Releases: ministryofjustice/opg-data-lpa
Releases · ministryofjustice/opg-data-lpa
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.4-renovateallm.3
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.4-renovateallm.2
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3
Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.2-renovateconn.6
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.2-renovateconn.5
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.1.0-renovatemajo.0
What's Changed
- IN-268 Create basic infrastructure by @jamesrwarren in #1
- IN-255 integration tests for existing API by @jmackown in #2
- IN-315 Added dummy routes and tests by @jmackown in #3
- IN-316 make it talk to Sirius by @jmackown in #4
- IN-319 Add in some error handling by @jmackown in #5
- IN-322 fix all the terraform workarounds by @jamesrwarren in #6
- IN-285 save circle credits by @jamesrwarren in #8
- IN-323 - mock sirius public api by @jmackown in #7
- IN-326 add elasticache cluster for cacheing by @jamesrwarren in #9
- IN-327 Add basic load testing by @jamesrwarren in #10
- IN-318 config object by @jmackown in #11
- IN-318 caching tests on routes by @jmackown in #12
- IN-324 expand the healtcheck endpoint by @jmackown in #14
- IN-270 add some more basic pact support by @jamesrwarren in #13
- IN-WTH add permissions back in by @jamesrwarren in #15
- IN-335 use centralised repo by @jamesrwarren in #16
- IN-320 import sirius service from codeartifact by @jmackown in #17
- IN-455 add dockerhub credentials to pipeline by @jamesrwarren in #19
- IN-493 fix ports for new ver of motoserver and improve makefile by @jamesrwarren in #20
- UML-1129 by @andrewpearce-digital in #21
- VEGA-473 Add request code handler by @hawx in #22
- IN-561 add use preprod to dev lpa data allow list by @jamesrwarren in #23
- swap cicle steps around by @jamesrwarren in #24
- IN-562 change the assume user for get creds by @jamesrwarren in #25
- In 562 by @jamesrwarren in #26
- In 589 by @jamesrwarren in #30
- update example code by @jamesrwarren in #28
- fix pyjwt version by @jamesrwarren in #31
- Uml 1194 older lpa fixes by @cooperaj in #29
- VEGA-658: Add extra LPA date fields to Online LPA tool responses by @gregtyler in #33
- IN-654 up elasticache clusters to be inline with sirius availability … by @jamesrwarren in #35
- UML1200: some changes to mock data to reflect correctly with seeded data by @SeemaMenon in #37
- LPAL-377 add preprod make an LPA account to dev. by @williamfalconeruk in #38
- IN-702 update tf to 14.11 by @jamesrwarren in #39
- VEGA-823 Add payment pending status to api specs by @hawx in #41
- VEGA-822 Add dispatch date from lpa response by @hawx in #40
- add action to scan for packages by @charlesmmarshall in #44
- Setup Go module by @gregtyler in #34
- IN-745 auto destroy envs by @jamesrwarren in #45
- update CI User to integrations-ci by @williamfalconeruk in #46
- Rename default branch from master to main by @gregtyler in #48
- UML-1562: Support 200 responses from requestCode endpoint by @gregtyler in #47
- SP-796 - Added codeowners for infrastructure by @TomTucka in #50
- UML-1631 - Remove commands for AWS Code Artifact by @andrewpearce-digital in #49
- SP-771 - Migrate to Actions by @xaithe in #52
- SP-771 - use correct TF directory by @xaithe in #53
- SP-825 - Remove redundant/misconfigured 4XX Alert #patch by @sixdaysandy in #54
- change use_an_lpa_response so we can have another registered LPA to w… by @lukejolliffe in #51
- UML:1570 check if lpa is cleansed or not prior to adding by @SeemaMenon in #55
- Add "Return - unpaid" status to OpenAPI spec by @gregtyler in #56
- Add statusDate to Public API by @gregtyler in #58
- SP-905 - Switch API Gateway TLS to 1.2 #minor by @sixdaysandy in #60
- SP-920 - Update opg-sirius-service to get the caching working #patch by @sixdaysandy in #61
- SP-921 - Disable terraform acitons wrapper #patch by @sixdaysandy in #62
- SP-947 adding GET request timeout #minor by @MishNajam in #65
- Lpal 550 handle 410 response by @Raffers in #67
- Provide a corrected spec for path by @andrewpearce-digital in #69
- SP-1015 - Associate API Gateway Stage with WAF ACL #minor by @sixdaysandy in #72
- Deploy infra to integration environment by @gregtyler in #74
- Handle 410 response correctly by @gregtyler in #75
- UML-2341 - Cache results in production for 7 days by @andrewpearce-digital in #76
- UML-2592 - Specify api ecs task role and operator as allowed roles by @andrewpearce-digital in #77
- UML-2657 make deploy work on changes to openapi spec by @jamesrwarren in #78
- check why creds are failing by @jamesrwarren in #86
- UML-2730 improve logging by @jamesrwarren in #87
- update path to live by @jamesrwarren in #88
- bump versions for flask and requests by @charlesmmarshall in #90
- Bump flask from 1.1.4 to 2.2.5 in /mock_sirius_backend by @MishNajam in #98
- Bump werkzeug from 2.2.3 to 3.0.1 in /lambda_functions/v1/requirements by @MishNajam in #99
- UML-3042 add other names (also known as) field by @MishNajam in #96
- Create LICENSE by @gregtyler in #100
- Update CODEOWNERS by @charlesmmarshall in #101
- Update workspace manager by @charlesmmarshall in #102
- dependabot change , requested by me to have permissions by @nickdavis2001 in #103
- UML-3337 new python and package versions by @nickdavis2001 in #104
- Revert "UML-3337 new python and package versions" by @sixdaysandy in #105
- UML-3356: Configure renovate by @ntse in #107
- UML-3357 Extract branch name safely by @ntse in #113
- Renovate Update hashicorp/setup-terraform action to v3 by @renovate in #111
- chore(deps): update GitHub Actions (major) by @renovate in #112
- UML-3236 Update README.MD to remove CircleCI refs by @ntse in #115
- UML-3383: Remove deprecated template_file data lookup by @ntse in #116
- UML-3384: Use standard GHA secret names by @ntse in #118
- UML-2734 automate integration tests by @nickdavis2001 in #119
- Renovate Update dependency flake...