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@forman forman released this 23 Jan 15:51
· 61 commits to main since this release

Changes in 1.8.0


  • The method xcube.core.GridMapping.transform now supports lazy execution. If
    computations based on actual data are required—such as determining whether the
    grid mapping is regular or estimating the resolution in the x or y direction—only a
    single chunk is accessed whenever possible, ensuring faster performance.

  • The function xcube.core.resampling.rectify_dataset now supports xarray.Datasets
    containing multi-dimensional data variables structured as var(..., y_dim, x_dim).
    The two spatial dimensions (y_dim and x_dim) must occupy the last two positions
    in the variable's dimensions.

  • Added a new preload API to xcube data stores:

    • Enhanced the class to optionally support
      preloading of datasets via an API represented by the
      new interface.
    • Added handy default implementations NullPreloadHandle and ExecutorPreloadHandle
      to be returned by implementations of the prepare_data() method of a
      given data store.
  • A xy_res keyword argument was added to the transform() method of
    xcube.core.gridmapping.GridMapping, enabling users to set the grid-mapping
    resolution directly, which speeds up the method by avoiding time-consuming
    spatial resolution estimation. (#1082)

  • The behaviour of the function xcube.core.resample.resample_in_space() has
    been changed if no tile_size is specified for the target grid mapping. It now
    defaults to the tile_size of the source grid mapping, improving the
    user-friendliness of resampling and reprojection. (#1082)

  • The "https" data store (store = new_data_store("https", ...)) now allows
    for lazily accessing NetCDF files.
    Implementation note: For this to work, the DatasetNetcdfFsDataAccessor
    class has been adjusted. (#1083)

  • Added new endpoint /viewer/state to xcube Server that allows for xcube Viewer
    state persistence. (#1088)

    The new viewer API operations are:

    • GET /viewer/state to get a keys of stored states or restore a specific state;
    • PUT /viewer/state to store a state and receive a key for it.

    Persistence is configured using new optional Viewer/Persistence setting:

       # Any filesystem. Can also be relative to base_dir.
       Path: memory://states
       # Filesystem-specific storage options   
       # StorageOptions: ...
  • The get_data_ids() method in DataStore has an enhanced include_attrs parameter.
    Previously accepting only Container[str], it now also supports a bool value.
    Setting include_attrs to True retrieves all attributes of the data_ids.

  • Updated dependency urllib3 to be >=2.0.

  • Bundled xcube-viewer 1.4.0


  • The function xcube.core.resample.resample_in_space() now supports the parameter
    source_ds_subset=True when calling rectify_dataset. This feature enables
    performing the reprojection exclusively on the spatially congruent subset of
    the dataset.
  • The function xcube.core.resample.resample_in_space() now always operates
    lazily and therefore supports chunk-wise, parallel processing. (#1082)
  • Bug fix in the has_data method of the "https" data store
    (store = new_data_store("https", ...)). (#1084)
  • Bug fix in the has_data method of all filesystem-based data store
    ("file", "s3", "https"). data_type can be any of the supported data types,
    e.g. for .tif file, data_type can be either dataset or mldataset. (#1084)
  • The explanation of the parameter xy_scale in the method
    xcube.core.gridmapping.GridMapping.scale has been corrected. (#1086)
  • The spurious tileserver/viewer warning "no explicit representation of
    timezones available…" (formerly "parsing timezone aware datetimes is
    deprecated…") is no longer generated. (#807)

Other changes

  • Added experimental feature that allows for extending the xcube Viewer
    user interface with server-side panels. For this to work, users can now
    configure xcube Server to load one or more Python modules that provide
    xcube.webapi.viewer.contrib.Panel UI-contributions.
    Panel instances provide two decorators layout() and callback()
    which are used to implement the UI and the interaction behaviour,
    respectively. The functionality is provided by the
    Chartlets Python library.
    A working example can be found in examples/serve/panels-demo.

  • The xcube test helper module test.s3test has been enhanced to support
    testing the experimental server-side panels described above:

    • added new decorator @s3_test() for individual tests with timeout arg;
    • added new context manager s3_test_server() with timeout arg to be used
      within tests function bodies;
    • S3Test, @s3_test(), and s3_test_server() now restore environment
      variables modified for the Moto S3 test server.

Full Changelog: v1.7.1...v1.8.0