Magic Mirror Module that displays temperature/humidity readings from DHT22 sensor connected via GPIO pin
- tested only on MagicMirror v2.0.0
- a DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor connected to a GPIO of your Raspberry Pi
- working installation of DHT22 utility - see
To use this module, clone this repository to your modules folder of your MagicMirror: git clone
The module needs the default configuration block in your config.js to work.
module: 'MMM-dht22',
position: 'bottom_left', // the location where the module should be displayed
classes: 'small dimmed',
config: {
header: 'DHT22 Sensor', // name to be displayed in the module
tempUnit: 'celsius', // alternatively use 'fahrenheit'
dht22gpio: 22, // gpio pin that the sensor is connected to
dht22util: 'sudo /home/pi/bin/dht22', // path to the dht22 utility
updateInterval: 10000, // interval in ms to read the sesor
animationSpeed: 0 // animation speed
The following properties can be configured:
Option | Description | Values | Default |
header | The name that should be displayed at the top of the module Example: header: 'DHT22 sensor' |
String | 'DHT22 Sensor' |
tempUnit | This can be either 'celsius' or 'fahrenheit'. |
'celsius' or 'fahrenheit' | 'celsius' |
dht22gpio | The GPIO pin (wiringPi numbering) that the DHT22 sensor is connected to. Example: dht22gpio: 22 |
int | 22 |
dht22util | Valid path to where the DHT22 is installed Example: dht22util: 'sudo /home/pi/bin/dht22' |
String | 'sudo /home/pi/bin/dht22' |
updateInterval | The update interval. Determines the refresh rate in ms at which sensor is read. Example: updateInterval: 10000 |
int | 10000 |
animationSpeed | Speed of animation when updates occur. Example: animationSpeed: 0 |
int | 0 |