1.9.3 (2025-03-05)
1.9.2 (2025-02-28)
1.9.1 (2025-02-17)
- trigger release (002ecf5)
1.9.0 (2025-02-12)
1.8.3 (2025-02-11)
1.8.2 (2025-01-22)
1.8.1 (2025-01-21)
1.8.0 (2024-12-12)
- config is always visible on landing page (#496)
- config is always visible on landing page (#496) (d21178c)
- subdomain detection is resilient (#497) (9c6e2df)
- adjust release verion (8895691)
1.7.1 (2024-11-22)
- debug logs enabled on dev environments (#456) (65fd112), closes #455
- no-sw error shows for subdomain requests (#491) (c16688e)
1.7.0 (2024-11-14)
- dont use local storage for text config items (#448) (aab3c00)
- input toggles dont use localStorage (#450) (c838307)
1.6.2 (2024-11-13)
1.6.1 (2024-11-11)
1.6.0 (2024-11-11)
- delegated routing request deduplication and caching (90c48a0)
1.5.0 (2024-11-05)
1.4.1 (2024-10-25)
1.4.0 (2024-10-24)
- remove auto-reload config and default to true (#319) (42e6b64)
- remove fonts from dist folder (#394) (86641e5)
- service worker logs are visible again (#395) (98659e2)
- use enable from @libp2p/logger (#398) (cb8c662)
- use more ipfs-sw prefixes (#396) (ade0074)
1.3.0 (2024-07-04)
- about section on subdomain loads (#263) (947011e)
- config page ux improvements (#315) (16b31b9)
- error page when service worker not available (#283) (774e388)
- minimal PWA manifest (#310) (6d758c9)
1.2.0 (2024-05-17)
- _redirects only for /ipns and /ipfs (#233) (89faa58)
- add content-loading indication page (#258) (c815a25)
- cache sw assets with service worker (#234) (20a8f32)
- landing & config page UX improvements (#235) (fb9b04e)
- meaningful error pages (#195) (80774f5)
- ipfs-hosted redirects are not infinite (#215) (40cc8c7)
- multiple bugs (#220) (75aa0b8)
- revert "feat: migrate to preact/compat (#190)" (#219) (4443174)
- use separate logger for ui/sw (#217) (a96837b)
1.1.0 (2024-04-19)
- code split & dynamic imports (#188) (bdc2979)
- helper-ui input-validator update (#202) (e95e70e)
- http range support (#122) (b064d20)
- migrate to preact/compat (#190) (8c98f57)
- quick TTFB & TTI for large content (#138) (b3c08d1)
- ci: attach car to published release (41d2cff)
- first-hit handling renders redirect page correctly (#163) (a961662)
- fix unixfs directory redirects (#156) (4304333)
- redirect page and first-hit normalization (#201) (8c85b6f)
- dist files optimizations (sw asset name changes) (#97)
- add caching to service worker (#92) (4674dd0)
- add context to mplex streammuxer addition (ed1b23e)
- add demo video (e673b77)
- add e2e & aegir test support (#115) (bf6a382)
- add reframev1 routing support (c5bc7fb)
- allow explicit sw de-registering + timebomb (#100) (8ec199c)
- allow loading config page from subdomain after sw registration (#96) (1201b22)
- BASE_URL can be overridden (#27) (2ba597a)
- ci: build car, pin to cluster, update dnslink (#69) (1bc8d1b)
- ci: pin latest inbrowser.link to cluster (#65) (ed2de44)
- ci: update inbrowser.link on release publish (#117) (90440d9)
- compress assets using gzip (f9537c2)
- create config page for sw settings (#24) (d933208)
- implement gateway _redirects file (#11) (fadb400)
- Implement service worker and main-thread demo (#3) (2a630c0)
- improve styling of header (#77) (8eec72e)
- load static websites and paths (#2) (3bad813)
- make it work (8f7944c)
- pull in Adin changes (722f487)
- rendered CID in browser with content-type recognition (0c9d304)
- support ens resolution (#56) (4c9a3f3)
- support gateway-like functionality (5ff3cfe)
- use @helia/verified-fetch (#17) (bd38764)
- code cleanup, dep removal, & miscellaneous (#89) (0a6d2f3)
- css styles applied & config page collapse (#112) (47b8af4)
- dnsLinkLabel decode encode (#34) (306e19b)
- dynamic subdomain gateway detection (#53) (333ee9f)
- enforce origin isolation on subdomain gws (#60) (3071332)
- first load for new ipns site redirects properly (4fb8357)
- handle helia-sw query from _redirects (#67) (cfd70a6)
- infinite loop during redirect parsing (#10) (19bea1c)
- load the iframe in the same port as the parent domain (af68be4)
- remove invalid char from the helia fetch url (#29) (674c69f)