Releases: psu-libraries/myaccount
Removes version checking (#271)
Clear all badges (#268)
Adds the patron's library as the default selected option (#269)
Getting bill reason from policy (#267)
217 frontend issues (#263)
Revised loading message (#264)
Yarn upgrade of webpack-dev-server to bump node-forge (#262)
Make spinner smaller (#261)
Sets environment based on config gem setting for datadog (#258)
Adds success badges (#257)
247 a11y (#253)
Update (#254)
UPDATE gems (#252)
Refines datadog settings (#251)
New hold request error handling (#240)
Forces renew session actions to go through same auth pipeline as a brand new user (to the application) (#250)
Makes sure we don't present single checkboxes during new hold request processing (#249)
- when no holdable locations found, callList is empty, fix for undefined method error (#238)
- More details on operating overrides (#234)
- Customized title for bills with no associated item (#232)
- Moves pickup locations values for the drop-down in the form into config gem settings. (#233)
- Force checkouts and holds pages reload on browser back button (#231)
- Makes the menu equal width and heavily contrasted on active/hover (#226)
- Removes visible label from "Select all" option. Also: (#225)
- Updates a few things in config. (#227)
- Upgrades ActionView::Component to the new ViewComponent. Also updates README to denote no need for dev caching flag. (#219)
- Adds Ask A Librarian widget. Also adds some safe navigation operators that are needed. Fixes deprecation warnings about ActionView Components. (#218)
- Site chrome (#216)
- Asyncing new hold requests (#213)
First commit for async overhaul