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Simplified CNC for a three-axes cartesian machine, written in pure C.

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C-CNC 2023

Branch main: CMake build Branch devel: CMake build

This is the repository of the code developed during the Digital Manufacturing course, academic year 2022-23, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento.


  • examples: contains introductory code examples
  • src: contains the main project source code (library files)
  • src/main: contains executables code
  • goodies: useful stuff
  • products: destination folder for cross-compiled binaries


We are going to develop a C project for the UNIX command-line environment. On Linux and MacOS, you are set already, on Windows we are going to use a WSL2 environment with Ubuntu OS (more later).

If you have a Windows laptop, you are suggested to use at least Windows 10, preferably Windows 11. Be sure to install Windows Terminal app

Regardless your platform, begin with installing Visual Studio Code from here: Then open a terminal and type the following to install commonly used VSCode extensions:

code --install-extension xaver.clang-format
code --install-extension tintinweb.graphviz-interactive-preview
code --install-extension canna.figlet
code --install-extension Juancete.gcode-formatter
code --install-extension vscode-gcode.gcode
code --install-extension vadimcn.vscode-lldb
code --install-extension fizzybreezy.gnuplot

Also, you want to install the Fira Code font family, from Download the file, unzip it and install the new font.

VS Code setup

The development is carried out in Visual Studio Code (VS Code for brevity).

I suggest to configure VS Code with the following settings. Open the settings file: Ctrl+Shift+p then type json and select the item "Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)". Then be sure that the list contains the following items (the first two settings only if you have installed Fira Code font):

  "editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code",
  "editor.fontLigatures": true,
  "editor.tabSize": 2,
  "editor.insertSpaces": true,
  "editor.wrappingIndent": "indent",
  "editor.renderControlCharacters": true,
  "editor.wordWrap": "bounded",
  "editor.wordWrapColumn": 80,
  "editor.rulers": [80],
  "editor.renderLineHighlight": "all",
  "cmake.configureOnEdit": false,
  "cmake.configureOnOpen": false,
  "C_Cpp.default.cppStandard": "c++17",
  "C_Cpp.default.cStandard": "c17",

It there are already other items in the JSON file, just add (don't replace) the above ones to the list (pay attention to separate each line with a comma and to put everithyng in between the outer curly braces).

🪟 Windows (or 🐧 Ubuntu/Debian Linux)

The project must be built with a linux toolchain. On Windows, we are using a WSL2 environment with Ubuntu OS. To install it, follow the instructions at

To enable the compilation we need to install a few packages: on the linux console, type:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential make cmake cmake-curses-gui clang clang-format lldb libgsl-dev ruby figlet sshfs graphviz gnuplot
sudo gem install gv_fsm
sudo update-alternatives --set c++ /usr/bin/clang++
sudo update-alternatives --set cc /usr/bin/clang

🍎 MacOS

You need to have Xcode installed: do that through the App Store and—once finished—launch Xcode and accept the licence terms. Then you can close it.

On MacOS, the command equivalent to apt is brew: you have to install it by following the instructions on, which means to type the following in the

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Then close the terminal and open a new one and proceed as follows:

brew install figlet gsl clang-format graphviz gpg
brew install --cask cmake
curl -sSL | gpg --import -
curl -sSL | gpg --import -
curl -sSL | bash -s stable --auto-dotfiles

Close and open a new terminal, again, then:

rvm install ruby-2.7
gem install gv_fsm

Build with Cmake

Building a project with Cmake is a two-step process. The first step is called configuration, and it results in populating the build folder with all the contents needed for the compilation. The second step is called compilation and results in the products of the build to be created in the root of the build folder. There is an optional third step, install, that copies the build products into a destination folder. This project is configured to have the local bin forder as destination.

  1. (configuring) from the terminal, be sure to be in the project's toot directory and then issue the command cmake -Bbuild: this means configure the project in the build directory, searching for the CMakeLists.txt file in the current directory
  2. (compilation) from the terminal, compile the project with the command make -C build
  3. (optional install) if you want to install the build products, type make -C build install: this copies binaries into the bin and lib folders of the root project folder

Note 1.: the cmake command must be run the first time, and then every time that you create, move, or rename source files. Conversely, if you only change contents of source files, then you only need to make. The make command is smart enough not to recompile files that have been already compiled and that are unchanged from the previous build: this reduces a lot the compilation time for large projects. The option -Cbuild (the space is optional) tells make to work in the directory build.

Note 2.: the command make takes as optional argument the name of the target to build, i.e. the list of products to be generated. A special target is all, so make all means "let's build everything". all is also the default target, so if you do simply make, then you are building everithing. Other useful targets are clean (for removing previously generated binaries) and install (for copying the binaries into the destination folder). The available targets are listed by the special target help: make -Cbuild help.

Note 3.: the command make install also does the compilation if needed, so if you want the products in the install folder just call make install (i.e. there is no need for calling make and then make install)

For brevity sake, after having configured the project for the first time, in the following you can do everithing with one single command: cmake --build build -t install: this is doing, in sequence, step 1 (only if the CMakeLists.txt file has changed), then step 2 (only if sources have changed), then step 3. In the latter command, --build is an option that takes one argument, the build folder, which is named build; the second option, -t, takes as argument the name of the build target: by default it is all (meaning, "build all targets"), and thus -t install means "build the target  install" (which implies the target all).

Execute the compiled binaries

The command cmake --build build compiles the binary executables under build. Those binaries are compiled with minimum optimizations and contain the debug symbols, i.e. they are suitable for debugging. From the project root directory, they can be run as build/ini_test (for example).

The command cmake --build build -t install (or cmake --install build) also installs optimized versions under products_host: executables go under bin and libraries under lib. These files are speed-optimized and cannot be debugged. From the project root directory they can be run as products_host/bin/ini_test.

You are suggested to run export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/products_host/bin once per session, so that you can simply run a program by typing its name (e.g. ini_test).


The files src/axis.c, src/axis.h and src/main/simulate.c implement a simulator for the cartesian machine tool. Each axis is implemented as a first order system whose state variables are position and speed. A forward Euler integration scheme is adopted for solving the corresponding system of ODEs. Tne simulator runs a dynamics simulation for each axis in parallel in three separate threads, and uses MQTT to get the setpoint from the ccnc executable and to reply with the current machine error.

For a single axis, the equation of dynamics is: d d t x = A x where the status vector x and the matrix A are:

x = [ x v f ]

A = [ 0 1 0 0 c / m 1 / m 0 0 0 ]

and where x is the position, v is the speed, f is the applied force, c is the damping coeffiient and m is the movable mass.

The forward Euler integration scheme gives: v k + 1 v k Δ t = f c / m v k v k + 1 = v k + Δ t ( f c / m v k ) This is implemented in the function axis_forward_integrate() in the axis.c source file.

The compilation also produces the executable tuning, which can be used for tuning PID parameters for each axis.

Usage of simulator

You will need two different terminals. In the forst terminal, start by running the simulator. The command takes an optional argument, which is the name of a log file where the data stream will be saved.

build/simulate log.txt

In the second terminal, run the controller as usual:

build/ccnc test.gcode > /dev/null

NOTE: the simulator starts logging as soon as the G-code program is run ("press spacebar") and goes on until you press CRTL-C on the simulator window: as soon as the program run terminates (in the controller), stop the simulator to avoid creating unnecessarily large log files.

The log file can be used for plotting the trajectory and for comparing the actual trajectory (columns sy vs. sx) with the nominal one (columns y vs. x).

Usage of tuning program

The tuning program shows the response of the axis to a step change that is applied 1 s after the start, for a time span equal to the first argument (in seconds). The second argument selects the axis: X, Y, or Z (case insensitive).

You can use it for tuning the PID parameters of one axis at a time, iteratively creating a log file (to be plotter with GNUplot or Matlab):

build/tuning 4 z > axis.txt


The current PID settings for the X axis are not ideal. This is apparent if you compare the actual trajectory with the nominal one, where you can see small overshoot in the X direction on corners. Try to reduce this effect by better tuning PID parameters for the X axis in machine.ini.


Paolo Bosetti (paolo dot bosetti at unitn dot it).


This project uses the tomlc99 library


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Simplified CNC for a three-axes cartesian machine, written in pure C.







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