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Airbyte's certified Postgres connector offers the following features:

  • Replicate data from tables, views and materialized views. Other data objects won't be replicated to the destination like indexes, permissions.
  • Multiple methods of keeping your data fresh, including Change Data Capture (CDC) and replication using the xmin system column.
  • All available sync modes, providing flexibility in how data is delivered to your destination.
  • Reliable replication at any table size with checkpointing and chunking of database reads.

The contents below include a 'Quick Start' guide, advanced setup steps, and reference information (data type mapping, and changelogs). See here to troubleshooting issues with the Postgres connector.

Please note the required minimum platform version is v0.58.0 for this connector.

Quick Start

Here is an outline of the minimum required steps to configure a Postgres connector:

  1. Create a dedicated read-only Postgres user with permissions for replicating data
  2. Create a new Postgres source in the Airbyte UI using xmin system column
  3. (Airbyte Cloud Only) Allow inbound traffic from Airbyte IPs

Once this is complete, you will be able to select Postgres as a source for replicating data.

Step 1: Create a dedicated read-only Postgres user

These steps create a dedicated read-only user for replicating data. Alternatively, you can use an existing Postgres user in your database.

The following commands will create a new user:

CREATE USER <user_name> PASSWORD 'your_password_here';

Now, provide this user with read-only access to relevant schemas and tables. Re-run this command for each schema you expect to replicate data from:

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA <schema_name> TO <user_name>;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA <schema_name> TO <user_name>;

Step 2: Create a new Postgres source in Airbyte UI

From your Airbyte Cloud or Airbyte Open Source account, select Sources from the left navigation bar, search for Postgres, then create a new Postgres source.

To fill out the required information:

  1. Enter the hostname, port number, and name for your Postgres database.
2. You may optionally opt to list each of the schemas you want to sync. These are case-sensitive, and multiple schemas may be entered. By default, `public` is the only selected schema. 3. Enter the username and password you created in [Step 1](#step-1-create-a-dedicated-read-only-postgres-user). 4. Select an SSL mode. You will most frequently choose `require` or `verify-ca`. Both of these always require encryption. `verify-ca` also requires certificates from your Postgres database. 5. Select `Standard (xmin)` from available replication methods. This uses the [xmin system column](#xmin) to reliably replicate data from your database. 1. If your database is particularly large (> 500 GB), you will benefit from [configuring your Postgres source using logical replication (CDC)](#cdc).

Step 3: (Airbyte Cloud Only) Allow inbound traffic from Airbyte IPs.

If you are on Airbyte Cloud, you will always need to modify your database configuration to allow inbound traffic from Airbyte IPs. You can find a list of all IPs that need to be allowlisted in our Airbyte Security docs.

Now, click Set up source in the Airbyte UI. Airbyte will now test connecting to your database. Once this succeeds, you've configured an Airbyte Postgres source!

Advanced Configuration using CDC

Airbyte uses logical replication of the Postgres write-ahead log (WAL) to incrementally capture deletes using a replication plugin:

  • See here to learn more on how Airbyte implements CDC.
  • See here to learn more about Postgres CDC requirements and limitations.

We recommend configuring your Postgres source with CDC when:

  • You need a record of deletions.
  • You have a very large database (500 GB or more).
  • Your table has a primary key but doesn't have a reasonable cursor field for incremental syncing (updated_at).

These are the additional steps required (after following the quick start) to configure your Postgres source using CDC:

  1. Provide additional REPLICATION permissions to read-only user
  2. Enable logical replication on your Postgres database
  3. Create a replication slot on your Postgres database
  4. Create publication and replication identities for each Postgres table
  5. Enable CDC replication in the Airbyte UI

Step 1: Prepopulate your Postgres source configuration

We recommend following the steps in the quick start section to confirm that Airbyte can connect to your Postgres database prior to configuring CDC settings.

For CDC, you must connect to primary/master databases. Pointing the connector configuration to replica database hosts for CDC will lead to failures.

Step 2: Provide additional permissions to read-only user

To configure CDC for the Postgres source connector, grant REPLICATION permissions to the user created in step 1 of the quick start:


Step 3: Enable logical replication on your Postgres database

To enable logical replication, follow these steps based on your deployment environment.

Bare Metal, VMs, and Docker

To enable logical replication on bare metal, VMs (EC2/GCE/etc), or Docker, configure the following parameters in the postgresql.conf file for your Postgres database.

Parameter Description Set value to
wal_level Type of coding used within the Postgres write-ahead log logical
max_wal_senders The maximum number of processes used for handling WAL changes min: 1
max_replication_slots The maximum number of replication slots that are allowed to stream WAL changes 1 (if Airbyte is the only service reading subscribing to WAL changes. More than 1 if other services are also reading from the WAL)

AWS Postgres RDS or Aurora

  1. Go to the Configuration tab for your DB cluster.
  2. Find your cluster parameter group. Either edit the parameters for this group or create a copy of this parameter group to edit. If you create a copy, change your cluster's parameter group before restarting.
  3. Within the parameter group page, search for rds.logical_replication. Select this row and click Edit parameters. Set this value to 1.
  4. Wait for a maintenance window to automatically restart the instance or restart it manually.

:::note AWS Aurora implements a CDC caching layer that is incompatible with Airbyte's CDC implementation. To use Airbyte with AWS Aurora, disable the CDC caching layer. Disable CDC caching by setting the rds.logical_wal_cache parameter to 0 in the AWS Aurora parameter group. :::

Azure Database for Postgres

Change the replication mode of your Postgres DB on Azure to logical using the replication menu of your PostgreSQL instance in the Azure Portal. Alternatively, use the Azure CLI to run the following command:

az postgres server configuration set --resource-group group --server-name server --name azure.replication_support --value logical
az postgres server restart --resource-group group --name server

Step 4: Create a replication slot on your Postgres database

Airbyte requires a replication slot configured only for its use. Only one source should be configured that uses this replication slot.

For this step, Airbyte requires use of the pgoutput plugin. To create a replication slot called airbyte_slot using pgoutput, run as the user with the newly granted REPLICATION role:

SELECT pg_create_logical_replication_slot('airbyte_slot', 'pgoutput');

The output of this command will include the name of the replication slot to fill into the Airbyte source setup page.

Step 5: Create publication and replication identities for each Postgres table

For each table you want to replicate with CDC, follow the steps below:
  1. Add the replication identity (the method of distinguishing between rows) for each table you want to replicate:

In rare cases, if your tables use data types that support TOAST or have very large field values, consider instead using replica identity type full: ALTER TABLE tbl1 REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;. Ensure that TOAST-able tables use non-TOAST-able primary keys (integers, varchars, etc), and there will only be a modest increase in resource utilization, in addition to increased WAL storage size.

  1. Create the Postgres publication. You should include all tables you want to replicate as part of the publication:
CREATE PUBLICATION airbyte_publication FOR TABLE <tbl1, tbl2, tbl3>;`

The publication name is customizable. Refer to the Postgres docs if you need to add or remove tables from your publication in the future.

:::note The Airbyte UI currently allows selecting any tables for CDC. If a table is selected that is not part of the publication, it will not be replicated even though it is selected. If a table is part of the publication but does not have a replication identity, that replication identity will be created automatically on the first run if the Airbyte user has the necessary permissions. :::

Step 6: Enable CDC replication in Airbyte UI

In your Postgres source, change the update method to Read Changes using Change Data Capture (CDC), and enter the replication slot and publication you just created.

Postgres Replication Methods

The Postgres source currently offers 3 methods of replicating updates to your destination: CDC, xmin and standard (with a user defined cursor). Both CDC and xmin are the most reliable methods of updating your data.


Airbyte uses logical replication of the Postgres write-ahead log (WAL) to incrementally capture deletes using a replication plugin. To learn more how Airbyte implements CDC, refer to Change Data Capture (CDC). We recommend configuring your Postgres source with CDC when:

  • You need a record of deletions.
  • You have a very large database (500 GB or more).
  • Your table has a primary key but doesn't have a reasonable cursor field for incremental syncing (updated_at).

If your goal is to maintain a snapshot of your table in the destination but the limitations prevent you from using CDC, consider using the xmin replication method.


Xmin replication is the new cursor-less replication method for Postgres. Cursorless syncs enable syncing new or updated rows without explicitly choosing a cursor field. The xmin system column which (available in all Postgres databases) is used to track inserts and updates to your source data.

This is a good solution if:

  • There is not a well-defined cursor candidate to use for Standard incremental mode.
  • You want to replace a previously configured full-refresh sync.
  • Your database doesn't incur heavy writes that would lead to transaction ID wraparound.
  • You are not replicating non-materialized views. Non-materialized views are not supported by xmin replication.

Connecting with SSL or SSH Tunneling

SSL Modes

Airbyte Cloud uses SSL by default. You are not permitted to `disable` SSL while using Airbyte Cloud. You will most frequently choose `require` or `verify-ca`. Both of these always require encryption. `verify-ca` also requires certificates from your Postgres database.

Here is a breakdown of available SSL connection modes:

  • disable to disable encrypted communication between Airbyte and the source
  • allow to enable encrypted communication only when required by the source
  • prefer to allow unencrypted communication only when the source doesn't support encryption
  • require to always require encryption. Note: The connection will fail if the source doesn't support encryption.
  • verify-ca to always require encryption and verify that the source has a valid SSL certificate
  • verify-full to always require encryption and verify the identity of the source

SSH Tunneling

If you are using SSH tunneling, as Airbyte Cloud requires encrypted communication, select SSH Key Authentication or Password Authentication if you selected disable, allow, or prefer as the SSL Mode; otherwise, the connection will fail.

For SSH Tunnel Method, select:

  • No Tunnel for a direct connection to the database
  • SSH Key Authentication to use an RSA Private as your secret for establishing the SSH tunnel
  • Password Authentication to use a password as your secret for establishing the SSH tunnel

Connect via SSH Tunnel

You can connect to a Postgres instance via an SSH tunnel.

When using an SSH tunnel, you are configuring Airbyte to connect to an intermediate server (also called a bastion or a jump server) that has direct access to the database. Airbyte connects to the bastion and then asks the bastion to connect directly to the server.

To connect to a Postgres instance via an SSH tunnel:

  1. While setting up the Postgres source connector, from the SSH tunnel dropdown, select:
    • SSH Key Authentication to use a private as your secret for establishing the SSH tunnel
    • Password Authentication to use a password as your secret for establishing the SSH Tunnel
  2. For SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host, enter the hostname or IP address for the intermediate (bastion) server that Airbyte will connect to.
  3. For SSH Connection Port, enter the port on the bastion server. The default port for SSH connections is 22.
  4. For SSH Login Username, enter the username to use when connecting to the bastion server. Note: This is the operating system username and not the Postgres username.
  5. For authentication:
    • If you selected SSH Key Authentication, set the SSH Private Key to the private Key that you are using to create the SSH connection.
    • If you selected Password Authentication, enter the password for the operating system user to connect to the bastion server. Note: This is the operating system password and not the Postgres password.

Generating a private key for SSH Tunneling

The connector supports any SSH compatible key format such as RSA or Ed25519. To generate an RSA key, for example, run:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa

The command produces the private key in PEM format and the public key remains in the standard format used by the authorized_keys file on your bastion server. Add the public key to your bastion host to the user you want to use with Airbyte. The private key is provided via copy-and-paste to the Airbyte connector configuration screen to allow it to log into the bastion server.

Limitations & Troubleshooting

To see connector limitations, or troubleshoot your Postgres connector, see more in our Postgres troubleshooting guide.

Data type mapping

According to Postgres documentation, Postgres data types are mapped to the following data types when synchronizing data. You can check the test values examples here. If you can't find the data type you are looking for or have any problems feel free to add a new test!

Postgres Type Resulting Type Notes
bigint number
bigserial, serial8 number
bit string Fixed-length bit string (e.g. "0100").
bit varying, varbit string Variable-length bit string (e.g. "0100").
boolean, bool boolean
box string
bytea string Variable length binary string with hex output format prefixed with "\x" (e.g. "\x6b707a").
character, char string
character varying, varchar string
cidr string
circle string
date string Parsed as ISO8601 date time at midnight. CDC mode doesn't support era indicators. Issue: #14590
double precision, float, float8 number Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN are not supported and converted to null. Issue: #8902.
hstore string
inet string
integer, int, int4 number
interval string
json string
jsonb string
line string
lseg string
macaddr string
macaddr8 string
money number
numeric, decimal number Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN are not supported and converted to null. Issue: #8902.
path string
pg_lsn string
point string
polygon string
real, float4 number
smallint, int2 number
smallserial, serial2 number
serial, serial4 number
text string
time string Parsed as a time string without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system.
timetz string Parsed as a time string with time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system.
timestamp string Parsed as a date-time string without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system.
timestamptz string Parsed as a date-time string with time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system.
tsquery string
tsvector string
uuid string
xml string
enum string
tsrange string
array array E.g. "["10001","10002","10003","10004"]".
composite type string


Expand to review
Version Date Pull Request Subject
3.6.30 2025-03-06 55234 Update base image version for certified DB source connectors
3.6.29 2025-02-13 53649 Fix issue that column default value did not get converted
3.6.28 2024-12-23 50870 Use airbyte/java-connector-base:2.0.0
3.6.27 2024-12-23 50410 Use a non root base image.
3.6.26 2024-12-20 48495 Increase MAX_FIRST_RECORD_WAIT_TIME and use Debezium 3.0.1
3.6.25 2024-12-17 49838 Use a base image: airbyte/java-connector-base:1.0.0
3.6.24 2024-12-16 49469 Simplify CTID_TABLE_BLOCK_SIZE query for Postgres integration
3.6.23 2024-11-13 #48482 Convert large integer typed using NUMERIC(X, 0) into a BigInteger. l
3.6.22 2024-10-02 46900 Fixed a bug where source docs won't render on Airbyte 1.1
3.6.21 2024-10-02 46322 Support CDC against a read-replica (continuation)
3.6.20 2024-10-01 46299 Make postgres source compile and use the latest CDK
3.6.19 2024-09-17 45639 Adopt latest CDK to use the latest apache sshd mina to handle tcpkeepalive requests.
3.6.18 2024-08-28 44878 Enable tcpKeepAlive for jdbc connection.
3.6.17 2024-08-27 44841 Adopt latest CDK.
3.6.16 2024-08-15 44119 Fix incorrect final state on initial read in CDC mode.
3.6.15 2024-08-12 43945 Add missing replication slot config error.
3.6.14 2024-08-08 43418 Adopt latest CDK.
3.6.13 2024-07-30 42869 Adopt latest CDK.
3.6.12 2024-07-30 42550 Correctly report stream states.
3.6.11 2024-07-29 42852 Bump CDK version to latest to use new bug fixes on error translation.
3.6.10 2024-07-23 42417 Handle null error message in ConnectorExceptionHandler.
3.6.9 2024-07-23 42421 Remove final transient error emitter iterators.
3.6.8 2024-07-22 41622 Bump CDK version to latest.
3.6.7 2024-07-22 42411 Hide the "initial load timeout in hours" field by default in UI
3.6.6 2024-07-22 41622 Fix bug in CDC syncing
3.6.5 2024-07-22 42024 Fix a bug on resuming from a failed attempt.
3.6.4 2024-07-17 42087 Translate more errors for Postgres source.
3.6.3 2024-07-19 42122 Improve wass error message + logging.
3.6.2 2024-07-18 42108 Disable incremental sync for view streams in xmin replication mode
3.6.1 2024-07-05 40716 Fix typo in connector specification
3.6.0 2024-07-17 40208 Start using the new error Postgres source error handler that comes with a new error translation layer.
3.5.2 2024-07-17 42068 Add analytics for WASS case occurrence.
3.5.1 2024-07-17 42055 Add debezium heartbeat timeout back to shutdown debezium.
3.5.0 2024-07-17 41651 Implement WASS algo - large initial snapshots shouldn't block CDC.
3.4.26 2024-07-15 41654 Allow null value for array typed columns in CDC.
3.4.25 2024-07-12 41651 Throw transient error if tables of interest and undergoing full vacuum.
3.4.24 2024-07-05 41067 Fix Postgres sending duplicated streams
3.4.23 2024-07-01 40757 Rollback 3.4.22.
3.4.21 2024-07-01 40516 Remove dbz hearbeat.
3.4.20 2024-06-23 40559 Remove strict check for stream states of unknown types
3.4.19 2024-06-23 40223 Revert the changes introduced in version 3.4.15.
3.4.18 2024-06-14 39349 Full refresh stream sending internal count metadata.
3.4.17 2024-06-13 39460 Bump postgres JDBC driver version
3.4.16 2024-05-29 39474 Adopt latest CDK.
3.4.15 2024-05-29 38773 Connect with adaptiveFetch=true.
3.4.14 2024-06-08 39353 Upgrade Debezium to 2.6.2
3.4.13 2024-06-04 38875 read() throws config exception upon detecting transaction ID wraparound.
3.4.12 2024-06-04 38836 check() throws config error upon detecting transaction ID wraparound.
3.4.11 2024-06-04 38848 Improve UI message and doc on xmin
3.4.10 2024-05-29 38584 Set is_resumable flag in discover.
3.4.9 2024-05-29 38775 Publish CDK
3.4.9 2024-05-28 38716 Publish CDK
3.4.8 2024-05-28 38716 Stream status for postgres
3.4.7 2024-05-20 38365 Rollback a previously version (3.4.6)
3.4.5 2024-05-16 38303 Streams not in the CDC publication still have a cursor and PK.
3.4.4 2024-05-15 38208 disable counts in full refresh stream in state message.
3.4.3 2024-05-13 38104 Handle transient error messages.
3.4.2 2024-05-10 38171 Bug fix on final state setup.
3.4.1 2024-05-10 38130 Bug fix on old PG where ctid column not found when stream is a view.
3.4.0 2024-04-29 37112 resumeable full refresh.
3.3.33 2024-05-07 38030 Mark PG hot standby error as transient.
3.3.32 2024-04-30 37758 Correct previous release to disable debezium retries
3.3.31 2024-04-30 37754 Add CDC logs
3.3.30 2024-04-30 37726 Remove debezium retries
3.3.29 2024-04-23 37509 remove excessive logs
3.3.28 2024-04-23 37509 Better error messages on switching between sync modes.
3.3.27 2024-04-22 37445 Remove legacy bad values handling code.
3.3.26 2024-04-10 36982 Populate airyte_meta.changes for xmin path
3.3.25 2024-04-10 36981 Track latest CDK
3.3.24 2024-04-10 36865 Track latest CDK
3.3.23 2024-04-02 36759 Track latest CDK
3.3.22 2024-04-01 36739 Fix useLocalCdk flag.
3.3.21 2024-03-25 36584 Adopt Kotlin CDK.
3.3.20 2024-03-25 36432 Failure to serialize values from Postgres DB shouldn't fail sync.
3.3.19 2024-03-12 36333 Use newest CDK - deprecate dbz iterator
3.3.18 2024-03-12 35599 Use newest CDK
3.3.17 2024-03-12 35939 Use lsn_commit value instead of lsn_proc for CDC checkpointing logic.
3.3.16 2024-03-11 35904 Adopt Java CDK 0.23.1- debezium retries.
3.3.15 2024-02-29 34724 Add record count in state message.
3.3.14 2024-03-06 35842 Add logging to understand cases with a large number of records with the same LSN.
3.3.13 2024-02-27 35675 Fix invalid cdc error message.
3.3.12 2024-02-22 35569 Fix logging bug.
3.3.11 2024-02-20 35304 Add config to throw an error on invalid CDC position and enable it by default.
3.3.10 2024-02-13 35036 Emit analytics message for invalid CDC cursor.
3.3.9 2024-02-13 35224 Adopt CDK 0.20.4
3.3.8 2024-02-08 34751 Adopt CDK 0.19.0
3.3.7 2024-02-08 34781 Add a setting in the setup page to advance the LSN.
3.3.6 2024-02-07 34892 Adopt CDK v0.16.6
3.3.5 2024-02-07 34948 Adopt CDK v0.16.5
3.3.4 2024-01-31 34723 Adopt CDK v0.16.3
3.3.3 2024-01-26 34573 Adopt CDK v0.16.0
3.3.2 2024-01-24 34465 Check xmin only if user selects xmin sync mode.
3.3.1 2024-01-10 34119 Adopt java CDK version 0.11.5.
3.3.0 2023-12-19 33437 Remove LEGACY state flag
3.2.27 2023-12-18 33605 Advance Postgres LSN for PG 14 & below.
3.2.26 2023-12-11 33027 Support for better debugging tools.
3.2.25 2023-11-29 32961 Bump debezium wait time default to 20 min.
3.2.24 2023-11-28 32686 Better logging to understand dbz closing reason attribution.
3.2.23 2023-11-28 32891 Fix CDK dependency in build.
3.2.22 2023-11-22 32656 Adopt java CDK version 0.5.0.
3.2.21 2023-11-07 31856 handle date/timestamp infinity values properly
3.2.20 2023-11-06 32193 Adopt java CDK version 0.4.1.
3.2.19 2023-11-03 32050 Adopt java CDK version 0.4.0.
3.2.18 2023-11-01 29038 Fix typo (s/Airbtye/Airbyte/)
3.2.17 2023-11-01 32068 Bump Debezium 2.2.0Final -> 2.4.0Final
3.2.16 2023-10-31 31976 Speed up tests involving Debezium
3.2.15 2023-10-30 31960 Adopt java CDK version 0.2.0.
3.2.14 2023-10-24 31792 Fix error message link on issue with standby
3.2.14 2023-10-24 31792 fail sync when debezeum fails to shutdown cleanly
3.2.13 2023-10-16 31029 Enforces encrypted traffic settings when env var DEPLOYMENT_MODE = CLOUD.
3.1.13 2023-10-13 31309 Addressed decimals being incorrectly deserialized into scientific notation.
3.1.12 2023-10-12 31328 Improvements to initial load of tables in older versions of postgres.
3.1.11 2023-10-11 31322 Correct pevious release
3.1.10 2023-09-29 30806 Cap log line length to 32KB to prevent loss of records.
3.1.9 2023-09-25 30534 Fix JSONB[] column type handling bug.
3.1.8 2023-09-20 30125 Improve initial load performance for older versions of PostgreSQL.
3.1.7 2023-09-05 29672 Handle VACUUM happening during initial sync
3.1.6 2023-08-24 29821 Set replication_method display_type to radio, update titles and descriptions, and make CDC the default choice
3.1.5 2023-08-22 29534 Support "options" JDBC URL parameter
3.1.4 2023-08-21 28687 Under the hood: Add dependency on Java CDK v0.0.2.
3.1.3 2023-08-03 28708 Enable checkpointing snapshots in CDC connections
3.1.2 2023-08-01 28954 Fix an issue that prevented use of tables with names containing uppercase letters
3.1.1 2023-07-31 28892 Fix an issue that prevented use of cursor columns with names containing uppercase letters
3.1.0 2023-07-25 28339 Checkpointing initial load for incremental syncs: enabled for xmin and cursor based only.
3.0.2 2023-07-18 28336 Add full-refresh mode back to Xmin syncs.
3.0.1 2023-07-14 28345 Increment patch to trigger a rebuild
3.0.0 2023-07-12 27442 Set _ab_cdc_lsn as the source defined cursor for CDC mode to prepare for Destination v2 normalization
2.1.1 2023-07-06 26723 Add new xmin replication method.
2.1.0 2023-06-26 27737 License Update: Elv2
2.0.34 2023-06-20 27212 Fix silent exception swallowing in StreamingJdbcDatabase
2.0.33 2023-06-01 26873 Add prepareThreshold=0 to JDBC url to mitigate PGBouncer prepared statement [X] already exists.
2.0.32 2023-05-31 26810 Remove incremental sync estimate from Postgres to increase performance.
2.0.31 2023-05-25 26633 Collect and log information related to full vacuum operation in db
2.0.30 2023-05-25 26473 CDC : Limit queue size
2.0.29 2023-05-18 25898 Translate Numeric values without decimal, e.g: NUMERIC(38,0), as BigInt instead of Double
2.0.28 2023-04-27 25401 CDC : Upgrade Debezium to version 2.2.0
2.0.27 2023-04-26 24971 Emit stream status updates
2.0.26 2023-04-26 25560 Revert some logging changes
2.0.25 2023-04-24 25459 Better logging formatting
2.0.24 2023-04-19 25345 Logging : Log database indexes per stream
2.0.23 2023-04-19 24582 CDC : Enable frequent state emission during incremental syncs + refactor for performance improvement
2.0.22 2023-04-17 25220 Logging changes : Log additional metadata & clean up noisy logs
2.0.21 2023-04-12 25131 Make Client Certificate and Client Key always show
2.0.20 2023-04-11 24859 Removed SSL toggle and rely on SSL mode dropdown to enable/disable SSL
2.0.19 2023-04-11 24656 CDC minor refactor
2.0.18 2023-04-06 24820 Fix data loss bug during an initial failed non-CDC incremental sync
2.0.17 2023-04-05 24622 Allow streams not in CDC publication to be synced in Full-refresh mode
2.0.16 2023-04-05 24895 Fix spec for cloud
2.0.15 2023-04-04 24833 Fix Debezium retry policy configuration
2.0.14 2023-04-03 24609 Disallow the "disable" SSL Modes
2.0.13 2023-03-28 24166 Fix InterruptedException bug during Debezium shutdown
2.0.12 2023-03-27 24529 Add CDC checkpoint state messages
2.0.11 2023-03-23 24446 Set default SSL Mode to require in strict-encrypt
2.0.10 2023-03-23 24417 Add field groups and titles to improve display of connector setup form
2.0.9 2023-03-22 20760 Removed redundant date-time datatypes formatting
2.0.8 2023-03-22 24255 Add field groups and titles to improve display of connector setup form
2.0.7 2023-03-21 24207 Fix incorrect schema change warning in CDC mode
2.0.6 2023-03-21 24271 Fix NPE in CDC mode
2.0.5 2023-03-21 21533 Add integration with datadog
2.0.4 2023-03-21 24147 Fix error with CDC checkpointing
2.0.3 2023-03-14 24000 Removed check method call on read.
2.0.2 2023-03-13 23112 Add state checkpointing for CDC sync.
2.0.0 2023-03-06 23112 Upgrade Debezium version to 2.1.2
1.0.51 2023-03-02 23642 Revert : Support JSONB datatype for Standard sync mode
1.0.50 2023-02-27 21695 Support JSONB datatype for Standard sync mode
1.0.49 2023-02-24 23383 Fixed bug with non readable double-quoted values within a database name or column name
1.0.48 2023-02-23 22623 Increase max fetch size of JDBC streaming mode
1.0.47 2023-02-22 22221 Fix previous versions which doesn't verify privileges correctly, preventing CDC syncs to run.
1.0.46 2023-02-21 23105 Include log levels and location information (class, method and line number) with source connector logs published to Airbyte Platform.
1.0.45 2023-02-09 22221 Ensures that user has required privileges for CDC syncs.
2023-02-15 23028
1.0.44 2023-02-06 22221 Exclude new set of system tables when using pg_stat_statements extension.
1.0.43 2023-02-06 21634 Improve Standard sync performance by caching objects.
1.0.42 2023-01-23 21523 Check for null in cursor values before replacing.
1.0.41 2023-01-25 20939 Adjust batch selection memory limits databases.
1.0.40 2023-01-24 21825 Put back the original change that will cause an incremental sync to error if table contains a NULL value in cursor column.
1.0.39 2023-01-20 21683 Speed up esmtimates for trace messages in non-CDC mode.
1.0.38 2023-01-17 20436 Consolidate date/time values mapping for JDBC sources
1.0.37 2023-01-17 20783 Emit estimate trace messages for non-CDC mode.
1.0.36 2023-01-11 21003 Handle null values for array data types in CDC mode gracefully.
1.0.35 2023-01-04 20469 Introduce feature to make LSN commit behaviour configurable.
1.0.34 2022-12-13 20378 Improve descriptions
1.0.33 2022-12-12 18959 CDC : Don't timeout if snapshot is not complete.
1.0.32 2022-12-12 20192 Only throw a warning if cursor column contains null values.
1.0.31 2022-12-02 19889 Check before each sync and stop if an incremental sync cursor column contains a null value.
2022-12-02 19985 Reenable incorrectly-disabled wal2json CDC plugin
1.0.30 2022-11-29 19024 Skip tables from schema where user do not have Usage permission during discovery.
1.0.29 2022-11-29 19623 Mark PSQLException related to using replica that is configured as a hot standby server as config error.
1.0.28 2022-11-28 19514 Adjust batch selection memory limits databases.
1.0.27 2022-11-28 16990 Handle arrays data types
1.0.26 2022-11-18 19551 Fixes bug with ssl modes
1.0.25 2022-11-16 19004 Use Debezium heartbeats to improve CDC replication of large databases.
1.0.24 2022-11-07 19291 Default timeout is reduced from 1 min to 10sec
1.0.23 2022-11-07 19025 Stop enforce SSL if ssl mode is disabled
1.0.22 2022-10-31 18538 Encode database name
1.0.21 2022-10-25 18256 Disable allow and prefer ssl modes in CDC mode
1.0.20 2022-10-25 18383 Better SSH error handling + messages
1.0.19 2022-10-21 18263 Fixes bug introduced in 15833 and adds better error messaging for SSH tunnel in Destinations
1.0.18 2022-10-19 18087 Better error messaging for configuration errors (SSH configs, choosing an invalid cursor)
1.0.17 2022-10-17 18041 Fixes bug introduced 2022-09-12 with SshTunnel, handles iterator exception properly
1.0.16 2022-10-13 15535 Update incremental query to avoid data missing when new data is inserted at the same time as a sync starts under non-CDC incremental mode
1.0.15 2022-10-11 17782 Handle 24:00:00 value for Time column
1.0.14 2022-10-03 17515 Fix an issue preventing connection using client certificate
1.0.13 2022-10-01 17459 Upgrade debezium version to 1.9.6 from 1.9.2
1.0.12 2022-09-27 17299 Improve error handling for strict-encrypt postgres source
1.0.11 2022-09-26 17131 Allow nullable columns to be used as cursor
1.0.10 2022-09-14 15668 Wrap logs in AirbyteLogMessage
1.0.9 2022-09-13 16657 Improve CDC record queueing performance
1.0.8 2022-09-08 16202 Adds error messaging factory to UI
1.0.7 2022-08-30 16114 Prevent traffic going on an unsecured channel in strict-encryption version of source postgres
1.0.6 2022-08-30 16138 Remove unnecessary logging
1.0.5 2022-08-25 15993 Add support for connection over SSL in CDC mode
1.0.4 2022-08-23 15877 Fix temporal data type bug which was causing failure in CDC mode
1.0.3 2022-08-18 14356 DB Sources: only show a table can sync incrementally if at least one column can be used as a cursor field
1.0.2 2022-08-11 15538 Allow additional properties in db stream state
1.0.1 2022-08-10 15496 Fix state emission in incremental sync
2022-08-10 15481 Fix data handling from WAL logs in CDC mode
1.0.0 2022-08-05 15380 Change connector label to generally_available (requires upgrading your Airbyte platform to v0.40.0-alpha)
0.4.44 2022-08-05 15342 Adjust titles and descriptions in spec.json
0.4.43 2022-08-03 15226 Make connectionTimeoutMs configurable through JDBC url parameters
0.4.42 2022-08-03 15273 Fix a bug in 0.4.36 and correctly parse the CDC initial record waiting time
0.4.41 2022-08-03 15077 Sync data from beginning if the LSN is no longer valid in CDC
2022-08-03 14903 Emit state messages more frequently (⛔ this version has a bug; use 1.0.1 instead
0.4.40 2022-08-03 15187 Add support for BCE dates/timestamps
2022-08-03 14534 Align regular and CDC integration tests and data mappers
0.4.39 2022-08-02 14801 Fix multiple log bindings
0.4.38 2022-07-26 14362 Integral columns are now discovered as int64 fields.
0.4.37 2022-07-22 14714 Clarified error message when invalid cursor column selected
0.4.36 2022-07-21 14451 Make initial CDC waiting time configurable (⛔ this version has a bug and will not work; use 0.4.42 instead)
0.4.35 2022-07-14 14574 Removed additionalProperties:false from JDBC source connectors
0.4.34 2022-07-17 13840 Added the ability to connect using different SSL modes and SSL certificates.
0.4.33 2022-07-14 14586 Validate source JDBC url parameters
0.4.32 2022-07-07 14694 Force to produce LEGACY state if the use stream capable feature flag is set to false
0.4.31 2022-07-07 14447 Under CDC mode, retrieve only those tables included in the publications
0.4.30 2022-06-30 14251 Use more simple and comprehensive query to get selectable tables
0.4.29 2022-06-29 14265 Upgrade postgresql JDBC version to 42.3.5
0.4.28 2022-06-23 14077 Use the new state management
0.4.26 2022-06-17 13864 Updated stacktrace format for any trace message errors
0.4.25 2022-06-15 13823 Publish adaptive postgres source that enforces ssl on cloud + Debezium version upgrade to 1.9.2 from 1.4.2
0.4.24 2022-06-14 13549 Fixed truncated precision if the value of microseconds or seconds is 0
0.4.23 2022-06-13 13655 Fixed handling datetime cursors when upgrading from older versions of the connector
0.4.22 2022-06-09 13655 Fixed bug with unsupported date-time datatypes during incremental sync
0.4.21 2022-06-06 13435 Adjust JDBC fetch size based on max memory and max row size
0.4.20 2022-06-02 13367 Added convertion hstore to json format
0.4.19 2022-05-25 13166 Added timezone awareness and handle BC dates
0.4.18 2022-05-25 13083 Add support for tsquey type
0.4.17 2022-05-19 13016 CDC modify schema to allow null values
0.4.16 2022-05-14 12840 Added custom JDBC parameters field
0.4.15 2022-05-13 12834 Fix the bug that the connector returns empty catalog for Azure Postgres database
0.4.14 2022-05-08 12689 Add table retrieval according to role-based SELECT privilege
0.4.13 2022-05-05 10230 Explicitly set null value for field in json
0.4.12 2022-04-29 12480 Query tables with adaptive fetch size to optimize JDBC memory consumption
0.4.11 2022-04-11 11729 Bump mina-sshd from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0
0.4.10 2022-04-08 11798 Fixed roles for fetching materialized view processing
0.4.8 2022-02-21 10242 Fixed cursor for old connectors that use non-microsecond format. Now connectors work with both formats
0.4.7 2022-02-18 10242 Updated timestamp transformation with microseconds
0.4.6 2022-02-14 10256 (unpublished) Add -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError JVM option
0.4.5 2022-02-08 10173 Improved discovering tables in case if user does not have permissions to any table
0.4.4 2022-01-26 9807 Update connector fields title/description
0.4.3 2022-01-24 9554 Allow handling of java sql date in CDC
0.4.2 2022-01-13 9360 Added schema selection
0.4.1 2022-01-05 9116 Added materialized views processing
0.4.0 2021-12-13 8726 Support all Postgres types
0.3.17 2021-12-01 8371 Fixed incorrect handling "\n" in ssh key
0.3.16 2021-11-28 7995 Fixed money type with amount > 1000
0.3.15 2021-11-26 8066 Fixed the case, when Views are not listed during schema discovery
0.3.14 2021-11-17 8010 Added checking of privileges before table internal discovery
0.3.13 2021-10-26 7339 Support or improve support for Interval, Money, Date, various geometric data types, inventory_items, and others
0.3.12 2021-09-30 6585 Improved SSH Tunnel key generation steps
0.3.11 2021-09-02 5742 Add SSH Tunnel support
0.3.9 2021-08-17 5304 Fix CDC OOM issue
0.3.8 2021-08-13 4699 Added json config validator
0.3.4 2021-06-09 3973 Add AIRBYTE_ENTRYPOINT for Kubernetes support
0.3.3 2021-06-08 3960 Add method field in specification parameters
0.3.2 2021-05-26 3179 Remove isCDC logging
0.3.1 2021-04-21 2878 Set defined cursor for CDC
0.3.0 2021-04-21 2990 Support namespaces
0.2.7 2021-04-16 2923 SSL spec as optional
0.2.6 2021-04-16 2757 Support SSL connection
0.2.5 2021-04-12 2859 CDC bugfix
0.2.4 2021-04-09 2548 Support CDC
0.2.3 2021-03-28 2600 Add NCHAR and NVCHAR support to DB and cursor type casting
0.2.2 2021-03-26 2460 Destination supports destination sync mode
0.2.1 2021-03-18 2488 Sources support primary keys
0.2.0 2021-03-09 2238 Protocol allows future/unknown properties
0.1.13 2021-02-02 1887 Migrate AbstractJdbcSource to use iterators
0.1.12 2021-01-25 1746 Fix NPE in State Decorator
0.1.11 2021-01-25 1765 Add field titles to specification
0.1.10 2021-01-19 1724 Fix JdbcSource handling of tables with same names in different schemas
0.1.9 2021-01-14 1655 Fix JdbcSource OOM
0.1.8 2021-01-13 1588 Handle invalid numeric values in JDBC source
0.1.7 2021-01-08 1307 Migrate Postgres and MySql to use new JdbcSource
0.1.6 2020-12-09 1172 Support incremental sync
0.1.5 2020-11-30 1038 Change JDBC sources to discover more than standard schemas
0.1.4 2020-11-30 1046 Add connectors using an index YAML file