Apache NetBeans 17-rc1
2971 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Fix mapping of dependencies described as key/value maps to the source by @sdedic in #4918
- #4965: Fix issues with gradle pre-6.4 by @sdedic in #4995
- [#4865] Register JDPA and Java Compiler Output on Project level by @lkishalmi in #4984
- Fixed some Gradle introspection problems wit pre-6.1 Gradle Versions by @lkishalmi in #5014
- Fix #5015: Fix Gradle/broken task dependency and serialization by @sdedic in #5022
- Made Gradle JavaCompilerProcessorFactory work in absence of a ClasspathProvider by @lkishalmi in #5042
- Use Project Dictated JVM for Gradle Discovery by @lkishalmi in #4985
- Make Java Platform available on non-java Gradle Projects by @lkishalmi in #5053
- Gradle: Support for proxy detection / autoconfiguration. by @sdedic in #5006
- Fixing project loading issues with micronaut complex project. by @sdedic in #5124
- Upgraded Gradle Tooling API to 8.0-rc-1 by @lkishalmi in #5240
- Made runSingle Gradle task work on Gradle 8.0 by @lkishalmi in #5269
- Fix Java version detection in GradleJavaCompatProblemProvider by @lkishalmi in #5271
- Catch IAE when Gradle error getLocation cannot be called. by @lkishalmi in #5270
- Gradle options UI cleanup (Execution and Appearance panel). by @mbien in #5274
- Gradle Execution Customizer with Runtime by @lkishalmi in #5158
- [NETBEANS-6519] Maven dependency produces full tree with duplicates, avoids cycles. by @sdedic in #4947
- hide maven transfer progress via flag instead of regexp filter. by @mbien in #4954
- Fix
by @jglick in #4994 - Proxy autodetection + autoconfiguration for Maven. by @sdedic in #5038
- [NETBEANS-4928] EAR deployment considers outputFileNameMapping Maven EAR plugin property by @OndroMih in #4930
- Avoid an
with Maven folds by @jglick in #4957 - enable some important sounding java tests by @mbien in #5107
- fix output window stacktrace parsing when mvnd is used. by @mbien in #5099
- globally enable maven stacktrace processing. by @mbien in #5116
- Add displayname for maven POM language and order languages in options dialog by @matthiasblaesing in #5164
- adds a basic maven dependency updater hint. by @mbien in #5009
- upgrade exec-maven-plugin to 3.1.0. by @mbien in #5111
- upgrade bundled maven to 3.8.7 by @mbien in #5170
- update OutputUtils to support stacktrace links leading to JDK files. by @mbien in #5091
- Fix for Windows Maven parent.relativePath from Mark Herkrath by @mdeggers in #5282
- allow concurrent local indexing while downloading remote indexes. by @mbien in #5290
- Fix java.editor tests by @jlahoda in #4931
- NBABasedBulkSearch::encode doesn't return on cancel by @mbien in #4793
- LSP: Create test class code action added. by @dbalek in #4939
- apidoc check and improvement by @ebarboni in #4969
- Test bugfixes: preparation for GH action migration by @sdedic in #4975
- #5023: Formatting preferences for Java contains bad sample code by @swpalmer in #5028
- spi.java.hints: remove unused byte buddy dependency. by @mbien in #5029
- Fix organize imports to not add record from same package by @jirkabs in #5046
- Fixing pattern matching for binding patterns by @matthiasblaesing in #5121
- Prevent AOBE on empty, bad class files. by @lkishalmi in #5137
- Make more hints for java available by @matthiasblaesing in #5013
- Locate sources JAR if it is next to binary JAR by @jtulach in #5156
- Recognize nbjrt: protocol and locate JDK9+ src.zip by @jtulach in #5157
- [NETBEANS-4763] Handling switch expressions, case rules and exhaustive switches more correctly. by @jlahoda in #4788
- Update to nb-javac-19.0.1. by @dbalek in #5133
- Fix Javadoc 17 parsing by @neilcsmith-net in #5127
- Allow to run missing ref hint in batch mode, but mark it as not having a fix. by @jlahoda in #5171
- [NETBEANS-1309] add support for @summary javadoc tag by @jherkel in #5180
- fix NPE in RemoveUnnecessary class when case statement list is null. by @mbien in #5179
- Extract source name from .class and use it to locate proper source by @jtulach in #5152
- apidoc error/warning fix by @ebarboni in #5216
- [NETBEANS-1615] fixed @throws hint for type variable by @wal-jan in #2974
- Fix possible NPE in Tiny.java by @lkishalmi in #5249
- move java modules job to JDK 11 and fix tests where needed by @mbien in #5138
- For nb.org projects, use the correct nbjavac prepend for the internal (boot)classpath. by @jlahoda in #5174
- Add javadoc for JDK 21 early access by @pepness in #5259
- Improving the Java AST debugging view. by @jlahoda in #4879
- Prevent NullPointerException when matching filenames in SourceUtils by @matthiasblaesing in #5279
- Jakarta EE 10 - Platform/API/RI support by @jGauravGupta in #4692
- Improve
behavior #4686 by @junichi11 in #4846 - PHP 8.2 Support: Allow
, andtrue
as stand-alone types by @junichi11 in #4888 - PHP 8.2 Support: Readonly classes by @junichi11 in #4955
- PHP 8.2 Support: Fetch properties of enums in const expressions by @junichi11 in #4966
- PHP 8.2 Support: Constants in Traits and Disjunctive Normal Form Types by @junichi11 in #5302
- PHP 8.2 Support by @junichi11 in #5300
- Use warning rather than error for vulnerability reports. by @sdedic in #5005
- Support directly native build plugin by @sdedic in #5021
- tomcat5: Enable usage of javac release and remove internal class use (fix JDK8 and JDK17+) by @matthiasblaesing in #5160
- Support for OCI profiles. by @sdedic in #5118
- Do not inherit "throws Exception" from Callable to compile on JDK8 by @sdedic in #5191
- Autoload default config profiles into ServerInstances. by @sdedic in #5226
- Add Jakarta EE/Java EE support for Tomcat and TomEE by @pepness in #4822
- Adding new action which registers ADB connection by @jhorvath in #5291
- Lookup CSS properties case-insensitive by @matthiasblaesing in #4986
- Optimize matching for CSS completion queries by @matthiasblaesing in #4979
- Css improvements by @matthiasblaesing in #4964
- LSP Client: Use full complete item to complete, not just the missing suffix by @matthiasblaesing in #4728
- move webcommon job to JDK 11 and fix tests where needed. by @mbien in #5143
- [GH-5104] Ensure @use and @forward can be parsed in less files by @matthiasblaesing in #5142
- Remove unnecessary bootclasspath.prepend and reenable CI/CD tests for html.editor by @matthiasblaesing in #5162
- CssSemanticAnalyser needs to flatten OffsetRanges for highlights by @matthiasblaesing in #5151
- tweaks some versioning history settings. by @mbien in #4951
- Fix missing ICON_RESOURCE in git tag actions by @Atrament666 in #5155
- Close whole documents list at once by @Richard7111 in #4792
- Fix wrong popuppath by changing order of popupPresenterFilePath strings by @Chris2011 in #5034
- bump large file warning from 1 to 5MB. by @mbien in #4949
- Upgrade ANTLRv4 Runtime to 4.11.1 by @lkishalmi in #4845
- Initial implementation of ANTLR4 Lexer Support by @lkishalmi in #5206
- ANTLR uses ANTLR4 Lexer Support. by @lkishalmi in #5247
- TOML uses ANTLR4 Lexer Support. by @lkishalmi in #5246
- Do not expose LexerInputCharStream as an API. by @lkishalmi in #5257
- Made ANTLR Token LexerInputCharStream Friendly by @lkishalmi in #5292
UI Changes
- Have "Close All" and friends honor "Cancel" in save prompt dialogs by @eirikbakke in #4977
- FlatLaf: fix font of window title when using
argument (on Windows) by @DevCharly in #5045 - Allow to collect contextual actions from layer path. by @sdedic in #5198
- Linux launcher: Auto-detect subpixel text rendering mode on KDE by @eirikbakke in #5161
- Remove Abandoned Cache Dirs Automatically [Janitor] by @lkishalmi in #4900
- added tests to org.openide.util.TaskTest & upgraded to JUnit4 by @lbownik in #4112
- Update asm from 9.3 to 9.4 by @pepness in #4820
- Strip protocol part, present e.g. if in KDE + manual proxy mode. by @sdedic in #5195
- Use default wpad.dat if autoproxy without explicit pacfile location. by @sdedic in #5210
- rewritten 2 tests of org.openide.util.TaskTest into more readable form by @lbownik in #5061
- Made FileUtil to copy POSIX permissions by @lkishalmi in #4654
Language Server Protocol
- Fixes for DialogNotifier in LSP by @sdedic in #4907
- VSCode: Auto enable/disable java should work when no folder is opened in workpsace. by @dbalek in #4991
- VSCode: Hide Run Configuration panel when Java support is disabled. by @dbalek in #5031
- LSP: Enable custom run config params for 'java' configuration. by @dbalek in #5194
- VSCode: Security vulnerabilities found in dependent libraries fixed. by @dbalek in #5207
- Include JS implementation for JDK16+ execution environment. by @sdedic in #5208
- Use custom serialization for fileobject subclasses. by @sdedic in #5211
- Open projects that correspond to workspace folders. Prevents "do you want to open project ?" questions. by @sdedic in #5286
VSCode Extension
- VSNetBeans changelog update for 16u1 by @MartinBalin in #5054
- Issue #5250: Update java.mx.project to work with GraalVM 22.3.0 release. by @dbalek in #5285
- db.mysql: Bump connector/j version to prevent unittest failures ran against newer mysql server by @matthiasblaesing in #4941
- db.metadata.model: Bump connector/j version to prevent unittest failures ran against newer mysql server by @matthiasblaesing in #4953
- Cleanup few remaining raw type List warnings.. by @BradWalker in #5004
- CI: the final migration by @mbien in #4817
- JDK 20 preparations by @mbien in #5122
- move ide modules job to JDK 11 and fix tests where needed. by @mbien in #5144
- Removed from code semicolon ;; duplicates by @tbw777 in #5212
- Replaced a part of replaceAll() calls to replace() by @tbw777 in #5228
- ci: add retry script to ide/options.editor tests and increase mac timeout. by @mbien in #5254
- Removed StringUtils unused object creation by @tbw777 in #5242
- Removed double null check with instance operator by @tbw777 in #5224
- Added missing @deprecated annotations by @tbw777 in #5209
Other Changes
- Fix #5196: use precise sha1 instead of deleted tag vm-20.3.0 by @sdedic in #5199
- Pass buildnumber into NBM sub-ant target. by @neilcsmith-net in #5262
- [NETBEANS-1603] resolving the problem with (un)showing MySQL procedures within NetBeans IDE DB explorer by @matthiasblaesing in #5187
- Added ANTLR based Go Parser module by @lkishalmi in #5287
New Contributors
- @Richard7111 made their first contribution in #4792
- @swpalmer made their first contribution in #5028
- @OndroMih made their first contribution in #4930
- @jirkabs made their first contribution in #5046
- @tbw777 made their first contribution in #5212
- @wal-jan made their first contribution in #2974
- @mdeggers made their first contribution in #5282
Full Changelog: 16...17-rc1