Releases: VRMADA/ultimatexr-unity
Releases · VRMADA/ultimatexr-unity
Release notes
This will probably be the last release before v1.0.0.
Version 1.0.0 has been in the works for the past year. It contains many new features, among others: native multiplayer support, serialization and improved manipulation mechanics.
- Add support for Meta Quest 3.
- Add support for Magic Leap 2.
- Add support for Virtual Desktop controller naming.
- Add support for Unity UI input on the screen and UltimateXR UI input in VR at
the same time. - Add new functionality DontRelease to UxrPlacementOptions that keeps the object
grabbed when UxrManager.Instance.PlaceObject() is called. - Add MinSingleRotationDegrees/MaxSingleRotationDegrees to UxrGrabbableObject when
constrained to a single degree of freedom. - Add new symbol ULTIMATEXR_UNITY_XR_OCULUS when Unity.XR.Oculus is available.
- Add joystick deadzone filtering in SteamVR.
- Add support for position/rotation smoothing in all controller tracking components.
- Add new UxrLinearPath spline type for linear interpolation in paths.
- Improve teleportation raycasts to discard avatar colliders and grabbed objects.
- Improve teleportation to handle avatars with roll/pitch.
- Improve Body IK to handle avatars with roll/pitch. Improved precision by
performing computations in local avatar space. - Rename UxrPlacementType to UxrPlacementOptions.
- Improve support for HandPositionAroundPivot manipulation mode.
- Disable UxrInputModule component parameter "Disable Other Input Modules" by default
instead of being enabled. - Remove deprecated references to CommonUsages.thumbrest and CommonUsages.thumbTouch
in UxrUnityXRControllerInput.cs and use OculusUsages.thumbrest and
OculusUsages.thumbTouch instead if available. Add support for OculusUsages.indexTouch.
- Fix UxrLaserPointer hit quad position using controller forward.
- Fix Pico controllers not working after using home button.
- Fix Valve Index controllers' forward vectors.
- Fix laser pointers not working correctly when mixing UI with 2D/3D objects.
- Fix bug in UI module where finger tips and laser pointers cannot interact with
multiple canvases when close to each other. - Fix null reference exception in manipulation system when placing constrained objects
on anchors and grabbing them again. - Fix bug in UxrGrabManager that prevents GrabToggle manipulation mode to place
objects on anchors. - Fix UxrGrabbableObject manipulation not working correctly when grab points are moved
around during grabbing, for example when applying constraints. - Fix bug in UxrGrabbableObject.SetGrabPointEnabled not working correctly.
- Fix UxrGrabPointShapes not computing center of grab correctly in some cases.
- Fix scaling on root avatar GameObject not working correctly with Body/Arm IK.
- Fix the following global input events in UxrControllerInput not being called:
GlobalButtonStateChanged, GlobalInput1DChanged, GlobalInput2DChanged. - Fix UxrUnityXRControllerInput components not getting haptic capabilities correctly.
- Fix warnings in example scene when loading ShotgunPump01.mp3 and ShotgunPump02.mp3
- Remove deprecated references to CommonUsages.thumbrest and CommonUsages.thumbTouch
in UxrUnityXRControllerInput.cs and use OculusUsages.thumbrest and
OculusUsages.thumbTouch instead if available.
- Add SteamVR support for Rift/Rift-S/Quest/Quest2 headsets and controllers.
- Add selective 2D/3D/UI GameObject interaction to UxrLaserPointer.
- Add PrecachingStarting and PrecachingFinished events to UxrManager.
- Add new exposed parameters to UxrLaserPointer for scripting.
- Add new exposed parameters to UxrPointerEventData for scripting.
- Add LocalStandardAvatarController property to UxrAvatar for quick access.
- Improve UxrLaserPointer inspector.
- Improve UxrPointerInputModule event handling.
- Make UxrControllerInput::GetIgnoreControllerInput() and SetIgnoreControllerInput()
static so that they can be called at any point whether the controllers are active or not. - Change some common operations to favor execution time:
#12. - Make grab preview poses no longer shown by default during play mode in the editor.
Preview GameObjects are initially deactivated. - Improve hand pose editor load/save dialog boxes by caching the last load and save
folders separately. - Change .meta files in Examples\FullScene\Settings\URP so that the IDs don't collide
with the default URP project IDs.
- Fix Transform.SetLocalPositionAndRotation when not available through new Unity API.
- Fix UxrLaserPointer to not send UI events when laser is disabled.
- Fix uninitialized hand pose when hand tracking is supported but not available.
- Fix grabbable object position constraint not working correctly when grabbed using
both hands. - Fix UxrGrabbableInspector not storing correctly new grab point parameters right
after it has been created. - Fix Grab Toggle mode in UxrGrabbableObject not keeping the pose during the grab.
- Fix "Enable When Hand Near" parameter in UxrGrabbableObject being enabled incorrectly
sometimes when another grabbed object was in closer range. - Fix hand grab pose incorrectly changing when moving within the range of a grabbable
object enabled by a non-default grab button. - Fix bug in hand pose editor that prevents to load external pose files when using
UltimateXR in package installation mode. - Fix bug in hand pose editor where the "Add all poses from folder" loads all hand
pose presets instead. - Fix UxrGrabManager's GrabObject, PlaceObject, ReleaseObject direct methods calls not
updating the avatar's grab pose. - Fix global events in UxrControllerInput that should be static but are not:
GlobalButtonStateChanged, GlobalInput1DChanged, GlobalInput2DChanged,
GlobalHapticRequesting. - Fix UxrAvatar Reset to make it override.
- Fix UxrAvatar.LaserPointers to return correct laser pointers instead of finger tips.
- Fix avatar parent prefab not being stored correctly when inside a nested prefab.
- Fix UxrGrenadeWeapon pin so that the timer cannot be reset by quickly releasing
and grabbing the pin again. - Fix UxrSteamControllerInput so that OnDeviceConnected is called only once.
- Improve automatic avatar rig bone reference solving.
- Improve automatic generation of body IK setup in avatar automatic setup.
- Add UxrWristTorsionIKSolver component when torsion bones are found in avatar.
- Improve UxrStandardAvatarController inspector when IK is selected but rig has no nodes.
- Add TrackedHandPose to UxrControllerInputCapabilities enum and applied to Valve Index.
- Add public method SolveBodyIK() to still use body IK when AvatarMode is UpdateExternally.
- Add support to isolate the hand part of the mesh in the hand preview poses if the hands
are in the same mesh as the body.
- Set avatar rig type to full/half body when body bones are found in the avatar rig.
- Fix UxrWristTorsionInfo, UxrWristTorsionIKSolver and UxrAvatarArmInfo to generate
correct data on all avatar rig coordinate systems. - Fix components that don't override Reset() or OnValidate().
- Fix body IK when no neck bone is present.
- Fix Valve Index controllers not sending UI input events when adopting a hand pose
with the middle finger curled. - Fix bug in avatar finger bone reference solving if the finger has already data.
- Add IUxrGrabbableModifier interface to create components that control certain parts
of an UxrGrabbableObject. The UxrGrabbableObject inspector automatically disables the
controlled UI sections and has also capability to show/hide the controlled parameters.
The goal is to provide a scalable way to extend grabbable functionality by adding
modifier components to the object. - Add Reset() and OnValidate() to the overridable Unity methods in UxrComponent.
- Add ConstraintsFinished to UxrGrabbableObject to create logic after custom constraints
have been applied. - Add constants to UxrGrabbableObjectEditor for UxrGrabbableObject field names.
- Add "Any" variations to GetButtonsPress/GetButtonsTouch when multiple buttons are
specified so that any button in the set is enough to meet the criteria instead of all. - Add EnumExt for Enum extensions.
- Add static events to UxrControllerInput to receive events whenever any controller
sends input data.
- Change UxrApplyConstraintsEventArgs to contain the UxrGrabber instead of UxrGrabbableObject.
The UxrGrabbableObject can still be accessed using the GrabbedObject property from
the grabber. - Use ConstraintsFinished in UxrManipulationHapticFeedback in order to process object
after custom constraints have been applied. - Rename UxrLocomotionTeleportBaseEditor to UxrTeleportLocomotionBaseEditor.
- Update example scene prefabs so that they show the cyborg grab poses by default.
- Fix support for PicoXR controller detection on newer versions of the PicoXR Unity SDK.
- Remove Universal Additional Camera Data scripts added incorrectly to BRP avatar variants.
Affected avatars are SmallHandsAvatar_BRP, BigHandsAvatar_BRP and CyborgAvatar_BRP. - Fix joystick directional buttons (left/right/up/down) when getting ignored input.
- Fix bug in UxrGrabbableObjectEditor that under some circumstances throws exceptions
when previewing grab poses. - Fix UxrGrabbableObject constrained rotation on a single axis not working correctly when
parent has different axes. - Fix UxrTeleportSpawnCollider not raising Teleported event.
- Add support to use UltimateXR through Unity Package Manager using git URL.
- Change folder structure to adapt to the Unity Package Manager layout:
- Add new UxrGrabbableObject constraints functionality with improved manipulation.
- Add UxrGrabbableObject gizmos to visualize rotation/translation constraints.
- Add new UxrGrabbableObject rotation/translation constraint modes.
- Add support to UxrGrabbableObject for rotation constraints on all 3 axes.
- Add support to UxrGrabbableObject for a single rotation constraint over 360 degrees.
- Improve manipulation behavior when grabbing objects to detect the grip and know which part
of the hand creates more leverage. - Add possibility to parent to destination in locomotion components: UxrTeleportLocomotion and
UxrSmoothLocomotion. - Add new teleport methods to UxrManager to teleport relative to moving objects.
- Add new functionality to GameObjectExt to compute bounds recursively.
- Add new functionality to MeshExt to compute skinned mesh vertices and bone influences.
- Add new misc functionality to FloatExt, IntExt, Vector3Ext, Vector3IntExt and TransformExt.
- Add new data to UxrAvatarRigInfo.
- Add versioning to avatar rig info serialization and automatic updating.
- Add IUxrLogger interface to unify logging in managers.
- Add logging to UxrWeaponManager.
- Add new properties to UxrComponent with initial Transform data.
- Add new UxrAxis properties and functionality.
- Add possibility to access avatar grabbers at edit-time.
- Improve all UxrGrabbableObject and hand grab/release/constrain transitions.
- Move UxrGrabbableObject constraints to the top of the inspector.
- Replace GrabAndMove/RotateAroundAxis manipulation modes by new constraint system.
- Change UxrGrabbableObject rotation and translation constraints reference.
Rotations are performed around the grabbable object local axes.
Translations are performed along the initial grabbable object local axes. - Improve UxrAvatarRig reference solving.
- Remove parent reference to UxrGrabbableObject rotation/translation constraints.
- Remove UxrManipulationMode. New constraint system and UxrRotationProvider is used instead.
- Fix manipulation not working correctly on moving platforms.
- Fix incorrect manipulation release on objects with non-default grab button(s).
- Fix UxrGrabbableObject release multipliers not working correctly with values less than 1.
- Fix UxrGrabbableObject Constrain events not being called in some cases.
- Fix UxrAvatarEditor throwing exception when using Fix button to save prefab variant.
- Fix UxrCameraWallFade throwing exception when there are no avatars.
- Fix constrained rotations not being able to go over 180 degrees.
- Fix pre-caching triggered by non-local avatars. Only local avatar triggers pre-caching now.
- Fix locomotion components detecting avatar or grabbed objects as obstacles.
- Fix locomotion not working correctly on moving platforms.
- Fix UxrWeaponManager not tracking actors correctly.
- Fix UxrMagnifyingGlassUrp error when not using URP.
- Fix CyborgAvatar_URP base to use index controllers correctly.
- Fix some CyborgAvatar_BRP base materials that were using the URP variants.
- Add new ULTIMATEXR_UNITY_TMPRO symbol when TextMeshPro is available.
- Add support to UxrTextContentTween for TextMeshPro text components.
- UxrTextContentTween.Animate() now uses a GameObject as target parameter so that
either a Unity UI Text component or a TextMeshPro text component can be animated.
- Fix UxrInterpolator.InterpolateText() use of rich text color tag.
- Fix UxrAvatar to avoid infinite loops when enumerating the avatar prefab chain.
- Fix UxrAvatarRigInfo.GetWorldElbowAxis() for left side when T-pose is found.
- Fix UxrAvatarRig.ClearRigElements() to clear missing references.
- Fix missing ULTIMATEXR_UNITY_URP in UxrMagnifyingGlassUrp to avoid URP hard requirement.