Releases: swagger-api/swagger-core
Releases · swagger-api/swagger-core
Swagger-core 2.0.10 released!
- Enable caching of Gradle 'ResolveTask' - remove compatibility to Gradle versions prior to 3.2 (#3321)
- refs #3303 - Bugfix for filtering nested $refs (#3317)
- Add syntax highlighting in README code block (#3316)
- refs #3311 - fix NPE (#3313)
- refs #3287 - update jackson (#3307)
- fix #2189 - remove current class from JsonSubTypes (#3298)
- ref #2340 - fixes discriminator property resolving (#3293)
- Adding test cases for different JAX-RS scanners (#3285)
- refs #3283 - add scanner limited to defined resourcePackages (#3284)
Swagger-core 1.5.24 released!
- Contact Model has no Vendor Extensions (#3320)
- refs #3318 - update osgi export package (#3319)
- refs #3287 - update jackson (#3308)
- refs #2189 - remove current class from JsonSubTypes (#3299)
- Add possibility to NOT expand super types while using setScan (#3296)
- fix #3286 - prioritize schema name resolving by
Swagger-core 2.0.9 released! (swagger-gradle-plugin
Note: swagger-gradle-plugin
version for this release is
, this is due to an issue with the publishing mechanism of gradle plugin portal
- fix DateTimeSchema example serialization by updating type to OffsetDateTime (#3273)
- refs #2340 - add to schema if not existing (#3272)
- fix DateSchema and DateTimeSchema example serialization (#3271)
- refs #3197 - resolve properties within allOf for composed schemas (#3262)
- Jackson update to 2.9.9 (#3245)
- Readme Update - Security Section Added (#3216)
- Cleanup Gradle plugin buildscript classpath (#3214)
- Serialize org.joda.time.LocalDateTime as a string (#3212)
- Make parseMethod protected thus improving extensibility. (#3211)
- Do not set default type string for composed schema. (#3210)
- Respect required status of form parameters. (#3209)
Swagger-core 1.5.23 released!
Swagger-core 2.0.8 released!
- deserialize into MapSchema for bool additionalProperties (#3188)
- Ticket-3115: Documentation for the swagger-gradle-plugin appears to give incorrect artifact path (#3186)
- ref #3144 - support filter in maven/gradle plugins (#3183)
- unnamed example support (#3182)
- fix #3173 - iterate filtered paths (#3177)
- fix #3173 - use filtered values in returned instance (#3176)
- AnnotationsUtils: API response header can be processed with only name… (#3175)
- Update maven wrapper distribution to 0.5.3 (#3152)
- Add swagger config file option to maven plugin (#3133) (#3150)
- ref #3138 - add Automatic-Module-Name to manifest (#3139)
Swagger-core 2.0.7 released!
- fix #3088 - fixes boolean @type annotation (#3125)
- Update jackson version to 2.9.8 (#3123)
- ref #3079 - update guava (#3121)
- bump jackson to 2.9.8 (#3120)
- fix #3071 - fixes empty enum in server variable (#3110)
- ref #2943 - replace reflections with classgraph (#3109)
- ref #3074 - include ModelConverter skipped classes in Reader shouldIgnoreClass (#3107)
- fix ArraySchema toString (#3105)
- fix #3094 - avoid duplicate fields in schema classes (#3102)
- fix #3098 - fix null enum item handling (#3100)
- ref #3082 - updated returnType handling (#3096)
- ref #3082 - jaxrs generic return type is abstract class (#3083)
- ref #3074 - Incorporate ModelConverters.skippedClasses before adding method return type to schema (#3078)
- ref #3073 - fix gradle plugin ext url (#3077)
- Swagger Core Rebranding in master (#3055)
- ref #3037 - SpecFilter fix filter schemas (#3039)
- ref #2971 - fix ObjectMapperProcessor scope of action (#3038)
Swagger-core 1.5.22 released!
Swagger-core 2.0.6 released!
- ref #3029 - fix ref parameter resolving (#3032)
- ref #3016 - synchronized OpenApiContextLocator (#3018)
- ref #3015 - fixed schema impl resolving as primitive, add excluded custom classes (#3017)
- ref #3013 - contextId in maven and gradle plugin (#3014)
- ref #2918 - JsonView support for RequestBody (#3010)
- ref #2972 - fixes resolving multiple map properties (#3001)
- ref #2992 - add support for LocalTime and custom system and primitive types (#2993)
- ref #2977 - fix ctxId in context, fix reader usage (#2990)
- ref #2984 - fix duplicated operationId (#2988)
- Form param bean param fix (#2986)
- Assign id to OpenApiContext correctly, to enable caching of OpenApiCo… (#2978)
- Fix for Issue #2966 (#2974)
- ref #2971 - adds modelConverterClasses and objectMapperProcessorClass to config (#2973)
- Preserve order in maps accross the OAS model (#2968)
- fix ref callback deserialization (#2963)
Swagger-core 2.0.5 released!
Swagger-core 2.0.4 released!
- make ModelResolver _isOptionalType protected (#2908)
- ref #2420 - adds propertyName to annotatedType (#2909)
- make addRequiredItem protected so that it can be used in subclasses (#2911)
- ref #2915 - fix property name (#2917)
- ref #2926 - fix extensions (de)serialization (#2931)
- ref #2846 - fix SecuritySchemePair visibility (#2932)