Improve automatic avatar rig bone reference solving.
Improve automatic generation of body IK setup in avatar automatic setup.
Add UxrWristTorsionIKSolver component when torsion bones are found in avatar.
Improve UxrStandardAvatarController inspector when IK is selected but rig has no nodes.
Add TrackedHandPose to UxrControllerInputCapabilities enum and applied to Valve Index.
Add public method SolveBodyIK() to still use body IK when AvatarMode is UpdateExternally.
Add support to isolate the hand part of the mesh in the hand preview poses if the hands
are in the same mesh as the body.
Set avatar rig type to full/half body when body bones are found in the avatar rig.
Fix UxrWristTorsionInfo, UxrWristTorsionIKSolver and UxrAvatarArmInfo to generate
correct data on all avatar rig coordinate systems.
Fix components that don't override Reset() or OnValidate().
Fix body IK when no neck bone is present.
Fix Valve Index controllers not sending UI input events when adopting a hand pose
with the middle finger curled.
Fix bug in avatar finger bone reference solving if the finger has already data.
You can’t perform that action at this time.