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BlasterM5 edited this page Jan 6, 2024 · 10 revisions

Pegasi are a very powerful and versatile race to start with in Pony Origins.

Like all ponies, Pegasi are an herbivorous quadrupedal creature, meaning they move faster than the default player when both main and offhand are empty, move the same speed when holding an item in either main or offhand, but move slower when both main and offhand are holding items, and can only safely eat non-meat foods. They can also be ridden by other players.

Quadrupeds use 25 percent more stamina than the default player, but can always choose to take the Runner Talent, which negates this.

Pegasi have wings, and thus, access to the Flight ability, which gives them unparalleled mobility.

As Pegasi are hooved, they gain extra knockback when melee attacking unarmed and barefoot.

Pegasi have only 9 Hearts, as their bodies are lighter and more frail than other pony body types.

Suggested Gameplay

Pegasi function well in open areas, due to how flight works. Use it to scout out the area for everything you need. In addition, practice flying up out of danger, and being mindful to have a clear upward path to escape danger with. Avoid building single block-wide hallways, entrances, and low ceilings, as these will routinely cause you to smack your wings into them and fall at the worst possible times. If you haven't found / can't grow food yet, take full advantage of the ability to eat in-world blocks by seeking out the nearest flowers, tall grass, or tree leaves.

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