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Releases: Open-MSS/MSS

MSS 8.3.1

13 Sep 19:06
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The 8.3.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 8.3.x


  • crash when loading in certain capabilities documents, #2034
  • MSUI shows a traceback in case of not wanting to request an "unsupported" projection. #2006


  • sphinx_rtd_theme not loaded on rtfd, #1998
  • docs, acknowledgement incomplete, #1996
  • RTFD specifications bug, #1993

Full Changelog: 8.3.0...8.3.1

MSS 8.3.0

03 Sep 20:02
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The 8.3.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 8.2.x


  • source of open airports data offline, needs an alternative url, #1989
  • projection of points in kml files wrong, #1984
  • KML widget very slow with multiple open files, #1981
  • inserting a point in sideview should use flight levels
  • double-clicking a comment in TableView deletes the comment, #1935
  • catch in the UI a server restart (invalid secret), #1903

Full Changelog: 8.2.0...8.3.0

MSS 8.2.0

14 Aug 13:15
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The 8.2.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 8.1.x


We introduced User Groups for Operations and a config option.

The default of GROUP_POSTFIX = "Group"

When you want to use same set of users for different operations using same catagory you can do this by setting up users in a special operation.

On a given category for an operation ending with GROUP_POSTFIX e.g. on a category = Tex it will look for TexGroup. All users in that TexGroup operation are set to all operations of that category having same roles as in the TexGroup.

new pinning

  • requests >=2.31.0


  • Crash/unhandled Exception during mscolab login (on bad connection), #1830
  • compare rules in file_manager and msui.mscolab and fix in msui, #1877
  • tick/untick for multiple kml overlays does not work, #1866
  • Linearview and Sideview crash on Clear figure by clicking on the remove button, #1857
  • Spelling mistake in TopView "Multiple FLightpath" , #1819
  • MSUI crashed when editing tableview , #1861
  • findings of flake8 because of its new capabilties, #1849


  • add phileas to the carousell, #1894


  • add phileas to the carousell, #1894
  • backport Group setup to stable, #1883
  • stable ui and develop ui make use same stable server status endpoint, #1878
  • limit for is_member on some calls, #1871
  • findings of flake8 because of its new capabilties, #1850
  • TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.datetime' and 'NoneType', #1832
  • Usercreation broken, #1831


  • improve docs, describing Group feature, #1896
  • Migrate readthedocs build, #1810
  • rtfd needs exact versions, #1822

Full Changelog: 8.1.0...8.2.0

MSS 8.1.1

18 May 12:38
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The 8.1.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 8.1.x


  • mscolab recovering password not optimal working bug Something isn't working, #1784
  • MSCOLAB login throws exception after one fails authentification attempt. #1783
  • Error on start of msui related to pint and units, #1777


  • mscolab tutorial font problem, #1775

Full Changelog: 8.1.0...8.1.1

MSS 8.1.0

02 May 07:53
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The 8.1.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 8.0.x

We renamed in the UI for operations the misleading active/inactive to archive and unarchive.
On start of MSUI an old user configuration can get backuped and saved updated to the new syntax.


  • config change should remove old entries, #1766
  • deleting an operation shows None, #1764
  • retracting edit rights in mscolab disables control but still allows a "clicked" control to add, e.g., points, #1762
  • "activate Operation" enabled after starting MSUI , #1756
  • double-clicking archived/inactive operations introduces superfluous secondary selection, #1755
  • active/inactive operation misleading -> rename to "operation" / "archived operation", #1754
  • UI bug in bold printing flighttracks/operations , #1752
  • archived operations seen in manage users, #1751


  • service help page link to turials should be href, #1770
  • typo in docs, description docker #1758

Full Changelog: 8.0.0...8.1.0

MSS 8.0.1

25 Apr 12:56
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The 8.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 8.0.x


  • msui login to mscolab did not find keyring backend in docker image, #1743
  • linux kde needs dbus-python for keyring, #1740
  • skyfield data has expired, #1737


  • msui login to mscolab did not find keyring backend in docker image, #1743
  • mscolab dbase migration script missing (documentation), #1742

Full Changelog: 8.0.0...8.0.1

MSS 8.0.0

22 Apr 08:28
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Sreelakshmi Jayarajan (@swsrkty) created a new CLI module for automated plotting by an user
and refactored existing plotting and QT based classes modules.
These classes can be used for plotting purposes without
involving QT-based GUI and Interactive functionalities.
Users can retrieve a set of plots for several flights or hundreds of time-steps
during post-campaign analysis or when compiling an overview over flights of a campaign
for a daily briefing.
This allows users to retrieve similar plots of the same parameters
such as map section, level etc., on a daily basis.
The initial idea stems from Jörn Ungermann. GSoC mentors were Reimar Bauer, Jörn Ungermann, Christian Rolf, Sonja Gisinger

Jatin Jain (@Jatin2020-24) did UI and server improvements in his GSoC project.
Users can now, compare and plot multiple flightpaths on topview.
This feature can be used for flightpathes or MSColab operations.
A fligthpath style width can be changed.
Timestamps are dislayed below each message in MSColab.
Mscolab Operations in use for more than 30 days, move to an inactive list.
The initial idea for multiple flightpaths on topview stems from bkirbus.
GSoC mentors were Reimar Bauer, Jörn Ungermann, Sonja Gisinger

All changes:


We unified few attributes in the msui_settings.json for login to services and we use now your client site keyring for password storage.
See our section about login and www authehtication

On the mscolab server configuration you have to change the parameter USER_VERIFICATION to MAIL_ENABLED. We added besides to the existing user verification by e-mail the option to reset a lost password. For this configuration look into the section user verification by email Both are enabled by configuring email and setting the MAIL_ENABLED = True

With MSS 8.0.0 we base our installation on mambaforge. This has mamba in the base environment and the channel conda-forge is preconfigured.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 7.0.8...8.0.0


MSS 7.0.8

05 Mar 10:56
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The 7.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 7.0.x


  • update our version string definition, see patch, #1660


  • Redefinition error after installation of mss/msui, #1641


  • we need a fixation for sqlalchemy, #1657
  • missing image on our mswms/mscolab frontpage, #1673


  • missing image on our mswms/mscolab frontpage, #1673


  • Document how to plot only one variable without any additional data available, #1639
  • warnings/problems by building docs bug, #1676
  • docker description, add --network option, #1680


  • Tests use user configuration instead of default configuration, #1645
  • E AttributeError: module 'dns.rdtypes' has no attribute 'ANY', #1655


  • qsettings stored values can influence tutorials, #1645

Full Changelog: 7.0.0...7.0.8

MSS 7.0.7

07 Dec 18:16
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The 7.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 7.0.x


  • get_airspaces can crash, #1626
  • Linear view window cannot be closed with ctrl+W, #1621
  • using multilayer widget first element does not load data, #1612
  • unavailable airspace data crashes the docking widget, #1597


  • mscolab logging info wrong context, #1586


  • docs has its own dependencies, #1589

Full Changelog: 7.0.0...7.0.7

MSS 7.0.6

03 Nov 15:47
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The 7.0.x release includes multiple fixes and stability improvements.

Special thanks to all who have helped with providing feedback for 7.0.x


  • fixation for matplotlib < 3.6 needed, #1579
  • Remote sensing tool results in crash, if two consecutive way points are in the same horizontal position, #1571
  • Remote sensing tool tangent points not correct west of longitude 180°, #1565
  • Undefined EPSG Code can give a ValueError in MSUI, #1536


  • fixation for pint < 0.20 needed, #1582
  • fixation for matplotlib < 3.6 needed, #1579
  • Wrapping issue in side view (and linear view) when crossing 180° longitude, #1566

Full Changelog: 7.0.0...7.0.6