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Airsonos on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B...? #117

markhm opened this issue Feb 21, 2015 · 24 comments

Airsonos on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B...? #117

markhm opened this issue Feb 21, 2015 · 24 comments


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markhm commented Feb 21, 2015

Hi stephen, all,

I have trouble installing airsonos on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

I did take note of issue 33!, so I'm using node v0.10.28, npm v1.4.9.

Trying to install via npm install airsonos -g results in a long error log.

Trying to install via source download and npm install results in - so it seems - a core dump.

Before I further dive into this (or post a long log), I would appreciate to understand if anyone else managed to get airsonos working on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

Many thanks for your thoughts.

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ViDtje commented Feb 24, 2015

Try installing Node.js version 0.10.36 (if you're trying to use airsonos 1.1) or Node.js version 0.10.28 (if you're trying to use airsonos 0.0.26 or below) like they do it in this link: .

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gloos commented Feb 25, 2015

Did you manage to install it / is it a massive improvement?

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bluelnkd commented Mar 9, 2015

I'm seeing the same issue on my rasberry pi 2.

$ node -v

On startup:

==== Stack trace ============================================

Security context: 0x29234659 <JS Object>#0#
    1: _emitChunk [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/block-stream/block-stream.js:~73] (this=0x335620cd <a BlockStream>#1#,flush=0x29208091 <undefined>)
    2: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1
    3: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/block-stream/block-stream.js:~55] (this=0x335620cd <a BlockStream>#1#)
    4: arguments adaptor frame: 1->0
    5: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/reader.js:~251] (this=0x33562055 <an Extract>#2#,who=0x29208091 <undefined>)
    6: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1
    7: /* anonymous */ [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/parse.js:257] (this=0x3161414d <an Entry>#3#)
    8: emit [events.js:~53] (this=0x3161414d <an Entry>#3#,type=0x5a616529 <String[6]: resume>)
    9: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/entry.js:~90] (this=0x3161414d <an Entry>#3#)
   10: /* anonymous */ [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-writer.js:144] (this=0x3dc1b489 <a FileWriter>#4#)
   11: emit [events.js:~53] (this=0x3dc1b489 <a FileWriter>#4#,type=0x39ce760d <String[5]: ready>)
   12: /* anonymous */ [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/file-writer.js:45] (this=0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#,fd=19)
   13: emit [events.js:~53] (this=0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#,type=0x5a61f5ed <String[4]: open>)
   14: arguments adaptor frame: 2->1
   15: /* anonymous */ [evalmachine.<anonymous>:1674] (this=0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#,er=0x29208081 <null>,fd=19)
   19: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [native v8natives.js:1597] (this=0x29208091 <undefined>)
   20: arguments adaptor frame: 2->0
   21: done [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js:~127] (this=0x3dc1ea29 <an OpenReq>#6#,er=0x29208081 <null>,result=19)
   22: done [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js:~57] (this=0x3dc1ea29 <an OpenReq>#6#,er=0x29208081 <null>,fd=19)
   26: /* anonymous */ [native v8natives.js:1597] (this=0x29208081 <null>)
   27: arguments adaptor frame: 2->0
   29: oncomplete [evalmachine.<anonymous>:108] (this=0x3dc1ebdd <an Object>#7#)
   30: arguments adaptor frame: 2->0

==== Details ================================================

[1]: _emitChunk [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/block-stream/block-stream.js:~73] (this=0x335620cd <a BlockStream>#1#,flush=0x29208091 <undefined>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var padBytes = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  var bufferIndex = 13
  var out = 0x29208081 <null>
  var outOffset = 0
  var outHas = 0
  var cur = 0x3df3b2bd <a Buffer>#8#
  var curHas = 3072
  var l = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  var i = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [10] : 0
  [09] : 2086534
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (flush) {?  // debug("emitChunk flush=%j emitting=%j paused=%j", flush, this._emitting, this._paused)??  // emit a <chunkSize> chunk?  if (flush && this._zeroes) {?    // debug("    BS push zeroes", this._bufferLength)?    // push a chunk of zeroes?    var padBytes = (this._bufferLength % this._chun...


[2]: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1 {

[3]: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/block-stream/block-stream.js:~55] (this=0x335620cd <a BlockStream>#1#) {
// optimized frame
[4]: arguments adaptor frame: 1->0 {
  // actual arguments
  [00] : 0x33562055 <an Extract>#2#  // not passed to callee

[5]: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/reader.js:~251] (this=0x33562055 <an Extract>#2#,who=0x29208091 <undefined>) {
// optimized frame
[6]: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1 {

[7]: /* anonymous */ [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/parse.js:257] (this=0x3161414d <an Entry>#3#) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [00] : 0x33562055 <an Extract>#2#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function () {?    me.resume()?  }

[8]: emit [events.js:~53] (this=0x3161414d <an Entry>#3#,type=0x5a616529 <String[6]: resume>) {
// optimized frame
[9]: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/entry.js:~90] (this=0x3161414d <an Entry>#3#) {
// optimized frame
[10]: /* anonymous */ [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-writer.js:144] (this=0x3dc1b489 <a FileWriter>#4#) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [00] : 0x3161414d <an Entry>#3#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function () {?    // console.error("DW Child Ready", child.type, child._path)?    // console.error("  resuming", entry._path)?    entry.pipe(child)?    entry.resume()?  }

[11]: emit [events.js:~53] (this=0x3dc1b489 <a FileWriter>#4#,type=0x39ce760d <String[5]: ready>) {
// optimized frame
[12]: /* anonymous */ [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/file-writer.js:45] (this=0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#,fd=19) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [01] : 0x39ce760d <String[5]: ready>
  [00] : 0x3dc1b489 <a FileWriter>#4#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (fd) {?    // console.error("FW open", me._buffer, me._path)?    me.ready = true?    me._buffer.forEach(function (c) {?      if (c === EOF) me._stream.end()?      else me._stream.write(c)?    })?    me.emit("ready")?    // give this a kick just in case it needs it.?    me.emit("drain")?  }

[13]: emit [events.js:~53] (this=0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#,type=0x5a61f5ed <String[4]: open>) {
// optimized frame
[14]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->1 {
  // actual arguments
  [00] : 0x5a61f5ed <String[4]: open>
  [01] : 19  // not passed to callee

[15]: /* anonymous */ [evalmachine.<anonymous>:1674] (this=0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#,er=0x29208081 <null>,fd=19) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [02] : 19
  [01] : 0x5a61f5ed <String[4]: open>
  [00] : 0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (er, fd) {?    if (er) {?      this.destroy();?      this.emit('error', er);?      return;?    }??    this.fd = fd;?    this.emit('open', fd);?  }

[19]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [native v8natives.js:1597] (this=0x29208091 <undefined>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var arguments = 0x3dc1f3f9 <an Arguments>#9#
  var c = 0x3dc1f419 <JS Array[2]>#10#
  var d = 2
  var e = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  var f = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  var g = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  var h = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [11] : 2
  [10] : 0
  [09] : 0x3dc1f3f9 <an Arguments>#9#
  [08] : 0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#
  [07] : 0x3dc1e961 <JS Function>#11#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (){??"use strict";???if(%_IsConstructCall()){?return %NewObjectFromBound(b);?}?var c=%BoundFunctionGetBindings(b);??var d=%_ArgumentsLength();?if(d==0){?return %Apply(c[0],c[1],c,2,c.length-2);?}?if(c.length===2){?return %Apply(c[0],c[1],arguments,0,d);?}?var e=c.length-2;?var f=new InternalArray(e+...


[20]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->0 {
  // actual arguments
  [00] : 0x29208081 <null>  // not passed to callee
  [01] : 19  // not passed to callee

[21]: done [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js:~127] (this=0x3dc1ea29 <an OpenReq>#6#,er=0x29208081 <null>,result=19) {
// optimized frame
[22]: done [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js:~57] (this=0x3dc1ea29 <an OpenReq>#6#,er=0x29208081 <null>,fd=19) {
// optimized frame
[26]: /* anonymous */ [native v8natives.js:1597] (this=0x29208081 <null>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var arguments = 0x3dc1f3b9 <an Arguments>#12#
  var c = 0x3dc1f3d9 <JS Array[2]>#13#
  var d = 2
  var e = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  var f = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  var g = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  var h = 0x29208091 <undefined>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [11] : 2
  [10] : 0
  [09] : 0x3dc1f3b9 <an Arguments>#12#
  [08] : 0x3dc1ea29 <an OpenReq>#6#
  [07] : 0x28549871 <JS Function>#14#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (){??"use strict";???if(%_IsConstructCall()){?return %NewObjectFromBound(b);?}?var c=%BoundFunctionGetBindings(b);??var d=%_ArgumentsLength();?if(d==0){?return %Apply(c[0],c[1],c,2,c.length-2);?}?if(c.length===2){?return %Apply(c[0],c[1],arguments,0,d);?}?var e=c.length-2;?var f=new InternalArray(e+...


[27]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->0 {
  // actual arguments
  [00] : 0x29208081 <null>  // not passed to callee
  [01] : 19  // not passed to callee

[29]: oncomplete [evalmachine.<anonymous>:108] (this=0x3dc1ebdd <an Object>#7#) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var arguments = 0x3dc1f385 <an Arguments>#15#
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [03] : 0x3dc1f385 <an Arguments>#15#
  [02] : 0x29208081 <null>
  [01] : 0x3dc1ea69 <JS Function>#16#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function () {?    return cb.apply(null, arguments);?  }

[30]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->0 {
  // actual arguments
  [00] : 0x29208081 <null>  // not passed to callee
  [01] : 19  // not passed to callee

==== Key         ============================================

 #0# 0x29234659: 0x29234659 <JS Object>
 #1# 0x335620cd: 0x335620cd <a BlockStream>
          readable: 0x292080b1 <true>
          writable: 0x292080b1 <true>
              _opt: 0x33562115 <an Object>#17#
        _chunkSize: 512
           _offset: 13824
           _buffer: 0x3dc21659 <JS Array[17]>#18#
     _bufferLength: 35328
           _zeroes: 0x33562121 <a Buffer>#19#
           _events: 0x33561b1d <an Object>#20#
           _paused: 0x292080c1 <false>
        _needDrain: 0x292080b1 <true>
         _emitting: 0x292080b1 <true>
       _needsDrain: 0x292080b1 <true>
 #2# 0x33562055: 0x33562055 <an Extract>
            domain: 0x29208081 <null>
           _events: 0x335620c1 <an Object>#21#
     _maxListeners: 10
          writable: 0x292080b1 <true>
          readable: 0x292080b1 <true>
           _stream: 0x335620cd <a BlockStream>#1#
          position: 1816064
            _ended: 0x292080c1 <false>
              _fst: 0x33561bd5 <a DirWriter>#22#
           _paused: 0x292080c1 <false>
       _eofStarted: 0x292080c1 <false>
         _extended: 0x29208081 <null>
            _entry: 0x3dc207fd <an Entry>#23#
 #3# 0x3161414d: 0x3161414d <an Entry>
            domain: 0x29208081 <null>
           _events: 0x58dffc49 <an Object>#24#
     _maxListeners: 10
          readable: 0x292080b1 <true>
          writable: 0x292080b1 <true>
        _needDrain: 0x292080c1 <false>
           _paused: 0x292080c1 <false>
          _reading: 0x292080c1 <false>
           _ending: 0x292080b1 <true>
            _ended: 0x292080b1 <true>
        _remaining: 0
            _queue: 0x58dffc55 <JS Array[0]>#25#
            _index: 0
         _queueLen: 0
             _read: 0x58dffc65 <JS Function>#26#
             props: 0x58dffc89 <an Object>#27#
           _header: 0x58dffc95 <a TarHeader>#28#
         _extended: 0x58dffcc9 <an Object>#29#
           _global: 0x58dffcd5 <an Object>#30#
              type: 0x39c2be51 <String[4]: File>
              path: 0x44c0f295 <String[30]: deps/lame/Dll/BladeMP3EncDLL.h>
              size: 7651
              meta: 0x292080c1 <false>
              mode: 420
               uid: 65534
               gid: 1000
        _collected: 0x292080b1 <true>
              pipe: 0x54e8da6d <JS Function>#31#
 #4# 0x3dc1b489: 0x3dc1b489 <a FileWriter>
           _buffer: 0x3dc1bc9d <JS Array[0]>#32#
     _bytesWritten: 7651
            domain: 0x29208081 <null>
           _events: 0x3dc1b4dd <an Object>#33#
     _maxListeners: 10
              type: 0x39c2be51 <String[4]: File>
             props: 0x3dc1a591 <an Object>#34#
             depth: 1
           clobber: 0x292080b1 <true>
            parent: 0x33561bd5 <a DirWriter>#22#
              root: 0x33561bd5 <a DirWriter>#22#
              path: 0x3dc1baed <String[108]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame/deps/lame/Dll/BladeMP3EncDLL.h>
             _path: 0x3dc1baed <String[108]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame/deps/lame/Dll/BladeMP3EncDLL.h>
          basename: 0x3dc1bb49 <String[16]: BladeMP3EncDLL.h>
           dirname: 0x3dc1bc5d <String[91]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame/deps/lame/Dll>
          linkpath: 0x29208081 <null>
              size: 7651
          readable: 0x292080c1 <false>
          writable: 0x292080b1 <true>
             ready: 0x292080b1 <true>
            filter: 0x2be31199 <JS Function>#35#
          _madeDir: 0x29208081 <null>
           _stream: 0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#
 #5# 0x3dc1e899: 0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>
    _writableState: 0x3dc1e8d9 <a WritableState>#36#
          writable: 0x292080b1 <true>
            domain: 0x29208081 <null>
           _events: 0x3dc1e955 <an Object>#37#
     _maxListeners: 10
              path: 0x3dc1baed <String[108]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame/deps/lame/Dll/BladeMP3EncDLL.h>
                fd: 19
             flags: 0x5a61f745 <String[1]: w>
              mode: 420
             start: 0x29208091 <undefined>
               pos: 0x29208091 <undefined>
      bytesWritten: 0
 #6# 0x3dc1ea29: 0x3dc1ea29 <an OpenReq>
              path: 0x3dc1baed <String[108]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame/deps/lame/Dll/BladeMP3EncDLL.h>
             flags: 0x5a61f745 <String[1]: w>
              mode: 420
                cb: 0x3dc1e9a1 <JS Function>#38#
              done: 0x3dc1ea69 <JS Function>#16#
          failures: 0
 #7# 0x3dc1ebdd: 0x3dc1ebdd <an Object>
            domain: 0x29208081 <null>
        oncomplete: 0x3dc1eb81 <JS Function>#39#
 #8# 0x3df3b2bd: 0x3df3b2bd <a Buffer>
            length: 16384
            parent: 0x3df53fb1 <a SlowBuffer>#40#
            offset: 0
 #9# 0x3dc1f3f9: 0x3dc1f3f9 <an Arguments>
            length: 2
 #10# 0x3dc1f419: 0x3dc1f419 <JS Array[2]>
                 0: 0x3dc1e961 <JS Function>#11#
                 1: 0x3dc1e899 <a WriteStream>#5#
 #11# 0x3dc1e961: 0x3dc1e961 <JS Function>
 #12# 0x3dc1f3b9: 0x3dc1f3b9 <an Arguments>
            length: 2
 #13# 0x3dc1f3d9: 0x3dc1f3d9 <JS Array[2]>
                 0: 0x28549871 <JS Function>#14#
                 1: 0x3dc1ea29 <an OpenReq>#6#
 #14# 0x28549871: 0x28549871 <JS Function>
 #15# 0x3dc1f385: 0x3dc1f385 <an Arguments>
            length: 2
            callee: 0x3dc1eb81 <JS Function>#39#
 #16# 0x3dc1ea69: 0x3dc1ea69 <JS Function>
            length: 2
 #17# 0x33562115: 0x33562115 <an Object>
 #18# 0x3dc21659: 0x3dc21659 <JS Array[17]>
                 0: 0x3df3b185 <a Buffer>#41#
                 1: 0x3df3b19d <a Buffer>#42#
                 2: 0x3df3b1b5 <a Buffer>#43#
                 3: 0x3df3b1cd <a Buffer>#44#
                 4: 0x3df3b1e5 <a Buffer>#45#
                 5: 0x3df3b1fd <a Buffer>#46#
                 6: 0x3df3b215 <a Buffer>#47#
                 7: 0x3df3b22d <a Buffer>#48#
                 8: 0x3df3b245 <a Buffer>#49#
                 9: 0x3df3b25d <a Buffer>#50#
 #19# 0x33562121: 0x33562121 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x58dbb9fd <a SlowBuffer>#51#
            offset: 4064
 #20# 0x33561b1d: 0x33561b1d <an Object>
             error: 0x33561af9 <JS Function>#52#
              data: 0x33561b29 <JS Function>#53#
               end: 0x33561b4d <JS Function>#54#
             drain: 0x33561b71 <JS Function>#55#
 #21# 0x335620c1: 0x335620c1 <an Object>
             entry: 0x3356090d <JS Array[3]>#56#
            unpipe: 0x33560b35 <JS Function onunpipe>#57#
             drain: 0x33560829 <JS Function>#58#
             error: 0x33560471 <JS Array[3]>#59#
             close: 0x33560481 <JS Array[3]>#60#
            finish: 0x335608d5 <JS Function g>#61#
              data: 0x3164106d <JS Function ondata>#62#
               end: 0x31641121 <JS Function cleanup>#63#
 #22# 0x33561bd5: 0x33561bd5 <a DirWriter>
            domain: 0x29208081 <null>
           _events: 0x33561c09 <an Object>#64#
     _maxListeners: 10
              type: 0x39c2bda5 <String[9]: Directory>
             props: 0x33577529 <an Object>#65#
             depth: 0
           clobber: 0x292080b1 <true>
            parent: 0x29208081 <null>
              root: 0x33561bd5 <a DirWriter>#22#
              path: 0x225fa3a9 <String[77]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame>
             _path: 0x225fa3a9 <String[77]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame>
          basename: 0x225fa399 <String[4]: lame>
           dirname: 0x33560a55 <String[72]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules>
          linkpath: 0x29208081 <null>
              size: 0x29208091 <undefined>
          readable: 0x292080c1 <false>
          writable: 0x292080b1 <true>
           _buffer: 0x33560a69 <JS Array[61]>#66#
             ready: 0x292080b1 <true>
            filter: 0x2be31199 <JS Function>#35#
          _madeDir: 0x29208081 <null>
       _processing: 0x292080b1 <true>
     _currentChild: 0x3dc1b489 <a FileWriter>#4#
 #23# 0x3dc207fd: 0x3dc207fd <an Entry>
            domain: 0x29208081 <null>
           _events: 0x3dc20889 <an Object>#67#
     _maxListeners: 10
          readable: 0x292080b1 <true>
          writable: 0x292080b1 <true>
        _needDrain: 0x292080b1 <true>
           _paused: 0x292080b1 <true>
          _reading: 0x292080c1 <false>
           _ending: 0x292080c1 <false>
            _ended: 0x292080c1 <false>
        _remaining: 172438
            _queue: 0x3dc20895 <JS Array[425]>#68#
            _index: 0
         _queueLen: 425
             _read: 0x3dc208c1 <JS Function>#69#
             props: 0x3dc20949 <an Object>#70#
           _header: 0x3dc1fba9 <a TarHeader>#71#
         _extended: 0x3dc20955 <an Object>#72#
           _global: 0x3dc20961 <an Object>#73#
              type: 0x39c2be51 <String[4]: File>
              path: 0x3dc21111 <String[20]: deps/lame/aclocal.m4>
              size: 390038
              meta: 0x292080c1 <false>
              mode: 420
               uid: 65534
               gid: 1000
        _collected: 0x292080b1 <true>
              pipe: 0x3dc215a9 <JS Function>#74#
 #24# 0x58dffc49: 0x58dffc49 <an Object>
 #25# 0x58dffc55: 0x58dffc55 <JS Array[0]>
 #26# 0x58dffc65: 0x58dffc65 <JS Function>
            length: 0
 #27# 0x58dffc89: 0x58dffc89 <an Object>
 #28# 0x58dffc95: 0x58dffc95 <a TarHeader>
             block: 0x58dcc4cd <a Buffer>#75#
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            _index: 0
         _queueLen: 16
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             props: 0x335da67d <an Object>#213#
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         _extended: 0x335da6bd <an Object>#215#
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              type: 0x39c2be51 <String[4]: File>
              path: 0x20b71b95 <String[27]: deps/lame/INSTALL.configure>
              size: 7832
              meta: 0x292080c1 <false>
              mode: 420
               uid: 65534
               gid: 1000
        _collected: 0x292080b1 <true>
              pipe: 0x335f11ad <JS Function>#217#
 #114# 0x316f0afd: 0x316f0afd <an Entry>
            domain: 0x29208081 <null>
           _events: 0x29699c49 <an Object>#218#
     _maxListeners: 10
          readable: 0x292080b1 <true>
          writable: 0x292080b1 <true>
        _needDrain: 0x292080b1 <true>
           _paused: 0x292080b1 <true>
          _reading: 0x292080c1 <false>
           _ending: 0x292080b1 <true>
            _ended: 0x292080c1 <false>
        _remaining: 0
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             props: 0x29699c89 <an Object>#221#
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         _extended: 0x29699cc9 <an Object>#223#
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              type: 0x39c2be51 <String[4]: File>
              path: 0x20bdaa35 <String[25]: deps/lame/ACM/>
              size: 17932
              meta: 0x292080c1 <false>
              mode: 420
               uid: 65534
               gid: 1000
        _collected: 0x292080b1 <true>
              pipe: 0x296aad61 <JS Function>#225#
 #115# 0x3dc21509: 0x3dc21509 <JS Array[2]>
                 0: 0x3dc20f8d <JS Function>#226#
                 1: 0x3dc21465 <JS Function save>#118#
 #116# 0x3dc20fc5: 0x3dc20fc5 <JS Function>
 #117# 0x3dc20fe9: 0x3dc20fe9 <JS Function>
 #118# 0x3dc21465: 0x3dc21465 <JS Function save>
 #119# 0x3dc21489: 0x3dc21489 <JS Function saveEntry>
 #120# 0x3dc214ad: 0x3dc214ad <JS Function proxyPause>
 #121# 0x3dc22739: 0x3dc22739 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
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            offset: 9216
 #122# 0x3dc227e5: 0x3dc227e5 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
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            offset: 9728
 #123# 0x3dc22845: 0x3dc22845 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x3df53e45 <a SlowBuffer>#83#
            offset: 10240
 #124# 0x3dc228a5: 0x3dc228a5 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
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            offset: 10752
 #125# 0x3dc22905: 0x3dc22905 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x3df53e45 <a SlowBuffer>#83#
            offset: 11264
 #126# 0x3dc22965: 0x3dc22965 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
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            offset: 11776
 #127# 0x3dc229c5: 0x3dc229c5 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
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            offset: 12288
 #128# 0x3dc22a25: 0x3dc22a25 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x3df53e45 <a SlowBuffer>#83#
            offset: 12800
 #129# 0x3dc22a85: 0x3dc22a85 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x3df53e45 <a SlowBuffer>#83#
            offset: 13312
 #130# 0x3dc22ae5: 0x3dc22ae5 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
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            offset: 13824
 #131# 0x3dc1fb45: 0x3dc1fb45 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x3df53e45 <a SlowBuffer>#83#
            offset: 8704
 #132# 0x28581561: 0x28581561 <a SlowBuffer>
            length: 16384
 #133# 0x3dc21965: 0x3dc21965 <a WriteReq>
             chunk: 0x29617551 <a Buffer>#227#
          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
          callback: 0x3dc21921 <JS Function>#228#
 #134# 0x3dc21a81: 0x3dc21a81 <a WriteReq>
             chunk: 0x29617569 <a Buffer>#229#
          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
          callback: 0x3dc21a3d <JS Function>#230#
 #135# 0x3dc21b51: 0x3dc21b51 <a WriteReq>
             chunk: 0x29617581 <a Buffer>#231#
          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
          callback: 0x3dc21b0d <JS Function>#232#
 #136# 0x3dc21c21: 0x3dc21c21 <a WriteReq>
             chunk: 0x29617599 <a Buffer>#233#
          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
          callback: 0x3dc21bdd <JS Function>#234#
 #137# 0x3dc21cf1: 0x3dc21cf1 <a WriteReq>
             chunk: 0x296175b1 <a Buffer>#235#
          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
          callback: 0x3dc21cad <JS Function>#236#
 #138# 0x3dc21dc1: 0x3dc21dc1 <a WriteReq>
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          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
          callback: 0x3dc21d7d <JS Function>#238#
 #139# 0x3dc21e91: 0x3dc21e91 <a WriteReq>
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          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
          callback: 0x3dc21e4d <JS Function>#240#
 #140# 0x3dc21f61: 0x3dc21f61 <a WriteReq>
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          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
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 #141# 0x3dc22031: 0x3dc22031 <a WriteReq>
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          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
          callback: 0x3dc21fed <JS Function>#244#
 #142# 0x3dc22101: 0x3dc22101 <a WriteReq>
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          encoding: 0x5a6158f1 <String[6]: buffer>
          callback: 0x3dc220bd <JS Function>#246#
 #143# 0x2855782d: 0x2855782d <JS Function>
 #144# 0x33560bc5: 0x33560bc5 <JS Function onclose>
 #145# 0x33560ad1: 0x33560ad1 <JS Function>
 #146# 0x33535cbd: 0x33535cbd <an Object>
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            resume: 0x29611b71 <JS Function>#249#
               end: 0x29611b95 <JS Function save>#250#
             entry: 0x29611bb9 <JS Function saveEntry>#251#
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                 2: 0x296ca531 <a Buffer>#255#
                 3: 0x296ca549 <a Buffer>@0x296ca549
                 4: 0x296ca561 <a Buffer>@0x296ca561
                 5: 0x296ca579 <a Buffer>@0x296ca579
                 6: 0x296ca591 <a Buffer>@0x296ca591
                 7: 0x296ca5a9 <a Buffer>@0x296ca5a9
                 8: 0x296ca5c1 <a Buffer>@0x296ca5c1
                 9: 0x296ca5d9 <a Buffer>@0x296ca5d9
 #148# 0x33535cd9: 0x33535cd9 <JS Function>
            length: 0
 #149# 0x33535cfd: 0x33535cfd <an Object>
 #150# 0x33535d09: 0x33535d09 <a TarHeader>
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              mode: 420
               uid: 501
               gid: 20
              size: 7926
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             gname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
            devmaj: 0
            devmin: 0
              fill: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
 #151# 0x33535d3d: 0x33535d3d <an Object>
 #152# 0x33535d49: 0x33535d49 <an Object>
 #153# 0x58dc9635: 0x58dc9635 <JS Function>
 #154# 0x296ca789: 0x296ca789 <an Object>
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 #155# 0x296ca795: 0x296ca795 <JS Array[49]>
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                 1: 0x33533a09 <a Buffer>@0x33533a09
                 2: 0x33533a21 <a Buffer>@0x33533a21
                 3: 0x33533a39 <a Buffer>@0x33533a39
                 4: 0x33533a51 <a Buffer>@0x33533a51
                 5: 0x33533a69 <a Buffer>@0x33533a69
                 6: 0x33533a81 <a Buffer>@0x33533a81
                 7: 0x33533a99 <a Buffer>@0x33533a99
                 8: 0x33533571 <a Buffer>@0x33533571
                 9: 0x33533589 <a Buffer>@0x33533589
 #156# 0x296ca7c1: 0x296ca7c1 <JS Function>
            length: 0
 #157# 0x296ca849: 0x296ca849 <an Object>
 #158# 0x296ca6bd: 0x296ca6bd <a TarHeader>
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              path: 0x44ce5055 <String[42]: package/deps/lame/Dll/LameDLLInterface.htm>
              mode: 420
               uid: 501
               gid: 20
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            devmin: 0
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 #159# 0x296ca855: 0x296ca855 <an Object>
 #160# 0x296ca861: 0x296ca861 <an Object>
 #161# 0x296cadc5: 0x296cadc5 <JS Function>
 #162# 0x316143dd: 0x316143dd <an Object>
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 #163# 0x316143e9: 0x316143e9 <JS Array[21]>
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                 2: 0x58d4c2d5 <a Buffer>@0x58d4c2d5
                 3: 0x58d4c2ed <a Buffer>@0x58d4c2ed
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                 7: 0x58d4c34d <a Buffer>@0x58d4c34d
                 8: 0x58d4c365 <a Buffer>@0x58d4c365
                 9: 0x58d4c37d <a Buffer>@0x58d4c37d
 #164# 0x33539b7d: 0x33539b7d <JS Function>
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 #165# 0x33539ba1: 0x33539ba1 <an Object>
 #166# 0x33539bad: 0x33539bad <a TarHeader>
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              mode: 420
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 #167# 0x33539be1: 0x33539be1 <an Object>
 #168# 0x33539bed: 0x33539bed <an Object>
 #169# 0x2960dcb9: 0x2960dcb9 <JS Function>
 #170# 0x58d567e5: 0x58d567e5 <an Object>
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 #171# 0x58d567f1: 0x58d567f1 <JS Array[1]>
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 #172# 0x58d56801: 0x58d56801 <JS Function>
            length: 0
 #173# 0x58d56825: 0x58d56825 <an Object>
 #174# 0x58d56831: 0x58d56831 <a TarHeader>
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              mode: 420
               uid: 501
               gid: 20
              size: 251
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            devmaj: 0
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 #175# 0x58d56865: 0x58d56865 <an Object>
 #176# 0x58d56871: 0x58d56871 <an Object>
 #177# 0x58d67bed: 0x58d67bed <JS Function>
 #178# 0x3350fe01: 0x3350fe01 <an Object>
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 #179# 0x3350fe0d: 0x3350fe0d <JS Array[21]>
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                 3: 0x3352f035 <a Buffer>@0x3352f035
                 4: 0x3352f04d <a Buffer>@0x3352f04d
                 5: 0x3352f065 <a Buffer>@0x3352f065
                 6: 0x3352f07d <a Buffer>@0x3352f07d
                 7: 0x3352f095 <a Buffer>@0x3352f095
                 8: 0x3352f0ad <a Buffer>@0x3352f0ad
                 9: 0x3352f0c5 <a Buffer>@0x3352f0c5
 #180# 0x3350fe1d: 0x3350fe1d <JS Function>
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 #181# 0x3350fe41: 0x3350fe41 <an Object>
 #182# 0x3350fe4d: 0x3350fe4d <a TarHeader>
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              mode: 420
               uid: 501
               gid: 20
              size: 10530
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             gname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
            devmaj: 0
            devmin: 0
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 #183# 0x3350fe81: 0x3350fe81 <an Object>
 #184# 0x3350fe8d: 0x3350fe8d <an Object>
 #185# 0x3351e9b9: 0x3351e9b9 <JS Function>
 #186# 0x3350feb9: 0x3350feb9 <an Object>
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 #187# 0x3350fec5: 0x3350fec5 <JS Array[3]>
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                 1: 0x3352f30d <a Buffer>@0x3352f30d
                 2: 0x3352f325 <a Buffer>@0x3352f325
 #188# 0x3350fed5: 0x3350fed5 <JS Function>
            length: 0
 #189# 0x3350fef9: 0x3350fef9 <an Object>
 #190# 0x3350ff05: 0x3350ff05 <a TarHeader>
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              path: 0x20b2221d <String[38]: package/deps/lame/Dll/Makefile.mingw32>
              mode: 420
               uid: 501
               gid: 20
              size: 1332
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             ustar: 0x20b2c059 <String[6]\: ustar\x00>
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             uname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
             gname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
            devmaj: 0
            devmin: 0
              fill: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
 #191# 0x3350ff39: 0x3350ff39 <an Object>
 #192# 0x3350ff45: 0x3350ff45 <an Object>
 #193# 0x3351ee51: 0x3351ee51 <JS Function>
 #194# 0x3350ff71: 0x3350ff71 <an Object>
              data: 0x3352f389 <JS Array[2]>@0x3352f389
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               end: 0x3352f3e1 <JS Function save>@0x3352f3e1
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 #195# 0x3350ff7d: 0x3350ff7d <JS Array[8]>
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                 1: 0x335df471 <a Buffer>@0x335df471
                 2: 0x335df489 <a Buffer>@0x335df489
                 3: 0x335df4a1 <a Buffer>@0x335df4a1
                 4: 0x335df4b9 <a Buffer>@0x335df4b9
                 5: 0x335df4d1 <a Buffer>@0x335df4d1
                 6: 0x335df4e9 <a Buffer>@0x335df4e9
                 7: 0x335df501 <a Buffer>@0x335df501
 #196# 0x3350ff8d: 0x3350ff8d <JS Function>
            length: 0
 #197# 0x3350ffb1: 0x3350ffb1 <an Object>
 #198# 0x3350ffbd: 0x3350ffbd <a TarHeader>
             block: 0x3351f64d <a Buffer>@0x3351f64d
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              path: 0x20b2225d <String[25]: package/deps/lame/HACKING>
              mode: 420
               uid: 501
               gid: 20
              size: 3959
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          linkpath: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
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          ustarver: 0x20b2c09d <String[2]: 00>
             uname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
             gname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
            devmaj: 0
            devmin: 0
              fill: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
 #199# 0x3350fff1: 0x3350fff1 <an Object>
 #200# 0x3350fffd: 0x3350fffd <an Object>
 #201# 0x3351f281: 0x3351f281 <JS Function>
 #202# 0x335d8b9d: 0x335d8b9d <an Object>
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             pause: 0x3160fe1d <JS Function>@0x3160fe1d
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               end: 0x3160fe41 <JS Function save>@0x3160fe41
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 #203# 0x335d8ba9: 0x335d8ba9 <JS Array[14]>
                 0: 0x3160fead <a Buffer>@0x3160fead
                 1: 0x3160fec5 <a Buffer>@0x3160fec5
                 2: 0x3160fedd <a Buffer>@0x3160fedd
                 3: 0x3160fef5 <a Buffer>@0x3160fef5
                 4: 0x3160ff0d <a Buffer>@0x3160ff0d
                 5: 0x3160ff25 <a Buffer>@0x3160ff25
                 6: 0x3160ff3d <a Buffer>@0x3160ff3d
                 7: 0x3160ff55 <a Buffer>@0x3160ff55
                 8: 0x3160ff6d <a Buffer>@0x3160ff6d
                 9: 0x3160ff85 <a Buffer>@0x3160ff85
 #204# 0x335d8bb9: 0x335d8bb9 <JS Function>
            length: 0
 #205# 0x335d8bdd: 0x335d8bdd <an Object>
 #206# 0x335d8be9: 0x335d8be9 <a TarHeader>
             block: 0x335edfa5 <a Buffer>@0x335edfa5
        cksumValid: 0x292080b1 <true>
              path: 0x20b7b909 <String[25]: package/deps/lame/INSTALL>
              mode: 420
               uid: 501
               gid: 20
              size: 6995
             mtime: 0x20b7b931 <Number: 1402862869>
             cksum: 5932
              type: 0x5a60c669 <String[1]: 0>
          linkpath: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
             ustar: 0x20b86689 <String[6]\: ustar\x00>
          ustarver: 0x20b8669d <String[2]: 00>
             uname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
             gname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
            devmaj: 0
            devmin: 0
              fill: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
 #207# 0x335d8c1d: 0x335d8c1d <an Object>
 #208# 0x335d8c29: 0x335d8c29 <an Object>
 #209# 0x335eda8d: 0x335eda8d <JS Function>
 #210# 0x335da63d: 0x335da63d <an Object>
              data: 0x316138a1 <JS Array[2]>@0x316138a1
             pause: 0x316138b1 <JS Function>@0x316138b1
            resume: 0x335d1119 <JS Function>@0x335d1119
               end: 0x316138d5 <JS Function save>@0x316138d5
             entry: 0x316138f9 <JS Function saveEntry>@0x316138f9
             proxy: 0x3161391d <JS Function proxyPause>@0x3161391d
 #211# 0x335da649: 0x335da649 <JS Array[16]>
                 0: 0x31628e45 <a Buffer>@0x31628e45
                 1: 0x31628e5d <a Buffer>@0x31628e5d
                 2: 0x31628e75 <a Buffer>@0x31628e75
                 3: 0x31628e8d <a Buffer>@0x31628e8d
                 4: 0x31628ea5 <a Buffer>@0x31628ea5
                 5: 0x31628ebd <a Buffer>@0x31628ebd
                 6: 0x31628ed5 <a Buffer>@0x31628ed5
                 7: 0x31628eed <a Buffer>@0x31628eed
                 8: 0x31628f05 <a Buffer>@0x31628f05
                 9: 0x31628f1d <a Buffer>@0x31628f1d
 #212# 0x335da659: 0x335da659 <JS Function>
            length: 0
 #213# 0x335da67d: 0x335da67d <an Object>
 #214# 0x335da689: 0x335da689 <a TarHeader>
             block: 0x335f1579 <a Buffer>@0x335f1579
        cksumValid: 0x292080b1 <true>
              path: 0x20b7bc01 <String[35]: package/deps/lame/INSTALL.configure>
              mode: 420
               uid: 501
               gid: 20
              size: 7832
             mtime: 0x20b7bc31 <Number: 1402862869>
             cksum: 6937
              type: 0x5a60c669 <String[1]: 0>
          linkpath: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
             ustar: 0x20b880dd <String[6]\: ustar\x00>
          ustarver: 0x20b880f1 <String[2]: 00>
             uname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
             gname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
            devmaj: 0
            devmin: 0
              fill: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
 #215# 0x335da6bd: 0x335da6bd <an Object>
 #216# 0x335da6c9: 0x335da6c9 <an Object>
 #217# 0x335f11ad: 0x335f11ad <JS Function>
 #218# 0x29699c49: 0x29699c49 <an Object>
              data: 0x31639f29 <JS Array[2]>@0x31639f29
             pause: 0x31639f39 <JS Function>@0x31639f39
            resume: 0x316f0b69 <JS Function>@0x316f0b69
               end: 0x31639f5d <JS Function save>@0x31639f5d
             entry: 0x31639f81 <JS Function saveEntry>@0x31639f81
             proxy: 0x31639fa5 <JS Function proxyPause>@0x31639fa5
 #219# 0x29699c55: 0x29699c55 <JS Array[36]>
                 0: 0x31639fc9 <a Buffer>@0x31639fc9
                 1: 0x31639fe1 <a Buffer>@0x31639fe1
                 2: 0x31639ff9 <a Buffer>@0x31639ff9
                 3: 0x3163a46d <a Buffer>@0x3163a46d
                 4: 0x3163a485 <a Buffer>@0x3163a485
                 5: 0x3163a49d <a Buffer>@0x3163a49d
                 6: 0x3163a4b5 <a Buffer>@0x3163a4b5
                 7: 0x3163a4cd <a Buffer>@0x3163a4cd
                 8: 0x3163a4e5 <a Buffer>@0x3163a4e5
                 9: 0x3163a4fd <a Buffer>@0x3163a4fd
 #220# 0x29699c65: 0x29699c65 <JS Function>
            length: 0
 #221# 0x29699c89: 0x29699c89 <an Object>
 #222# 0x29699c95: 0x29699c95 <a TarHeader>
             block: 0x296ab1e1 <a Buffer>@0x296ab1e1
        cksumValid: 0x292080b1 <true>
              path: 0x20b9b941 <String[33]: package/deps/lame/ACM/>
              mode: 420
               uid: 501
               gid: 20
              size: 17932
             mtime: 0x20b9b971 <Number: 1402862869>
             cksum: 6708
              type: 0x5a60c669 <String[1]: 0>
          linkpath: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
             ustar: 0x20648bd9 <String[6]\: ustar\x00>
          ustarver: 0x20648bed <String[2]: 00>
             uname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
             gname: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
            devmaj: 0
            devmin: 0
              fill: 0x5a60812d <String[0]: >
 #223# 0x29699cc9: 0x29699cc9 <an Object>
 #224# 0x29699cd5: 0x29699cd5 <an Object>
 #225# 0x296aad61: 0x296aad61 <JS Function>
 #226# 0x3dc20f8d: 0x3dc20f8d <JS Function>
 #227# 0x29617551: 0x29617551 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581561 <a SlowBuffer>#132#
            offset: 14848
 #228# 0x3dc21921: 0x3dc21921 <JS Function>
 #229# 0x29617569: 0x29617569 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581561 <a SlowBuffer>#132#
            offset: 15360
 #230# 0x3dc21a3d: 0x3dc21a3d <JS Function>
 #231# 0x29617581: 0x29617581 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581561 <a SlowBuffer>#132#
            offset: 15872
 #232# 0x3dc21b0d: 0x3dc21b0d <JS Function>
 #233# 0x29617599: 0x29617599 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581eed <a SlowBuffer>@0x28581eed
            offset: 0
 #234# 0x3dc21bdd: 0x3dc21bdd <JS Function>
 #235# 0x296175b1: 0x296175b1 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581eed <a SlowBuffer>@0x28581eed
            offset: 512
 #236# 0x3dc21cad: 0x3dc21cad <JS Function>
 #237# 0x296175c9: 0x296175c9 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581eed <a SlowBuffer>@0x28581eed
            offset: 1024
 #238# 0x3dc21d7d: 0x3dc21d7d <JS Function>
 #239# 0x296175e1: 0x296175e1 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581eed <a SlowBuffer>@0x28581eed
            offset: 1536
 #240# 0x3dc21e4d: 0x3dc21e4d <JS Function>
 #241# 0x296175f9: 0x296175f9 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581eed <a SlowBuffer>@0x28581eed
            offset: 2048
 #242# 0x3dc21f1d: 0x3dc21f1d <JS Function>
 #243# 0x29617611: 0x29617611 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581eed <a SlowBuffer>@0x28581eed
            offset: 2560
 #244# 0x3dc21fed: 0x3dc21fed <JS Function>
 #245# 0x29617629: 0x29617629 <a Buffer>
            length: 512
            parent: 0x28581eed <a SlowBuffer>@0x28581eed
            offset: 3072
 #246# 0x3dc220bd: 0x3dc220bd <JS Function>
 #247# 0x29611b3d: 0x29611b3d <JS Array[2]>
                 0: 0x2962bfb5 <JS Function>@0x2962bfb5
                 1: 0x29611b95 <

Copy link

I have the same Problem. What can we do?

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Node.js version 0.10.28 w/ airsonos 0.0.26 making my own custom node binary (following instructions linked earlier) also results in a core dump.

I'm able to get this to work fine on my macbook w/o a hook beautifully streaming to my sonos system.

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At my Mac Airsonos Works very well. Button my Raspi doesn't work. What shall i do?

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webfuz1 commented Mar 17, 2015

Has anyone found a solution for this? I only bought the raspberry Pi 2 for this and now can't get it to work. It is working fine on my Windows laptop

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webfuz1 commented Mar 18, 2015

Been trying again Node.js v0.10.33, npm 1.4.28. It look to complete the install

mdns@2.2.2 install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nodetunes/node_modules/mdns
node-gyp rebuild

make: Entering directory '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nodetunes/node_modules/mdns/build'
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/
SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/ Finished
COPY Release/dns_sd_bindings.node
make: Leaving directory '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nodetunes/node_modules/mdns/build'

lame@1.2.0 install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame
node-gyp rebuild

make: Entering directory '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame/build'
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
AR(target) Release/
COPY Release/libmp3lame.a
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
CC(target) Release/
AR(target) Release/
COPY Release/libmpg123.a
CC(target) Release/
AR(target) Release/
COPY Release/liblamevectorroutines.a
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/
SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/ Finished
COPY Release/bindings.node
make: Leaving directory '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nicercast/node_modules/lame/build'
/usr/local/bin/airsonos -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/index.js
airsonos@0.1.1 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos
├── ip@0.3.2
├── flags@0.1.3
├── throttle@1.0.3 (readable-stream@1.0.33, stream-parser@0.3.0)
├── portastic@0.0.1 (async@0.1.22, commander@1.0.5, coffee-script@1.3.3)
├── lodash@2.4.1
├── sonos@0.7.0 (debug@0.7.4, underscore@1.5.2, async@0.9.0, upnp-client@0.0.1, xml2js@0.2.8, request@2.27.0)
├── nodetunes@0.1.2 (randomstring@1.0.3, random-mac@0.0.4, metricstream@0.0.0, priorityqueuejs@0.2.0, httplike@1.0.1, debug@2.1.3, node-forge@0.6.21, forge@2.3.0, mdns@2.2.2)
└── nicercast@0.0.8 (icecast-stack@0.3.0, express@3.5.3, lame@1.2.0)

However, it crashes when started

            ::: 68
         Index: 69
    IndexValue: 71
     INDEX_END: 72
    INDEX_SOAK: 73
         Slice: 74
             {: 75
    AssignList: 76
             }: 77
         CLASS: 78
       EXTENDS: 79
  OptFuncExist: 80
     Arguments: 81
         SUPER: 82
    FUNC_EXIST: 83
    CALL_START: 84
      CALL_END: 85
       ArgList: 86
          THIS: 87
             @: 88
             [: 89
             ]: 90
     RangeDots: 91
            ..: 92
           Arg: 93
    SimpleArgs: 94
           TRY: 95
         Catch: 96
       FINALLY: 97
         CATCH: 98
         THROW: 99
             (: 100
             ): 101
   WhileSource: 102
         WHILE: 103
          WHEN: 104
         UNTIL: 105
          Loop: 106
          LOOP: 107
       ForBody: 108
           FOR: 109
      ForStart: 110
     ForSource: 111
  ForVariables: 112
           OWN: 113
      ForValue: 114
         FORIN: 115
         FOROF: 116
            BY: 117
        SWITCH: 118
         Whens: 119
          ELSE: 120
          When: 121
       IfBlock: 123
            IF: 124
       POST_IF: 125
         UNARY: 126
             -: 127
             +: 128
            --: 129
            ++: 130
             ?: 131
          MATH: 132
         SHIFT: 133
       COMPARE: 134
         LOGIC: 135
      RELATION: 136

$accept: 0
$end: 1
#53# 0x3d74b1fd: 0x3d74b1fd
#54# 0x3d74b239: 0x3d74b239 <JS Array[202]>
0: 0
1: 0x3d7500b5 <JS Array[2]>#117#
2: 0x3d7500c5 <JS Array[2]>#118#
3: 0x3d7500d5 <JS Array[2]>#119#
4: 0x3d7500e5 <JS Array[2]>#120#
5: 0x3d7500f5 <JS Array[2]>#121#
6: 0x3d750105 <JS Array[2]>#122#
7: 0x3d750115 <JS Array[2]>#123#
8: 0x3d750125 <JS Array[2]>#124#
9: 0x3d750135 <JS Array[2]>#125#
#55# 0x3d74b209: 0x3d74b209
#56# 0x3d74b22d: 0x3d74b22d
#57# 0x3d74b1b5: 0x3d74b1b5
#58# 0x3d74d919: 0x3d74d919
lex: 0x3d74fff9 #126#
setInput: 0x3d75001d #127#
upcomingInput: 0x3d750041 #128#
tokens: 0x3d7eee55 <JS Array[678]>#2#
pos: 161
yy: 0x3d741395 #51#
yylloc: 0x3d625311 #21#
yytext: 0x3d7f781d <String[8]: callback>
yylineno: 54
#59# 0x3d7ef24d: 0x3d7ef24d <JS Array[3]>
spaced: 0x43b080b1
0: 0x4e0fd92d <String[10]: IDENTIFIER>
1: 0x3d7ef211 <String[5]: async>
2: 8
#60# 0x3d7ef819: 0x3d7ef819 <JS Array[3]>
spaced: 0x43b080b1
0: 0x3c11c73d <String[1]: =>
1: 0x3c11c73d <String[1]: =>
2: 8
#61# 0x3d7ef989: 0x3d7ef989 <JS Array[3]>
spaced: 0x43b080b1
0: 0x4e0fd92d <String[10]: IDENTIFIER>
1: 0x3d7ef925 <String[7]: require>
2: 8
#62# 0x3d61d3e9: 0x3d61d3e9 <JS Array[3]>
generated: 0x43b080b1
0: 0x4e0fe3dd <String[10]: CALL_START>
1: 0x4e0f6a05 <String[1]: (>
2: 8
#63# 0x3d7efa8d: 0x3d7efa8d <JS Array[3]>
newLine: 0x43b080b1
0: 0x4e0fe131 <String[6]: STRING>
1: 0x3d7efa71 <String[7]: 'async'>
2: 8
#64# 0x3d61d431: 0x3d61d431 <JS Array[3]>
generated: 0x43b080b1
0: 0x4e0ff99d <String[8]: CALL_END>
1: 0x3c113745 <String[1]: )>
2: 9
#65# 0x3d7f0169: 0x3d7f0169 <JS Array[3]>
0: 0x4e0fe4e1 <String[10]: TERMINATOR>
1: 0x3c115bc9 <String[1]: \n>
2: 9
#66# 0x3d7f0239: 0x3d7f0239 <JS Array[3]>
spaced: 0x43b080b1
0: 0x4e0fd92d <String[10]: IDENTIFIER>
1: 0x3d7f0201 <String[3]: net>
2: 9
#67# 0x3d7f02fd: 0x3d7f02fd <JS Array[3]>
spaced: 0x43b080b1
0: 0x3c11c73d <String[1]: =>
1: 0x3c11c73d <String[1]: =>
2: 9
#68# 0x3d7f0449: 0x3d7f0449 <JS Array[3]>
spaced: 0x43b080b1
0: 0x4e0fd92d <String[10]: IDENTIFIER>
1: 0x3d7f0409 <String[7]: require>
2: 9
#69# 0x3d7e85d9: 0x3d7e85d9
#70# 0x3d7e85e5: 0x3d7e85e5 <JS Array[0]>
#71# 0x3d7e8dd5: 0x3d7e8dd5 <JS Array[7]>
0: 0x3d7e90d9 <String[76]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/lib/node_modules>
1: 0x3d7e92e5 <String[72]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules>
2: 0x3d7e9485 <String[49]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules>
3: 0x3d7e95e1 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
4: 0x3d7e9705 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
5: 0x3d7e9815 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
6: 0x3d7e990d <String[13]: /node_modules>
#72# 0x3a24340d: 0x3a24340d
#73# 0x3a243419: 0x3a243419
#74# 0x3a243425: 0x3a243425 <JS Array[3]>
0: 0x4e054e9d <String[19]: /root/.node_modules>
1: 0x4e054ed1 <String[21]: /root/.node_libraries>
2: 0x4e054f09 <String[19]: /usr/local/lib/node>
#75# 0x3a24313d: 0x3a24313d <JS Array[2]>
0: 0x3c116939 <String[62]: (function (exports, require, module, filename, dirname) { >
1: 0x3c116985 <String[4]: \n});>
#76# 0x3a243435: 0x3a243435
#77# 0x389aed0d: 0x389aed0d <JS Array[2]>
0: 0x389ac4a9 #129#
1: 0x3d7e85b1 #7#
#78# 0x389aed1d: 0x389aed1d <JS Array[6]>
0: 0x2de5330d <String[72]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules>
1: 0x2de848e5 <String[49]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules>
2: 0x2de84925 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
3: 0x2de8494d <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
4: 0x2de84971 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
5: 0x2de84991 <String[13]: /node_modules>
#79# 0x3a23ce09: 0x3a23ce09 <JS Array[2]>
0: 0x3a259f1d #130#
1: 0x38990635 #9#
#80# 0x3a23ce19: 0x3a23ce19 <JS Array[6]>
0: 0x4e055671 <String[53]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/node_modules>
1: 0x4e0556b5 <String[49]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules>
2: 0x4e0556f5 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
3: 0x4e05571d <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
4: 0x4e055741 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
5: 0x4e055761 <String[13]: /node_modules>
#81# 0x3a20cd95: 0x3a20cd95
#82# 0x3a23ce79: 0x3a23ce79 <JS Array[1]>
0: 0x3a259fd9 #12#
#83# 0x3a23ce89: 0x3a23ce89 <JS Array[5]>
0: 0x4e05577d <String[49]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules>
1: 0x4e0557bd <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
2: 0x4e0557e5 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
3: 0x4e055809 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
4: 0x4e055829 <String[13]: /node_modules>
#84# 0x3a25ae6d: 0x3a25ae6d <JS Array[45]>
0: 0x4e0545e5 <String[13]: Binding evals>
1: 0x4e054601 <String[15]: Binding natives>
2: 0x3a24380d <String[19]: NativeModule events>
3: 0x3a243821 <String[19]: NativeModule buffer>
4: 0x4e05461d <String[14]: Binding buffer>
5: 0x3a243835 <String[19]: NativeModule assert>
6: 0x3a243849 <String[17]: NativeModule util>
7: 0x3a24385d <String[17]: NativeModule path>
8: 0x3a243871 <String[19]: NativeModule module>
9: 0x3a243885 <String[15]: NativeModule fs>
#85# 0x3a2430d1: 0x3a2430d1
http_parser: 0x4e055939 <String[3]: 1.0>
node: 0x4e055949 <String[7]: 0.10.33>
v8: 0x4e05595d <String[8]:>
ares: 0x4e055971 <String[9]: 1.9.0-DEV>
uv: 0x4e055989 <String[7]: 0.10.29>
zlib: 0x4e05599d <String[5]: 1.2.3>
modules: 0x4e0559b1 <String[2]: 11>
openssl: 0x4e0559c1 <String[6]: 1.0.1j>
#86# 0x3a2430b1: 0x3a2430b1 <JS Array[2]>
0: 0x4e055929 <String[4]: node>
1: 0x4e0831e1 <String[23]: /usr/local/bin/airsonos>
#87# 0x3a2430c1: 0x3a2430c1 <JS Array[0]>
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tls: 0x43b080b1
#90# 0x3a23f6bd: 0x3a23f6bd
#91# 0x3a2430e9: 0x3a2430e9
#92# 0x3a2430f5: 0x3a2430f5
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variables: 0x3a249cb5 #132#
#93# 0x3d750d45: 0x3d750d45
#94# 0x3d750d51: 0x3d750d51
#95# 0x3d750d5d: 0x3d750d5d
#96# 0x3d750d69: 0x3d750d69
#97# 0x3d750d75: 0x3d750d75
#98# 0x3d750d81: 0x3d750d81
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value(): 0x3c11a1a5 <String[1]: {>
generated: 0x43b080b1
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#132# 0x3a249cb5: 0x3a249cb5
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value: 0x43b08091
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1: 0x3d62bb21 #149#
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#137# 0x3d6b8361: 0x3d6b8361
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#138# 0x389aec69: 0x389aec69
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RESERVED: 0x389aec81 <JS Array[71]>#152#
helpers: 0x389b2685 #153#
#139# 0x389b1f51: 0x389b1f51 <JS Array[3]>
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1: 0x389ae031 #155#
2: 0x3d7251b5 #156#
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2: 0x2de898f5 <String[99]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules/coffee-script/node_modules>
3: 0x2de899c9 <String[72]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules>
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5: 0x2de89ad5 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
6: 0x2de89b19 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
7: 0x2de89b55 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
8: 0x2de89b85 <String[13]: /node_modules>
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2: 0x4e0555e9 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
3: 0x4e055611 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
4: 0x4e055635 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
5: 0x4e055655 <String[13]: /node_modules>
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subpattern: 0x43b08091
#149# 0x3d62bb21: 0x3d62bb21
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value: 0x3d62b619 #161#
context: 0x43b08091
param: 0x43b08091
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#151# 0x3d6b7d61: 0x3d6b7d61
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3: 0x4e0fe995 <String[3]: var>
4: 0x4e0fe9a5 <String[4]: void>
5: 0x4e0fe9b5 <String[4]: with>
6: 0x4e0fe9c5 <String[5]: const>
7: 0x4e0fe9d9 <String[3]: let>
8: 0x4e0fe9e9 <String[4]: enum>
9: 0x4e0fe9f9 <String[6]: export>
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isSuper: 0x43b080c1
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#160# 0x3d629545: 0x3d629545
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isSuper: 0x43b080c1
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#166# 0x389b1fd1: 0x389b1fd1
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STRICT_PROSCRIBED: 0x389aec91 <JS Array[2]>#187#
#167# 0x389b1fdd: 0x389b1fdd <JS Array[2]>
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2: 0x2de89d81 <String[99]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules/coffee-script/node_modules>
3: 0x2de89e55 <String[72]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules>
4: 0x2de89ef1 <String[49]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules>
5: 0x2de89f61 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
6: 0x2de89fa5 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
7: 0x2de89fe1 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
8: 0x2de8a011 <String[13]: /node_modules>
#169# 0x389aec75: 0x389aec75
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2: 0x2de8aea5 <String[99]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules/coffee-script/node_modules>
3: 0x2de8af79 <String[72]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules>
4: 0x2de8b015 <String[49]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules>
5: 0x2de8b085 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
6: 0x2de8b0c9 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
7: 0x2de8b105 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
8: 0x2de8b135 <String[13]: /node_modules>
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2: 0x3d74e8cd <String[99]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules/coffee-script/node_modules>
3: 0x3d74e9a1 <String[72]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/node_modules>
4: 0x3d74ea3d <String[49]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules>
5: 0x3d74eaad <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
6: 0x3d74eaf1 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
7: 0x3d74eb2d <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
8: 0x3d74eb5d <String[13]: /node_modules>
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2: 0x3899311d #193#
3: 0x389940d1 #194#
4: 0x38998fa1 #195#
5: 0x389a1f2d #196#
6: 0x389a69fd #197#
7: 0x389a6f41 #198#
8: 0x389a72dd #199#
9: 0x389a7515 #200#
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2: 0x4e055491 <String[49]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules>
3: 0x4e0554d1 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
4: 0x4e0554f9 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
5: 0x4e05551d <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
6: 0x4e05553d <String[13]: /node_modules>
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#178# 0x3d627f79: 0x3d627f79 <JS Array[1]>
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#182# 0x3d62b071: 0x3d62b071 <JS Array[1]>
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#185# 0x3d62e105: 0x3d62e105
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value: 0x43b08091
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1: 0x3c10c15d <String[4]: eval>
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exports: 0x3a23ccbd #218#
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VERSION: 0x4e0f62cd <String[5]: 1.5.2>
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#228# 0x389af1a9: 0x389af1a9 <JS Array[0]>
#229# 0x389af1b9: 0x389af1b9 <JS Array[7]>
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5: 0x2de86f2d <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
6: 0x2de86f5d <String[13]: /node_modules>
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#239# 0x389b14c9: 0x389b14c9
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6: 0x2de87e59 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
7: 0x2de87e79 <String[13]: /node_modules>
#242# 0x389b14ed: 0x389b14ed
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5: 0x2de88129 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
6: 0x2de88165 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
7: 0x2de88195 <String[13]: /node_modules>
#245# 0x389b1511: 0x389b1511
super_: 0x389b0bd9 @0x389b0bd9
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#247# 0x389b1761: 0x389b1761 <JS Array[8]>
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2: 0x2de88309 <String[68]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/sonos/node_modules>
3: 0x2de8839d <String[49]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules>
4: 0x2de8840d <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
5: 0x2de88451 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
6: 0x2de8848d <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
7: 0x2de884bd <String[13]: /node_modules>
#248# 0x3d627341: 0x3d627341
value: 0x3d7efa71 <String[7]: 'async'>
#249# 0x3d627851: 0x3d627851 <JS Array[0]>
#250# 0x3d62a2c5: 0x3d62a2c5
value: 0x3d7f0531 <String[5]: 'net'>
#251# 0x3d62a875: 0x3d62a875 <JS Array[0]>
#252# 0x3d6b624d: 0x3d6b624d <JS Array[1]>
0: 0x3d6b55a1 @0x3d6b55a1
#253# 0x3d62eedd: 0x3d62eedd
base: 0x3d62eb39 @0x3d62eb39
properties: 0x3d6302a5 <JS Array[1]>@0x3d6302a5
#254# 0x389b89e5: 0x389b89e5
#255# 0x3a24108d: 0x3a24108d
id: 0x4e02a9cd <String[109]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/sonos/node_modules/request/node_modules/cookie-jar/index.js>
exports: 0x3a222b5d @0x3a222b5d
parent: 0x3a259cbd #191#
filename: 0x4e02a9cd <String[109]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/sonos/node_modules/request/node_modules/cookie-jar/index.js>
loaded: 0x43b080b1
children: 0x3a245f21 <JS Array[1]>@0x3a245f21

paths: 0x3a245f31 <JS Array[8]>@0x3a245f31

Trace/breakpoint trap

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webfuz1 commented Mar 21, 2015

I now have this working following the info in issue#101.

Copy link

what version npm do you have? i have been trying to install on my RPi 2 for days and can't get it to work. I currently have node v0.10.28 and npm v1.4.9

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markhm commented Mar 22, 2015

Given the amount of people that have trouble getting it to work, a step-by-step manual would be much appreciated.

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I have both a Raspberry 1 B+ and a Raspberry Model 2.
On the older model, I did a virgin installation of airsonos following the instructions at

It worked right the first time. Following the same instructions on the Model 2, the installation was errorfree and airsonos started without errors. However, the sonos speakers never appear on my Airplay list (iPhone).

There must be a subtle (hardware) difference?

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webfuz1 commented Mar 23, 2015

I used node v0.10.33. I also followed the instructions at '' with a slight difference.
I did not use this info to install Node.js.

Instead I used the instructions from using v0.10.33.

Hopes it helps

Copy link

That alternative route led to the same situation: compile and install without errors, AirSonos starting without errors, ending with "Setting up AirSonos for XXX on {}. But nothing happening on the Airplay network as visble from the iOS devices. I'm using the latest (0.12.0) node however.

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webfuz1 commented Mar 23, 2015


From comments in other issues node 0.12.0 is not supported. Currently, you need 0.10.xx

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i've tried with both node v0.10.28 and v0.10.33. airsonos appears to install but gives an abort error and error dump whenever i try to run it, similar to those earlier in this thread. just doesn't want to work for me. arg.

EDIT: AHA. i was ignoring the "--without-snapshot" modifier on ./configure. i read "at the time of this writing" and just ignored it, but apparently that makes all the difference.

so it appears that the links posted by @webfuz1 work for RPi2. thanks!

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I give up for now. I have a working airsonos (and AirPrint) server on my Pi1 B+ with node 0.12.0
On the Pi2, building it from scratch with 0.12.0, 0.10.33 or 0.10.28 gives the same result: building and installing and starting without errors but the AirSonos speakers never show up.

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markhm commented Mar 26, 2015

@wboerhout Thank you for showing us which paths currently lead to a dead end; much appreciated.

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I ran into the same problem as @wboerhout. Installation went fine by using the instructions @webfuz1 posted. Airsonos started and everything seemed to be ok, but the Airplay speakers didn't show up on my Mac or iPhone.

I decided to reboot the Raspberry and the Mac, which worked. I was able to airplay from my Mac to my Sonos system. But it still didn't show up on my iPhone.

After rebooting my iPhone as well, everything worked. I can now stream from my Mac and iPhone to Airsonos running on a Raspberry Pi 2. Rebooting everything seemed to do the trick.

Edit: Unfortunately it didn't work for long. I put my mac to sleep and left the house with my iPhone. When I got back I couldn't connect with the mac or with the iPhone. After rebooting the iPhone, it is able to connect again.

Seems like I have to reboot every time I want to connect to Airsonos?

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spliket commented Jun 27, 2015

Did anyone ever get this to work on a Pi2?

I installed node 0.10.33 using the beaglebone method.
I also have npm 1.4.28 installed

When trying to run airsonos I get:

pi@spliket-pi ~ $ airsonos
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
Searching for Sonos devices on network...
Setting up AirSonos for Turntable {}
Setting up AirSonos for Office {}
Setting up AirSonos for Office {}
Setting up AirSonos for Back Porch {}
Setting up AirSonos for Back Porch {}
Setting up AirSonos for Kitchen {}
Setting up AirSonos for Kitchen {}
Setting up AirSonos for Turntable {}
Setting up AirSonos for Turntable {}

TypeError: argument 8 must be an integer (port)
    at new Advertisement (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nodetunes/node_modules/mdns/lib/advertisement.js:56:10)
    at Object.create [as createAdvertisement] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nodetunes/node_modules/mdns/lib/advertisement.js:64:10)
    at NodeTunes.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/nodetunes/lib/server.js:74:21)
    at Server.g (events.js:180:16)
    at Server.emit (events.js:92:17)
    at net.js:1055:10
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:419:13)

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spliket commented Jun 27, 2015


It seems it is working most of the time, although it finds all of my sonos speakers multiple times.

I just couldn't see them on my iOS 9 device, but now I've seen this is a known issue. I can see all of my speakers (multiple times) on an iOS 8 device.

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Tatster commented Jul 15, 2015

Got it working on a new Pi2 - followed the steps webfuz outlined to the letter and it worked first time. Duplicate speaker instances found but I was expecting that.
Performance on the Pi much better than that on my Synology NAS (413j) which doesn't have the CPU power to cope with the transcoding (I think).
Speakers displayed on iPad and iPhone6 both running iOS 8.4
Thanks to all who have taken the time to develop, troubleshoot and post on the subject.

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markhm commented Jul 21, 2015

I finally took the time to follow @webfuz1's suggestions and got it working. Hat tip...!

First install Node via:

Then follow Airsonos instructions via:

I use a Play:1 stereo pair and did not see any duplicate speakers on iOS 8.4. I don't see my Sonos speakers on iOS 9.0 beta idd.

Thanks to all...!

@markhm markhm closed this as completed Jul 21, 2015
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This is a quicker way to get airsonos 0.2.2 working on a new Raspberry Pi 2 from scratch. No need to compile node.js for an hour ;) No duplicate speakers, no problems. Seems the Pi 2 CPU can handle the lame-encoding just fine with no overclock.

See here #212

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