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Deployment strategy ( Archived )

nanravi edited this page May 9, 2013 · 1 revision

Note: This page is old. Please see Production Server Setup

This serves as a preliminary, editable rough list of necessary deployment steps, which will shortly be turned into story cards in mingle. While this series of steps is designed with the Uganda release in mind, it will be used as a template for a generic deployment plan. Please feel free to add comments, or make changes.


  1. Acquire Security Certificate for https.
  2. Spin up independent Linode server for deployment.
  3. Write step by step scripts for deployment:
    • How to deploy web app
    • How to deploy BB code
    • How to deploy to a local server in Uganda
    • Backup strategy / how to deploy backups
  4. Numbered list itemAuto deploy BlackBerry build to Linode
  5. Test deployment of RapidFTR to BlackBerry device
  6. Include speed test of device to server
  7. Determine backup location and test backup / replication
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