WPILib 2019.3.2 Update
Getting Started
Download the appropriate file for your platform and see the installation instructions here: https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/currentCS/m/getting_started/l/999999-installing-c-and-java-development-tools-for-frc
For this update, it's okay to skip reinstalling vscode, JDK, and the compiler if you already installed them with 2019.1.1 or 2019.2.1.
After you install the update, vscode will prompt you when opening an older project whether or not you want to upgrade it to 2019.3.2.
Installing Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code (vscode) is the recommended and supported IDE. However, it requires a separate download as part of the install process. Make sure to click the "Select/Download" button during the install process if you want to install vscode.
If you need to install vscode on an offline machine, run the installer first on an Internet-connected machine and click the "Select/Download vscode" button. Then copy both the installer and the downloaded OfflineVsCodeFiles zip file to the offline machine.
What's Changed In This Release (since 2019.2.1)
- [CameraServer] Add switched "virtual" camera support via CameraServer.addSwitchedCamera() (#1600)
- [C++ CameraServer] Properly initialize default USB camera device number to zero so that plain StartAutomaticCapture() works (#1601)
- [CameraServer] startAutomaticCapture(VideoSource) now returns the created MjpegServer (#1544)
- [Java CameraServer] Some MjpegServer functions were mistakenly package-private, are now public (#1545)
- [CameraServer] VideoSink now supports configuration via JSON, similar to VideoSource (#1543)
- [CameraServer] Correctly handle USB cameras with integer menu settings (#1561)
- [CameraServer] Fix crash if invalid (null) source is set in MjpegServer (#1585)
- [Java] Make PIDBase setPIDSourceType and getPIDSourceType public (#1599)
- [Java] Fix Ultrasonic sensor runner thread to work with multiple ultrasonic sensors (#1598)
- [C++] Fix ShuffleboardComponent template type, WithWidget capitalization, and Windows simulation runtime issue (#1595)
- [C++/Java] Fix Watchdog printing of epochs after watchdog disable (#1580)
- [HAL] Allow multiple instances of the same PDP without flooding CAN bus (#1582)
- [HAL] Update GetStackTrace() to propertly report user errors (#1594)
- [NetworkTables] Fix quotes reading from persistent ini file (#1579)
- [Simulation] ds_socket Game-Specific Message is now properly initialized (#1555)
- [Simulation] Fix halsim DS button format (#1583)
- [Simulation] Remove prints and unnecessary items from Windows GetNetworkInterfaces() (#1573)
- [Simulation CameraServer] Add support for camera descriptions on Windows (#1572)
- [Simulation CameraServer] Add missing exposure property on Windows USB cameras (#1571)
- Fix robot preferences not having a search feature (wpilibsuite/shuffleboard#575)
- Fix remotely-assigned number settings not being applied (wpilibsuite/shuffleboard#580)
- Fix default command include path (wpilibsuite/RobotBuilder#136)
- Fix export of the PID getters in C++ (wpilibsuite/RobotBuilder#137)
- Re-enable export to LiveWindow in C++ and fix deprecated usage (wpilibsuite/RobotBuilder#138)
- No changes (we decided to not swap left and right at this late date, as we assume teams using PathWeaver have already made this swap in their code by this point)
Visual Studio Code Extensions
- Build automatically upon opening new project. Building immediately after cloning from git or creating a new project helps ensure things are set up and working for offline use (wpilibsuite/vscode-wpilib#204)
- Update tools when wpilib is updated online (wpilibsuite/vscode-wpilib#206)
- Prevent multiple workspaces from crashing the extension (wpilibsuite/vscode-wpilib#207)
- C++ Extension updated from 0.20.1 to 0.21.0
- Add debuginfo for GoogleTest binaries (wpilibsuite/GradleRIO#307)
- Support for future v14 image
Known Issues and Workarounds
See http://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/currentCS/m/getting_started/l/1028964-known-issues