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@forman forman released this 23 Jan 15:05
· 59 commits to main since this release

Changes in version 1.4.0

New Features

  • Added a new "share" action to the app bar.
    It creates a permalink URL to restore the view state
    and copies it to the clipboard. (#447)

    The restored state includes

    • Selected map region, zoom level, and overlays.
    • User places including the selected place.
    • Opened panels, active tabs, and any selected options.
    • Other UI-specific states such as selected items, filters, or toggle states.
  • Starting with xcube Server 1.8 and xcube Viewer 1.4 it is possible to enhance
    the viewer UI by server-side contributions programmed in Python.
    For this to work, service providers can now configure xcube Server to load
    one or more Python modules that provide UI-contributions of type
    Users can create Panel objects and use the two decorators
    layout() and callback() to implement the UI and the interaction
    behaviour, respectively. The new functionality is provided by the
    Chartlets Python library.

    A working example can be found in the
    xcube repository.

Other changes

  • Updated dependencies, development dependencies and updated TypeScript code base accordingly.

    • react from v17 to v18
    • react-dom from v17 to v18
    • mui from v5 to v6
    • testing-library/react from v12 to v16
  • Tooltips (incl. translation) have been added to the toggle buttons that
    control the format of the metadata information in the sidebar.

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0