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Command Line Tool

Beat Strasser edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 7 revisions

Besides the Eclipse plugin, the tool is also usable with a command line interface (CLI), to be controlled with a rich command language. This language is described in more detail on the Batch File Usage page.

The CLI offers four modes of operation:

  • an interactive mode,
  • the execution of batch files on the console,
  • the execution of batch files using the maven plug-in, and
  • the execution of batch files in the Eclipse workspace.

Read more about these modes in the following chapters.


Download the tool's CLI JAR file (newest release):

You may put it into an arbitrary directory. Usually, you want to keep it in the vicinity of the projects you're versioning.

Using the interactive mode

To start the interactive mode, just execute the JAR without parameters:

$ java -jar

You may now enter commands according to the rules in Batch File Usage. For the help screen, just enter 'help' and press return.

Executing batch files on the console

Assuming you have a batch file myVersionings.versiontiger at hand (for syntax and hints see the Batch File Usage page). Execute the JAR file with your batch file as argument:

$ java -jar myVersionings.versiontiger

The operations declared in the file are subsequently executed.

Executing batch files with the versiontiger-maven-plugin

Instead of downloading the jar file manually, you would better use the maven plugin.

$ mvn -DstatementsFile=myVersionings.versiontiger

Even simpler the call when you add to mvn plugin groups in your maven settings file:

$ mvn versiontiger:execute -DstatementsFile=myVersionings.versiontiger

Note that you don't have to be located in a maven project folder to run the mvn command. Actually, the execution is faster when the current directory isn't a maven project because mvn does not have to do the dependency resolution.

Executing batch files in Eclipse

If there lies a file with the extension .versiontiger in a project in the Eclipse workspace, right-clicking on it yields the entry 'Run versioning commands...'. Click on it to execute the contents of the file.