Selenium 4.0.0 Beta 2
5952 commits
to trunk
since this release
For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
Commits in this release
Click to see all the commits included in this release
- [grid] Adding a few unit tests (UI) :: Diego Molina790f604ad9
- [rb] implement initial support for Firefox BiDi :: titusfortner7580e44c03
- Release Ruby bindings 4.0.0.beta1 :: titusfortnere81e183b71
- Update @platforms to 0.0.3 :: Simon Stewart5c446c46af
- Avoid using bazel native python rules :: Simon Stewart450eb050b5
- [py] Fix homepage attribute in wheel target :: AutomatedTestereeb0cb0b5c
- [py] Add ARIA APIs for getting the role and label of an Element :: AutomatedTester5199624263
- Update .NET CHANGELOG for 4.0 beta1 :: Jim Evans152c4cd655
- Correct framework version in WebDriverBackedSelenium .nuspec file :: Jim Evans08c387421d
- [bazel] Use newer mechanism for hermetic java toolchain :: Simon Stewartdccf4dd92d
- [JS] Removing duplicate variable declaration of IE from capabilities :: Sri Harshadcfc437561
- [JS] Minor code cleanup :: Sri Harshae0e668f28b
- [js] Updating copyright text :: Sri Harsha88279c820e
- [JS] Removing duplicate license text updated by update_copyright.js :: Sri Harsha99c31dd170
- [java] FIxing order of statements in assertj call chain :: Alexei Barantsev0065abd731
- [java] Changing order of Either parts, right part is for right value :: Alexei Barantseve5194a7b79
- [grid] Implementing node heartbeating that makes the distributor aware about node availability. Fixes #9182 :: Alexei Barantsev2fa1a0ce74
- [grid] Setting default heartbeat period value in LocalNode :: Alexei Barantsevb69aa6ad88
- [grid] Running unit tests in GitHub Actions (UI) (#9179) :: Diego Molina2eea3d8e03
- [grid-ui] Don't hide the drawer if the grid is disconnected :: Alexei Barantseva4f5c22e13
- [grid-ui] Don't hide the drawer if the grid is disconnected (V2) :: Diego Molina68b17ed70c
- [grid-ui] Don't hide the drawer if the grid is disconnected :: Diego Molinae9b3e7a3f4
- [grid] Adding back a couple of WebDriver tests for the Grid UI :: Diego Molinae88c143461
- [grid] Adding missing copyright headers :: Diego Molina3892be67bd
- [.NET] Fix network interception using CDP :: Jim Evans3db814dca8
- [.NET] Bump assembly version for development of next release :: Jim Evans78d66e8217
- [grid-ui] Adding error handler to Apollo, it is not decided yet how to propagate information about handled errors to the components :: Alexei Barantsevce3a14d49f
- [grid-ui] Rewriting components covered by tests to be classes instead of functions :: Alexei Barantsev6662cc61b3
- [grid-ui] Refactoring more components to classes and adding more tests :: Alexei Barantsevc317354480
- [grid-ui] Refactoring all components to classes, and implementing robust graphql data polling with error handling and recovering after errors :: Alexei Barantsevb0e61cf067
- [grid-ui] Refactoring TopBar to make it more testable :: Alexei Barantsevb2a5a417d9
- [grid-ui] Decomposing NavBar to smaller components :: Alexei Barantsev8232110158
- [grid-ui] Implementing more compact layout of stereotypes and visualizing node DOWN status with light-gray background :: Alexei Barantsev75f55a352b
- [grid] Waiting for two missed heartbeats to mark a node DOWN and actually resurrect nodes after receiving a heartbeat event :: Alexei Barantsev5113b2d18d
- [grid-ui] Refactoring node block to smaller components :: Alexei Barantsev2a28c63eed
- [grid-ui] Use the same button look-n-feel :: Alexei Barantsev17e395e579
- [grid-ui] Extracting small reusable components :: Alexei Barantsev8dcfe79b2d
- [grid] Declaring individual imports :: Diego Molinad17ac96fb4
- Upgrade OpenTelemetry to 0.16.0 (#9187) :: Puja Jaganid387c913f6
- [grid] Avoiding NPE on the Grid UI :: Diego Molinaa75acaeec4
- [grid] FixingNPE on the Grid UI which was breaking E2E tests :: Diego Molina9ac878bc58
- [grid-ui] Massive code style fix to make ts-standard checker happy :: Alexei Barantsevc8f352a99d
- [grid-ui] Fixing overall concurrency panel visibility and properties :: Alexei Barantsev7dc0c8a78e
- [grid] Parse log levels using Level.parse :: Simon Stewarta34ad83886
- Use a custom classloader to load everything :: Simon Stewart3a94ffba98
- [tracing] Use OT provided mechanisms for configuring OT :: Simon Stewart1060b98f51
- [bazel] Run buildifier. No logical changes :: Simon Stewart6f92e8a082
- [docker] Containers may not always be present :: Simon Stewartc969deb768
- Add missing copyright file. No logical changes :: Simon Stewart1ca2bac9fa
- Stop the process if we cannot start the command :: Simon Stewartc800a7b972
- Make sure we return after running main in bootstrap :: Simon Stewarte874b53032
- Review places where we create anHttpClient
:: Simon Stewartfd7a4b6071
- [java] Changing a test for RemoteWebDriverBuilder to analyze requests in time, later the streams can be closed :: Alexei Barantsev6baf2b8872
- [java] Reworking ProtocolHandshake to return either result or an exception, and reworking RemoteWebDriverBuilder to use FileBackedOutputStream to form request to remote server. :: Alexei Barantsevf87b21f2c1
- [java] Deleting @beta annotation from InternetExplorerOptions, and some code cleanup :: Alexei Barantsevd44efb4aad
- [java] Formatting code, no functional changes :: Alexei Barantsevd1e3a2c406
- [java] Deprecating EventFiringWebDriver in favor of EventFiringDecorator :: Alexei Barantseve0efe7e674
- [js] Remove Firefox Extension code handling :: AutomatedTester36bc787321
- [atoms] Tidying up atoms IE code paths :: AutomatedTester2a10bce463
- [js] Remove Firefox extension from selenium-atoms :: AutomatedTester5ae1547e10
- [java] Making stack trace shorter and prettier by throwing more specific exception :: Alexei Barantsev7d488f70fe
- [java] Code formatting, no functional changes :: Alexei Barantsev0da772d2b0
- [java] Fixing InternetExplorerOptions.merge, it should ignore "se:ieOptions" and merge only real capabilities, "se:ieOptions" will be constructed automatically :: Alexei Barantsevd2b45c58ec
- [bazel] Make it easier for external projects to use browser pinning :: Simon Stewart8e8df2483f
- Be a little less aggressive about closing httpclients :: Simon Stewartebd6bd7b4e
- Make configuring options through system properties explicit :: Simon Stewart33fb89b6d4
- [py] remove unused imports :: AutomatedTester9ea195303e
- [cdp] Use a flat namespace for selenium options :: Simon Stewart5ebc0e64b2
- [java] Fixing browser name and browser-specific capability prefix in EdgeFilter :: Alexei Barantsev4750e40b9c
- [py] Add test for File Upload :: AutomatedTestera10808bbd8
- [grid] FixingNPE on the Grid UI when requests are in the queue :: Diego Molinae50e7acfd2
- [grid] Naming NewSessionRunnable thread to simplify debugging :: Diego Molina76d48d8aa3
- [java] What a silly mistake... :: Alexei Barantsevfead8055c6
- [infra] Reworking the script that uploads files to google storage :: Alexei Barantseva77e65d23d
- [infra] Fixing comments, no functional changes :: Alexei Barantsevc11013dcd4
- [bazel] jcenter is no more :: Simon Stewart29534e3a61
- [js] updating rules nodejs to 3.2.1 (#9211) :: Sri Harshad6e4232e61
- [rb] move guards from SpecSupport to Support :: titusfortnerb9ef1f872f
- Add support for intercepting browser requests :: titusfortner95707f2c77
- [py] Correct Type Hinting on option method. Fixes #9210 :: AutomatedTesterbd5ca6c643
- Fixed headless option not being passed to RemoteWebDriver constructor desired_capatibilities argument by ChromiumDriver. (#9208) :: Dmitriy Sintsov4024861170
- Additional Python type hints (#9192) :: Albertoe569869fbc
- [ui] TypeScript migration and clean up :: Simon Stewart16d6469451
- [rb] implement browser option equality check :: titusfortnercaa2fbec95
- [rb] allow creating subclass instances of Options from class method on super class, similar to Service class :: titusfortner1d0ab3ea74
- [rb] allow symbols for setting unhandled prompt behavior :: titusfortner6e1862467c
- [rb] explicitly handle all w3c required capabilities from session creation return value :: titusfortner2965e4e0fa
- [rb] removing :timeout accessor from HTTP Client :: titusfortner8e62549305
- [rb] debug clients have fixed problem with non-nil open_timeout values, switch to using library default :: titusfortnerd7872157cd
- [rb] max line length needs to be 120 :: titusfortner0d706811f0
- Don't count requests in NetworkInterception tests :: Alex Rodionovbe89c108bc
- Unfocus DevTools spec 🤦 :: Alex Rodionov3d8f879912
- [docs] Make sure that we Bundle install for the docs :: AutomatedTestera65ff1c9e9
- Add attribute_to_be_include method to expected_conditions when the at… (#9200) :: sunnyyukaigea5d5af2d8f
- [grid] Using a single Netty client instance (#9227) :: Diego Molinad962c9fdb4
- [grid] Giving correct value to "register-period" :: Diego Molinabd468dd842
- Update example in edge.js (#9231)[skip ci] :: hectorhon26c65c7a5c
- Make persistent capabilities chain correctly :: Simon Stewart4464ac4f82
- [js] resolve file path (#9223) :: Sri Harshab9b4be3aad
- Fix undefined instance variable warning :: Alex Rodionov6a3244e9a5
- Disable network interception tests for Firefox BiDi :: Alex Rodionov2d536a3157
- Allow to use DevTools from remote driver :: Alex Rodionov08b49b7237
- Add missing devtools dependencies for Chrome/Edge test targets :: Alex Rodionovb3797d21eb
- Disable Chrome 89 secure+http cookie test :: Alex Rodionov2b26c05e23
- [rb] implement #dom_attribute :: titusfortner6f41ea580f
- [py] implement get_dom_attribute :: titusfortner7274f48ed8
- clarify documentation around attributes and properties :: titusfortner9b6231a45d
- use attribute endpoint to evaluate multiple selects :: titusfortnerb132c55961
- [grid] Fixing order how config values are read :: Diego Molinafa9de34bc7
- [grid] Displaying default values for toml config help :: Diego Molina93d8a2cbb6
- [grid] Enabling cors test :: Diego Molina4b17c14ed7
- [grid] Adjusting BaseServerFlags and ConfigFlags :: Diego Molinae52fa0ad99
- [py] Deprecate using a Firefox profile in Options :: AutomatedTester4658527a78
- [grid] Reworking DockerFlags to show defaults properly. :: Diego Molina0a19bc4613
- [grid] Reworking DistributorFlags, LoggingFlags & NodeFlags :: Diego Molina30ae67a4e1
- [grid] Reworking last *Flags classes to show defaults properly. :: Diego Molina9c41b0b531
- [java] Bumping to beta-2 :: Diego Molina16b35554ca
- [grid] Send node heartbeat only on successful node registration (#9213) :: Puja Jagani8975ba32d6
- [rb] add aliases for edge based on browser name :: titusfortner7004f1dfa6
- [js] Updating rules_nodejs to 3.2.2 :: Sri Harsha134cfec6fe
- [grid] Lets avoid to create more than one "Regularly" when the Node registers again :: Diego Molina259a84ca05
- [grid] Update plain logs default value to true (#9246) :: Puja Jagania2dc3419e7
- [grid] Update Distributor to not retry session requests on unexpected driver errors (#9193) :: Puja Jaganid488c0cddb
- Upgrade OpenTelemetry to latest stable version 1.0.0 (#9247) :: Puja Jagani7db80da90d
- [grid] Avoiding hard coded class names in Strings :: Diego Molinaaadc2039d7
- [grid] Add info and warn log while adding specific drivers to node (#9129) :: Puja Jagani23d51dabbe
- [build] Set default browser args to browser keys :: AutomatedTesterc02a2d07bf
- Pass options to RemoteWebDriver (#9240) :: Michal Čihař5385bbd7b8
- [py] Move code so that it is reachable :: AutomatedTester4b2db29c93
- [rb] run unit tests with JRuby 9.2.10 because of modules issues :: titusfortner536084e2db
- [rb] allow deprecation logging to provide link to additional references :: titusfortnerd8c0d8e262
- [grid] Fixing parameter annotation :: Diego Molina8460e4ec4d
- Lazy initialisation of the singleton default client factory instance (#9261) :: Puja Jagani69d9aab941
- [grid] Make session timeout configurable option for Node role (#9251) :: Puja Jagani2b6b05b05d
- [py] Set Chromium Edge to be the default for Edge browsers :: AutomatedTester401e9807cd
- [py] Improve proxy via options test for Firefox :: AutomatedTesterd39a7e3738
- [py] Fix flake8 :: AutomatedTester8b649c98e9
- [grid] Using Node default values everywhere :: Diego Molina9c138bc189
- [grid] Fixing cli args parsing when names are different :: Diego Molina3862ad0799
- [grid] Propagate the error to the client when reserving a slot (#9265) :: Puja Jaganief71789a3a
- [grid] Update session slot to return Either for error propagation. Fix http response. (#9270) :: Puja Jaganib2c32787df
- [js] Remove JSUnit directory as it is no longer used. :: AutomatedTesterefb9b237aa
- [py] Deprecate arguments in remote webdriver instantiation :: AutomatedTesterad30bcdaac
- [grid] Reverting change to internalErrorResponse :: Diego Molinab58f9759e1
- [grid] Bubbling up session creation exception to client :: Diego Molina28b2e03598
- [grid] Make health check interval a configurable option for Distributor role (#9272) :: Puja Jagani533ccce27f
- [grid] OPERA instead of operablink at OperaDriverInfo :: Diego Molina3821eedf79
- [grid] Leaving internalErrorResponse back to its state :: Diego Molina3a51bf193e
- [grid] Fine graining matching logic for Strings :: Diego Molina1d31b391b6
- [grid] Detecting platform by default for Node :: Diego Molinaca63885f70
- [py] Fix using arguments in Chrome Option. Fixes #9281 :: AutomatedTester6c405eafdf
- [js] upgrade insecure deps :: AutomatedTestere0082a8f31
- [cdp] Add v85 support for Firefox :: Simon Stewart5e0ef41bd5
- [cdp] Remove v84 :: Simon Stewart278d17a795
- [cdp + js] Make the build silent :: Simon Stewart562427a776
- Update developers in java pom.xml :: Simon Stewart6e44d378cc
- [py] Add Multiple file upload test :: AutomatedTester84b65b1641
- [JS] Remove support for Edge HTML (#9239) :: Sri Harsha941e9817af
- [py] Fix flake8 in test :: AutomatedTester5a9a5467d3
- Generate transitive javadocs more correctly :: Simon Stewart2c775355ae
- Update java changelog :: Simon Stewartce1f92ee1a
- [bazel] Move common browser data to //common :: Simon Stewartf27b249bd9
- Minor formatting tweak :: Simon Stewart58a72e9638
- Repin java deps :: Simon Stewartc0ec2b8035
- [bazel] Move more java test infra into the java package :: Simon Stewart53053670ed
- [bazel] Pin to stable Edge :: Simon Stewartffb606613c
- Back away from using custom drivers in tests :: Simon Stewarta0fae19c7b
- Only merge command line arguments once in chromeoptions :: Simon Stewart03abbe8561
- Get driver capabilities from Browser in test :: Simon Stewart86dac53a36
- More test browser setup work :: Simon Stewartfa52db0a49
- [bazel] Fix the build :: Simon Stewart333790b74a
- [rb] auto load browser specific features into Bridge so they can be used by Remote Driver :: titusfortner57cb8894d2
- [rb] allow driver extension functionality to be used by Remote WebDriver :: titusfortner2823cfa05d
- [rb] fix support for safari and technology preview :: titusfortner566e13f92e
- [rb] remove redundant mixins from remote driver class :: titusfortner3755075427
- [rb] get correct devtools address and version local and remote :: titusfortner1a4b347300
- [rb] create multiple gemspec files :: titusfortnere509e71835
- [rb] update mappings :: titusfortner19def6e692
- [rb] update devtools file generation and usage :: titusfortner0983fa4180
- [rb] add support for multiple DevTools versions :: titusfortner12ce507ccd
- [rb] separate guards from conditions for more general use case :: titusfortner12102fb15f
- [rb] shouldn't need to pass in a blocks to add guard conditions in specs :: titusfortner75defbc95b
- [rb] add tests for new guards :: titusfortner347c30aa39
- [rb] bump versions :: titusfortner43782c2e63
- [java] Updating javadoc for timeouts :: Diego Molinad39e89df9b
- [java] Fixing autoformatting mistake :: Diego Molina9587249890
- [build] Set up python for pinned browsers :: AutomatedTesterfd4e9a7b0c
- [py] Update changelog and docs for Se4b2 :: AutomatedTestere8ee0f8c7c
- [js] Update changelog and version numbers for Se4b2 :: AutomatedTester6419881556
- [js] remove gitlog comments from changelog :: AutomatedTesterb4512b24c2
- [py] Add support for chrome 89 CDP :: AutomatedTestere456ab377b
- [py] Remove duplication in py build deps :: AutomatedTestera956044a64
- [js] Revert Change for where it gets debugger address for CDP :: AutomatedTester6e15fa92b2
- [js] Removing debugger statement :: Sri Harshac7e683e462
- [js] Add support for chrome 89 CDP :: Sri Harsha41b9b380eb
- Fix small thinko in python browser tests :: Simon Stewart06f53b3b09
- [bazel] Generate a test per test file for java :: Simon Stewarta2784c7738
- [bazel] Generate spotbugs tests for test code :: Simon Stewart4ec0cfc112
- Add missing target to Rakefile :: Simon Stewart