- @angular-mdl/core is now compatible with angular 8
- all @angular-mdl/* extension packages from angular2-mdl-ext have been moved to this project:
- @angular-mdl/datepicker
- @angular-mdl/expansion-panel
- @angular-mdl/fab-menu
- @angular-mdl/popover
- @angular-mdl/select
- 1578 (MdlDialog problem after close dialog by clicking outside)
- 1182 (the sortable property of mdl-table was marked as deprecated, becasue it was never supported)
- 1449 (fix: menus from menuregistry not removed on compnent destroy)
- 1007 (fix: Snackbar Module Name)
- 1051 (add maxlength if mdl-textfield is a textarea)
- 997 (fix Issue with dialog in lazy loaded components)
- 1038 (fix Including an mdl-dialog causes things to happen twice)
- the Snackbar Module Name has changed from MdlSnackbaModule to MdlSnackbarModule
- MdlScreenSizeService.isSmallScreen method added.
- 990 (add openDrawer and openDrawerOnSmallScreens method on mdl-layout)
- 973 (MdlScreenSizeService is destroyed on MdlLayoutComponent destroy)
*remove debug code
- 536 (MediaQuery no longer runs in ngZone)
- remove check that mdl-list-item need mdl-list as a parent
- 775 (Restore the behavior for mdl-badge as of version 2)
- 765 (OpaqueToken has been deprecated - should not break anythingv ;)
- 724 (call animation done - even if no polyfill is available)
- match angular 4.x
- keep the rc number in sync with angular
- 688 (mdl-tooltip is not updated when its value changes)
- keep the rc number in sync
- Upgade to angular 4 rc.4 and fixing breaking changes
- package renamed to -rc.4 to make clear that this version corresponds to the current rc of angular4
- the umd bundle file name has changed to bundle/core.js
- Renderer replaced by Renderer2
- fix dialog animations - keep focus
- 639 (BrowserModule imported twice with angular 4.rc2)
- 631 (changed table columns to allow for HTML content by @joevanwanzeele)
###Breaking Changes
- the public methods show and hide on tooltips have be removed
- the mld-ripple directive no longer works on mdl-list-items
- build with angular 4.0.0-rc.2
###Breaking Changes
- The npm package and the name have changed. It is now: @angular-mdl/core
- This Verison is compatible with Angualr 4.rc.1
- 595 (Incorrect typings of mdl table)
- 512 (Tabs cannot be rendered dynamically with an *ngFor loop)
- 516 (Building with AoT throws errors) by [@jlee1201](https://github.com/jlee1201
- 483 (Event emitter to detect state of modals being opened or closed by @mgiuliani)
- 452 (fire screen size events after subscribing to the events)
- 403 (dialog service: onHide should declare Observable instead of Observable)
- 369 (Tooltip delay by @guzmo)
- 397 (maxlength in mdl-textfield by@tomicasoft)
- 436 (add keyup emitter to textfield)crystalraebryant
- 370 (do not set the tabindex to 1 as the default value)
- 191 (Custom Decorators are a stumbling block for treeshaking
- 364 (upgrade mdl to version 1.3.0)
- 325 (mdl-shadow supports 0 as valid value)
- 329 (adaptable layout-screen-size-treshold)
- 331 (screensize service - listen to screen size changes)
- 283 (consecutive snackbars)
- 284 (auto aciton on snackbar timeout)
- 288 (tab index)
- 300 (confirm dialog with heading)
- 282 (Add default type=text to mdl-textfield)
- 281 (step attribute for slider component)
- 275 (keep type number for input type number)
- 263 (pass a value for dialog hide)
- rebuild to get the right metadata for aot
- 235 (Show/close tooltip)
- 2126 (mdl-layout-tab-panel-title is not moarked correctly if active)
- 216 (AOT fails because of private members)
- 200 (close menu if another menu will be opened)
- 205 (group nested radios not working)
- 216 (AOT fail for dialogs)
- 201 (Step in text fields)
- 196 (provide open and close events for the layout drawer)
- 186 (dialog animations (duration and curve) should be configurable)
- 175 ( dialog animation broken if animation polyfill is used)
- 169 (fix docu for snackbar and remove viewRef param from snackbar api)
- 143 (Dialog that starts animating from a specific element)
- 165 (Unable to compile AOT)
- 157 (modal for mld-dialog conflicts with config.isModal)
- 148 (dialog width + more config options)
- Make dialog-outlet workaround possible. (#149)
- 129 (set only local reference of menu template)
- 140 (dialog animation behaves different if native or polyfill is used)
- 127 (Autocomplete on inputs)
- 109 (AOT is now supported - e.g. the metadata files are generated)
- 121 (avoid editing the copied scss source from mdl)
- 118 (Add animation to mdl-dialogs)
- 113 (Disabled tabs)
- 112 (ViewEncapsulation.None for all components)
- 111 (forRoot module)
- 131 (Dialog design)
- 139 (change return types from Promise to Observable)
- The distribution structure has change:
- The scss folder is now located at scss and no longer in src/scss.
- The package is now distributed as umd bundle and esm. The bundle file is
. The esm entry point iscomponents/index.js
- The module MdlModule now works as a root module and makes sure that all providers are loaded into the root injector of the app. You can use MdlNonRootModule. But you should be aware that the providers are possibly not singletons. You also can use MdlNonRootModule.forRoot. This is the same as MdlModule.
- MdlDialogService and MdlSnackbarService have changed:
- There is no longer a
method. There are two ways to specify aViewContainerRef
where dynamic Components will be attached:- use
- use the
component. This component can be anywhere in your html site. The best place is the last child of thebody
element. (see https://github.com/mseemann/angular2-mdl/wiki/How-to-use-the-MdlDialogService for more information)
- use
- The possibility to set a
for each dialog or snackbar has been removed. alert
return anObservable
and no longer aPromise
(the enumConfirmResult
has been removed)
- There is no longer a
- This version now supports AOT - but you should be aware that AOT seems not to be ready for production. AOT behaves in many cases different then JIT. (see angular/angular#11606)
- The MdlSnachbarService returns now an Observable and no longer a Promise. Just change from
- 134 (throw an error if there is no viewcontainerref for the dialogs)
- #114 (mouseover event on tab (layout))
- #104 (Reactive Forms Disabled not handled)
- #90 (add semver carret to the 2.0.0 angular deps)
- #94 (make angular (core, common, forms) peerDependencies)
- #44 (Add MDL Dialog) See the docu for mor information how to use the MdlDialogService
- #99 (Missing min/max on textfield)
- #89 (Layout title not redrawing)
- #81 (Make MdlTextFieldComponent::setFocus() public)
- #82 (MediaQueryList is ngZone aware)
- update dependencies to angular 2.0.0 final
Update to match angular2 RC7
- #33 (Hamburger Icon misaligned in mdl 1.2.0)
- #59 (compiler.compileComponentSync has been removed in rc6)
- #62 (add change events for toggle components; thx to @tb )
Upgrade to support angular 2 RC6
- #48 (id handling for input fields with label)
- #49 (Pattern on Text Input invalidating Reactive Forms) See https://github.com/mseemann/angular2-mdl/wiki/Mdl-Textfield-and-native-validity-checking for a detailed description.
- #41 (Build 1.4.3 contains console.log statements)
- #46 (ripple effect not working in ff)
- #47 (Chrome Autofill Not Showing on TextFields)
The mdl-button component can now also be used as attributes for button elements. This make the mdl-button behave more natively as a regular html button.
Both is valid. But the button element is more natively:
<button mdl-button mdl-button-type="fab" mdl-ripple>
<mdl-button mdl-button-type="fab" mdl-ripple>
- Now includes the mdl version 1.2.0 with chips
- Unfortunately there is a bug in this version that misalignes the hamburger icon (google/material-design-lite#4673). A workaround is to add the followiug scss to your code:
@media screen and (min-width: 1025px) {
.mdl-layout__drawer-button {
line-height: 52px;
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
.mdl-layout__drawer-button {
line-height: 50px;
For sure this will be fixed until it is fixed in mdl!
- #29 (select tab porgrammatically, support for rich tab titles)
You need to use the new angular2 forms API - e.g. FormsModule.
you need to make your app require @angular/forms@0.2.0
- avoid using window and document -> be compatible with angular-univeral
- intenalize all exteranl templates -> be compatible with angular-univeral
- mdl-button attribute disabled is now dynamic
- mdl-button attribute mdl-colored behavior changed
- mdl-colored need an explicit value (e.g. wether primary or accent)
- mdl-list-item supports mdl-ripple
- none -
- textfield (+floating label)
- multiline textfield
- expandable textfield
- mdl-text-field renamed to mdl-textfield
- none -
- Attribute mdl-layout-fixed-drawer for mdl-layout
- Attribute mdl-layout-fixed-header for mdl-layout
- Mode scroll, waterfall for mdl-layout
- Tabs (standalone)
- (fix) Tabs for layouts
- none -
- Badges
- Buttons
- Cards
- Icons
- Loading
- Shadow
- Toggle (Checkbox, Radio, Icon Toggle, Switch)
- Lists
- Slider
- Snackbar
- Table
- Tooltips
- Menu
- Layout (standard)