Releases: chipsalliance/caliptra-rtl
Caliptra RTL v2.0-rc1 Release Candidate
Release Candidate for Caliptra 2.0 RTL. All features are frozen, verification plans are executed and signed-off, documentation has been updated, and CDC, Lint, RDC, Synthesis runs are clean.
Final release is pending the completion of a security audit. Nightly regression testing will continue.
What's Changed
- Update file lists by @calebofearth in #651
- enabled hmac error by @mojtaba-bisheh in #653
- [RDL/DOC] Change SoC IFC external-reg-docs from absolute to relative address offsets by @calebofearth in #660
- Pure MLDSA KATs and coverage by @mojtaba-bisheh in #655
- Update abr submodule by @upadhyayulakiran in #663
- tlul library from OT by @Nitsirks in #666
- AES block with gcm by @Nitsirks in #664
- re-enabled mldsa smoke tests by @mojtaba-bisheh in #672
- mldsa pcr signing by @mojtaba-bisheh in #670
- User/dev/kupadhyayula/mldsa rand val by @upadhyayulakiran in #682
- Make WDT more module for MCI reuse by @clayton8 in #679
- Increased mbox size to 256KB, ROM to 96KB and DCCM/ICCM to 256KB by @Nitsirks in #681
- abr submodule zeroize update by @upadhyayulakiran in #684
- updated KV uvm to include AES by @mojtaba-bisheh in #689
- Adding wires to drive uds/field entropy from external source by @Nitsirks in #690
- Update caliptra_prim and caliptra_prim_generic on to Earlgrey.PROD_M5. by @anjpar in #685
- [RTL] Update RISCV core version by @calebofearth in #691
- [RTL] Fix bug in axi sub where AxREADY is asserted during reset by @calebofearth in #695
- MLDSA validation by @mojtaba-bisheh in #692
- Strap sampling fix and tb fix for dut hierarchical paths by @calebofearth in #697
- [ENV] Fixes for building pages and running Verilator regressions by @calebofearth in #698
- [RDL] Update fuse map with new/renamed fuses by @calebofearth in #669
- [ENV] Fix for excluding GH workflow files in hash check; skip Verilator for doc PRs by @calebofearth in #704
- added ExternalMu support for MLDSA by @mojtaba-bisheh in #703
- updating adams bridge to latest with memory export by @Nitsirks in #705
- fixing bug in soc ifc arb by @Nitsirks in #706
- fixed uvmf KV/PV due to PR #669 by @mojtaba-bisheh in #714
- [TB] Fix coverage file so TB enums don't conflict with RTL enums by @calebofearth in #711
- MLDSA locked API validation by @mojtaba-bisheh in #717
- AES GCM KeyVault enabled with smoke test by @Nitsirks in #716
- updated lcc pkg for susbsytem req by @ekarabu in #721
- DICE flow validation by @mojtaba-bisheh in #715
- Update UVM testbench to support AXI and new 2.0 features; fix some minor RTL bugs by @calebofearth in #724
- AES test cases by @Nitsirks in #725
- [RTL] Fix arbitration bug in soc_ifc_arb by @calebofearth in #728
- Sync latest aes block by @Nitsirks in #730
- [ENV] Fix workflow bug that prevents pre-run-checks from working with fork pull requests by @calebofearth in #731
- fixed hmac drbg by @mojtaba-bisheh in #723
- Publish HTML docs for 1.1 RTL in addition to main by @jhand2 in #676
- MLDSA PCR Injection Test by @ekarabu in #729
- [DOCS] Document some additional audit items in release checklist for thoroughness by @calebofearth in #656
- MLDSA KAT for Signature randomness by @ekarabu in #734
- SOC_IFC Register Tests for Caliptra 2.0 by @anjpar in #736
- ECDH Validation by @mojtaba-bisheh in #733
- libs: ahb_slv_sif: Latch hsize on address phase by @wkkuna in #502
- Fixing UVM sequences by @Nitsirks in #727
- Fix soc_ifc_tb build fail in nightly directed regression by @anjpar in #743
- [RTL] Bug fixes for AHB slave module, fe/uds hw load signals, and AXI wstrb usage by @calebofearth in #747
- Fix debug_unlock_manuf_test regression failure by @anjpar in #752
- Integration spec updates by @Nitsirks in #713
- Aggregate feature pull requests from 2025/02/26 by @calebofearth in #763
- Aggregate feature pull requests from 2025/02/27 by @Nitsirks in #767
- Aggregate feature pull requests from 2025/02/28 by @mojtaba-bisheh in #775
- Aggregate feature pull requests from 2025/03/01 by @calebofearth in #786
- manuf_dbg_unlock_token, ECDH tests, and more aggregated pull requests from 2025/03/03 by @calebofearth in #795
- aggregated pull requests from 2025/03/05 by @Nitsirks in #802
- Update by @Nitsirks in #790
- [WORKFLOW] Update file exclusions in file hash check by @calebofearth in #816
- AES specification update by @vogelpi in #815
- [DOCS] 2.0-rc1 Release Notes and README by @calebofearth in #801
- [DOC] Update integration spec version to 2.0 by @calebofearth in #818
- Update Hardware Specification to 2.0 by @calebofearth in #819
- Update version to 2.0 by @calebofearth in #820
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0-0.8...v2.0-rc1
Caliptra RTL v2.0-0.8
Preliminary release of Caliptra 2.0 RTL. 0.8 code quality. Features are frozen, ongoing validation and bug fixes are still anticipated.
What's Changed
- gha: verilator: Add '--locked' to sccache install by @wkkuna in #559
- [DOC] Clarify timing requirements for cptra_pwrgood and cptra_rst_b by @calebofearth in #571
- [UVM,DOC] Define AHB address alignment requirements and enforce in UVM test env by @calebofearth in #576
- Adding ECDH feature to ECC engine by @mojtaba-bisheh in #577
- updated ECDH by @mojtaba-bisheh in #583
- updated ecc uvm and cov for ecdh changes by @mojtaba-bisheh in #585
- [UVM] Fixes for error prediction edge cases and some scoreboard race conditions by @calebofearth in #586
- [RTL] Add new AXI modules; standalone module checkin with no integration by @calebofearth in #593
- Adding hmac512 for hybrid mode by @mojtaba-bisheh in #589
- [RTL] Convert APB interfaces to AXI and add DMA by @calebofearth in #590
- [DOC] Clarify when fuses may be written in integ spec by @calebofearth in #597
- [TB] Fix coverage interface connections/parameters/coverpoints for AXI by @calebofearth in #598
- Crypto enhancement by @mojtaba-bisheh in #594
- [RTL] Adams-bridge integration into caliptra_top by @upadhyayulakiran in #600
- added restore feature for SHA512 by @mojtaba-bisheh in #612
- Caliptra core 2.0 HW spec updates by @bharatpillilli in #621
- [RTL] Remove QSPI/UART and merge AXI module tweaks from FPGA testing by @calebofearth in #619
- fixed rdl bug by @mojtaba-bisheh in #624
- [ENV] Remove ADAMSBRIDGE_ROOT references, use local paths/submodule instead by @calebofearth in #626
- mldsa keyvault implementation by @Nitsirks in #625
- fixing doe bug caused by size of kv change by @Nitsirks in #629
- Upgrade RV core to latest, enable SMEPMP and User Mode by @calebofearth in #628
- [ENV] Fix path to smoke_test_doe_cg in nightly directed regression list by @calebofearth in #632
- [RTL] Disable RV USER_MODE and SMEPMP by @calebofearth in #633
- csr hmac signing key by @Nitsirks in #630
- [TB] Update soc_ifc C lib to support import by caliptra-ss by @calebofearth in #637
- Coverage file fixes for keyvault changes by @Nitsirks in #636
- [RTL] Convert AXI_ID to AXI_USER by @calebofearth in #642
- User/dev/michnorris/tap mbox integ by @Nitsirks in #640
- [MISC] Regr test updates; soc_ifc cov script; SHA ACC ID convert to USER; ABR subm update; VeeR update by @calebofearth in #649
New Contributors
- @wkkuna made their first contribution in #559
- @bharatpillilli made their first contribution in #621
Full Changelog: v1.1...v2.0-0.8
Caliptra RTL v1.1
Final 1.1 release of Caliptra RTL
Release Notes 1.1
What's Changed
- Reintegrate main -> dev-msft by @calebofearth in #320
- Reintegrate main -> dev-msft by @calebofearth in #353
- Reintegrate main -> dev-msft by @calebofearth in #388
- Dev msft 20240118 by @calebofearth in #389
- Merge dev-msft -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #393
- Merge dev-integrate -> main by @calebofearth in #394
- Fix typo on logging plusarg check in top level TB by @calebofearth in #397
- Update Integration Specification with clarifying language by @calebofearth in #405
- User/dev/michnorris/reg file x check by @Nitsirks in #400
- UVM: Add support for (randomly) running an early mailbox command by @calebofearth in #410
- Integrate 1.1 features into main by @calebofearth in #429
- User/dev/michnorris/jtag port fix main by @Nitsirks in #425
- Matching polarity of disable port on assertion macros by @Nitsirks in #431
- Update by @Nitsirks in #449
- UVM: Fix some failing scenarios by @calebofearth in #427
- Lint fix to resolve synthesis issue for SHA512 masked IP by @calebofearth in #462
- Fix typos from regression test lists by @calebofearth in #407
- [SOC_IFC_TB] Initialize mailbox RAM in unittest by @calebofearth in #468
- [UVM] Fix error detection in certain error injection tests by @calebofearth in #467
- SHA256 lint fixes by @upadhyayulakiran in #466
- Remove duplicate LMS tests from regression by @calebofearth in #473
- [UVM] Fix regression failure caused by a false negative by @calebofearth in #477
- Update by @Nitsirks in #455
- revised rdl comments by @mojtaba-bisheh in #480
- [UVM] Implement mailbox sanitize feature in val fw to suppress regression failure by @calebofearth in #482
- Updating DBG_MANUF_SERVICE_REG description with newly allocated bit by @nquarton in #474
- [TB] Copy WNTZ test vector generator script to run dir in some overlooked scripts by @calebofearth in #485
- Inclusive language by @andreslagarcavilla in #490
- inclusive language diagram by @steph-morton in #491
- [UVM] Fix for a regression failure caused by cycle-inaccurate FSM prediction logic in TB by @calebofearth in #492
- Update seed name for test to randomize kv entries by @upadhyayulakiran in #498
- FV: updates on RTL changes by @ludwigatlubis in #493
- [Docs] Update synchronizer modification language and add rvsyncss to table by @calebofearth in #495
- Add Pull Request Workflow by @calebofearth in #414
- [ENV] Add an aggregated status check for all Verilator matrix tests by @calebofearth in #499
- [TOOLS] Tweak pull_request compile.yml check to work with forked repositories by @calebofearth in #507
- [entropy_src] Keep applying fw_ov_rd_fifo_overflow by @moidx in #506
- Additional round of lint cleanup by @Nitsirks in #483
- [SVA] Fix check on zeroize operation by @calebofearth in #489
- [UVM] Update UVM ROM test with bringup fixes, infra to test latest public builds, auto-extract PK values by @calebofearth in #478
- [RDL] Add LMS enable bit, update hw_rev_id to 1.1, regenerate RDL by @calebofearth in #486
- Resolving unnamed generate blocks Lint warnings by @amullick007 in #510
- [UVM] Fixes for some failing edge cases by @calebofearth in #512
- Documentation update for RDC by @amullick007 in #511
- [UVM] Update validation firmware to force unlock mailbox when sanitizing by @calebofearth in #514
- Fix for truncated bits after casting logical shifts to the incorrect width for lint fixes by @Nitsirks in #524
- [ENV] Disable wget HSTS in ROM test by @calebofearth in #527
- [UVM] Disable a check that causes false failures when parsing mailbox errors by @calebofearth in #530
- [WORKFLOW] Ignore updates to documentation (md, png) files for stamp check by @calebofearth in #537
- KeyVault fixes and JTAG fix by @Nitsirks in #528
- Fix for issue #523 - JTAG under reset during breakpoint by @Nitsirks in #541
- Remove library-defined clog2 function by @steven-bellock in #533
- [TB] Cleanup testbench files for UVM and regression config by @calebofearth in #544
- [WORKFLOW] Fix: enhance the timestamp exception to accommodate pure documentation PR's by @calebofearth in #543
- Update CDC version in by @nstewart-amd in #535
- Update by @Nitsirks in #539
- Add clock security requirements by @varuns-nvidia in #519
- Update CDC Constraint in by @nstewart-amd in #534
- Update Synthesis Results by @nstewart-amd in #536
- [Docs] Updated release notes and doc version for 1.1 by @calebofearth in #496
- Fix up JTAG reset in integration specification by @steven-bellock in #546
- [DOCS] Update formatting in Release Notes for 1.1 by @calebofearth in #552
New Contributors
- @nquarton made their first contribution in #474
- @moidx made their first contribution in #506
- @amullick007 made their first contribution in #510
- @nstewart-amd made their first contribution in #535
- @varuns-nvidia made their first contribution in #519
Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1
Caliptra RTL v1.0
Final 1.0 release of Caliptra RTL
Release Notes 1.0
What's Changed
- Reintegrate main -> dev-public by @calebofearth in #238
- Add test for Mailbox JTAG accesses with clock gating by @robertszczepanski in #197
- Reintegrate main -> dev-msft by @calebofearth in #286
- Spec update with synthesis warnings and jtag tck requirement by @upadhyayulakiran in #292
- Dev msft 20231110 by @calebofearth in #293
- Merge dev-msft -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #296
- Remove I3C interface placeholder comment by @calebofearth in #300
- Fix failing mailbox access test by @mkurc-ant in #302
- Remove read IDCODE instruction from VeeR JTAG TAP by @mkurc-ant in #298
- [README] Update VCS steps by @calebofearth in #308
- initial markdown conversion of hardware spec by @steph-morton in #309
- Fix VCS DPI build by @mkurc-ant in #306
- Dev msft 20231130 by @calebofearth in #318
- Merge dev-msft -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #319
- Merge dev-public -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #310
- Merge dev-integrate -> main by @calebofearth in #299
- [FV] Adding ECC, DOE, HMAC_DRBG and SHA512_masked formal Assertion IP by @ludwigatlubis in #313
- initial hwspec images by @steph-morton in #327
- Hardware Specification Headings by @calebofearth in #343
- Update doc versions and release notes for 1.0-rc2 version by @calebofearth in #344
- Extend new APB defines in integration document by @steven-bellock in #285
- Update by @Nitsirks in #349
- Clean up document TODOs by @calebofearth in #345
- remove profile for 1.0 by @steph-morton in #356
- Specify TRNG timing requirement by @andreslagarcavilla in #361
- Expand details on iTRNG block and PTRNG source by @andreslagarcavilla in #364
- Updated HW Integration Requirements by @akash-singh-NV in #357
- Fix usage of RISC-V toolchain by @robertszczepanski in #377
- Add RTL file list to be modified by integrators by @calebofearth in #372
- CI: use risc-v gcc 12.1.0 by @kgugala in #384
- updated ECC keygen TVLA documentation by @mojtaba-bisheh in #381
- Update documentation version numbers from 1.0-rc2 to 1.0 by @calebofearth in #385
- Typo fix on release date by @calebofearth in #387
New Contributors
- @robertszczepanski made their first contribution in #197
- @upadhyayulakiran made their first contribution in #292
- @steven-bellock made their first contribution in #285
- @akash-singh-NV made their first contribution in #357
- @kgugala made their first contribution in #384
- @mojtaba-bisheh made their first contribution in #381
Full Changelog: v1.0-rc1...v1.0
Caliptra RTL v1.0-rc1
Release candidate for the 1.0 version of Caliptra
Release Notes 1.0-rc1
What's Changed
- Integrate UART into top level by @howardtr in #41
- Dev msft 20230411 by @calebofearth in #61
- Dynamic generation of the CI test matrix by @mkurc-ant in #52
- Adding csrng.cmd_req fields by @howardtr in #74
- Dev msft 20230501 by @anjpar in #77
- Moving tool installation to step prior to matrix generation by @howardtr in #70
- Adding check for "TESTCASE PASSED" string at the end of CI test by @howardtr in #81
- Updates to enable regression testing with dev-msft and dev-integrate by @anjpar in #75
- Merge dev-msft into dev-integrate. by @anjpar in #85
- Merge dev-goog into dev-integrate by @anjpar in #86
- Merge dev-public into dev-integrate by @anjpar in #87
- Merge dev-integrate to main by @anjpar in #88
- Connection of the SB (debug) bus in Caliptra by @mkurc-ant in #92
- Update VeeR-EL2 codebase by @mkurc-ant in #93
- Updating verilator to 5.010 by @howardtr in #91
- Renaming prim/prim_generic -> caliptra_prim/caliptra_prim_generic by @howardtr in #103
- Fixes to get caliptra_top to elaborate in dev-goog with internal tooling by @howardtr in #39
- Merge main into dev-msft by @anjpar in #106
- Fix for multi-driver hreadyout connection. by @mkurc-ant in #105
- Dev msft 20230608 by @anjpar in #109
- Merge dev-main --> dev-integrate by @anjpar in #110
- Merge dev-goog into dev-integrate by @anjpar in #111
- Merge dev-integrate into dev-msft by @anjpar in #112
- Reverted addition of scan_rst_l by @mkurc-ant in #102
- Merge dev-integrate to main by @anjpar in #119
- Merge main --> dev-msft by @anjpar in #123
- Dev msft 20230621 by @anjpar in #124
- Merge branch 'main' into dev-goog by @howardtr in #127
- Remove QSPI inout port and replace with input/output by @howardtr in #134
- Enable using OpenOCD for interactive debugging of simulated Caliptra core by @mkurc-ant in #72
- Merge dev-msft -> dev-integrate 2023-06-28 (redo) by @calebofearth in #142
- Merge dev-goog -> dev-integrate 2023-06-28 by @calebofearth in #141
- Merge dev-integrate -> main 2023-06-28 by @calebofearth in #143
- Merge main back to dev-msft 2023-06-29 by @calebofearth in #146
- Exclude some CI tests for Verilator by @mkurc-ant in #132
- Dev msft 20230710 by @anjpar in #149
- Pre-built iccm_lock hex file by @calebofearth in #133
- Dev msft 20230713 by @anjpar in #153
- Merge dev-msft into dev-integrate by @anjpar in #151
- Merge dev-integrate -> main by @anjpar in #154
- Fix for security state multi-driver by @calebofearth in #158
- Merge dev-msft-20230726 --> dev-msft by @anjpar in #168
- Merge dev-msft --> dev-integrate by @anjpar in #170
- dev-integrate --> main by @anjpar in #172
- Formal sha512 by @ludwigatlubis in #144
- Dev msft 20230813 by @anjpar in #185
- Merge dev-msft --> dev-integrate by @anjpar in #192
- Merge dev-integrate --> main by @anjpar in #193
- Dev msft 20230825 by @anjpar in #195
- Dev msft 20230906 by @calebofearth in #200
- Dev msft by @anjpar in #196
- Merge dev-goog -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #202
- Fixing LEC reported in caliptra_prim_assert_sec_cm.svh by @howardtr in #204
- Integration Spec Updates by @calebofearth in #207
- Updated Release Notes for 1p0 by @calebofearth in #212
- Dev msft 20230913 by @calebofearth in #214
- Dev-msft -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #215
- Removing default case from unique case in csrnc_reg_top and entropy_s… by @howardtr in #208
- Fixing LEC Formality_Error_Code reported in caliptra_prim_assert_sec_… by @calebofearth in #213
- Merge dev-integrate -> main by @calebofearth in #203
- Update Package Imports by @howardtr in #219
- Merge main -> dev-msft by @calebofearth in #234
- Dev msft 20231002 by @calebofearth in #235
- Merge dev-msft -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #236
- Merge dev-goog -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #239
- Create Security and Response policy by @FerralCoder in #233
- Merge dev-integrate --> main by @calebofearth in #240
- Reintegrate main -> dev-msft by @calebofearth in #241
- Explicitly define the one-hot cases for csrng_reg_top and entropy_src_reg_top by @howardtr in #247
- Merge dev-goog -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #253
- Dev msft 20231017 by @calebofearth in #252
- Merge dev-msft -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #254
- FV SHA512, SHA25, HMAC - final by @ludwigatlubis in #205
- Merge dev-integrate -> main by @calebofearth in #255
- Reintegrate main -> dev-msft by @calebofearth in #258
- initial markdown conversion by @steph-morton in #256
- add images and image references by @steph-morton in #267
- Dev msft 20231101 by @calebofearth in #269
- Merge dev-msft -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #271
- Update by @Nitsirks in #268
- Rename → by @andreslagarcavilla in #272
- Fix mv path by @andreslagarcavilla in #274
- Dev msft 20231102 by @calebofearth in #273
- Clarify eTRNG usage by @andreslagarcavilla in #275
- Merge dev-msft -> dev-integrate by @calebofearth in #277
- RDL: Add RNG unavail bit to dbg manuf reg description by @calebofearth in #283
- Update by @Nitsirks in #279
- Merge dev-integrate -> main by @calebofearth in #281
- Specification references to 1.0-rc1 version by @calebofearth in #276
New Contributors
- @mkurc-ant made their ...
Caliptra RTL v0.8 Release
What's Changed
- Initial Pre0p8 release from dev-msft by @anjpar in #9
- Merging a cleaner version of dev-msft into dev-integrate by @anjpar in #42
- Sync 3/27 with updated dev-integrate (clean history) to main by @anjpar in #27
- Rev 0p8 release by @anjpar in #49
- Rev 0p8 release by @anjpar in #50
- Rev 0p8 release by @anjpar in #51
Full Changelog: