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MagicMirror module to read DHT22 sensor via the loldht app


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MagicMirror module to read DHT22 sensor via the loldht libraries

Why is this module different than others?

When MagicMirror is run in a Docker container, everything seems to be the same...HOWEVER, when it comes to Raspberry pi + 64bit OS + GPIO + further privileges, all of them failed (at least to me).

The basis of all approaches is the wiringpi library. On top of this, there are several implementations, but most famous (I guess) are the dht22 and lol_dht22. I usually used the latter one as it by default gives celsius degree instead of Fahrenheit. However, most DHT22 Magicmirror modules, e.g., Bangee44,nebulx29,ryck, were using another one.

MagicMirror in a container

If you run your MagicMirror on the host OS, you probably won't get any issue. When Magicmirror is in a container, then the story becomes a bit more complicated. Even if I added all capabilities to a container (via CAP_ADD), or elevating the whole container into privileged mode, none of the modules mentioned above were ever able to read the GPIO pins properly.

Container is almost like a VM

Yes, I know, there further things to pay attention to when running magicmirror in a container, e.g., '/sys/class/gpio:/sys/class/gpio' added as volume, '/dev/mem:/dev/mem', '/dev/gpiomem:/dev/gpiomem','/dev/ttyAMA0:/dev/ttyAMA0' added as device, but still, it was not working straight away.

Then, you can still go into the container to manually install the libraries needed inside the container...though, the original magicmirror docker image does not have too much BASH if you get what I mean :)

Anyway, I relied on lol_dht22, compiled it within a magicmirror container, and developed this magicmirror module you are currently looking at, and it works for me finally inside a container.

Fully prepared MagicMirror container?

If you want a fully prepared magicmirror in a container for raspberry pi aarch64 (arm64), check out my MagicMirror repository

My Experience

Note, if you already run MagicMirror in a container, even if you have lol_dht22 installed inside, after adding this module, you have to restart the container, otherwise it does not always work. But this is just a one time restart :)


MMM-loldht22 configuration

      module: 'MMM-loldht22',
      position: 'top_right',
      config: {
        sensorLocation: "Living room",
        showLocation: true,
        updateInterval: 10, //in minutes
        animationSpeed: 1000,
        scriptPath: "/tmp/lol_dht22/loldht",
        gpioPin: 7,
        vertical: false, //horizontal vs. vertical layout
        highTempIcon: '<i class="fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"></i>',
        mediumTempIcon: '<i class="fas fa-thermometer-half"></i>',
        lowTempIcon: '<i class="fas fa-thermometer-quarter"></i>',
        freezeTempIcon: '<i class="fas fa-thermometer-empty"></i>',
        iconHum: '<i class="fas fa-tint"></i>', //fontawesome HTML tag - iconTemp cannot be changed, it's a thermometer
        humColor: '#365fbf', //only if colored is true
        iconHome: '<i class="fas fa-house-user"></i>', //fontawesome HTML tag
        colored: false, //Colored icons
        highTempStartsAt: 28, //three-quarter thermometer logo
        highColor: '#ec1515', //only if colored is true
        mediumTempStartsAt: 24, // half thermometer logo
        mediumColor: '#e8b928', //only if colored is true
        lowTempStartsAt: 16, // quarter thermometer logo
        lowColor: '#0fd257', //only if colored is true
        freezeTempStartsAt: 0, //empty thermometer logo
        freezeColor: '#0f99d2', //only if colored is true
        fontSize: '50px',
        iconSize: '50px',
        headerFontSize: '22px',
        headerIconSize: '22px',
        rowPadding: '12px', //only makes sense if vertical is true
        debug: false //setup whether you want debug info in console
Option Description
sensorLocation Indicate where the sensor is deployed. Default: Living room
showLocation Indicate if you want the location above to be shown. Default true.
updateInterval Indicate the update interval in minutes! We don't have to set this to a low value, things don't change to much within seconds. Default: 10 (minutes)
animationSpeed Typical setting :). Default: 1000
scriptPath Where the loldht binary is located. Default /tmp/lol_dht22/loldht
gpioPin GPIO pin the DHT22 sensor is connected to. Default 7
vertical Horizontal or vertical layout. Default true
highTempIcon Temp icon if temperature is HIGH. HIGH is defined via highTempStartsAt. Change default icons if you want by fontawesome. Default <i class="fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"></i>
mediumTempIcon Temp icon if temperature is MEDIUM. MEDIUM is defined via mediumTempStartsAt.Change default icons if you want by fontawesome. Default <i class="fas fa-thermometer-half"></i>
lowTempIcon Temp icon if temperature is LOW. LOW is defined via lowTempStartsAt.Change default icons if you want by fontawesome. Default <i class="fas fa-thermometer-quarters"></i>
freezeTempIcon Temp icon if temperature is FREEZE. FREEZE is defined via freezeTempStartsAt.Change default icons if you want by fontawesome. Default <i class="fas fa-thermometer-empty"></i>
highTempStartsAt Define the temperature when it is considered HIGH. Default 28
mediumTempStartsAt Define the temperature when it is considered MEDIUM. Default 24
lowTempStartsAt Define the temperature when it is considered LOW. Default 16
freezeTempStartsAt Define the temperature when it is considered FREEZE. Default 0
highColor Define the color (in mode colored:true) when temperature is considered HIGH. Default #ec1515
mediumColor Define the color (in mode colored:true) when temperature is considered MEDIUM. Default #e8b928
lowColor Define the color (in mode colored:true) when temperature is considered LOW. Default #0fd257
freezeColor Define the color (in mode colored:true) when temperature is considered FREEZE. Default #0f99d2
iconHum Humidity icon. Change default icons if you want by fontawesome. Default <i class="fas fa-tint"></i>
iconHome : Location icon. Change default icons if you want by fontawesome. Default <i class="fas fa-house-user"></i>
fontSize : Granular CSS setting for the font sizes of humidity and temperature. Default 20px
iconSize : Granular CSS setting for the icon sizes of humidity and temperature. Default 20px
headerFontSize : Granular CSS setting for the header font size. Default 18px
headerIconSize : Granular CSS setting for the header icon size. Default 18px
rowPadding : Granular CSS setting for the row padding when layout is vertical. Default 10px
debug : If you want debug messages in the console / docker logs. Default: true
Layout View
vertical Horizontal layout
horizontal Vertical layout
vertical colorized with big fonts Vertical layout


MagicMirror module to read DHT22 sensor via the loldht app







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