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Installing Google Test For Windows64

ilescener edited this page Apr 3, 2017 · 4 revisions


GoogleTest is a framework based on the xUnit architecture. This framework is to write test for C++ code and valid for the most common platforms. Installation


To build and install goolge test library, first, we must install python and cmake in our development environment.


To obtain CMake follow this link to go to the CMake webpage. Once you reach de webpage, click on the link titled "cmake-2.8.5-win32-x86.exe", which is the CMake binary installer for Windows. This will start the downloading of the CMake installer. When prompted, select the appropriate option to store the excutable file in your computer. Then, left-click twice on the installer and install CMake at the folder "C:\sde\cmake".


During the Qt build process, the installation of python have been carried out. Review Install Qt to show python installation steps.


Finally we have to download google test library sources. Downlaod them from the GoogleTest, clicking on "". Store the download file in your computer.

Once the sources file is on your PC, place it into the user directory under your MSYS folder and extract the archive. This will typically be "C:\sde\mingw64\msys\home\username". Open an MSYS shell console and navigate to your MSYS user directory.

For build the library type:

export PATH=$PATH:/c/sde/mingw64/bin:/c/sde/cmake/bin:/c/sde/python
cd gtest-version
mkdir mybuild
cd mybuild
cmake -G"MSYS Makefiles" ..

Now, to install builded libray type:

cp -r ../include/gtest /usr/local/include
cp lib*.a /usr/local/lib

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