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Workspace Setup

b8 edited this page Jan 23, 2013 · 3 revisions

1. Prerequisites

Install software

You need the following software installed on your system to start development:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) (>= 1.6)
  • Maven (>=3)
  • Git

Prepare Eclipse IDE

You should have PDE (plug-in development environment) and EGit (Git UI) installed in your Eclipse installation.

Prepare workspace

We suggest that you're using a dedicated workspace for this project. From now on we assume that your workspace has the following path:


2. Acquire source code

Clone the version tiger repository and import all projects into your eclipse workspace.

$ git clone

3. Build project

The project is built with maven. We change into the directory and build the project with these commands:

$ cd
$ mvn clean install

Refresh your workspace.

4. Select target platform

The target definition is placed inside the project. Open the file and click 'Set as target platform' in the upper right.

After some minutes of dependency fetching and calculation -- a good time for a coffee -- there shouldn't be anymore errors in the projects.

5. Start sample

You can now start a sample Eclipse instance where the plugin is already installed. For doing so, right-click on the main project '' and select 'Run as -> Eclipse Application'. The version tiger UI now should be available in the newly opened eclipse instance.