This is a module for MagicMirror². Shows informantion on trains departuring a configurable Dutch trainstation.
(old images, will be replaced for V2)
To install the module, just clone this repository to your modules folder:
git clone nstreinen
cd nstreinen
npm install
to install the dependencies
Two simple steps, in the module dir:
git pull
npm install
to update the dependencies
You will need an apikey for the NS-API. This can be requested at
To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js
modules: [
module: 'nstreinen',
position: 'top_right',
header: 'Treinen vanaf Schiphol Airport',
config: {
fromStation: 'SHL'
The following properties can be configured:
Option | Description |
apiKey |
Your API key. Request your credentials at NS API Required |
fromStation |
The station code to show trains for. Required |
toStation |
The destination (station code) to show trains for. If this is configured the trains and required transfers from station to this destination will be shown.Optional |
maxEntries |
Maximum number of trains to show per station. Default value: 5 |
reloadInterval |
Number of milliseconds between refresh. Keep in mind there is a maximum of 50.000 requests per day for the API. Default value: 5 * 60 * 1000 (5 minutes) |
departureOffset |
Trip planning only, requires destination: Number of seconds to 'delay' the trip plan with. Especially usefull when you need time to travel to the train station. Default value: 0 (0 seconds) |
displaySymbol |
Defines wether or not to show a symbol for each line. Possible values: true or false .Default value: true |
symbolMapping |
Maps the train types to the symbol to show. If the train type is not found, the symbol for default is used.Possible symbols: See Font Awesome website. Default value: See Default symbolMapping. |
fade |
Fade the trains listed to black. (Gradient) Possible values: true or false Default value: true |
fadePoint |
Where to start fade? Possible values: 0 (top of the list) - 1 (bottom of list) Default value: 0.25 |
NS API uses station codes to identify stations. You cannot (unlike version 1)
use station names. After configuring the nstreinen
module with an apiKey
in your config.js
you can use stations.js
$ node modules/nstreinen/stations.js | grep -i 'schip'
SHL - Schiphol Airport
symbolMapping: {
'IC': 'train',
'SPR': 'stop-circle',
'Intercity': 'train',
'Intercity direct': 'forward',
'Sprinter': 'stop-circle',
'Stopbus i.p.v. trein': 'bus',
'Snelbus i.p.v. trein': 'bus',
'default': 'train'