Releases: kyma-project/cli
Releases · kyma-project/cli
- 9b4a56c: Add GCloud authentication (#1392) (@halamix2)
- bf05801: Add anoipm as codeowner (#1374) (@anoipm)
- ee4a430: Add value for istio specifying k3d as deployment (#1383) (@barchw)
- c517714: Bump Helm version to 3.9.4 (#1405) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- 2d83bb2: Bump docker/moby versions to v20.10.18 (#1402) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- 7a600e8: Bump istio to 1.14.4 (#1377) (@barchw)
- 49f0bd3: Bump reconciler (#1362) (@barchw)
- 08a98cc: Bump reconciler (#1371) (@barchw)
- e6f4340: Bump reconciler deps to fix kyma undeploy (#1407) (@kwiatekus)
- 782cf6d: Bump reconciler image (#1391) (@barchw)
- 5d3ffba: Bump reconciler with support of Istio sidecar pod labels (#1372) (@cnvergence)
- c8d9649: Bumped reconciler (#1419) (@raypinto)
- c4e6a57: CVE-2022-32149, update hydroform and reconciler dependencies (#1418) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- 8b83fa4: Complete first fully functional deploy cmd (#1408) (@clebs)
- b585875: Feature/cr validation (#1379) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- 0895528: Fix GCloud authentication (#1394) (@halamix2)
- 2ff9b53: Fix kustomize error forwarding (#1410) (@clebs)
- 1874b61: Fix linter (#1382) (@clebs)
- 3d6d313: Fix post-kyma-cli job (#1395) (@halamix2)
- 8e0ce44: GCloud auth: use correct if (#1397) (@halamix2)
- b13d941: Gke cni overrides (#1398) (@barchw)
- 1b53a5b: Integrate Kustomize (#1370) (@clebs)
- bc4152f: Prepare release 2.8 (#1421) (@clebs)
- 72c0341: Remove init module cmd (#1411) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- b4ea438: Sanitize envtest version (#1414) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- 68a57bc: Support istio 1-15-0 (#1388) (@barchw)
- 6e4d07a: Switch to goreleaser changelogs (#1386) (@clebs)
- 6903749: Update default K8s version in the "kyma provision" command (#1415) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- fbf662e: add ifdef to gcp-authenticate (#1400) (@Ressetkk)
- b970368: change logic of Makefile (#1399) (@Ressetkk)
- e681f5f: fix makefile auth (#1401) (@Ressetkk)
- 1c9574b: fix makefile auth (#1406) (@Ressetkk)
- 35138b9: rename kyma-operator => lifecycle-manager (#1357) (@jakobmoellersap)
- bf05801: Add anoipm as codeowner (#1374) (@anoipm)
- 7a600e8: Bump istio to 1.14.4 (#1377) (@barchw)
- 49f0bd3: Bump reconciler (#1362) (@barchw)
- 08a98cc: Bump reconciler (#1371) (@barchw)
- 5d3ffba: Bump reconciler with support of Istio sidecar pod labels (#1372) (@cnvergence)
- 1874b61: Fix linter (#1382) (@clebs)
- 1b53a5b: Integrate Kustomize (#1370) (@clebs)
- f701fbc: Start release 2.7. (#1384) (@clebs)
- 0cc4fc0: Switch to goreleaser changelogs (#1386) (#1387) (@clebs)
- 35138b9: rename kyma-operator => lifecycle-manager (#1357) (@jakobmoellersap)
2.6.0 (2022-08-23)
Service Mesh
- #1331 Bump reconciler with Istio Proxy Reset post action (@cnvergence)
- #1345 Make user/password credentials work for gcloud registry (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1334 Add module template generation (@clebs)
- #1340 Fix inconsistent hashes on tar blobs (@clebs)
- #1329 Add init module command (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1322 Layering engine for kyma modules (@clebs)
- #1333 Fix the CLI release script (@clebs)
Committers: 9
- Ali Khlifi (@khlifi411)
- Bartosz Chwila (@barchw)
- Borja Clemente (@clebs)
- Christoph Kleineweber (@chrkl)
- Karol Szwaj (@cnvergence)
- Raymond Pinto (@raypinto)
- Tobias Schuhmacher (@tobiscr)
- Tomasz Smelcerz (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- @dariusztutaj
2.5.0 (2022-08-02)
- #1319 Sign command for OCI signning (@ruanxin)
- #1326 Bump reconciler version to include istio sidecar migration option (@werdes72)
- #1321 Remove support for Kyma <2.1 with old istio-configuration component (@veichtj)
- #1308 create module: mvp (@clebs)
- #1315 chore: remove old side-effect (@jakobmoellersap)
- #1311 add kubelet arg by default (@a-thaler)
- #1306 update to k8s 1.23 (@a-thaler)
- #1307 Bump reconciler (@werdes72)
- #1305 Bump reconciler dependency (@werdes72)
Committers: 6
2.4.0 (2022-06-30)
- #1272 Add nodejs16 to allowed runtimes (@kwiatekus)
- #1286 Upgrade Hydroform Dependency (@jeremyharisch)
- #1282 Bump hydroform function (@dbadura)
- #1293 Replace containerd with latest to fix CVE (@clebs)
- #1294 Bump reconciler to version with istio 1.14.1 (@werdes72)
- #1295 Bump hydroform/function (@moelsayed)
- #1297 Bump apply command (@anoipm)
- #1296 Upgrade hydroform & reconciler to latest (@clebs)
- #1299 Bump function module to resolve CVE-2022-1996 (@m00g3n)
Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.4.0
2.3.0 (2022-06-08)
- #1258 Muting unnecessary logs when using output flag in CLI (@Cortey)
- #1265
command: add retry to get the cluster kyma version (@clebs) - #1271 Remove minikube leftovers (@clebs)
- #1274 Add kaniko force flag for k3d clusters (@moelsayed)
- #1280 remove orphaned kyma1 setting by (@a-thaler)
Full Changelog: 2.2.0...2.3.0