This module displays the current level of vigilance of weather phenomena set by Météo France for each department of metropolitan france, including description and the associated risks. A notification is displayed in case of a change in the level of vigilance or new risks.
Description, Risk legend and Color Legend display may be enabled or disabled independently. The max-width of the description can be fixed. Notifications can be disabled.
MagicMirror² Project on Github | Vigilance on Météo France | APIs on Météo France
In your terminal, go to your MagicMirror's Module folder:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
Clone this repository:
git clone
Go to your MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance's Module folder:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance
Install dependencies:
npm install
Configure the module in your config.js file.
In your terminal, go to your MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance's Module folder:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance
Incorporate changes from this repository:
git pull
Install dependencies:
npm install
To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js
modules: [
module: "MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance",
position: "top_left",
config: {
appid: "WkU5X0NvWDRKODJ2THE0OUw1b2FyVEN0OFdZYTpla3hQb1ZqMmRQaXJ3c0pYcnNzRUFZM1kxUnNh", // Météo France Application ID
department: 75, // Department number
You can use this appid, but the limitation of 60 requests/minute is shared with all users: WkU5X0NvWDRKODJ2THE0OUw1b2FyVEN0OFdZYTpla3hQb1ZqMmRQaXJ3c0pYcnNzRUFZM1kxUnNh
It's therefore recommended to use your own appid! To obtain this, please follow these steps:
- Log in or create an account on the Météo France API portal
- Subscribe to Vigilance API
- Go to
Générer Token
tab: User icon (top right) >Mes API
> Choose an api >Générer Token
- Check that
is selected (default choice) - Extract
from curl's command:curl -k -X POST -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -H "Authorization: Basic YOUR_OWN_APP_ID"
Screenshot here and More info here
The following properties can be configured:
Option | Description |
appid |
The Météo France Application ID, which can be obtained by following the steps above. It's free! This value is REQUIRED |
department |
The department number (metropolitan france only). This value is REQUIRED |
excludedRisks |
The table of excluded risks (see below for the identifiers to be used). Use with caution (some risks that may be important will not be displayed) Default value: [] (any) |
updateInterval |
How often does the content needs to be fetched? (Milliseconds) Possible values: 1000 - 86400000 Default value: 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000 (1 hour) |
animationSpeed |
Speed of the update animation. (Milliseconds) Possible values: 0 - 5000 Default value: 1000 (1 second) |
notificationDuration |
Time to display notification. (Milliseconds) Possible values: 1000 - 86400000 Default value: 1 * 60 * 1000 (1 minute) |
maxTextWidth |
Maximum width for desription display. If set to 0, there is no limit. (Pixels) Possible values: 0 - 5000 Default value: 0 (no limit) |
maxRisksInline |
Maximum number of risks displayed on the same line. If set to 0, there is no limit. Possible values: 0 - 9 Default value: 3 |
showDepartment |
Show the department name. Possible values: true or false Default value: false |
showDescription |
Show the description. Possible values: true or false Default value: false |
showRiskLegend |
Show the risk legend. Possible values: true or false Default value: true |
showForecast |
Show the future level of vigilance. Possible values: true or false Default value: false |
showNotification |
Show notification (level of vigilance change or new risks). Possible values: true or false Default value: true |
hideGreenLevel |
Hide module when vigilance level is green. Possible values: true or false Default value: false |
useColorLegend |
Use the colored icons. Possible values: true or false Default value: true |
initialLoadDelay |
The initial delay before loading. If you have multiple modules that use the same API key, you might want to delay one of the requests. (Milliseconds) Possible values: 1000 - 5000 Default value: 0 |
oauthEndpoint |
The Météo France Oauth2 endPoint. Default value: '' |
vigiEndpoint |
The Vigilance API endPoint. Default value: '' |
frenchDepartmentsTable |
The conversion table to convert the department number to department name. |
Identifants used for risks in excludedRisks
Id | Risk |
1 | Vent |
2 | Pluie-Inondation |
3 | Orages |
4 | Inondation |
5 | Neige |
6 | Canicule |
7 | Grand Froid |
8 | Avalanches |
9 | Vagues-Submersion |
For example:
- If you don’t want to see avalanche risks :
excludedRisks: [8],
- If you don’t want to see the risks of heat wave and extreme cold :
excludedRisks: [6, 7],
The following notifications can be used by other modules:
Action | Notification | Payload |
Change the vigilance department | VIGI_METEOFRANCE_DEPARTMENT | The department number |
For example, use this.sendNotification("VIGI_METEOFRANCE_DEPARTMENT", 75);
if you want to change department number so that it corresponds to that of Paris (75).
- Hide, if you want, the module when vigilance level is green.
- Display, if you want, the department name.
- Manage risks at different levels in the same department.
- Display an notification at the start of the MagicMirror in case of vigilance level 2 to 4.
- Display an notification in case of new risk.
To test the new features, you can use the testing branch:
- Change from master version to testing version:
git checkout testing
- Return to master version from testing version:
git checkout master
- Check the version used:
git branch -v
This module is licensed under the MIT License