Releases: uktrade/data-hub-api
Releases · uktrade/data-hub-api
Mastika release
Merge pull request #355 from uktrade/release/lotoko Lotoko release
Merge pull request #318 from uktrade/release/kachasu Kachasu Release
- Added investment project to search (#285)
- Added validation for 'Verify win' stage of investment projects (#286)
- Fixed project document type (#287)
- Split company models (#289)
- Renamed investment phase to stage (#288)
- Added investment likelihood of landing and priority (#290)
- Improved search results (#291)
- Now returns all records if term is empty (#292)
- Search bug fixes (#293, #294)
- Added investment team members endpoints (#295)
- Changed CI build config (#296)
Irish coffee
- Disabled GET method for unarchiving (#272)
- Updated dependencies (#273)
- Added unified investment endpoint (#271)
- Merged ES_HOST and ES_PORT environment variables into ES_URL (#274)
- Readme updates (#277, #278)
- Fixed Django deprecation warnings (#276)
- Improved Elasticsearch query (#279)
- Fixed URL path for Companies House v3 item endpoint (#280)
- Virus scanning for documents (#275)
- Made Elasticsearch updates async (#282)
- Updated database fixtures (#281)
- Added v3 company endoints [#252]
- Stopped overriding dit_adviser for new interactions [#253]
- Allow simple strings for relationship fields in v3 API [#254]
- Dependency updates and pinned indirect dependencies [#256, #257]
- Renamed adviser enabled flag to use_cdms_auth [#258]
- Fixed problems serialising companies with no registered address country [#259]
- Investment project search and other search updates [#255, #260, #264, #268]
- Logging and Sentry configuration changes [#261, #265]
- Improved performance of certain admin forms [#262]
- Added ability to filter interactions by company ID [#263]
- Made reason for archiving a company, contact or investment project required [#267]
- Removed django-mptt (was used for company hierarchy) [#269]
- Improved sync_ch command performance in Django debug mode [#265]
- Added management of documents for investment projects [#250]