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Roadmap Meeting July 8 2016 11:30 am AST

David Wilcox edited this page Jul 8, 2016 · 16 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Notetaker: David Wilcox

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Melissa Anez, Brian Harrington, Carell Jackimiek, David Wilcox, Donald Moses, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Mark Jordan, Mark Baggett, Noah Smith, Rosie Le Faive, Nick Ruest, William Panting

  • Apologies: Eric Koester, Gabriela M, Jordan Fields


Old Business

New Business

  • Proposal for notes; stop taking them in-line
  • Islandora Release - Debrief of release managers, discussion of process.
  • Islandora AGM - Coming up July 21st. Items for agenda?
  • clean-up:

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa):
  • Dev Ops (Mark Jordan):
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer):
  • IR interest group (Mark):
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie):


Islandora Camps

  • iCampBC2:
  • iCampMO:
  • Islandoracon:

Round Table

Next meeting: July 22

  • Chair: David
  • Notes: Nick
  • (Melissa will be absent; someone else will have to start the call)


Old Business

  • No comments

New Business

Proposal for notes; stop taking them in-line

  • Motion approved

Islandora Release - Debrief of release managers, discussion of process.

  • Auditor documentation
    • Will move to the wiki
  • Dan: During the process of 7.x-1.7 took a lot of notes
    • Useful steps for release process - generic workflow, things that need to happen at certain steps
    • What to do with the notes?
    • Dan will put the notes in the wiki
  • How to improve the release process?
    • Document roles
      • Release Manager/Component Manager/Tester/Documenter/Auditor/Communications Manager
    • Improve and document timeline expectations
      • Call for release manager, volunteers, etc.
    • Nick: We are the stewards of this project and community
      • Need to create an open and welcoming environment for new contributors
      • Communication gets buy-in and volunteers, but it is difficult
      • In the past we had a release mailing list but no one signed up, so we moved to the official mailing list
        • Good because the process is transparent and open
      • Devoted time at Islandora Camps to go through the release process so we can learn and make things better
      • Last release (7.x-1.6) everything was announced on the mailing list,
        • Communication problems between members of discoverygarden and other community members
        • Some dgi employees were component managers but did not join the mailing list, making communication difficult
        • Example:
          • This was a blocker issue for the release
          • Diego Pino reported it, and documented it.
          • Will and Jordan created a pull request and quickly merged it
          • The creator of the blocker issue was unable to review or test it, Diego Pino
          • The component manager was not even given time to review or test it, Diego Pino
          • discoverygarden employees completely stopped talking to the release manager (Nick) for the final two weeks of the release
        • Nick will not participate in any 7.x-1.x development due to the communications breakdown
      • Rift in the community is bad for the project
      • We should adopt core values similar to DPLA:
      • Mark Jordan: This has come up with the Board of Directors, which John Eden is a part of
        • This needs to be a top-down effort.
        • Roadmap should recommend that this should be brought up at the Board meeting. An item on the agenda should be added to discuss the relationship between dgi and the Islandora Foundation with the aim of repairing the damage in the community
      • Nick: The committers need to step and take responsibility for managing releases
        • Tech lead should not be solely responsible for releases. Similar to Fedora, a call for release managers should go out
      • Donald: We need to bring in as many new people as possible, bring them up to speed with documentation, spread out the load amongst community members
      • Mark Jordan: The more new people we bring in, the more important communication and documentation becomes
        • An Assistant Release Manager should help organize all the communication, documentation, etc.
      • Nick: Committers should be mentors as well - it is listed in the committers' responsibilities.
        • Fedora typically has co-release managers to held spread the load
      • Melissa: Formal proposal: new roles for Release teams: Testing Manager, Documentation Manager, Auditing Manager, to steward and act as mentor for each of those roles.
        • Mark Jordan: Do we also need a Communications Manager? Could be the responsibility of the Release Manager
      • Donald: Many associations have a president, vice president, and past president. Helps ensure continuity and support

Islandora AGM - Coming up July 21st. Items for agenda? clean-up:

  • Bibliography
    • Has been around for a long time but difficult to keep up to date
    • Mark Jordan: The list lends some credibility to the project
    • Should be a community sourced list rather than something statically maintained
    • Donald: We should use the Islandora Scholar module to maintain an active list
    • Melissa: We do not currently have Islandora running on
    • Melissa: Will take this to Islandora Labs and invite contributions
      • Once it has been updated we can examine putting sample citations into sandbox and VM
  • Ambassadors
    • Seems like a good idea but hasn't seen much use
    • Mark Jordan: Has this been described in detail anywhere else?
    • Melissa: is the first point of contact for many new people
      • Can forward these people to appropriate contact as required
      • If we want to keep this page we need to refresh it
    • General support for removing this page. No support for keeping it
    • Action: Melissa will remove
  • Should we keep these pages around? If so how do we update and improve them? Or do we let them go?

Interest Group Updates

Documentation IG (Melissa)

Dev Ops (Mark Jordan)

  • Meeting next Wednesday
  • Clinton Graham from University of Pittsburgh wants to generate derivatives pre-ingest for performance reasons
    • He will join on the Wednesday call to explore this option

Metadata IG (Jennifer)

  • Have not met since last Roadmap meeting

IR interest group (Mark)

  • Have not met since last Roadmap meeting

Security Interest Group (Rosie)


  • June sprint - Led by Jared Whiklo
    • Sprint Milestone
    • Finished last week
    • Working around sustainability and spreading knowledge about the project
  • July sprint
  • CLAW Calls: Anyone is welcome to the Wednesday weekly call.
    • June 29
      • Moving forward with Docker
      • OSGi, API-X work may overlap with the PDX work
      • Sprint planning
    • July 6
      • PCDM 2.0, interoperability
        • Some division between the way Hydra and Islandora implements PCDM
  • Cross community discussion
  • Project Plan
    • Looking for input
    • Anonymous donor gave us 5 accounts for this site
    • Accounts have been assigned to interested CLAW contributors
    • Using a spreadsheet to coordinate watching content

Islandora Camps


  • Sold out, waiting list
  • 2/3 regional attendees, others from all over


  • Registration is open
  • 4-5 registrants so far


  • Will reconvene planning committee after AGM

Round Table

  • Brian: Nothing to report
  • Carell: Interested in Mark's report on DevOps and generating derivatives before ingest
    • Jared has been experimenting with this
    • Ingesting and generating derivatives can be very slow
  • David: Nothing to report
  • Donald: Did a soft launch of
  • Jordan: Nothing to report
  • Mark B: Nothing to report
  • Mark Jordan: Struggling with Solr. Not staying up.
    • Users are complaining they can't find anything
    • Have run Solr for 5-6 years without issues. Running Ubuntu in a RedHat environment has been a challenge
  • Nick: Developer position got reposted
  • Rosie: Dabbling in Drupal 8. Steep learning curve
  • Will: dgi uses for derivative generation

Next Meeting: David will chair and Nick will take notes.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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