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Anonymous Download

ilescener edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 1 revision

Obtaining a local copy of Tonatiuh

To build Tonatiuh using the C++ Eclipse IDE, the first thing you need to do is to download the Tonatiuh source code from the Subversion repository at Googlecode. To do this, execute Eclipse, click on the "Window" option in the menu bar, then click on "Open Perspective" and select "SVN Repository Exploring" as the perspective to open.

Once the "SVN Repository Exploring" is open under Eclipse, right click on the middle of the left panel titled "SVN Repositories". A pop-up menu will be displayed showing only one option titled "New". Left-click on it, and select the option titled "Repository Location..." (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Eclipse "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective.

This will display a pop-up dialog, with several tabs. Under the "General" tab, in the dialog's URL field enter "", then in the "Label" section check the option "Use repository URL as label" or the option "Use a custom label".

If you are a member of the Tonatiuh software development team, enter your username and password, in the "Authentication" section of the "General" tab of the pop-up dialog. If you are not a member of the team, leave this section blank to make an anonymous download of the Tonatiuh code.

Finally, check the option "Validate Repository Location on finish", and click on the "Finish" button. After doing this, you will see the tree of the Tonatiuh Subversion code. To download the Tonatiuh code, including the code of the official Tonatiuh plug-ins, please, expand the "trunk" subtree and right-click on the "TonatiuhProject" folder. By doing this, you will trigger the display of a pop-up menu. On that menu, select the "Check Out" option (see Figure 2). This will start the process of downloading the Tonatiuh code into your computer.

Figure 2. Eclipse "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective pop-up menu.

Set up Tonatiuh as a C++ project

Once the process of checking out the Tonatiuh code finishes, please, open the C/C++ Eclipse Perspective. To do it, left-click on the "Window option of the Eclipse main menu bar, select "Open Perspective", then select "Other..." and then select "C/C++ (default)"and click on the "OK" button.

Within the C/C++ perspective, locate the "Project Explorer" pane and right-click on the "TonatiuhProject" folder. In the pop-up menu that will be displayed, click on "New" and then on "Convert to a C/C++ Project". This will display the "Convert to a C/C++ project" dialog (see Figure 3).

In the "Candidates for conversion" section of the dialog, verify that the folder "TonatiuhProject" is checked. In the "Convert to C or C++" section verify that the "C++ Project" option is selected. In the "Project options" section verify that the "Specify project type" option is checked, that the selected "Project type:" is "Makefile project", and that the selected "Toolchains" is "Other Tool Chains". After all of the above is done, click on the "Finish" button.

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