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visualize solar energy data from a Fronius solar system


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Third module of the MMM-FroniusSolar-family (see below).

The MMM-FroniusSolar3 module is designed for the MagicMirror² platform to visualize solar energy data from a Fronius solar system. It features a responsive and dynamic layout with grid-like arrangements and flexible sizing options, making it suitable for modern and adaptive displays.


  • Dynamic Gauges: Displays real-time data for:
    • P_Akku (Battery Power)
    • P_Grid (Grid Power)
    • P_Load (House Load)
    • P_PV (Solar Panel Power)
  • Responsive Design: Supports dynamic width (var(--dynamic-width)) and flex-wrap for adaptable layouts.
  • Customizable Styling: Allows configuration of SVG gauge sizes, grid arrangements, and text styling.




  1. Clone the repository into your MagicMirror/modules directory:
   cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
   git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
cd MMM-FroniusSolar3
npm install


Add the module to the config.js file:

    module: "MMM-FroniusSolar3",
    position: "bottom_right", //select the best region for your module
    header: "MMM-FroniusSolar3",
    config: {
        InverterIP: "",
        updateInterval: 5*1000, // Update interval in milliseconds
        width: "300px", // Dynamic width for grid layout.
        icons: {
            P_Akku: "mdi:car-battery",
            P_Grid: "mdi:transmission-tower",
            P_Load: "mdi:home-lightbulb",
            P_PV: "mdi:solar-panel-large"
        Radius: 50, // Radius for the SVG gauge
        MaxPower: 4000, // Maximum power for Grid scaling
        MaxPowerPV: 10400, // Maximum power for PV scaling
        ShowText: true,
        TextMessge: [
            { about: "600", Text: "Leicht erhöhter Netzbezug.", color: "#999" },
            { about: "1000", Text: "Über 1 KW Netzbezug!", color: "#ffffff" },
            { about: "1500", Text: "Über 1,5KW Netzbezug.", color: "#eea205" },
            { about: "2500", Text: "Über 2,5KW aus dem Netz!", color: "#ec7c25" },
            { about: "5000", Text: "Auto lädt, richtig? Nächstes Mal auf Sonne warten.", color: "#cc0605" },
            { less: "-500", Text: "Sonne scheint! Mehr als 500W frei.", color: "#f8f32b" },
            { less: "-2000", Text: "Wäsche waschen! Über 2KW freie Energie!", color: "#00bb2d" },
            { less: "-4000", Text: "Auto laden! Über 4KW freie Energie!", color: "#f80000" },

Configuration Options

Option Default Description
updateInterval 5*1000 (5 sec) Time interval (in milliseconds) between data updates from the Fronius system.
width 300px Hints: <100px - vertical layout; 300px - game dice 4 layout; >480px - horizontal
icons N/A Define custom Icons for power flow elements - Iconify
Radius 120 Radius of the SVG gauges (in pixels).
MaxPower 4000 Maximum power value for scaling P_Grid and P_Load gauges.
MaxPowerPV 10400 Maximum power value for scaling P_PV (solar panel power).
ShowText true Enable or disable dynamic text messages below the gauges.
TextMessge [] Array of objects defining conditional text messages based on P_Grid values.

Text Message Format

Key Description
about Display the message when P_Grid exceeds this value.
less Display the message when P_Grid is below this value.
Text The message to display.
color Color of the message text (hex or CSS color names).

How It Works

Data Retrieval

  • Fetches real-time data from the Fronius system using the node_helper.js backend.


  • Gauges are created using SVG, displaying current values and percentages.

Dynamic Messages

  • Displays context-sensitive messages based on P_Grid values.


Custom styles can be adjusted in the MMM-FroniusSolar3.css file.

House Gauge Color Logic

Condition Color Description
P_Akku - 100 > abs(P_Grid) #a3c49f Light green: High battery activity is contributing significantly to the house's energy consumption.
P_Grid > 150 #808080 Gray: High grid consumption is being used to power the house.
outerPower > 0 #00ff00 Green: Positive power flow (house is self-sufficient or partially consuming generated energy).
outerPower < 0 #add8e6 Light blue: Energy is being exported to the grid (surplus power).


Common Features of MMM-FroniusSolar(X)

All three modules, MMM-FroniusSolar, MMM-FroniusSolar2, and MMM-FroniusSolar3, are designed to display solar energy data. They share several configurations and CSS properties:

  • Configuration Settings: Each module displays metrics such as P_Akku, P_Grid, P_Load, and P_PV using configurable icons and messages.
  • Dynamic SVG Gauges: All modules include gauges to represent power flow visually.
  • Text Messages: Each module uses conditional text messages based on P_Grid values.


Recommended Use Cases

  • MMM-FroniusSolar: Best for simple setups prioritizing clarity and minimalism.
  • MMM-FroniusSolar2: Suitable for scenarios requiring visual feedback on power flows (e.g., monitoring dynamic energy consumption).
  • MMM-FroniusSolar3: Ideal for larger or customizable displays where scalability and enhanced readability are critical.

Key Differences

1. CSS Styling


  • Focuses on a clean layout.
  • compact, centralized look.
  • Basic visual structure, with no animations or flow effects.
  • MMM-FroniusSolar


  • Introduces animation effects for flow lines (stroke-dasharray and @keyframes for dashed animations), enhancing visual dynamics.
  • The layout (.solar2-wrapper) still focuses on central alignment but supports SVG animations for a more interactive appearance.
  • Text elements are compact but extend slightly wider, accommodating messages better.
  • MMM-FroniusSolar2


  • Uses a dynamic width (width: var(--dynamic-width)), allowing for greater flexibility in module resizing.
  • The .solar3-wrapper employs flex-wrap: wrap and a gap, enabling a grid-like arrangement for gauges.
  • Text labels and icons (.gauge3-label) are styled for improved readability and differentiation.
  • MMM-FroniusSolar3

2. Functional Enhancements

  • MMM-FroniusSolar: Simpler functionality with standard gauge rendering.
  • MMM-FroniusSolar2: Adds animation, making it visually engaging for displaying dynamic power changes.
  • MMM-FroniusSolar3: Focuses on adaptability with dynamic sizing and layout adjustments.


This module is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.


visualize solar energy data from a Fronius solar system







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