eye on your UI and quits app in case the UI crashes. If you combine this with the PM2 process manager, MM2 will automaticly restart after a UI failure. |
MMM-Wattvision | vincep5 | Displays energy consumption from Wattvision. |
MMM-WestBerksBinDay | hdurdle | Displays next refuse and recycling collections for West Berkshire (UK) houses based on Unique Property Reference Number. |
MMM-WebView | Iketaki | Embed any web pages by using a webview instead of an iframe. |
MMM-Whoshome | YedidiaKlein | Get info about who is home, based on ping to cell phone. Like Mrs. Weasley clock. |
MMM-Widget | ulrichwisser | Inserting, evaluating, excuting external web widgets on MM. |
MMM-WiFiPassword | TeraTech | Displays WiFi password and QRCode. |
MMM-WS281X-Server | c0d3rpu55y | Have ws2812 LEDs on your mirror with RPI-WS2812-Server. |
MMM-Xdg-Open | cybex-dev | Opens a file, URL, etc using default applications for a particular MIME, all done by using the Notification Mechanism. |
MMM-xiaomi | mirko3000 | Integrate temperature and humidity from your xiaomi smarthome system. |
MMM-Yeelight | Slamet PS | Display the status of Yeelight bulbs in your local network. |
MMM-YouLess2 | Eckonator | This module reads from a YouLess energy meter in your network to display a gauge of realtime energy usage information. It´s a optimized fork from QNimbus first module. |
MMM-YouLess | QNimbus | This module reads from a YouLess energy meter in your network to display realtime energy usage information. |
MMM-YouTubeWebView | doctorfree | Embed YouTube videos and playlists using the Electron webview tag rather than an iframe. May assist access to YouTube videos blocked in an iframe. |
mmm-zabbix-alerts | Spectroman | Show the status of triggers from Zabbix via API calls. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-1-Second-A-Day | GaryLChew and Kyle-Stadelmann | Record daily 1-second-clips and automatically generate a 1-second-a-day video of your life. |
MM-Adventskalender | ChrisF1976 | Simple advent calendar. New in 2024. Will be updated in 2025. |
mmm-amazon-photos | sthuber90 | Amazon Photos as background images. |
MMM-AmLich | CuongNV | Am Lich - Lunar Date - Vietnamese Language. |
MMM-AoC | JonasTriki | Displays a private leaderboard in Advent of Code. |
MMM-ApexLegends | retroflex | Shows stats (level, kills and global rank) for players of Apex Legends. |
MMM-APOD | Grena | Display the last Astronomy Picture Of the Day (APOD). This is an evolution of MMM-nasaastropic. Supports image and video and display title, description and copyright. |
MMM-Astrology | Cowboysdude | Displays daily, weekly or monthly horoscopes for MM2. |
MMM-AvfallshentingOslo | Blixhavn | Show the next waste pickup dates for any address in Oslo, Norway. |
MMM-BackgroundSlideshow | darickc | Show fullscreen slideshow in background from images in a local folder. Great for a photo frame. |
MMM-bernwordclock | splattner | Displays a Word Clock written in the Swiss German dialect of Bern. |
MMM-BinaryClock | Nikobix | Simple Binary Clock. |
MMM-BirdOfTheDay | cgillinger | Displays a new bird every day with a photo, name, and interesting facts. Powered by the Nuthatch API by Last Elm Software, it's perfect for bird enthusiasts or anyone who wants to bring a touch of nature to their MagicMirror setup. |
MMM-Birthday | cgillinger | Celebrate birthdays with animated fireworks and confetti effects. |
MMM-Birthdays | dennisklad | Show a table of upcoming birthdays for a list of people you provided. Nice not to forget birthdays. |
MMM-BlaguesAPI | pcurt | Show french jokes from the BlaguesAPI https://www.blagues-api.fr. |
MMM-BrawlStars | retroflex | Shows stats (level, trophies and victories) for players of mobile game Brawl Stars. |
MMM-Brewdog | jsteel715 | Displays information about beers available from Brewdog. |
MMM-Bob-Ross | Veldrovive | Spice up your life with a happy little painting and video of the man himself. |
MMM-BoredDaily | CptMeetKat | Display ideas for when you're bored to keep your boring life fresh. |
MMM-Canteen | KristjanESPERANTO | Show meals from canteens (Germany and Switzerland). |
MMM-CECControl | Nischi | Send Notification to this module to turn TV over HDMI on or off. |
MMM-Chess-Daily | nout-kleef | Display your chess.com games on your mirror (chess skills optional!). |
MMM-Chuck-Norris | Todd Santoro | Displays a random Chuck Norris fact using a free public API. |
MMM-CivitAI | andoramb | Display AI generated images from CivitAI. |
MMM-ClashofClans-Player | AdmiralMurtho | This module show you the name, trophies and clan of an player. |
MMM-Clash-Royale | ian | Display random Clash Royale decks. |
MMM-ClashRoyaleChests | chicohernando | This will show you your upcoming chests to open in ClashRoyale. |
MMM-Clockinese | Mykle1 | A simple analog clock module using Chinese numbers. |
MMM-CloneWarsQuotes | macd2point0 | Display a random intro quote from The Clone Wars television series, seasons 1-6. |
MM-concert-calendar | muilpp | Shows concerts around you of the bands you listen to the most. |
MMM-Confucius-say | jttaylor | Displays some funny Confucius say quotes. |
MMM-Cookidoo | ChrisF1976 | Displays recipes for the Thermomix. |
MMM-CountUP | bibaldo | Shows a progressive counter from a specific date. |
MMM-CoupleDays | wiesty | Display the number of days, weeks, months, and years since a specified date, serving as a romantic reminder for couples 💌. Can also be used for Birthdays 📆. |
MMM-Cronixie | timophey | Virtual model of physical Cronixie (Led Nixie) clock. |
MMM-CyanideHappiness | werthdavid | Displays the daily Cyanide&Happiness Comic. |
MMM-Dad-Jokes | brucetony | Simple display of dad jokes from icanhazdadjoke.com. |
MMM-DailyACVillager | Nickiroo | Displays a random AC villager with a picture and some traits. Inspired by MMM-DailyPokemon. |
MMM-DailyDilbert | andrecarlucci | Displays the daily Dilbert strip. |
MMM-DailyPokemon | NolanKingdon | Displays a random Pokemon, it's type, and stats daily. |
DailyXKCD | Blastitt | Displays the daily XKCD web comic. |
MMM-DateOnly | grabenhenrich | Shows the date without a clock (if you have one in another place). |
MMM-DigClock | justjim1220 | modified defult clock showing only the digital part. |
MMM-DigitalAlarmClock | justjim1220 | A vintage-style Digital Alarm Clock integrating MMM-DigClock and MMM-AlarmClock. |
MMM-Dreambox | Ax-LED | Connect a Dreambox or a Enigma2 Receiver (like VU or VU+) to MagicMirror² and stream stations via omxplayer. |
mmm-dropbox | michael5r | Takes images from a Dropbox folder, scales & formats them nicely, and then displays them in organized rows. |
MMM-DropboxPictures | MMRIZE | Presenting Pictures from Dropbox (Successor of MMM-DropboxWallpaper). |
MMM-EasyPix | KristjanESPERANTO | The easiest way to show pictures on your mirror. |
MMM-EventHorizon | Mykle1 | Simple countdown timer for events. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, vacations, etc. |
MMM-EveryNews | themox | Over 30,000 News sources! Up to 10 at once. Simplified addition to your config entry. |
MMM-EventSearch | ChrisF1976 | Fetches and displays event information using the SerpAPI to search for events based on a given query. |
MMM-EyeCandy | Mykle1 | Add some EyeCandy to your mirror. You can even choose your own local images or internet images. |
MMM-FF-digital-rain | shin10 | Wake up, $USER... A module giving you the cyberpunk feeling in the morning that you deserve. The Matrix has you... |
MMM-FF-Evan-Roth-Red-Lines | shin10 | Display Evan Roth's artwork "Red Lines" (2018) and participate in it's p2p ring. If you wonder what it is or why it's important, head to www.redlines.network or check out installations and talks on youtube. |
MMM-FF-Genius-Lyrics | shin10 | This module complements the MMM-Spotify module and listens for it's song info notifications to automatically fetch the lyrics for the currently playing song. API key required. |
MMM-FF-tenor-gif | shin10 | Display random gifs by topic from tenor. API key required. |
MMM-FF-XKCD | shin10 | Show latest, random or your favourite XKCD comic. Navigate by events and read on where you left yesterday. |
MMM-Fireworks | ChrisF1976 | Shows a firework animation on your Mirror. |
MMM-FMI | Mykle1 | Find My iPhone tells you the location of your iPhone and sends loud, beeping tones, even when muted. |
MMM-Face-Reco-DNN | Nischi | All new version of Face Recognition with Open CV 4.1 and Deep Neural Network. |
MMM-Faces | njwilliams | Yet Another Facial Recognition system, with admin tooling to make all the AI/ML easy to maintain and supporting hardware acceleration. |
MMM-Face-Recognition-SMAI | EbenKouao | This module allows you to access profiles using face recognition. This works on the back of OpenCV face recognition module. Program this script to control applicances e.g. Smart Plugs, or lights based on an individual's face profile being recognized. |
MMM-Face-Multi-User-Recognition-SMAI | jimbydude | This is a fork of Ebens module above. This version can handle multi-user and uses MMM-Face-Reco-DNN to hide/show modules based on user logged in. |
MMM-Facial-Recognition | PaViRo | Facial recognition and module swapping based on the current user. |
MMM-Fish | nigel-daniels | Shows a fish every day, fish is good for you :) |
MMM-Flickr | kapsolas | Load last 20 images posted to user's Flickr photostream to mirror and animate them. API key required. |
MMM-FlipClock | MarcLandis | A classic flip clock that is powered by the awesome flip plugin. |
MMM-Fortnite | retroflex | Shows Fortnite players' stats (score, matches played and kills). |
MMM-FSAPI | MarcLandis | Show what is playing on your Frontier Silicon powered radio. |
MMM-FunnyHolidays | Mattileh | Shows Today's and Tomorrow's "funny" holidays around world (datasource <www.webcal.fi>). |
MMM-germanwordclock | alexBeuth | Displays a Word Clock written in German. |
MMM-Globe | Eunanibus | Displays a rotating globe constructed of Hexadecimal shapes specifically formatted to look great on a MagicMirror. |
MMM-Globe | LukeSkywalker92 | Displays live image of our planet. |
MMM-GoogleDriveSlideShow | clegallic | Slideshow of photos stored in Google Drive. |
MMM-GooglePhotos | hermanho | Image gallery or wallpaper with your Google Photos account. |
MMM-GoogleCast | ferferga | See what's playing in your Google Cast device. |
MMM-Halloween | SLFaleiro | 🎃 Adds a spooky Halloween theme to your display by animating ghosts across the screen. |
MMM-HappyHours | aleckeller | Find and display local happy hours. |
MMM-History | Cowboysdude | Displays History that happened on today's date. |
MMM-HolidayLights | justjim1220 | Modified from cowboydude's MMM-Xmas for different holidays, events, et.al. |
MMM-horoscope | MMM-horoscope | Displays Daily Horoscope. |
MMM-HumanCalendar | Mykle1 | A different kind of calendar. |
MMM-HumanClock | Mykle1 | A different kind of clock. |
MMM-Insults | Mykle1 | Alternative to the compliments module. |
MMM-IronManGIF | 2hdlockness | Nice gifs on the theme of "IronMan". |
MMM-ISS-Live | KristjanESPERANTO | Displays live video from the International Space Station. |
MMM-ISS-Map | karsten13 | Displays current position of the International Space Station on a map. |
MMM-ISS | daterrell | Display International Space Station fly-overs in your area. |
MMM-ITCH-IO | Xanthus1 | Displays recently featured and highly rated free games from https://itch.io. |
MMM-ImageFileWatcher | basknol | Displays an image for a period of time when added/uploaded to a directory. |
MMM-ImageSlideshow | mihanich | Displays images one-at-a-time from local folders. |
MMM-ImagesPhotos | roramirez | Show images and photos. |
MMM-Inspirobot | JonathanAndersonPE-GitHub | Displays AI generated inspirational images from Inspirobot.me. |
MMM-Instagram2020 | AlexanderSalter | Display your Instagram photos and comments. It makes use of the new Facebook Instagram Graph API. |
MMM-InstagramView | doctorfree | Display your Instagram photos, videos, multiple media postings, and post description. Makes use of the Facebook Instagram Graph API. |
MMM-JEOPARDY-Enhanced | fering3 | Discover a treasure trove of over 156,800 meticulously crafted clues and answers from the show, ensuring endless entertainment and excitement. |
MMM-JewishDate | yohaybn | This module displays the current Jewish date. |
MMM-jokes | aegis1980 | Load random jokes from the web. |
MMM-Kanji-Random | njwilliams | Show a random Kanji. |
MMM-KudaGo | polarbearjngl | Can show upcoming events (concerts, theater plays, exhibitions and etc.), that collected from KudaGo. |
MMM-kudos | thomo | Compliment clone - allows to define when (at which hour) the used kudo(compliment) subset will change and you can define further subsets - up to one for each hour. |
MMM-Lastfm | RineshRamadhin | Displays the Last.fm scrobble currently playing. Supports Spotify, YouTube, Tidal, SoundCloud, MixCloud and many others. |
MMM-learnlanguage | theKampany | Learn a (new foreign language) word every time you look in the mirror. |
MMM-Letterboxd | tristanburke | Display recent Letterbox reviews from a list of users. |
MMM-lichess-daily | tonymorris | The lichess.org daily puzzle. |
MMM-LiveLyrics | Fabrizz | Show the lyrics of your current Spotify track. Connects to MMM-OnSpotify, customizable everything! |
MMM-LocalEvents | dwoolridge | Upcoming events in your city from G**gle. Could be an update to the "Eventful API". Modular so additional event providers can be added. |
MMM-LOTR-Quotes | Jay Lingelbach | Displays random Lord of the rings quotes. |
MMM-LunarDate | MMRIZE | Displays the lunar date of today (Chinese Zodiac). |
MMM-MagicSuperHero | Lavve | Shows super heroes on your mirror. |
MMM-MD | AndreaGrandieri | Write Markdown. Render it on the MagicMirror². |
MMM-MTG | crisvdn | Fetches a random MTG card on a configured interval and displays this. |
MMM-Mensamuc | wiesty | Display daily menu 🍔🥕 information from the canteens of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern as well as some other canteens. |
MMM-Minigjenbruksstasjon | Blixhavn | Show opening hours for mobile recycling stations in Oslo, Norway. API free, so if it looks intresting, check to see if you can use it for your city too! |
MMM-Mopidy-MPD | c0d3rpu55y | Uses MPD to show the state and playlist of your music player. Fork of MMM-MPD but restyled and additional with volume level and played time. |
MMM-MP3Player | x3mEr | Play music from folder. It's a remade asimhsidd's MMM-MP3Player module. |
MMM-MealieMenu | zanix | Displays a weekly meal menu from the Mealie recipe management app. |
MMM-MealieShoppingList | btoconnor | Displays your Mealie shopping list. |
MMM-Meniny | andersarstrand | Display Swedish name of day. |
MMM-MinecraftStatus | ralberth | Player status of Minecraft server. |
MMM-MotionControl | Nischi | Control HDMI TV if some movement are detected from 3rd Party modules. |
MMM-MovieInfo | fewieden | Display information about upcoming movies (title, cover, genre, rating, plot) or discover movies with custom filters. |
MMM-MovieListings | Tueti | Displays the currently airing top movies in theaters around you. |
MMM-MplayerRadio | Tom-Hirschberger | Play m3u radio streams. Controllable by touch and notification. |
MMM-MPRIS2-WebSocket | buxxi | Displays current playing media on a remote machine with a MPRIS2 capable player. |
MMM-mumble | TPWSOS | Display users currently connected on the mumble server (murmur). |
MMM-MusicButler | jrettsch | Displays new music releases from tracked artists on musicbutler.io. |
MMM-MyMinecraft | framboise-pi | Displays Minecraft server(s) informations. |
MMM-MyTraktSeries | TheVieiraAkA | Display your show's watch progress in a private list in your trakt.tv account. |
MMM-MyVideoPlayer | justjim1220 | A video player with buttons to select a video to play. |
MMM-NameDay | RichieCZ | Nameday module (multiple countries). |
MMM-Namnsdag | Menturan | Displays Swedish name of the day. |
MMM-NatureCalendar | Mykle1 | Simple calendar. Optional Rotating Nature Scenes. Optional color schemes. 17 different languages. |
MMM-next-episode | Pierre Gode | Display your upcomming show's and movies from your next-episode account. |
MMM-Nixie-Clock | Nikobix | Simple virtual Nixie Clock. |
MMM-nixie-clock | Isaac-the-Man | Retro nixie clock display. |
MMM-OddEven | daterrell | Shows something on odd, even, or both, days. |
MMM-OneDrive | hermanho | Display your photos from Microsoft OneDrive. |
MMM-OnlineImagesViewer | NicholasRasi | Displays images from online URLs, useful for showing images from webcams. |
MMM-OnSpotifyDude | mezderman | The Dude from The Big Lebowski providing some laid-back commentary on the currently playing song on Spotify. Using OpenAI LLM. |
on-this-day | elliefairholm | Make mirrors great again (?): a daily historical fact. |
MM-orrery | hoyski | Display all of the planets and their current positions relative to the sun. |
MMM-Overwatch | retroflex | Shows stats for Overwatch players. |
MMM-PandorasMirror | spelinski | Streaming Pandora music. |
MMM-PaprikaMenu | kaelspencer | Displays a weekly meal menu from the Paprika Recipe Manager app. |
MMM-MagicReplicator | ivlovric | Recipes collection as cards from local file or Paprika. |
MMM-parrot-or-gif | tjmnmk | Displays a parrot GIF or any other GIF on the screen. The GIF can be shown continuously or at specific intervals. |
MMM-PenPlotter | jbamford | Render mesmerizing line animations on your mirror. |
MMM-PetFinder | PhantomOffKanagawa | All types of pets for adoption. Cat, dog, bird, horse, rabbit, reptile, smallfurry, barnyard. |
MMM-piwigo-photo-wheel | nsieg | Display photos downloaded from a Piwigo photo library instance. |
MMM-PlexNowPlaying | glitch452 | Displays the list of playback sessions for a Plex Media Server. |
planetrise | croxis | Display the rise and set times of the planets. |
MMM-PlexSlideshow | PJTewkesbury-GitHub | Displays images in the background one at a time, pulling the images from a PLEX Media Server. |
MMM-Podcast2 | Ax-LED | This module can stream the video of 100 Sekunden Tagesschau by using omxplayer. It can be controlled by MM notification system. |
MMM-Podcast | PtrBld | This module can show/hide a video downloaded from a Podcast or a private server (needs static file path). At the moment you can only display the video by clicking a button (use the MMM-Button module). |
MMM-PopulationClock | Mykle1 | Live World Population Clock. |
MMM-PokemonGOEvents | bigfoott | Displays current or upcoming Pokemon GO Events. Event data is scraped from LeekDuck. |
MMM-profile | Kurtern84 | A simple module to show a profilpicture with your name and wheater report. |
MMM-Pure-Snow | ptornhult | Another snow plugin to improve your winter experience. |
MMM-Quiz | Dennis-Rosenbaum | Add a multiple choice quiz. Random questions are loaded usng the Trivia API. |
MMM-quote-of-the-day | Sispheor | Show a random quote from an online collection of quotations by authors, celebrities, and newsmakers. Multi language supported. |
MMM-Quotable | dfanica | Display random quotes using the Quotable API. Filters quotes by max length and tags. |
MagicMirror-QuoteCatalog | salpar | Displays a random quote from various movies, books, and people. |
MMM-RandomPhoto | skuethe | Load a random photo from picsum. Originally by diego-vieira, now with support for local paths and NextCloud shares. |
MMM-RandomYouTubePlayer | justjim1220 | Load a playlist into a YouTube player, AND shuffle the videos in the playlist. |
MMM-Recyclecollection | Tom Dierckx | Display trashcollection days from DIFTAR service in Belgium. |
MMM-rbtv-sendeplan | juliankern | Displays the live timetable of the German pop culture TV/Streaming channel RocketBeansTV. |
MMM-Recipe | Cowboysdude | Displays a new recipe everyday. |
MMM-Reddit | kjb085 | Displays top level content from Reddit in either headlines or image based display types. |
MMM-Reddito | bittiez | Shows specified subreddits(Text only), can have multiple instances. |
MMM-RedditKarma | rcberg3 | A simple module to display user karma from Reddit.com. |
MMM-Rijks | 73cirdan | Show exhibits of the Rijks Museum. |
MMM-RottenTomatoes | AdamMoses-GitHub | Displays the Rotten Tomatoes meter score for the current box office and movies coming soon. |
MMM-RocketLeagueZ | Zeprakadebra | Displays Rocket League Stats. |
MMM-S3Photos | uphillcheddar | Displays images from AWS S3, comes with setup script to set up AWS resources. Addtional features include MMM-Selfieshot uploads, photo attributations and various layout options. |
MMM-SearchLight | Mykle1 | Screensaver. |
MMM-Screencast | kevinatown | Cast a video from your phone to your mirror (currently can only cast YouTube). |
MMM-ScriptScheduler | ralberth | Run a set of command-line scripts on a cron schedule and display an icon to differentiate. |
MMM-Scrobbler | PtrBld | Display the current playing song from Spotify, ITunes and Co. |
MMM-SimpleText | SaltyRiver | Simple and plain text module with some minor formatting options. Can also display content from text files with multiple lines. |
MMM-slamfm-playing-now | ngnijland | Show what's currently playing now on the dutch radio station Slam!. |
MMM-Snake | superuserx | Play the retro game Snake on your mirror using your smartphone. |
MMM-Snow | MichMich | More realistic snow plugin to improve your winter experience. |
MMM-SolarPicture | Grena | Display the last Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) picture. |
MMM-Space | grabenhenrich | Adds vertical space (as HTML div) between modules. |
MMM-SpaceX | koxm | Show the previous and upcoming launches of SpaceX rockets. |
MMM-Spotify | skuethe | Spotify Controller - with device and account switch buttons, easy volume change via touch and much more. |
MMM-SpotifyConnectUI | CatoAntonsen | Display information from Spotify Connect e.g. cover, artist and track information. |
MMM-SpotifyHelper | victor-paumier | Add events to MMM-Spotify to manage volume and playlists. |
MMM-SteamPlaytime | buxxi | Displays time spent on games on Steam for a specific user. |
MMM-SpotifyReleases | Ruud14 | Displays the latest releases from your favorite spotify artists. |
MMM-stoic-quotes | pal-thomassen | Display a stoic quote at a given interval or time of day. |
MMM-TautulliActivity | derekn | Displays the currently playing Plex stream activity from Tautulli. |
MMM-text-clock | ngnijland | A clock which shows the time as text. |
MMM-TextPerWeek | retroflex | Shows a different text each week. |
MMM-TheSpaceDevs | AlexMNet | Display upcoming rocket launch data from TheSpaceDevs API in a table or detail view. |
MMM-TimeTreeEvent | sabo10o29 | Shows your TimeTree event. |
MMM-tns | JulienPeloton | Display latest new astronomical transients from TNS such as supernova candidates. |
MMM-Trakt | Kiina | Display your upcoming Shows from your trakt.tv account. |
MMM-TvheadendDVR | CreepinJesus | Show your upcoming Tvheadend recordings. |
MMM-TweetsByTimelineOrList | AdamMoses-GitHub | Displays tweets a few at a time from a user's home timeline or list. |
MMM-TwitchAlert | WilliamFitzjohn | Get notified when your favourite Twitch streamers go live. |
MMM-TwitterTrendsByPlace | AdamMoses-GitHub | Displays the Twitter Trending Topics for a given place or city, as well as showing the tweet volume for each topic. |
MMM-social-counter | ngnijland | Displays the follower count of a Twitter user of choice. |
PlutoTime | croxis | Display the next time on a clear morning or evening that you can go outside and experience the brightness of high noon on Pluto. |
random_quotes | KirAsh4 | Display random quotes from brainyquote. |
MMM-RandomQuotes | Jacopo1891 | Display a random quote from various authorship using Ninjas API. |
MMM-SimpleBackgroundSlideshow | muhammedsaidckr | Display a simple, customizable background slideshow. |
MMM-teamspeak3 | Thlb | Display client list of a Teamspeak3 server. |
twitControl | Blastitt | Display your Twitter feed. |
MMM-Udvaronc | balassy | Displays Hungarian compliments from Uvaronc. |
MMM-Unsplash | parnic | Display a random image from Unsplash categories. |
MMM-UselessFacts | Dawi | Display a random useless fact (eng/ger). |
MMM-VideoPlayer | Asimsidd | Playing video from any device on the same network. |
MMM-Videoplayer | Snille | Play a video file (from local folder or internet) in any region. The module will pause the video when hidden and resume when shown. You can also pause and play by using notifications. |
MMM-VocabularyTrainer | fewieden | Learn new languages on your MagicMirror². |
MMM-Volume | Anonym-tsk | Control volume of MagicMirror². |
MMM-volumio-playing | mrdis | Displays what a Volumio device is currently playing. |
WallberryTheme | delightedCrow | Re-themes MagicMirror² to look like a beautiful digital photo wall display. It adds a new font, styles, redesigned clock and weather displays, and rotating background image pulled from unsplash.com. |
MMM-WebHookAlerts | PJTewkesbury-GitHub | Displays HTTP POST webhook notifications on screen and supports templates for alert message formatting. |
MMM-Wallpaper | kolbyjack | Rotates through wallpapers from Bing or Reddit. |
MMM-Wallpaper | jupadin | Display images from Unsplash as wallpapers. |
MMM-Worldclock | ulrichwisser | Display local time of several locations. Fully supported and updated. |
MMM-XKCD | jupadin | Displays either the daily XKCD comic or a random XKCD comic. |
MMM-yijv | jdonge | Instead of default compliments with classical poems, just supports Chinese. 随机产生一句古诗词。. |
MMM-YouTube-API | C4TFLY | Enables easy integration of YouTube videos. |
MMM-YouTube-Live-Stream | ngnijland | Check if a YouTube channel if streaming. If it is, it plays the live stream. |
MMM-YT-SubCount | choffmann | Show the subscription from Youtube Channel. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-ApothekenNotdienst | KristjanESPERANTO | Display pharmacies that are on emergency duty in Germany. |
MMM-Breathwork | Yash | Quick Breathing Exercise to calm you down. |
MMM-DailyJuice | BerkSmash1984 | Displays a random juice recipe daily, including the image, title, and ingredients. |
MMM-GoogleFit | fry0815 | Display google fit daily step count and weights. |
MMM-Hevy | wathmal | Display strength training workout details and muscle split from Hevy workout tracker App. |
MMM-JustForTodayMeditation | LeftBrainCreated | Displays today's NA "Just For Today" Header. |
MMM-Nightscout | bureus | Keep track of blood glucose levels with ease. |
MMM-OneTouchReveal | Canonip | Keep track of blood glucose levels measured with your LifeScan OneTouch Glucose Meter. |
MMM-Oura | erchenger | Allows you to see last night's sleep data from your Oura sleep tracker. WIP. |
MMM-Oura2 | themox | A more detailed Oura data display including readiness scores and heart rate data. |
MMM-Pregnancy | bibaldo | Allows you to get instant info of your developing pregnancy. |
MMM-SugarValue | balharrie | Displays last reading from your Dexcom G6 via the share API. |
MMM-WaterReminder | thiagomides | A simple Water Reminder Module. |
Title | Author | Description |
MMM-Bengali | ethanwang4 | Cyclically displays Bengali Words and Bengali Pronunciations with English Translations. |
MMM-BirdNET | Brian Hepler | Display submissions to BirdNET, Cornell University's machine learning project to identify birds by their song. |
MMM-Canvas | Chase Cromwell | Display upcoming assignments from Canvas LMS platform. |
MMM-eswordoftheday | Dan Windsor | Display a Spanish word of the day along with translations and example sentences. |
MMM-Facts | Alan Shen | Displays some interesting facts! Makes your mirror look like an RPG loading screen. |
MMM-FF-cht-sh | shin10 | Display random or your most treasured cheat sheets and learn something new while you have your cup of coffee. |
MMM-Hanzi | TD | Learn Chinese Hanzi characters directly on your MagicMirror². This module rotates between a configurable number of characters. |
MMM-Planetarium | MMRIZE | Make your mirror to a Planetarium. |
MMM-PL_WOTD | mjb527 | Displays a Polish word of the day with examples and the English translations. |
MMM-Skola24 | retroflex | Shows this week's school timetable from the Swedish school system Skola24. |
MMM-Webuntis | HeikoGr | It allows you to display your kids' canceled and irregular lessons for schools using Untis software to organize school's timetables. |
MMM-WordGenius | drventure | Displays the WordGenius.com word of the day along with its part of speech, pronunciation, definition, and occasionally, its origin. |
MMM-WordOfTheDay | jmwyds | Displays the Merriam-Webster word of the day along with its part of speech, pronunciation, definition, and an example. |
MMM-wordnik | Vendittelli | Get the word of the day, its definition, and origin. |
MMM-WOTD | mumblebaj | Yet another word of the day module. The special feature of this module is that you can select multiple languages and it will display as a carousel. |
List of modules that are abandoned, deprecated, not working, or that are obsolete.
Title | Author | Description | State |
MMM-Admin-Interface | ItayXD | An interface to manage your MagicMirror. | Abandoned. No updates since years. But may still work. |
MMM-alertRsensoralerts | sqall01 | Displays alertR sensor alerts on the mirror. | Abandoned. No updates since years. But may still work. |
MMM-Astronauts | Mykle1 | A rotation of astronauts that are currently in space and the spacecraft they are on. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-ATM | Mykle1 | Another Trivia Module? Really? | Abandoned. Developer is no longer active. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-awesome-alexa | dolanmiu | Easy, hands free Amazon Alexa integration; activated, simply by saying "Alexa". | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. The documentation currently available does not work any more (#3398). |
MMM-BMI | Mykle1 | Body Mass Index Calculator. For those seeking separation or divorce. | Abandoned. Developer is no longer active. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-BMW-CC | Mykle1 | Weather designed for bottom bar position, now using the ClimaCell API. | Abandoned. The API endpoint changed. This module needs updated, but the author is inactive. |
MMM-BMWConnected | jannekalliola | Displays information about your BMW from the BMW Connected Drive API. | Abandoned. No longer works. Successor is MMM-MyBMW. Repo has been archived at 2024-04-05. |
MMM-BMW-DS | Mykle1 | Weather designed for bottom bar position. | Deprecated. DarkSky API no longer works since 2023-03-31. |
MMM-BMW-OW | Mykle1 | Weather designed for bottom bar position, now using the OpenWeather API. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
calendar_monthly | KirAsh4 | Display a compact monthly calendar view. | Abandoned. No updates since years. But may still work. |
MMM-CARDS | Mykle1 | Play 5 Card Stud Poker against your mirror. | Abandoned. Developer is no longer active. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-Census | Mykle1 | World Population and demographics, by age and sex, or by individual country. 1950 - 2100. | Abandoned. The API endpoint changed. There is a PR to fix that, but the author is inactive. |
MMM-chuck-joke | bunnymc | A module that displays randomly one of ~600 Chuck Norris jokes. | Abandoned. No updates since years. But may still work. |
MMM-Climacell-Hourly | Mykle1 | Hourly weather designed for bottom bar position using the Climacell API. | Abandoned. Developer is no longer active. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-Cocktails | Mykle1 | How to make all kinds of mixed drinks - Instructions, ingredients and images. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-Coinbase | mlbonniec | Display your Bitcoin Coinbase balance. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2023-07-26. |
MMM-COVID19 | bibaldo | Keep track of Corona Virus (COVID-19) cases via rapidapi API. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. |
MMM-covid19 | 0m4r | Live covid19 numbers provided via https://covid19api.com/. | Deprecated. API no longer works. |
MMM-COVID19-AMPEL | magic21nrw | German Ampel for Incidence Value for your City. | Deprecated. API no longer works. |
MMM-Covid19-Vaccination | fhinder | Keep track of the covid19 vaccination progress for Germany/German states. | Obsolete, no new data since 2022-04-27. |
MMM-covid19uk-stats | blighter | This module displays a table of the 5 latest statistics for COVID-19 New Vaccinations as published by the UK Government. | Obsolete, no new data since 2022-05-20. |
MMM-CountDown | boazarad | Display a count down to a date/event. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. Try MMM-CountDown by daterrell instead. |
MMM-cryptocoin | kodejak | A module that displays one or more cryptocoins e.g. BTC, ETC, DASH, ... . | Abandoned. No updates since years. But may still work. |
MMM-DailyAlarm | eouia | Daily recurrent event alarms. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2020-06-10. |
MMM-darksky-hourly | JacquesCedric | Hourly weather and precipitation pulled from DarkSky. | Deprecated. DarkSky API no longer works since 2023-03-31. |
MMM-DarkSkyRadar | vincep5 | Display a radar map from DarkSky. | Deprecated. DarkSky API no longer works since 2023-03-31. |
MMM-DarkSkyForecast | jclarke0000 | A weather module that displays current, hourly and daily forecast information using data from the Dark Sky API. | Deprecated. DarkSky API no longer works since 2023-03-31. |
MMM-Discogs | mboskamp | Display a random release from your discogs.com music collection. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2022-08-26. |
MMM-Domoticz-ext | goedh452 | A highly configurable module for displaying domoticz information and performing actions on Domoticz. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2023-07-05. |
MMM-Dribbble | marcobiedermann | Display the latest popular dribbble shots. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2023-10-24. |
MMM-DropboxWallpaper | Mong-ni | Show photos from Dropbox as wallpaper. |
Successor is MMM-DropboxPictures. |
MMM-EARTH | Mykle1 | Watch the sunlit side of Earth as it rotates. | Abandoned. Developer is no longer active. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-EARTH-Live | Mykle1 | Live video of the Earth from the International Space Station. | Abandoned. The URL to fetch the video doesn't work anymore. The author is inactive. |
MMM-Earthquake | Mykle1 | The probability of an earthquake in your city. You'll be surprised! | Deprecated. API is disabled. |
email-mirror | ronny3050 | Display incoming emails. | Abandoned. No updates since years. But may still work. |
MMM-EOL | Mykle1 | The Encyclopedia of Life. | Abandoned. Developer is no longer active. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-Events | Mykle1 | Upcoming events in your city. Concerts, Performances, Comedy Shows, Sporting Events, Theatre, Exhibits, Art Galleries, Museums, Festivals, Food & Drink and many more. | Deprecated. Eventful API discontinued. This module needs updated. |
MMM-FAA-Delay | nigel-daniels | Display information published by the FAA on delays and weather conditions at some US airports. | Deprecated. API changed (look at issue 3). |
MMM-Facial-Recognition-OCV3 | normyx | Modified version of MMM-Facial-Recognition that works with OpenCV 3.3+, where training tools is merge in one project and code simplifications. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. |
MMM-fbPageCounter | eouia | 'Likes' counter of Facebook page. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2022-06-20. |
MMM-FiElectricityPrice | jannekalliola | Display Finnish electricity prices from Nord Pool. | Deprecated. Use MMM-EUElectricityPrice instead. Repo has been archived at 2024-10-30. |
MMM-FinParcel | jesmak | Track packages from Finnish Posti and/or Matkahuolto. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2024-01-22. |
MMM-FlightRadarTracker | jesmak | Track nearby planes based on Flightradar24 data. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2024-01-22. |
mmm-food2fork-recipes | Spectroman | Fetches one recipe type per day from food2fork API and display as a small menu. | Deprecated. food2fork API isn't reachable anymore. |
MMM-forecast-io | dmcinnes | Display weather based on forecast API (DarkSky). | Deprecated. DarkSky API no longer works since 2023-03-31. |
MMM-Fortune | Mykle1 | A fortune cookie for your MagicMirror². | Abandoned. And API is down. |
MMM-GoogleAssistant | gauravsacc | Google Assistant integration using python library. Activated using hotword 'Ok Google'. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. |
MMM-Glance | eouia | Show specific module(s) and hide others for a some time by notification or command. | Archived. Repo has been archived at 2020-06-10. |
MMM-GoogleShoppingList | Gismo150 | Display a Google shoppinglist items. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. |
MMM-GPSWeather | mochman | Display weather from a self-updated GPS Location. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2022-02-27. |
Hello-Lucy | Mykle1 | Hide/Show individual modules and pages of modules with custom audio responses that you create. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. The installation instructions do not work with up-to-date systems. |
mm-hide-all | masters1222 | Hide all modules on your screen. | Abandoned. No updates since years. But may still work. |
MMM-HTTPRequestDisplay | Eunanibus | Display XML data from a HTTP response. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. |
MMM-iFrame | alberttwong | A simple way to add an iFrame of any web content. Supports multiple URLs and will rotate between them. Works with static pages or streams like Nest Cam, D-Link Cameras, Twitch.tv, YouTube and more. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2024-18-24. |
MMM-Instagram | kapsolas | Load the images from a users Instagram feed. The images are displayed on the mirror and animated. API key required. | Deprecated. Doesn't work anymore. Checkout issue 17. |
MMM-ISS | Mykle1 | Know when the International Space Station is visible from your location. Can be seen with the naked eye. | Abandoned. Developer is no longer active. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-json-feed | amcolash | Display data from any JSON source. | Deprecated. Repo has been archived at 2020-08-03. |
iFrame | desertblade | A simple way to add an iFrame of any web content. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2019-03-08. |
MMM-Koket-by-Sodexo | Alvinger | Replaced by MMM-Mashie-Skolmat! Show school lunch menus from Köket by Sodexo (based on MMM-Skolmaten with different source for menus). | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2020-12-10. |
MMM-Launch | Mykle1 | Ever wonder just how often mankind is launching things into space? Once a year? Twice? WRONG! On a daily basis. Often, several times a day! Don’t believe it? Neither did I. | Abandoned. Developer is no longer active. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-LibrespotJava | l3d00m | Display the song you are currently streaming on your Librespot Java Spotify Speaker. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2023-10-01. |
MMM-LICE | Mykle1 | Live International Currency Exchange. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-Lottery | Mykle1 | Display truly random lottery numbers, coinciding with many International lotteries. | Abandoned. Developer is no longer active. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-Lunartic | Mykle1 | Up to the minute information about our Lunar partner, with a splash of EyeCandy, to boot! | Deprecated. Doesn't work anymore (API is down). |
MMM-MARS | Mykle1 | Mars Exploration Rover missions. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
mmm-moon-phases | spectroman | Show an image of the current moon phase. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2023-10-16. |
MMM-MPD | timjong93 | Uses MPD to show the state and playlist of your music player. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. Use MMM-Mopidy-MPD instead. |
motiondetector | alexyak | Camera based motion detector. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. No installation instructions. |
mm-music-player | masters1222 | Simple player to play your music. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. No installation instructions. It no longer seems to work. |
MMM-mvgmunich | mrVragec | Displays the public transport information for Munich - Germany. | Abandoned. Doesnt' work anymore. No reactions to issues and PRs since years. |
MMM-nagios | qistoph | A MagicMirror² Module for Nagios. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2023-03-09. |
MMM-NASA | Mykle1 | Stunning imagery and information about your universe. Choose from a host of categories. Looks amazing on your mirror! | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-nasaastropic | nebulx29 | Display NASA's astronomy picture of the day. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues and PRs since years. Uses deprecated package 'request'. Use MMM-APOD instead. |
MMM-Netatmo-Thermostat | overflOw11 | Netatmo thermostat module. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. API change and the author no longer has a Netatmo thermostat. |
MMM-NEO | Mykle1 | Near Earth Objects passing by our planet this week. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid! | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-NLDepartureTimes | Travelbacon | Shows departure times of Dutch public transport. Where you can sort on destination and group stops in one stop. Good for hubs where multiple lines and authorities merge, so yo have one stop instead of multiple. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2024-10-14. |
MMM-NOAA3 | cowboysdude | Different providers for users to choose from. Shows current plus 3 day forecast. Mouseover shows forecast, with Air, UV, Humidity, Sunrise and Set. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues and PRs since years. |
MMM-NowPlayingOnAIMP | jesmak | Display the song you are currently listening to on AIMP. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2024-01-22. |
MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify | raywo | Display the song you are currently listening to on Spotify. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Depends on deprecated modules. MMM-OnSpotify is an alternative. |
MMM-NiceHash | mlbonniec | Display your NiceHash projected income and rigs highest temperature. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2023-07-23. |
MMM-NJTransit | dimitrystd | Real-time bus tracking for NJ Transit. | Deprecated. Old API doesn't work anymore. There is a new API, but it's not clear if keys are available. 2023-12-01. |
MMM-OClock | eouia | O-clock inspired by PolarClock Screensaver. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2020-06-10. |
MagicMirror-Olympia-Module | ghlasse | Display the medals for the summer olympics 2016. | Outdated: Only works for Rio 2016 Summer Olympics. |
MMM-PilotWX | Mykle1 | Static or Rotating Weather for Pilots. International ICAO's. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-PLOW | Mykle1 | Pig Latin On Weather! Multiple views in a single module. Driven by Darksky API. | Deprecated. DarkSky API no longer works since 2023-03-31. |
publika | alonsourbano | Display local transport for different regions of Finland (Helsinki, Hämeenlinna, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kajaani, Kotka, Kouvola, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Mikkeli, Tampere, Oulu, Rovaniemi, Turku, Vaasa) | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install used dependency. API not working without API key anymore. |
MMM-Pull | mboskamp | This module enables the user to pull updates for modules and/or MagicMirror² itself via Telegram commands. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2022-08-26. |
MMM-PIR | mboskamp | Another PIR monitoring module that allows you to run custom scripts and integrates MMM-TelegramBot commands. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2022-08-26. |
MMM-PIR-Sensor-Lite | Grena | Managing monitor with PIR motion sensor (automatic standby when presence isn't detected). | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2024-01-10. There seems to be an active fork, but the clone command has not yet been adapted. |
MMM-PIR-Sensor | MarcLandis | This module can monitor a PIR motion sensor and put your mirror to sleep if nobody uses it. | Deprecated. The author no longer works on it and recommends using MMM-Pir instead. |
MMM-PVoutput | mrvanes | Display Solar PV generation and consumption data based on pvoutput.org API. | Abandoned. No updates since years. But may still work. |
MMM-Remote-Control-Repository | MMRIZE | Plugin for MMM-Remote-Control to update installable modules automatically. |
Obsolete. MMM-Remote-Control now updates it's modules.json itself. |
MMM-Ring | DustinBryant | Displays a video stream of your Ring doorbell when someone rings your doorbell. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2022-08-25. |
MMM-RKI-Covid19 | fhinder | RKI-Covid19 data for German counties. | Obsolete, no new data. |
MMM-Ruter | CatoAntonsen | Display public transport information for Oslo and Akershus in Norway. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2019-03-14. See MMM-Entur-tavle instead. |
MMM-Scenes | MMRIZE | Change screen scenes by time and order with animation effect. | Deprecated. The successor is MMM-Scenes2. |
MMM-ScottishPremierLeague | fewieden | Display scottish premiere league standings. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2020-05-09. |
MMM-SFMuniBusTimes | vikramraja1995 | Displays the ETA of San Francisco's MUNI Bus and Rail systems based on the given stops and routes. | Abandoned. The API used no longer works, there is a new API but the developer no longer seems to be active. |
MMM-Simple-Swiper | Bee-Mar | Simple, multi-threaded interface for HC-SR04 ultra sonic sensors to be used with MMM-pages. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2022-05-22. |
MMM-Slideshow | bryngo | Run a simple slideshow. | Abandoned. No updates since years. But may still work. |
MMM-SORT | Mykle1 | Static Or Rotating Tides module. Replaces/combines MMM-SimpleTides and MMM-StaticTides. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. |
MMM-SpaceLaunchNow | koxm | Show the previous and upcoming launches of any rocket, bases on SpaceLaunchNow API. | Deprecated. Doesn't work anymore. Successor is MMM-TheSpaceDevs. |
MMM-stib | danito | Display the next transports for any given STIB (Brussel/Belgium) station. | Deprecated. API no longer works. Depends on deprecated module. Not recommended installation instructions (globally). Use module MMM-stib2 instead. |
MMM-SunRiseSet | Mykle1 | More information than you ever wanted to know about the rising and setting of the sun. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Missing instructions to install dependency 'request'. Also, source has altered API. |
MMM-Surf | A module that displays weather conditions, water temp, tides, and Magicseaweed forecast for your favorite spot. | Deprecated. DarkSky API no longer works since 2023-03-31. | |
MMM-swisstransport | Bangee44 | Display train departures from your favourite train station. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. |
MagicMirror-Module-Template | roramirez | Module to help developers to start building their own modules for the MagicMirror². | No changes since years. It's not a good start anymore. Use MMM-Template instead. |
MMM-Tesla3 | usncahill | Display Tesla data directly from Tesla API. Customizable GUI based on MMM-TeslaMate. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2024-05-16. |
MMM-TiHimawari8Earth | Zhouxichun | Fetch earth live image form Himawari #8 geostationary satellite and display images on screen. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues. Seems not to work anymore. |
magic-mirror-voice | whyjustin | Voice control based on based on Sphinx and Alexa. | Abandoned. No reactions to Pull Requests and issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. |
mmm-uk-pollen-forecast | szech | Displays pollen forecast for your area in the UK. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues for a long time. Seems not to work anymore. |
voicecontrol | alexyak | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2024-05-16. | Abandoned. No reactions to issues since years. Seems not to work anymore. |
MMM-VolvoOnCall | eouia | Display Volvo car status and trip information by VolvoOnCall. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2022-03-28. |
MMM-VUB-Resto | Oscar Vsp | Get the menu of day of the VUB restaurant (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). Based on MMM-json. | Abandoned. Repo has been archived at 2023-09-20. |
wuforecast | MattLugar | Weather Underground Forecast Module retrieves forecast from Weather Underground. Also adds a percentage probability of precipitation to forecast display. | Deprecated. Wunderground API isn't working anymore. |
MMM-WunderGround | RedNax67 | Display weather based on wunderground API. | Deprecated. Wunderground API isn't working anymore. Check out MMM-MyWeather which is a fork with another API. |
MMM-wundergroundBar | Fifteen15Studios | Minimalist Weather for the bottom_bar or thirds position of your mirror. | Deprecated. Wunderground API isn't working anymore. |
MMM-WWI | Mykle1 | Nope! Not World War I. It's Weather Without Icons. Up to the minute weather. Full weather information, yet a small footprint. | Deprecated. DarkSky API no longer works since 2023-03-31. |