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Roles & Permissions

gowrirj edited this page Jun 14, 2013 · 7 revisions

A Rapidftr user can be given limited/unlimited access to the system functionality based upon the permission given to the roles which he/she is assigned to.

List of Roles and their corresponding Permissions

How to create a Role in the Web Application:

  1. Login into the application ( you should have permission to create a Role)
  2. Navigate to Users -> Roles -> Create Role button ->
  3. Choose a name for the Role and permission for that role
  4. Save the Changes



The user who has these permission set to his role can do register a child record ,edit a record, export them to pdf/csv/CPIMS/Photowall. Note: A person who is given Edit child permission should also be assigned View & Search Permission


The user with this permission can create/delete/hide/show/reorder forms & fields that needs to be part of the registration page. This user owns up the responsibility of providing the translations to the respective forms/fields in the respective languages.


The user with this permission can create/edit/disable/delete users who is assigned to some specific roles. This user is also responsible to approve/block the unverified users.


The user with this permission can Blacklist Mobile Devices & Manage the Server to Server sync replications ( configure a server to Sync the data from the other server)


The user with this permission can view & download the reports that is been generated every Monday. These reports contains the list of child records based on FTR status/Gender/Protection Status


The user with this permission can create/edit/view roles that needs to be part of the Rapidftr application


The user with this permission can add Admin contact information/View System logs/Highlight fields/Manage server Synchronization Users.

Roles Created as part of Data Feed

Few roles with specific permissions are created in the seed data as specified in the image here Roles & Permission

Roles Framework implementation

Click here for Roles framework in RapidFTR covered under 'Security'

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