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Releases: process-analytics/bpmn-visualization-js


13 Feb 15:54
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This new version improves the documentation 📖 and includes internal changes ⚙️.

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @csouchet and @tbouffard

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.45.0...v0.45.1

📝 Documentation

📦 Dependency updates

👻 Maintenance


18 Dec 13:15
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💖 This new version renders annotations and associations defined in the “collaboration” nodes of the BPMN source. 🔥

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @tbouffard

See milestone 0.45.0 to get the list of issues covered by this release.


Annotations and associations attached to a participant/pool must be defined in the “collaboration” nodes of the BPMN source. Previously, these elements were not rendered by bpmn-visualization. This is now the case 🎉.

Some modelers also store process-related annotations and associations in such a node. bpmn-visualization now renders them too 🎁.

Here's how it looks using the diagram used in the visual tests.

The collaboration node includes annotations and associations associated with a participant/pool and a process.

<bpmn:definitions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:bpmn="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:di="" id="Definitions_1ygepsi" targetNamespace="" exporter="bpmn-js (" exporterVersion="17.11.1">
  <bpmn:collaboration id="Collaboration_0tkdozo">
    <bpmn:participant id="Participant_0rto0r1" processRef="Process_18fjzrp" />
    <bpmn:participant id="Participant_18k7mjx" />
    <!-- elements associated to a participant/pool -->
    <bpmn:textAnnotation id="TextAnnotation_1xzfmze" />
    <bpmn:association id="Association_12xd2s3" associationDirection="None" sourceRef="Participant_0rto0r1" targetRef="TextAnnotation_1xzfmze" />
    <bpmn:association id="Association_1lz0tdq" associationDirection="None" sourceRef="Participant_18k7mjx" targetRef="TextAnnotation_1w9ytwx" />
    <bpmn:textAnnotation id="TextAnnotation_1w9ytwx" />
    <!-- elements within a process -->
    <bpmn:textAnnotation id="TextAnnotation_04aqee2" />
    <bpmn:textAnnotation id="TextAnnotation_1ocxgbi" />
    <bpmn:association id="Association_1ingcju" associationDirection="None" sourceRef="StartEvent_1nkg5l5" targetRef="TextAnnotation_04aqee2" />
    <bpmn:association id="Association_1c7eydn" associationDirection="None" sourceRef="Activity_1252w11" targetRef="TextAnnotation_1ocxgbi" />
0.44.0 0.45.0
associations and annotations 06 defined in collaboration associations and annotations 06 defined in collaboration


For more details, see #3200.

Breaking Changes

The BpmnVisualization.getVersion method is now removed. Use the getVersion function instead. See #2966.

This method was deprecated in 0.43.0 released on 2024-02-29.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.44.0...v0.45.0

🚀 BPMN support

  • feat: render annotation + association defined in "collaboration” (#3200) @tbouffard

📝 Documentation

📦 Dependency updates

👻 Maintenance

  • refactor!: remove BpmnVisualization.getVersion (#3231) @tbouffard
  • refactor: make class members readonly when possible (#3227) @tbouffard
  • ci: provide ways to limit the number of "e2e tests" runs (#3197) @tbouffard
  • test: check text annotation defined in the collaboration node (#3191) @tbouffard
  • test(e2e): add a new diagram to validate the size of edge arrows (#3178) @tbouffard
  • ci: add workaround to prevent "no space left on device" error (#3172) @tbouffard
  • ci(publish): stop sending slack message on success (#3169) @tbouffard
  • ci: fix notification workflows used during releases (#3157) @tbouffard


30 Aug 08:00
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📢 This new version of bpmn-visualization introduces a reduction in package size.

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @csouchet and @tbouffard

See milestone 0.44.0 to get the list of issues covered by this release.


The overall size of the bpmn-visualization package has been reduced.

For instance, the size of the minified IIFE bundle included in the npm package has decreased from 4750B / 4.63kB.

bundle 0.43.0 0.44.0
bpmn-visualization.esm.js 209,770 204,217
bpmn-visualization.js 1,682,011 1,671,953
bpmn-visualization.min.js 990,530 985,780

This reduction is the result of both code refactoring and the transition from lodash-es to es-toolkit.

es-toolkit is a modern, high-performance JavaScript utility library that features a smaller bundle size and robust type annotations.

Advantages of using es-toolkit include:

  • More frequent updates
  • ESM optimization
  • Improved tree-shaking

Breaking Changes

This version introduces minor breaking changes primarily affecting style customization functions.

Removal of Unused Elements in Custom Styling Features

  • BpmnCanvas.setIconOriginForIconOnBottomLeft

These changes are unlikely to impact users as these methods were not widely utilized. No repositories within the Process Analytics project were found to be using them.

ℹ️ For more details, see #3050.

Removal of IconPainter.paintEmptyIcon

This change is expected to have minimal impact. Applications that extend IconPainter typically have no reason to override this method.

ℹ️ For more details, see #3054.

Correct CSS Class Name for Adhoc Subprocess

  • The CSS class name associated with the adhoc subprocess in the DOM has been updated from bpmn-sub-process-ad_hoc to bpmn-sub-process-adhoc. Any CSS rules or selectors using this class name will need to be updated.
  • The value of ShapeBpmnSubProcessKind.AD_HOC has also changed. Since it is not intended for direct use, this should not affect most users.

ℹ️ For more details, see #3058.

Renaming of Values in ShapeBpmnMarkerKind

Several values in ShapeBpmnMarkerKind have been renamed. These values are generally not intended for direct use, so this change should not have a significant impact. If your application does use these values, it is recommended to use the enum directly, particularly for:


ℹ️ For more details, see #3147.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.43.0...v0.44.0

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix!: generate correct CSS class name for adhoc subprocess (#3058) @tbouffard
  • fix: remove extra spacing between 2 activity markers (#3052) @tbouffard

📝 Documentation

🎮 Demo and Examples

📦 Dependency updates

👻 Maintenance


29 Feb 16:21
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📢 This new version brings improvements to the parser and the way users can retrieve the bpmn-visualization version.

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @tbouffard

See milestone 0.43.0 to get the list of issues covered by this release.

Deprecated APIs

BpmnVisualization.getVersion is now deprecated and will be removed in v0.45.0, see #2966.
Use the getVersion function instead. For more details, see #2965.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.42.0...v0.43.0

🐛 Bug Fixes

⤵️ Library Integration

📝 Documentation

🎮 Demo and Examples

📦 Dependency updates

👻 Maintenance


16 Oct 09:24
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This new version brings improvements to the ShapeBpmnSemantic data returned by the API. There are now more details for Link Events.

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @csouchet and @tbouffard

See milestone 0.42.0 to get the list of issues covered by this release.


When related to a Link Event, ShapeBpmnSemantic objects now return the source identifiers (linkEventSourceIds) of a catch event or the target identifier (linkEventTargetId) of a throw event.

This improves navigation between model elements.

ℹ️ For more details, see #2911.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.41.0...v0.42.0

🧲 BPMN diagram usability

  • feat: add link event data in ShapeBpmnSemantic (#2911) @csouchet
  • feat: add more data in the internal model for the link events (#2924) @csouchet

🐛 Bug Fixes

📦 Dependency updates

👻 Maintenance

  • chore(eslint): use unicorn/recommended rules (#2824) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add some unicorn rules (#2925) @csouchet
  • refactor: internally store more data of event definitions (#2923) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/prefer-string-slice rule (#2913) @csouchet
  • test: simplify the code of toBpmnStyle() (#2915) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add @typescript-eslint/dot-notation rule (#2914) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): enable 3 rules of the unicorn plugin (#2912) @csouchet
  • test(JsonBuilder): use the id of event for the id of eventDefinition (#2910) @csouchet
  • test(JsonBuilder): add new properties for link events (#2895) @csouchet
  • test(JsonBuilder): have unique id for event definition (#2906) @csouchet
  • test(JsonBuilder): avoid duplicated code when adding EventDefinition (#2901) @csouchet


02 Oct 12:42
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This new release provides more information in the ShapeBpmnSemantic objects returned by the APIs.
It also includes some improvements to the contributor documentation.

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @csouchet and @tbouffard

See milestone 0.41.0 to get the list of issues covered by this release.


API Enhancement

This new release introduces, the following properties are available for ShapeBpmnSemantic objects returned by APIs:

  • parentId
  • eventDefinitionKind for the events
  • callActivityKind and globalTaskKind for the call activities
  • subProcessKind for the sub-processes


ℹ️ For more details, see the issue #2854.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.40.0...v0.41.0

🧲 BPMN diagram usability

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix(API): prevent a reset/remove when passing an empty string (#2900) @tbouffard

📝 Documentation

📦 Dependency updates

👻 Maintenance

  • test(JsonBuilder): not possible to have NONE eventDefinitionOn and eventDefinitionKind in same time in BuildEventParameter (#2899) @csouchet
  • test(JsonBuilder): enforce the type of BuildEventDefinitionParameter eventDefinitionKind property in JsonBuilder (#2897) @csouchet
  • test: split the file containing the unit tests for all events (#2896) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/prefer-spread rule (#2878) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn Switch rules (#2881) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/numeric-separators-style and unicorn/no-zero-fractions rules (#2880) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn Array rules (#2877) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/no-negated-condition rule (#2876) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/prefer-dom-node-append and unicorn/prefer-dom-node-remove rules (#2875) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/consistent-function-scoping rule (#2873) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/prefer-logical-operator-over-ternary rule (#2871) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/prefer-ternary rule (#2870) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/prefer-dom-node-text-content rule (#2869) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/no-array-for-each rule (#2868) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/prefer-add-event-listener rule (#2867) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/prefer-query-selector rule (#2866) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add unicorn/prevent abbreviations rule (#2865) @csouchet
  • ci(release): eliminate bypassing of branch protection (#2863) @tbouffard


18 Sep 13:10
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This new version brings improvements to the incoming and outgoing properties of BpmnSemantic objects returned by APIs.
It also includes some improvements to API documentation.

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @assynour, @csouchet and @tbouffard

See milestone 0.40.0 to get the list of issues covered by this release.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.39.0...v0.40.0

🚀 BPMN support

📝 Documentation

  • docs: fix code example of getModelElementsByKinds (#2846) @assynour
  • docs: improve the JSDoc of NavigationConfiguration.enabled (#2847) @tbouffard

👻 Maintenance

  • chore: use the macOS 13 runner in GH Actions (#2809) @csouchet
  • refactor(demo): improve method signatures and async code (#2819) @csouchet
  • test: improvement management of asynchronous configuration (#2817) @csouchet
  • chore(eslint): add eslint-plugin-import dependency (#2842) @csouchet


04 Sep 13:27
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This new version improves the usability of BPMN diagrams by providing a new API for obtaining model elements, and includes various bug fixes and maintenance tasks.

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @csouchet and @tbouffard

See milestone 0.39.0 to get the list of issues covered by this release.


ESM Library

A notable improvement in this release is the resolution of an issue related to the exported ESM (ECMAScript Module) bundle. This fix now allows bpmn-visualization to be used as an ESM bundle in Node.js projects.
This may be of interest to applications that want to test code that relies on bpmn-visualization.

New APIs for retrieving BPMN Semantics

We've added APIs to retrieve the BPMN semantics of elements by kind or ID, reducing unnecessary data retrieval.

Retrieving by element Kind

We've introduced a new API that allows users to retrieve BPMN semantics based on the element kind. This API is specifically designed for users who only need to access BPMN semantic data.

Here's an example of how to use it:

const modelElements: BpmnSemantic[] = bpmnVisualization.bpmnElementsRegistry

for (const modelElement of modelElements) {
  const value = modelElement.isShape ? 'top-left' : 'bottom-center';

ℹ️ For more information, refer to #2841.

Retrieving by element ID

Another valuable addition is the API for retrieving BPMN semantics by element ID. This new API optimizes usage by reducing unnecessary data retrieval when the caller only needs semantic information.

Here's an example of how to use it:

const modelElements: BpmnSemantic[] = bpmnVisualization.bpmnElementsRegistry
  .filter(semantic => semantic.isShape);

ℹ️ For more information, refer to #2837.

Examples: Referencing the bv-experimental-add-ons demo

In our examples, we've included a link to the bv-experimental-add-ons demo.

📣 Don't forget to check out the latest release notes for bv-experimental-add-ons!
This release introduces a new plugin mechanism for bpmn-visualization and shows a demo of a plugin that provides new features for overlays.
You can find all the details here: Release Notes.


What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.38.1...v0.39.0

🧲 BPMN diagram usability

  • feat: add a method to only get BPMN semantic of elements by kind (#2841) @tbouffard
  • feat: add a method to only get BPMN semantic of elements by id (#2837) @tbouffard

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: remove extra parsing of lane elements which are not in the BPMN spec (#2805) @csouchet

📝 Documentation

👻 Maintenance


22 Aug 09:47
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This new release focuses on maintenance.

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @tbouffard

See milestone 0.38.1 to get the list of issues covered by this release.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.38.0...v0.38.1

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: reset the style of elements only when passing nullish param (#2798) @tbouffard

📦 Dependency updates

👻 Maintenance

  • refactor: move overlay management out of BpmnElementsRegistry (#2800) @tbouffard
  • chore(release): publish announce tweet manually (#2799) @tbouffard
  • chore: migrate the code of the demo/test pages to TypeScript (#2794) @tbouffard
  • chore: migrate the documentation generation script to ESM (#2792) @tbouffard


24 Jul 14:18
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This new release brings improvements to the styling feature, updates to the documentation, and the addition of a new demo.
It also introduces a new experimental library with exciting new features.

Thanks to all the contributors of this release 🌈: @csouchet and @tbouffard

See milestone 0.38.0 to get the list of issues covered by this release.


New support for fill color in the updateStyle API: Gradient

We are pleased to introduce support for fill color gradients in the updateStyle API with this latest release. This enhancement allows users to apply fill color gradients, adding a new dimension of customization to shapes.


For more details, please see the related issue #2760.


New Prediction Demo

We are pleased to introduce the New Prediction Demo! This demo showcases the seamless integration of the New Prediction Demo from the bpmn-visualization-examples repository.

ℹ️ For more information and to experience the demo first hand, visit the Prediction Demo Code.

Elements Identification Demo

The Elements Identification Demo has received improvements. It now uses the updateStyle API with the inherit and swimlane color options.

Experience the improved demo here: Elements Identification Demo (drag and drop your BPMN diagram into the container below the control buttons).


The styling of boundary events has been updated to use the inherit value for the fill color, font color, and stroke color. Additionally, the direct parent elements of the boundary events are now colored with 5% opacity to visualize the change at the same time.


The child elements of a subProcess have been restyled to use the swimlane value for the fill color, font color, and stroke color. Additionally, the Pool and the Lane are now colored with 5% opacity to visualize the change at the same time.

If an element is not a child of a subProcess, it retains the default style.

ℹ️ For more information, see #2748.

New Experimental Library

As part of this release, we are introducing the New Experimental Library. You can explore and try out exciting new features in the bv-experimental-add-ons repository.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.37.0...v0.38.0

🌈 BPMN diagram styling

  • feat(style): add support for fill color gradient in the Update Style API (#2760) @csouchet

📝 Documentation

  • docs(style): explain usage of 'inherit' and 'swimlane' colors (#2748) @csouchet

📦 Dependency updates

👻 Maintenance