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Roadmap Meeting August 4th 2017 11:30 am AST

Jared Whiklo edited this page Aug 4, 2017 · 8 revisions
  • Chair: Bryan Brown
  • Notes: Jon Green

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)
  • Oral Histories Interest Group (Kim)
  • UI Interest Group (Rosie?)


Islandora Camps

  • Zurich
  • Halifax

Round Table

Next meeting:

  • Chair: Jon Green
  • Notes: Jordan Fields


Old business

  • Welcome David Clarke to roadmap committee.

New business

New module for LSAP procedure.

New module:
Licensing under CC0 like Islandora Awesome. It has been offered into labs.

Diego & Rosie: Some concerns over possibly outdated information in the bibliography, maybe need some disclaimer to mention that the information may always not be the most up to date.
Gavin: Wary of possible code of conduct violations, maybe need disclaimer for that as well.
Danny: The CC0 license already contains the clause:

"Unless expressly stated otherwise, the person who associated a work with this deed makes no warranties about the work, and disclaims liability for all uses of the work, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law."

Rosie: This doesn't really address the code of conduct issue.
Melissa: Perhaps we could add a clause about the code of conduct to the file.

Based on roadmap concerns vote will be delayed, and Melissa will take back the proposal and address issues over code of conduct and data being out of date.

IG Updates


Melissa will check in on them.


No meeting yet, will be meeting again soon.


Last meeting notes:

Rosie: Good discussion about MODS -> RDF mapping. Some folks from Samvera presented about work they have done on this. Jennifer Eustis is leaving the metadata interest group, and they are looking for a new co-convener.

Kim Pham expressed interest in becoming involved in the metadata group and joining as a co-convener.
Everyone is encouraged to join, its a very important time for the metadata groups.


Last meeting notes:

Brian: Amount of attendees has been stagnating around 5 people, they have been brainstorming how to get more members, and let people know they can join and talk to people about using Islandora as a IR.


Meeting notes:

Rosie: Looked at some code snippets that may have had security issues as flagged by some scanners, but most of those issues turned out not to be security issues upon review. Flagged an issue with inactive objects. Reviewed old tickets.

Oral History

Kim: Meeting is next week. Having guest speaker in to talk.

Agenda here:


Meeting notes:

Rosie: Work on prettying up the CLAW sandbox to present the CLAW work in a better way. They are also looking for sites that are currently presenting data in a really nice way, so that they can look into the sites and see what we can do to improve Islandora.

Melissa: They are working on "Sandbox 2.0" to improve It was initially put together quickly, and working to iterate to make it a much nicer experience.

CLAW Updates

Install spring coming up at the end of the month. Signup sheet is here:

Danny: End goal of the sprint is to get Jonathans CLAW ansible code to the point where we can bring up vagrant boxes and possible the sandbox site as well. This also includes documenting the process.

Stakeholder document:

Danny: Finishing up a chunk of work he has been working on for several weeks, PR in incoming soon for this. Trying a new tactic in testing instructions.

Danny: Also testing modelling XPaths inside of Drupal entities, so that you can use XPaths to grab data from XML documents on a node. Hopefully this will meet the use case of folks with XML metadata that are being blocked for moving into CLAW. Github code for this is here:

Rosie: If the MODs metadata interest group comes up with a mapping will this module allow for that.

Danny: Yes we should be able to work together on that and export the entities.

Diego: Can we migrate from Solr instead of XML documents? Perhaps that would be a good way to do the migration. Solr to RDF instead of XML to RDF. I may have had too much ☕️ .

Danny: It would be a lot faster to use solr for sure. It would be nice if we could script all this when we get to that point.

Islandora Camps


Melissa: Hosting the European camp for 2018. Planning is ongoing.


Melissa: Mt. Saint Vincent has offered to host a camp. Roadmap meeting will vote on it. Halifax is a good city for a camp because there is a lot of Islandora work in this region. Be easy on the budget as there is much less travel.

Rosie: Its also been 2 years since an Islandora event is Atlantic Canada.

No one sees any issue with that.

Austin TX

Melissa: This is the other possibility for a third camp, still looking into possibilities.


Melissa: Usually we have 4 camps on years without a IslandoraCon, so we are looking for another possible location if anyone has any suggestions.

Rosie: We should make sure we can tailor our European camps a little more. Last camp had very advanced users, and it would be nice to have an idea what they are looking about before we go in, so that we can be prepared for questions. That way we are better able to answer questions and give better value to the camp.

Melissa: Very good idea. Each Europe camp has been very different. This is something we will definitely try to address in planning. Its very hard to do when people register at the last minute as they did in the last camp.



Nothing new.


Working on a web service for our faculty CV system. First experience with the SolrQueryProcessor.


Nothing else to report.


Mostly working around IIIF implementation that he has been working on. He wants to integrate what Kim and her team has done around web annotations. Its also related to the merge on the openseadragon that happened recently. Working on bringing IIIF into the IA book reader solution pack for islandora. Also working on the multi importer, testing with API and google API and google docs.


Nothing much to report. Added a new team member. Derek Merlot, taking over a lot of the community calls and responsibilities. Gavin shifting to infrastructure and devops work.


Not much for me this week.


Nothing to report.


Not much to report here either, we're starting to clean up metadata in our repository and are going to use Diego's multi importer to create content. We're going to keep our twig templates in a public repository in Github:


New team member has joined. New metadata librarian hoping to join the metadata interest group. Adding many new collections to repository. You can see the new collection here:

Going live with new Islandora scholar implementation in two weeks. Will be used in the fall for ETD submissions. Moving from Bepress.


Membership update: Born Digital is upgrading its membership in the foundation to the Partner level. Welcome to them.


Finished our collection of PEI post cards. You can see it here: Doing some crowd sourcing of metadata using a Facebook group.

Looking into orchid integration in the islandora scholar module.

Looking at making viewers for binary objects. Right now looking at CSV files. Using the existing binary object solution pack, using JS viewer to display the data in the CSV. And for ZIP files having a viewer to display what is inside the ZIP file. Other ideas of viewers are welcome.


Nothing to report


ISLE project funding is at the final stage. They have 11 institutions that have given funds and born digital is giving in kind labour. They have 80% of the funding completed. They are working on getting the funding complete by the end of August. Looking for 4 more institutions to pledge at $4,000 each, looking for suggestions. This will be Docker containerization of 7.x, and will be available to the whole community after the work is complete.

DLF proposal for panel discussion accepted: "Islandora: Community and Collections." Brief Abstract: This panel will invite discussion of Islandora as a tool for creating projects that broaden access to important collections as well as an open-source community that lowers barriers to entry for small institutions developing digital library programs. Should be a good discussion about Islandora at DLF. If there are any more institutions that are interested please contact Martha Tenney (

IMI - Working on documentation and TWIG and sample datasets for Diego's IMI module. Its on a branch, but will be contributed back by ICG.

Promoting Islandora: Williams hosted an Islandora half-day tour for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) on July 21; great opportunity to meet and greet with a nearby institution working on selecting a digital repository.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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