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Roadmap Meeting September 30 2016 11:30 am AST
Mark Jordan edited this page Sep 30, 2016
7 revisions
- Chair: Will Panting
- Notetaker: Mark Jordan
Per: Schedule
7.x-1.8 Release
- Documentation IG (Melissa):
- Dev Ops (Mark Jordan):
- Metadata IG (Jennifer):
- IR interest group (Mark):
- Security Interest Group (Will):
- September sprint:
- Sprint Milestone
- Sprints moving forward
- CLAW Calls:
- Cross community discussion
- Fedora Tech meetings: Every Thursday, 11am EST.
- Performance/Scaling
- Import/Export
- iCampMO:
- Islandoracon:
- iCampEU 2017
- Chair: Mark Jordan
- Notes: Gavin Morris
Rosie, Danny Brian, Nick, David, Jordan, Melissa, Carell, Kirsta, Diego, WIll, Gavin, Mark J.
Kim, Mark B., Gabriela, Jean, Jen
Danny reports lots of progress, testing is moving forward. Deadline is Monday. No blockers yet. We have buffer time in case we get lots of red on the spreadsheet. Kudos to Don Richards (documentation) and Janice Banser (auditing). Delegation of these responsibilities is working well.
Excellent job Danny!
- Documenation (Melissa): Minutes of last meeting; Long-term plan for documentation; Robin Dean is exploring some options. Rosie asked "are documenters using HEAD or the release VM". Melissa: The release VM. Follow up Q from Rosie: Is there a procedure for letting the docs team know when there is a change to HEAD. Will commented that it's up to the person creating the need for an update to docs. Example: While was pending there was a change in the documentation that impacted this PR.
- Nick reminded us that if a PR needs changes in docs, that should be stated in the PR template. Rosie will follow up with Jennifer about the PR.
- DevOps (Gavin): Last meeting saw discussion around outstanding PRs, testing the compound batch, upcoming Kansas iCamp. Meeting notes will be up shortly.
- Metadata IG: Group hasn't met since last Roadmamp meeting.
- IR IG (Donald): Donald was at last part of the meeting; notes are at Highlights include use cases for CLAW; "generic" Scholar module.
- Security IG (WIll): Haven't met since last Roadmap meeting.
- September sprint wraps up today
- "soft launch" of the MVP document - it's now public!
- Looking WebAC's granularity
- Looking at Readthedocs
- Feedback requested, feedback requested, feedback requested.
- It's not a specification, is a "jumping off point" for use cases and discussion
- Shout out to Amherst College's contributions
- Fedora side is fairly fleshed out, work on Drupal continues.
- Future sprints
- Two weeks on/two weeks off is probably too fast-paced
- Danny is recommending scheduling sprints on a more ad hoc basis based on new tickets
- Now that MVP is becoming better defined, sprints can be based on that
- CLAW calls
- Sept. 22: authorization via Drupal; PRs against installation tools
- Sept. 28: documentation; JSON-LD serializer
- Cross community discussion
- Fedora Tech meetings
- 4.7.0 release (Jared is release manager). Testing against release candidate should wrap up within 3 weeks.
- Finalizing CRUD, fixity, batch operations
- Performance/Scaling
- Big update: infrasturcture is now in place to do Test 1 ("the big one")
- These tests require lots of infrastructure
- Nex call is upcoming:,-2016
- New committer: Christine Harlow
- Import/export
- Nick spent last week at Penn State time running the Phase 1 sprint
- BagIt profiles are being implemented for MetaArchive and AP Trust
- Phase 2 is [coming up]
- Fedora Tech meetings
- iCamp MO (Oct. 12-14): registration is current at 33, which is great.
- Islandoracon: Not much new to report. CFP is open, closes mid December. Proposing post-conference events are encouraged.
- iCampEU 2017: Group discussed location of this camp. Announcement coming soon.
- Melissa: NTR
- Danny: NTR
- Brian: NTR
- David: NTR
- Diego: NTR
- Donald: NTR
- Gavin: NTR
- Jordan: NTR
- Kirsta: NTR
- Mark J.: NTR
- Nick: NTR
- Rosie: Upgrading some sites to Drupal/Islandora 7.
- Chair: Mark Jordan
- Note taker: Gavin Morris
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