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MagicMirror plug-in module that displays an icon for certain cron commands


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A MagicMirror² module to run command-line scripts or commands based on a cron schedule, and update a screen icon to show the statuses.

The real benefit of this module is having a set of commands that all modify something differently in the background, based on a schedule. This module schedules the commands to modify the thing, and show the status of which state is in effect visually with an icon on the display.

This was originally created to manage the speaker volume on a daily and weekly basis. The computer's speaker should be muted overnight, and low in the evening. During the week, weekdays between 9 AM and 4 PM the speaker can be off as nobody is home.

This could be done in 1 minute with a crontab that looks like this:

0  7 * * *    amixer set Master '100%'
0  9 * * 1-5  amixer set Master   '0%'
0 16 * * 1-5  amixer set Master '100%'
0 19 * * *    amixer set Master  '30%'
0 21 * * *    amixer set Master   '0%'

The problem is that there is no visual feedback to tell you if the speakers are enabled or muted. MMM-ScriptScheduler can be setup with the sound commands and when to run them. You set the icon that should be displayed when each script is run (or no icon) so users can see what "state" the sound is in:

    module: "MMM-ScriptScheduler",
    position: "fullscreen_above",
    config: {
        schedules: [
            { schedule: "0  7 * * *",   command: "amixer set Master '100%'"                                        },
            { schedule: "0  9 * * 1-5", command: "amixer set Master   '0%'", icon: "bell-slash",  color: "#e00"    },
            { schedule: "0 16 * * 1-5", command: "amixer set Master '100%'"                                        },
            { schedule: "0 19 * * *",   command: "amixer set Master  '30%'", icon: "volume-down", color: "#4875b4" },
            { schedule: "0 21 * * *",   command: "amixer set Master   '0%'", icon: "bell-slash",  color: "#e00"    }

With this, there's no icon when the speaker is at 100%, a blue speaker icon when at 30%, and a red slash icon when at 0%:

Volume level set by command above Icon shown on the display
100% (no icon shown)
30% Example icon, low volume
0% Example icon, mute

Each table refreshes on a schedule you set in the config.js file.


Run these commands at the root of your MagicMirror² install:

cd modules
git clone
cd MMM-ScriptScheduler
npm install
cd ../..


If you already have a version of MMM-ScriptScheduler, run the following to pick up new code changes:

cd modules/MMM-ScriptScheduler
git pull
npm install


Edit your config/config.js file and add a new object to the modules array like any other module:

var config = {
    modules: [
            module: "MMM-ScriptScheduler",
            position: "fullscreen_above",
            config: {
                schedules: [
                        schedule: "0 9 * * 1-5",
                        command: "amixer set Master '0%'",
                        icon: "bell-slash",
                        color: "#e00"
                        schedule: "0 16 * * 1-5",
                        command: "amixer set Master '100%'",
                        imageurl: ""


position: "fullscreen_above": Use any position available in MagicMirror. The example about uses fullscreen_above because that works best for general use. The entire MMM-ScriptScheduler display presence consists of a single icon. Due to the normal MagicMirror CSS styling, there is whitespace separating each module in your config file. Adding MMM-ScriptScheduler to a different position tends to take up more room than you'll probably want.

If the status is truly important, use the header to label the icon to give it a bit more visual and semantic separation. If you don't use header value, the MMM-ScriptScheduler icon gets mistakenly considered part of whatever other module is above it.


Option Type Required? Description
schedules array of objects yes Array of at least 1 object (see below)

Schedules Config

Option Type Required? Description
schedule string yes Any cron expression supported by
command string yes Command with arguments to execute from the underlying shell. MMM-ScriptScheduler uses Node.js' build-in exec() function from module child_process to run this command.
icon string NO Name of the FontAwesome icon to display, without the fa- prefix. As of September 2018, MagicMirror is using FontAwesome version 4.7. See details at
color string NO Optional CSS color designation to use for the circle disk displayed behind the icon. Use any CSS-allowed value, such as red, #e00, or rgba(100, 60, 10, 0.8). See color codes on for examples and details. This value is ignored unless icon is specified.
imageurl string NO If icon is not specified, optionally include imageurl pointing to an http:// resource locally on disk or on the Internet (see below).

imageurl config

The imageurl must use a prefix of http:// (or https://) and does not support the file:// prefix due to implementation details with browsers. Browser content is served via it's own HTTP connection to the back-end MagicMirror server, even if it is on the same box as the browser (or Electron display). Because of this, the page can't reach local filesystem directly. This is a security consideration to prevent rogue JavaScript downloaded and executed from other websites from reading any file they like from your computer. This is a Good Thing.

However, there is an easy way to have local files served as images in the imageurl option! The MagicMirror server itself is listening on a port and serving web content from your computer. This is how it serves everything else in the app. So, you can formulate a value for imageurl that just points to a file you put under the Magic Mirror folder.

MagicMirror won't just serve anything under /home/magicmirror, though. It will serve anything under the modules folder, so use that. Create folder /home/magicmirror/modules/mystuff and copy over your image files here.

Edit your config.js file and set the path from the root of the Magic Mirror install to your image file (bright.png in the example below):

imageurl: "/modules/mystuff/bright.png"

Broadcast Notifications

ScriptScheduler responds to certain broadcast messages sent from other modules via the this.sendNotification() function.

Label Payload Description Example
SCRIPTSCHEDULER_ALL_OFF Turn off all icons this.sendNotification("SCRIPTSCHEDULER_ALL_OFF");
SCRIPTSCHEDULER_SHOW_ICON { "index": "4" } Turn off any existing icons and turn on an icon from the 0-based index this.sendNotification("SCRIPTSCHEDULER_SHOW_ICON", { index: 4 });

These don't invoke any of the actual scripts you have configured. They simply change the icon displayed on the screen.

Known Problems

  1. This module can't display two icons at once, it's built to handle a single icon at a time.
  2. This depends on crontab entries to delineate when the icon should change, not the ranges that an icon should be in effect. Because of this, refreshing the browser page does not show the correct icon: the correct icon will not be displayed until the next triggering crontab "fires". This can lead to wrong information displayed.
  3. There is no way to pre-fetch the image for imageurl and validate that it is a correct local path, or that the remote HTTP server has the right image. If the value for imageurl is incorrect, this module just displays a broken link image or no image at all.
  4. There is no validation to confirm that imageurl and icon are not both set. Similar lack of error-checking around color: specifying color without icon and setting imageurl ignores the color value.


MagicMirror plug-in module that displays an icon for certain cron commands







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