Releases: eu-digital-identity-wallet/eudi-doc-architecture-and-reference-framework
What's Changed
- Fix formatting of continued list by @emlun in #401
- Review/topic b final document by @paolo-de-rosa in #403
- Release/topics a latest by @paolo-de-rosa in #406
- Improve confusing phrasing by @emlun in #402
- Orthography fixes 2025-02-18 by @joelposti in #405
- Fix some typos, formatting etc. by @emlun in #400
- Typo fixes 2025-02-18 by @joelposti in #404
- Release/1.6.0 by @paolo-de-rosa in #421
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.6.0
Several typos fixed and improved wording in chapter 2
What's Changed
- Review/topic e document after first fgm by @skounis in #380
- Update link to the renamed by @skounis in #381
- Update by @skounis in #382
- Restore menu item for discussion topics by @skounis in #383
- typos and wrong formats by @paolo-de-rosa in #384
- Topic C - first document by @phin10 in #385
- Topic d to be published 7 feb (#893) by @phin10 in #392
- Release/1.5.1 (#901) by @paolo-de-rosa in #398
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1
What's Changed
- Work/disussion topics tomerge by @skounis in #324
- Use plural for the Wallet Provider(s) Trusted list by @skounis in #316
- Fix/issue-325-markdowncleanup by @skounis in #326
- Publish discussion topics on the mini-site by @skounis in #331
- Feat/topic b discussion paper by @skounis in #352
- Add page titles and fix the quotation marks by @skounis in #353
- Topic b by @paolo-de-rosa in #355
- Topic/f by @paolo-de-rosa in #360
- Topic/f update by @paolo-de-rosa in #364
- Topic/f/update public by @skounis in #365
- Topic/f/update public 2 by @skounis in #366
- Feat/fix sync 20250108 by @skounis in #367
- Review/topic b by @paolo-de-rosa in #368
- Review/topic a update by @phin10 in #369
- Review/topic b for 2week cg commenting ph by @phin10 in #373
- Review/topic f update after meeting 1 ph by @phin10 in #372
- Review/topic e 22jan release by @phin10 in #374
- Topic F paper updated by @phin10 in #377
- Release/1.5.0 by @skounis in #379
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.5.0
What's Changed
- docs: Update by @jhnplotim in #174
- fixes definition of Qualified Electronic Attestation of Attributes in Annex-1 / Table-1 by @thodoris in #178
- Feat/issue 175 brokenannexeslinks by @skounis in #183
- Typo and phrasing fixes by @toonn in #187
- Fix for the duplicated mention of "PID" in chapter by @ktam9975 in #186
- Fixed typo in headline numbering by @kernoelpanic in #191
- Annex 2 and 3 typos by @toonn in #195
- Fixed missing character in by @kernoelpanic in #199
- Typos/editorial comments by @pinamiranda in #213
- chore(arf) Roll back minor change #228 by @skounis in #231
- Update Readme file according to QA review by @mgiakkou in #289
- Added images for RI standout by @mgiakkou in #296
- Add top banner images for ARF and RI by @mgiakkou in #295
- Gender pronoun fixes by @joelposti in #135
- Update README file new banner by @mgiakkou in #297
- Remove repetition in WI definition by @francescopersico in #280
- Vrk kpa minor ortography fixes 2024 03 11 by @skounis in #293
- Consistent Spelling & Capitalization in the ARF and accompanying Anne… by @digeorgi in #304
- Consistent Capitalization and Spelling Issues - 2nd Batch by @digeorgi in #307
New Contributors
- @jhnplotim made their first contribution in #174
- @thodoris made their first contribution in #178
- @toonn made their first contribution in #187
- @ktam9975 made their first contribution in #186
- @kernoelpanic made their first contribution in #191
- @pinamiranda made their first contribution in #213
- @mgiakkou made their first contribution in #289
- @francescopersico made their first contribution in #280
- @digeorgi made their first contribution in #304
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
What's Changed
- feat(doc) Link annexes with their md's #124 by @skounis in #125
- Feat/issue 124 link annexes with their markdown file by @skounis in #126
- Typo fixes by @joelposti in #136
- fix(doc) Fix row span for Table 5 by @skounis in #145
- Feat/issue 144 fix the layout of the table 5 in section 73 by @skounis in #146
- Minor orthography fixes 2024-03-14 by @joelposti in #152
- fix(arf) Correct reference by @skounis in #130
- Take out "CIR 2015/1501" references in by @madisehastu in #133
- Typo fixes 2024-03-14 by @joelposti in #153
- Typo fixes 2024-03-18 by @joelposti in #154
- Update PGP Key link by @skounis in #158
- Remove duplicate line by @jantdm in #155
- Enhanced User Story Template: Incorporating Priority, Estimates, Technical Notes, and Dependencies by @Sascha-Block in #128
- Remove dead footnote 14 by @skounis in #166
- Release 1.4.0 by @skounis in #171
- Update pages.yml by @skounis in #172
New Contributors
- @joelposti made their first contribution in #136
- @madisehastu made their first contribution in #133
- @jantdm made their first contribution in #155
- @Sascha-Block made their first contribution in #128
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
This release introduces updates and additions including enhancements to the EUDI Data model in Chapter 5, revisions to the Trust model in Chapter 6, and updated Specifications for Wallet Solutions in Chapter 7. Additionally it includes Annex 8, the EUDI Wallet Design Guide, and Annex 9, the Design guide for data sharing scenarios.
What's Changed
- Update pages.yml by @skounis in #111
- Update pages.yml by @skounis in #112
- Update pages.yml by @skounis in #113
- Update pages.yml by @skounis in #114
- ARF v1.3 changes: EUDI data model, Trust model, Specifications for Wallet Solutions and Annex 8 and 9 by @skounis in #116
- Build v1.3.0 pages by @skounis in #117
- feat(pages) Set v1.3.0 as default by @skounis in #118
- feat(visual) Update banner in index and readme #119 by @skounis in #120
- Resolve circular references to arf text by @skounis in #122
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
This release introduces a new chapter (Chapter 5) that explores the Trust Model within the EUDI Wallet ecosystem in depth. Additionally, it includes Annex 06, which outlines the initial iteration of the PID Rule Book, and Annex 07, which details the first iteration of the mDL Rule Book.
What's Changed
- Update by @paolo-de-rosa in #65
- Update by @paolo-de-rosa in #68
- Update by @Nieuwlaar in #70
- Chore/linting markdown by @paolo-de-rosa in #80
- Feat/mkdocs by @paolo-de-rosa in #81
- Update by @paolo-de-rosa in #82
- Chore/ by @paolo-de-rosa in #83
- Chore/fixnotes by @paolo-de-rosa in #84
- Update pages.yml by @paolo-de-rosa in #85
- fixed typos by @paolo-de-rosa in #86
- Update the VDP and add the .well-known/security.txt meta file by @skounis in #91
- chore(folder) Take out trailing whitespace by @skounis in #92
- chore(folder) Clean up by @skounis in #93
- Apply ARF v1.2 changes: Trust model, PID and mDL rule book nov7updates - #67 by @skounis in #110
New Contributors
- @paolo-de-rosa made their first contribution in #65
- @Nieuwlaar made their first contribution in #70
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
v1.0.0 - Initial release
Initial Release