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Eclipse Plugin usage

Beat Strasser edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 2 revisions

Once the eclipse plugin was successfully installed, there appears a new context menu item on projects: "Update version...".

If you click on this entry, the plugin dialog appears, showing the projects of your universe and the instruments to change their version:

Select a universe, check the projects you like to change the version and select a version operation. The 'Finish' button starts the version update process. See below for more details on settings.

Project Universe

The project universe is the set of projects considered for dependency calculation. This means that if you select a project for version update, and there are references to it in other projects in the universe, these references get updated too.

By default, there is only the so called 'workspace universe' present -- the universe containing all eclipse projects in the current workspace. You may define your own universe when you like to include additional projects or exclude workspace projects; see Own Universe Definitions.

Version operation

Select one of the options provided below to define the exact operation to be performed on the selected projects:

  • Release: Removes '-SNAPSHOT' from Maven versions, and '.qualifier' from OSGi versions. E.g.: 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT gets 1.2.3
  • Increment major/minor/bugfix and set to snapshot: Increments the selected version part and adds the snapshot suffix if there isn't already one. E.g.: 2.0.0 gets 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT
  • Set version manually: Lets you freely choose the Maven version
  • Release with suffix: Removes '-SNAPSHOT' from Maven versions, and '.qualifier' from OSGi versions but adds the given suffix to all versions. E.g.: 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT gets 1.2.3.suffix

The way how Maven versions are converted to OSGi versions is customizable, see Settings.

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