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Installing SQLite For Linux

ilescener edited this page Apr 3, 2017 · 3 revisions

SQLite is library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. Here you will find instructions to install the SQLite library in your computer and make this library available for the development of Tonatiuh.


In the Tonatiuh development, the version, SQLite 3071300, is used. If this version is not available from the SO software management tool, configure it following the these steps.

Download the latest release of the SQLite, currently SQLite 3071300. To do it, click on the following link to go to the "SQLite" download webpage. Once you reach the webpage, click on the link titled "sqlite-autoconf-version.tar.gz " at the "Source Code" section. This will start the downloading of the SoQt source package. When prompted if to open or to store the file in your computer, place it on your "downloads" directory, e.g., /home/downloads.

Figure 1. View of the "SQLite Download" webpage.

Once the SQLite source code package is on your computer, open a shell console, navigate to downlaod directory and extract the archive by typing:

tar -zxvf sqlite-autoconf-version.tar.gz

This will create a directory called sqlite-autoconf-version in your user directory. Using the MSYS shell navigate to the just created directory.

To build the library in release mode type:


This will start the configuration process. Depending on your computer, this process may take some time to finish.

Now, you can install the SQLite library by typing:

make install

The installation process may take some time. Once the SQLite library is installed the next step is to install the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE). To do it, follow the instructions in the following wiki page: Installing and Configuring Eclipse

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