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Magic Mirror Module displaying the current biathlon results (World Cup and IBU Cup)


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Module: MMM-BiathlonResults

This module displays biathlon results (World Cup and IBU Cup) including rank, nation, name and score.

Title and current or next event display may be enabled or disabled independently. The number of ranks can be fixed.

MMM-BiathlonResults Screenshot #1 MMM-BiathlonResults Screenshot #2 MMM-BiathlonResults Screenshot #3

MagicMirror Project on Github


In your terminal, go to your MagicMirror's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules

Clone this repository:

git clone

Go to your MMM-BiathlonResults's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-BiathlonResults

Install dependencies:

npm install

Configure the module in your config.js file.


In your terminal, go to your MMM-BiathlonResults's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-BiathlonResults

Incorporate changes from this repository:

git pull

Install dependencies:

npm install


Basic configuration

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

modules: [
		module: "MMM-BiathlonResults",
		position: "top_left",
		config: {
			cupid: [""]


The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
cupid The list of cups ID, see list of cups below.

This value is REQUIRED
seasonid The season ID.

Default value: '' (Automatic generation)
seasonChangeMonth The month of automatic season's change.

Default value: 10 (October, 10th month of the year)
eventid The list of events ID.

Default value: []
updateInterval How often does the content needs to be fetched? (Milliseconds)

Possible values: 1000 - 86400000
Default value: 60 * 60 * 1000 (1 hour)
transitionInterval Display time of one cup before moving to the next. (Milliseconds)

Possible values: 1000 - 86400000
Default value: 10 * 1000 (10 seconds)
animationSpeed Speed of the update animation. (Milliseconds)

Possible values:0 - 5000
Default value: 1000 (1 second)
maximumEntries The maximum number of ranks shown.

Possible values: 0 - 100
Default value: 10
showTitle Show the title of cup results

Possible values: true or false
Default value: true
showNextEvent Show the next event.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
initialLoadDelay The initial delay before loading. If you have multiple modules that use the same API key, you might want to delay one of the requests. (Milliseconds)

Possible values: 1000 - 5000
Default value: 0
retryDelay The delay before retrying after a request failure. (Milliseconds)

Possible values: 1000 - 60000
Default value: 2500 (2,5 seconds)
apiBase The BiathlonResults API base URL.

Default value: ''
cupResultsEndpoint The BiathlonResults CupResults API end point.

Default value: 'modules/sportapi/api/cupresults'
eventsEndpoint The BiathlonResults Events API end point.

Default value: 'modules/sportapi/api/events'
competitionsEndpoint The BiathlonResults Competitions API end point.

Default value: 'modules/sportapi/api/competitions'

List of cups

Name ID
Women's World Cup Total Score SWRLCP__SWTS
Women's World Cup Sprint Score SWRLCP__SWSP
Women's World Cup Pursuit Score SWRLCP__SWPU
Women's World Cup Individual Score SWRLCP__SWIN
Women's World Cup Mass Start Score SWRLCP__SWMS
Women's World Cup Relay Score SWRLCP__SWRL
Women's Nations Cup Score SWRLCP__SWNC
Men's World Cup Total Score SWRLCP__SMTS
Men's World Cup Sprint Score SWRLCP__SMSP
Men's World Cup Pursuit Score SWRLCP__SMPU
Men's World Cup Individual Score SWRLCP__SMIN
Men's World Cup Mass Start Score SWRLCP__SMMS
Men's World Cup Relay Score SWRLCP__SMRL
Men's Nations Cup Score SWRLCP__SMNC
World Cup Mixed Relay Score SWRLCP__MXRL
Women's IBU Cup Total Score SIBUCP__SWTS
Women's IBU Cup Sprint Score SIBUCP__SWSP
Women's IBU Cup Pursuit Score SIBUCP__SWPU
Women's IBU Cup Individual Score SIBUCP__SWIN
Women's IBU Cup Relay Score SIBUCP__SWRL
Women's IBU Cup Nations Cup Score SIBUCP__SWNC
Men's IBU Cup Total Score SIBUCP__SMTS
Men's IBU Cup Sprint Score SIBUCP__SMSP
Men's IBU Cup Pursuit Score SIBUCP__SMPU
Men's IBU Cup Individual Score SIBUCP__SMIN
Men's IBU Cup Relay Score SIBUCP__SMRL
Men's IBU Cup Nations Cup Score SIBUCP__SMNC
IBU Cup Mixed Relay Score SIBUCP__MXRL
Women's IBU Junior Cup Total Score JIBUCP__JWTS
Women's IBU Junior Cup Sprint Score JIBUCP__JWSP
Women's IBU Junior Cup Individual Score JIBUCP__JWIN
Women's IBU Junior Cup Pursuit Score JIBUCP__JWPU
Junior Women Nations Cup JIBUCP__JWNC
Men's IBU Junior Cup Total Score JIBUCP__JMTS
Men's IBU Junior Cup Sprint Score JIBUCP__JMSP
Men's IBU Junior Cup Individual Score JIBUCP__JMIN
Men's IBU Junior Cup Pursuit Score JIBUCP__JMPU
Junior Men Nations Cup JIBUCP__JMNC
IBU Junior Cup Relay Score JIBUCP__MXRL



  • Add next competition
  • Add multiple cups


This module is licensed under the MIT License


Magic Mirror Module displaying the current biathlon results (World Cup and IBU Cup)




