Releases: svetter/pal
Releases · svetter/pal
New features
- Trip description is now displayed in the ascent viewer
- Markdown/HTML are supported and the field is collapsable
- New setting for sorting number, date and time columns in descending order by default
- Pinned ranges didn't always work on empty charts
- Chart ranges set too large sometimes
- Fixed some faulty behavior related to clearing charts
Other changes
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New features
- Support for Markdown and HTML in ascent descriptions
- Main window table context menus: Shortcuts for editing referenced items
- Edit buttons in item dialogs
Other changes
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New features
- Automatic detection of peak links
- For individual peak in peak dialog
- In bulk via new tool dialog
- Requires Google Search API key, instructions on how to obtain one are included
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New features
- Custom columns
- User can add columns to each table, showing connected values from any column of any table
- Values can be shown directly, listed or counted (if multiple are connected) or processed numerically (average, sum, max/min)
- Custom columns are remembered and restored after restarting the app
- Columns can be named and otherwise customized (depending on type)
- Dynamic filters
- Previous filter system was completely replaced
- New filters can be created for every column in each table, including custom ones
- Users can create multiple filters for the same column
- Filters can be used to only include certain values, or to exclude them
- Filters can be named and otherwise customized (depending on type)
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New features
Other changes
- Optimization of UI updates after user makes changes
- Show year in front of trip names in trip combo box in ascent dialog
- In dropdowns where multiple items have the same name, show extra field to distinguish them
- Empty names are no longer allowed
- 'Shown ascents' counter in main window (top right) is only shown when any filters are active
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New features
- Data visualization: Optionally pin all chart ranges to their maxima when data for all rows in table is shown
- Ascent viewer: Action to go to random ascent
- Error when saving changes in any item except ascents
- Crash when clicking random ascent button on last ascent
- Window sizes were not restored properly
- Relative position of sub-dialogs was faulty
- YearBarCharts wouldn't show anything for single year range
- Table contents were not updated properly after changes were made
- Index columns were not updated after changes until tab was changed
- New ascents were sometimes not sorted correctly at first
- New hiker wouldn't show up in add hiker dialog after creating from there
- Status bar message about saving changes appeared even when cancelling an item dialog
- Ascent of peak index label in ascent viewer was uninitialized for ascents with no peak
Other changes
- Data visualization
- Performance optimization
- General optimization using multi-stage caching
- Charts do not have to be regenerated on tab change anymore unless data changed
- Added value labels in all bar charts
- Better x-axis labels for charts with ranges smaller than a year (showing dates instead of just years)
- Enabled zooming into time-based charts
- Include logged ascent times when drawing charts with ascent times on x-axis
- Correction in the way chart numbers are generated, relevant when items can be counted multiple times (more details here)
- View menu entry and keyboard shortcut (Esc) to clear table selection
- Performance optimization
- Added second LED-style table counter for number of displayed (not filtered out) ascents
- Slideshow now immediately changes to next photo when started manually
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New features
- New column in ascents table showing number of photos
- New setting allows showing the ascent title below the peak name (instead of in the ascent info box)
- Data export:
- Broken behaviour of region filter in ascent dialog
- Ascent time in ascent viewer was shown in inappropriate formatting
- Item statistics panels were not enabled by default
Other changes
- Changed both line charts in statistics tab to bar charts
- Always scroll to top of table after resorting
- Item dialogs can now be accepted by hitting enter
- Increased some font sizes in ascent viewer
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New features
- Data visualization using charts
- Statistics tab showing general visualization of all ascents/peaks
- Optional statistics panel next to each table
- Charts respond to user selection of items in table
- Histograms showing distribution of elevation gains and peak heights
- Scatterplot of elevation gains and peak heights over time
- Top-10 bar graphs for items in table with:
- Most ascents
- Highest peak
- Highest single elevation gain
- Highest sum of elevation gains
- Time-based charts can be zoomed
- Data export in multiple modes and data formats
- Export modes:
- Raw data (excluding derived/statistical columns)
- Tables as displayed in UI
- Extended ascents table (including some export-exclusive columns)
- File formats:
- CSV (Comma-Separated Values) using commas or tabs
- FODS (Flat OpenDocument Spreadsheet)
- Export modes:
- Columns in main window:
- Changing column order
- Hiding columns from table
- Remember column state after restart
- Resettable by menu items
- Slideshow function in ascent viewer
- Mass deleting items
- Selector for visual style in settings
- Drag & drop images into ascent viewer
- Error when sorting table
- Broken sorting behaviour
- Saved default column widths instead of user-set ones
- Faulty behaviour when resizing image area in ascent viewer
Other changes
- Ascent viewer:
- Settings:
- New internal format for storing project settings
- Redesignated some former global settings to be project-specific
- Necessitates database upgrade (user is prompted when opening an old project file)
- Icons in buttons for applying and clearing ascent filters
- Translation for database error messages
- Automatic breadcrumb generation
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New features
- Replaced disruptive image file error dialogs with element in image area
- Replacing images which can't be opened
- Checking that images can be opened when adding them
- Crashed on startup when no default hiker was set
- Save photo description when adding photos
- Broken behavior for ascents without photos in viewer
- 'New item' buttons added in v1.1.0 were never disabled