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Installing Doxygen For Linux

ilescener edited this page Apr 3, 2017 · 3 revisions

Doxygen is a documentation generator for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL (versiones Corba y Microsoft), PHP, C#, and D. It is valid for Unix, Windows and Mac OS X. Doxygen is the acronym of dox(document) gen(generator), source code documentation generator.


The doxygen sources and binaries are available on the doxygen download web page at For Linux you can download doxygen binaries from A binary distribution for Linux i386 .

Open a shell and go to download directory and type:

tar -xzvf doxygen-version.linux.bin.tar.gz
cd doxygen-version
make install

Eclipse configuration for Doxygen

Eclox is a Doxygen plug-in for Eclipse. It integrates the code documentation process into Eclipse by providing a high-level graphical user interface over doxygen. To install de plugin:

  • Expand added site and select the files "Eclox" and "Eclox Hot" and push "Install...".
  • Accept all. The plugin should now be installed and restart eclipse.

Now, indicate to Eclipse to use installed doxigen version:

  • Go to Window->Preferences.
  • Go to Doxygen and push "Add..." button.
  • Select in the file dialog the doxygen installation path: /usr/local/bin.
  • Accept and verificate that added version is selected. Apply changes before finish.

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