Daily agenda view module of MagicMirror
This is a sibling module of [MMM-CalendarExt3](https://github.com/MMRIZE/MMM-CalendarExt3)
. This module is made to be an alternative to my previous module MMM-CalendarExt2
, especially daily
, current
and upcoming
- Only focusing on how it shows; Parsing is delegated to the original MagicMirror module
. (It means thecalendar
module is REQUIRED to use this module.) - Respect to original MM's hide/show mechanism. Now you can hide/show this module easily with other scheduler or control modules. (By the way, Look at this module also. - MMM-Scenes)
- No dependency on the 3rd party modules (e.g. momentJS or Luxon, etc.). This is built with pure JS and CSS only.
- Nothing. It is independent from
. But of course, you can use them together.
- locale-aware calendar
- customizing events: filtering, transforming
- multi-instance available. You don't need to copy and rename the module. Just add one more configuration in your
Since ver 1.4.0, this module requires >MM.2.23 Or Chromium >110 or equivalent browser.
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone https://github.com/MMRIZE/MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda
cd MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda
npm install
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda
git pull
npm update
When some submodule
is not updated, try this.
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda
git submodule update --init --recursive
If you want to return to 1.1.5
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda
git checkout dev-1.1.5
Anyway, even this simplest will work.
module: "MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda",
position: "top_left",
More conventional;
module: "MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda",
position: "top_left",
header: "My Agenda",
config: {
instanceId: "basicCalendar",
locale: 'de-DE',
firstDayOfWeek: 1,
startDayIndex: -1,
endDayIndex: 10,
calendarSet: ['us_holiday', 'abfall', 'mytest'],
You need setup default calendar
configuration also.
/* default/calendar module configuration */
module: "calendar",
position: "top_left",
config: {
broadcastPastEvents: true, // <= IMPORTANT to see past events
calendars: [
url: "webcal://www.calendarlabs.com/ical-calendar/ics/76/US_Holidays.ics",
name: "us_holiday", // <-- specify calendar name
color: "skyblue", // <-- if you don't want to get color, just remove this line.
broadcastPastEvents: true, // <-- need to broadcast past events
maximalNumberOfDays: 30, // <-- how old events would be broadcasted
maximumEntries: 100, // <-- assign enough number to prevent truncating new events by old events.
symbol: 'camera', // <-- when you want to display simbol. If you don't want, just set as `symbol:[],`
All the properties are omittable, and if omitted, a default value will be applied.
property | default | description |
startDayIndex |
0 | Begining day of the view from today. -1 means yesterday. 0 would be today. |
endDayIndex |
10 | Ending day of the view from today. 10 means 10 days after. |
locale |
(language of MM config) |
de or ko-KR or ja-Jpan-JP-u-ca-japanese-hc-h12 . It defines how to handle and display your date-time values by the locale. When omitted, the default language config value of MM. |
calendarSet |
[] | When you want to display only selected calendars, fulfil this array with the targeted calendar name(of the default calendar module). e.g) calendarSet: ['us_holiday', 'office'], [] or null will allow all the calendars. |
instanceId |
(auto-generated) | When you want more than 1 instance of this module, each instance would need this value to distinguish each other. If you don't assign this property, the identifier of the module instance will be assigned automatically but not recommended to use it. (Hard to guess the auto-assigned value.) |
firstDayOfWeek |
1 | Monday is the first day of the week according to the international standard ISO 8601, but in the US, Canada, Japan and some cultures, it's counted as the second day of the week. If you want to start the week from Monday, set this property to 1 . If you want Sunday, set 0 . Sunday:0, Monday:1, Tuesday:2, ..., Saturday:6 This option is only for using calendarweek (CW) showing. That is hidden by default, so you can ignore this. |
minimalDaysOfNewYear |
4 | ISO 8601 also says each week's year is the Gregorian year in which the Thursday falls. The first week of the year, hence, always contains 4 January. However, the US (Yes, it is.) system differs from standards. In the US, containing 1 January defines the first week. In that case, set this value to 1 . And under some other culture, you might need to modify this. This option is only for using calendarweek (CW) showing. That is hidden by default, so you can ignore this. |
cellDateOptions |
{month: 'short', day: 'numeric'} |
The format of day cell date. It varies by the locale and this option. locale:'en-US' , the default displaying will be Jun 1 . See options |
eventTimeOptions |
{timeStyle: 'short'} | The format of event time. It varies by the locale and this option. locale:'en-US' , the default displaying will be 3:45 pm .See options |
eventFilter |
callback function | See the Filtering part. |
eventTransformer |
callback function | See the Transforming part. |
waitFetch |
5000 | (ms) waiting the fetching of last calendar to prevent flickering view by too frequent fetching. |
refreshInterval |
1800000 | (ms) refresh view by force if you need it. |
animationSpeed |
1000 | (ms) Refreshing the view smoothly. |
useSymbol |
true | Whether to show font-awesome symbold instead of simple dot icon. |
eventNotification |
'CALENDAR_EVENTS' | A carrier notification of event source. |
eventPayload |
callback function | A converter for event payload before using it. |
useWeather |
true | Whether to show forecasted weather information of default weather module. |
weatherLocationName |
null | When you have multi forecasting instances of several locations, you can describe specific weather location to show. |
weatherNotification |
'WEATHER_UPDATED' | A carrier notification of weather forecasting source |
weatherPayload |
callback function | A converter for weather foracasting payload before using it. |
showMiniMonthCalendar |
true | Show mini monthly calendar of this month. |
miniMonthTitleOptions |
{ month: 'long', year: 'numeric' } | Title of month calendar (e.g. Aug. 2022) |
miniMonthWeekdayOptions |
{ weekday: 'short' } | A name of weekday of month calendar (e.g. Mon) |
onlyEventDays |
0 | 0 or false show empty days, N:Integer bigger than 0 will show N days which have event(s) in that day. |
skipDuplicated |
true | On true , duplicated events(same title, same start/end) from any calendars will be skipped except one. |
relativeNamedDayOptions |
{ style: 'long' } | A name of the relative name (e.g. "Today" or "In 2 days" |
Any module which can emit this notification could become the source of this module. Generally, the default calendar
module would be.
Any module which can emit this notification could become the source of weather forecasting. Generally, the default weather
module would be.
You can get config information of current view. The result will be obtained by the callback
this.sendNotification('CX3A_GET_CONFIG', {
callback: (result) => {
You can override or set new config by this notification.
You can restore the original config.
The next example shows a glance of the next week's schedule by notification chain.
this.sendNotification('CX3A_GET_CONFIG', {
callback: (current) => {
this.sendNotification('CX3A_SET_CONFIG', {
startDayIndex: current.startDayIndex + 7,
endDayIndex: current.endDayIndex + 7,
setTimeout(() => {
}, 60_000)
Nothing yet. (Does it need?)
You can handle almost all of the visual things with CSS. See the MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.css
and override your needs into your custom.css
: The root selector. Each instance of this module will haveCX3A_{instanceId}
as another root selector. With this CSS selector, you can assign individual look to each instance. -
: Every day cell has this selector. Each cell could have these class name together by its condition..today
: Parts of day cell..cellHeader
would have.cellHeaderMain
as children..cellHeader
(hidden by default)
(events would be located here).cellFooter
(currently not used)
: Displaying date of the cell. The date would have many parts of date/hour information(.dateParts
). -
: Every event has this selector. Each event could have these class name together by its condition..calendar_{calendarName}
: Orginalcalendar
And event
also has dataSet
) as its attributes. (e.g. data-title="...", data-start-date="...") You can use these attributes also.
Each event component would be shown/hidden by the virtues of events. Of course, you can redeclare its behaviours with CSS.
Each event object has this structure.
"title": "Leeds United - Chelsea",
"startDate": 1650193200000,
"endDate": 1650199500000,
"fullDayEvent": false,
"class": "PUBLIC",
"location": false,
"geo": false,
"description": "...",
"today": false,
"symbol": ["calendar-alt"],
"calendarName": "tottenham",
"color": "gold",
"calendarSeq": 1, // This would be the order from `calendarSet` of configuration
"isPassed": true,
"isCurrent": false,
"isFuture": false,
"isFullday": false,
"isMultiday": false
You can use these values to handle events.
You can filter each event by its condition.
eventFilter: (ev) => {
if (ev.isFullday) return false
return true
This example shows how you can filter out 'fullday' events.
You can manipulate or change the properties of the event.
eventTransformer: (ev) => {
if (ev.title.search('John') > -1) ev.color = 'blue'
return ev
This example shows how you can transform the color of events when the event title has specific text.
You can convert or transform the payload of incoming notification instantly before used in this module. It would be convenient when conversion or manipulating payload from uncompatible module.
weatherPayload: (payload) => {
if (Array.isArray(payload?.forecastArray)) {
payload.forecastArray = payload.forecastArray.map((f) => {
f.maxTemperature = Math.round(f.maxTemperature * 9 / 5 + 32)
f.minTemperature = Math.round(f.minTemperature * 9 / 5 + 32)
return f
return payload
This example show how to transform Celcius temperature to Fahrenheit units. (Original default weather module has a bug to deliver Fahrenheit temperature of broadcasted forecasts.)
- This module needs MM's original default module
or equivalent module which can parse and broadcast events. This module cannot handle events alone. - When you want to hide default
module, just removeposition
of calendar module. - When you want to show past events, you need to configure
module to broadcast them.
When you are using MM's default weather
forecasting, weather icon will be displayed on the day cell.
useWeather: true,
weatherLocationName: 'New York',
// Original weather module might have its location name with more details. (e.g. 'New York City, US'), but the partial text included would be acceptable for this attribute.
// When the location name would not match, warning messgage will be shown on dev console. Check it.
.CX3A .agenda {
display: none;
.CX3A .relativeDay {
.CX3A .relativeDay.relativeDay_0 {
display: inline-block;
.CX3A .agenda .cell[data-events-counts="0"] {
display: none;
.CX3A .agenda .event .description,
.CX3A .agenda .event .location {
display: none;
} /* To All descriptions and locations */
.CX3A .agenda .event.current .description {
display: inherit;
} /* Show description of currently on-going event */
.CX3A .agenda .event.calendar_Birthday .location {
display: none;
} /* Hide location of the event in "Birthday" calendar */
.CX3A .cellBody .fullday .event .title {
overflow: unset;
white-space: unset;
text-overflow: unset;
} /* You might need additional adjustment... */
.CX3A .miniMonth .cw {
display: none;
eventTransformer: (e) => {
e.startDate = new Date(e.start?.date || e.start?.dateTime).valueOf()
e.endDate = new Date(e.end?.date || e.end?.dateTime).valueOf()
e.title = e.summary
e.fullDayEvent = (e.start?.date) ? true : false
return e
- The default
module cannot emit the exact starting time ofmultidays-fullday-event which is passing current moment
. Always it starts from today despite of original event starting time. So this module displays these kinds of multidays-fullday-event weirdly.
- FIXED : Some bug fix for the last day of the month issue.
- FIXED : Some bug for indexing out-of-month range.
- FIXED : Some README misinstruction.
- FIXED :Duplicated applying of user eventFilter/eventTransformer etc.
- FIXED : MM's repeated singleday timezone issue
- CHANGED : Default length of weekday name in minimonthcalendar
- UPDATED : more stable CX3_Shared structure
to modify style of the name of the relative named days. (e.g. Today or In 2 days)
- CHANGED Over MM 2.23 is needed. (> Chromium 110)
- FIXED Some minor issues for
on the notifications. - ADDED
to skip duplicated events. (Same title and same start/end time)
- FIXED wrong present of the minimonth
- REMOVED Config value
and classNamecellDay
are deprecated. The relative day name would be controlled by classnamerelativeDay
... - **
- UPDATED CX3 1.7.0 equivalent features
- ADDED Supporting Iconify
of event Object property - ADDED auto-detect
- ADDED Supporting Iconify (CX3 1.7.0 represents)
- CHANGED Making some logics efficient.
- FIXED A bug on
- CHANGED : Not too strict about other modules' DOM creation failure.
- FIXED: Hotfix for
- To get data from 3rd party module which is not compatible with default modules. - ADDED:
- To manipulate or to convert received payload itself on time. (e.g. Convert Celcius unit to Fahrenheit unit) - ADDED: Hiding day cell which has no event :
onlyEventDays: n
- CHANGED : Display whole month events in
regardless of agenda showing (despiteendDayIndex
) - CHANGED: Shared library to fix many issues.
- CHANGED: Timing of
is delayed for better-handling event data after regularized - FIXED : Pooling events with multi-calendar modules' notification
- FIXED: position issue (I hope so...)
- FIXED: some typo.
- FIXED: flickering for many reasons (logic error to treat notifications)
- Added
option. (true/false) - Added
option (some partial text to distinguish location)
- Fixed fix the cal event broadcasr handling (Thanks to @sdetweil)
- Fixed Urgent fix for
issue since #1.1.1 - Fixed
issue resolved
- Fixed Move
to prior to get compatibility with other calendar module (e.g GoogleCalendar module)
- ADDED : allow multi icons and FA brands icon
- ADDED : miniMonth calendar
- FIXED : some minor bugs fixes and code refactoring
- Released.
- Seongnoh Yi (eouia0819@gmail.com)
- Discussion board: https://github.com/MMRIZE/MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda/discussions
- Bug Report: https://github.com/MMRIZE/MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda/issues