Releases: andrew-gresyk/HFSM2
Releases · andrew-gresyk/HFSM2
Beta 5
- self-transition into a region yields State::reenter() rather than State::exit() + State::enter()
- new method: LoggerInterfaceT<>::recordUtilityResolution()
- Plan transition methods now mimic the ones from Root and Control's
- renamed BareT<> to InjectionT<>
Beta 4
- added utility-theory-based transitions
- fixed initial activation to match region sub-types
Beta 3
- added resumable variation of composite region
Beta 2
- optimized composite region sub-state search with BST instead of linear iteration
- fixed several bugs in FSMs with no orthogonal regions in the hierarchy
Beta 1
Changes vs
- better mapping from state names to state objects (at compile time)
- added planning support