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Unhandled prefech abort: breakpoint debug exception #63

dennisbienert opened this issue Nov 13, 2014 · 4 comments

Unhandled prefech abort: breakpoint debug exception #63

dennisbienert opened this issue Nov 13, 2014 · 4 comments


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Hi there,

firstly great app thanks for creating it. Im having a small problem trying to run it on my bananapi successfully installed but running airsonos results in a very long stackstrace and the error.

Unhandled prefech abort: breakpoint debug exception (0x002) at 0x0052fa50

any thoughts as to what this could be? hardware perhaps?


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stephen commented Nov 13, 2014

@dennisbienert - Can you provide a full stack trace?

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Hi Stephen,
thanks for your reply. Here is Stack trace

pi@lemaker ~ $ airsonos
abort:  ▒▒6▒▒▒▒▒▒_

==== Stack trace ============================================

Security context: 0x52634659 <JS Object>#0#
     1: parse 
(this=0x566d30c9 <an Object>#1#,input=0x526270b1 <JS Array[678]>#2#)
     2: /* anonymous */ 
(this=0x52634701 <JS Global Object>#3#,code=0x276c7df9 <Very long 
string[5072]>#4#,options=0x52626f99 <an Object>#5#)
     3: .coffee 
(this=0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#,module=0x52626e8d <a 
Module>#7#,filename=0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
     4: load [module.js:356] (this=0x52626e8d <a 
Module>#7#,filename=0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
     5: _load [module.js:312] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function 
Module>#8#,request=0x276c789d <String[73]: 
<a Module>#9#,isMain=0x52608091 <undefined>)
     6: arguments adaptor frame: 2->3
     7: require [module.js:364] (this=0x21da0e15 <a 
Module>#9#,path=0x276c789d <String[73]: 
     8: require [module.js:~379] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global 
Object>#3#,path=0x276c789d <String[73]: 
     9: /* anonymous */ 
(this=0x21da0eb5 <an Object>#10#,exports=0x21da0eb5 <an 
Object>#10#,require=0x21da0e3d <JS Function 
require>#11#,module=0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#,__filename=0x276870a1 
<String[59]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic>)
    11: _compile [module.js:456] (this=0x21da0e15 <a 
Module>#9#,content=0x276873f5 <String[313]\: /*\r\n\x09Portastic 
bootstrap for loading .coffee on the fly.\r\n\r\n\x09@author Alan 
Hoffmeister <>\r\n\x09@copyright Cranic Tecnologia e 
Inform\xe1tics LTDA\r\n\x09@version 0.0.1\r\n\x09@date 
2012-07-16\r\n*/\r\n\r\ncoffee = require('coffee-script');\r\nport = 
require(__dirname + '/lib/portastic');\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = new 
port();>,filename=0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
    12: .js [module.js:474] (this=0x5665cbc5 <an 
Object>#6#,module=0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#,filename=0x276870a1 
    13: load [module.js:356] (this=0x21da0e15 <a 
Module>#9#,filename=0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
    14: _load [module.js:312] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function 
Module>#8#,request=0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>,parent=0x5665d045 
<a Module>#12#,isMain=0x52608091 <undefined>)
    15: arguments adaptor frame: 2->3
    16: require [module.js:364] (this=0x5665d045 <a 
Module>#12#,path=0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>)
    17: require [module.js:380] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global 
Object>#3#,path=0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>)
    18: /* anonymous */ 
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main.js:4] (this=0x5665d10d 
<an Object>#13#,exports=0x5665d10d <an Object>#13#,require=0x5665d06d 
<JS Function require>#14#,module=0x5665d045 <a 
Module>#12#,__filename=0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
<String[40]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib>)
    20: _compile [module.js:456] (this=0x5665d045 <a 
Module>#12#,content=0x46f81ca5 <Very long 
string[3067]>#15#,filename=0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
    21: .js [module.js:474] (this=0x5665cbc5 <an 
Object>#6#,module=0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#,filename=0x46f8101d 
<String[48]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main.js>)
    22: load [module.js:356] (this=0x5665d045 <a 
Module>#12#,filename=0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
    23: _load [module.js:312] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function 
Module>#8#,request=0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main>,parent=0x5665d129 <a 
Module>#16#,isMain=0x52608091 <undefined>)
    24: arguments adaptor frame: 2->3
    25: require [module.js:364] (this=0x5665d129 <a 
Module>#16#,path=0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
    26: require [module.js:380] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global 
Object>#3#,path=0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
    27: /* anonymous */ 
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/index.js:2] (this=0x5665d1c9 <an 
Object>#17#,exports=0x5665d1c9 <an Object>#17#,require=0x5665d151 <JS 
Function require>#18#,module=0x5665d129 <a 
Module>#16#,__filename=0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
<String[36]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos>)
    29: _compile [module.js:456] (this=0x5665d129 <a 
Module>#16#,content=0x46f829a9 <String[35]\: \nrequire(__dirname + 
'/lib/main');\n>,filename=0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
    30: .js [module.js:474] (this=0x5665cbc5 <an 
Object>#6#,module=0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#,filename=0x46f828f9 
<String[45]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/index.js>)
    31: load [module.js:356] (this=0x5665d129 <a 
Module>#16#,filename=0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
    32: _load [module.js:312] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function 
Module>#8#,request=0x46f82a2d <String[23]: 
/usr/local/bin/airsonos>,parent=0x52608081 <null>,isMain=0x526080b1 <true>)
    33: runMain [module.js:497] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function Module>#8#)
    34: startup [node.js:119] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global Object>#3#)
    35: /* anonymous */ [node.js:906] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global 
Object>#3#,process=0x5665d28d <a process>#19#)

==== Details ================================================

[1]: parse 
(this=0x566d30c9 <an Object>#1#,input=0x526270b1 <JS Array[678]>#2#) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var table = 0x566d47bd <JS Array[325]>#20#
   var yytext = 0x276cd719 <String[5]: Array>
   var yylineno = 67
   var yyleng = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var recovering = 0
   var TERROR = 2
   var EOF = 1
   var yyloc = 0x21da7e6d <an Object>#21#
   var popStack = 0x21da7d95 <JS Function popStack>#22#
   var lex = 0x21da7db9 <JS Function lex>#23#
   var symbol = 25
   var preErrorSymbol = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var state = 36
   var action = 0x21d69865 <JS Array[2]>#24#
   var a = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var r = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var yyval = 0x21da7f31 <an Object>#25#
   var p = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var len = 1
   var newState = 23
   var expected = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var errStr = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   // heap-allocated locals
   var self = 0x566d30c9 <an Object>#1#
   var stack = 0x2e797995 <JS Array[61]>#26#
   var vstack = 0x2e797a99 <JS Array[31]>#27#
   var lstack = 0x2e797b29 <JS Array[31]>#28#
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [24] : 0
   [23] : 2086390
   [22] : 0x566b1539 <JS Function parse>#29#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function parse(input) {?    var self = this,?        stack = 
[0],?        vstack = [null], // semantic value stack?        lstack = 
[], // location stack?        table = this.table,?        yytext = 
'',?        yylineno = 0,?        yyleng = 0,?        recovering = 
0,?        TERROR = 2,?        EOF = 1;??    //t...


[2]: /* anonymous */ 
(this=0x52634701 <JS Global Object>#3#,code=0x276c7df9 <Very long 
string[5072]>#4#,options=0x52626f99 <an Object>#5#) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var header = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var js = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var merge = 0x566e8ee5 <JS Function>#30#
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [09] : 0x526270b1 <JS Array[678]>#2#
   [08] : 0x566d30c9 <an Object>#1#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (code, options) {?    var header, js, merge;?    if (options == 
null) {?      options = {};?    }?    merge = exports.helpers.merge;?    
try {?      js = 
(parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(code))).compile(options);?      if 
(!options.header) {?        return js;?      }?    } catch (err) {?      
if (optio...


[3]: .coffee 
(this=0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#,module=0x52626e8d <a 
Module>#7#,filename=0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
   // stack-allocated locals
   var content = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [04] : 0x52626f99 <an Object>#5#
   [03] : 0x276c7df9 <Very long string[5072]>#4#
   [02] : 0x52634701 <JS Global Object>#3#
   [01] : 0x5668a2b5 <JS Function>#31#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (module, filename) {?      var content;?      content = 
compile(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'), {?        filename: 
filename?      });?      return module._compile(content, filename);?    }

[4]: load [module.js:356] (this=0x52626e8d <a 
Module>#7#,filename=0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
   // stack-allocated locals
   var extension = 0x276c7dd1 <String[7]: .coffee>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [04] : 0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
   [03] : 0x52626e8d <a Module>#7#
   [02] : 0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#
   [01] : 0x276c7dd1 <String[7]: .coffee>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (filename) {?  debug('load ' + JSON.stringify(filename) 
+?        ' for module ' + JSON.stringify(;?? 
assert(!this.loaded);?  this.filename = filename;?  this.paths = 
Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename));??  var extension = 
path.extname(filename) || '.js';?  if (!Module._extensi...


[5]: _load [module.js:312] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function 
Module>#8#,request=0x276c789d <String[73]: 
<a Module>#9#,isMain=0x52608091 <undefined>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var filename = 0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
   var cachedModule = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var replModule = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var module = 0x52626e8d <a Module>#7#
   var hadException = 0x526080b1 <true>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [11] : 0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
   [10] : 0x52626e8d <a Module>#7#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (request, parent, isMain) {?  if (parent) {? 
debug('Module._load REQUEST  ' + (request) + ' parent: ' +;?  
}??  var filename = Module._resolveFilename(request, parent);??  var 
cachedModule = Module._cache[filename];?  if (cachedModule) {?    return 
cachedModule.exports;?  }??  if (Nati...


[6]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->3 {
   // actual arguments
   [00] : 0x276c789d <String[73]: 
   [01] : 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#

[7]: require [module.js:364] (this=0x21da0e15 <a 
Module>#9#,path=0x276c789d <String[73]: 
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [02] : 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
   [01] : 0x276c789d <String[73]: 
   [00] : 0x5665cba1 <JS Function Module>#8#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (path) {?  assert(typeof path === 'string', 'path must be a 
string');?  assert(path, 'missing path');?  return Module._load(path, 

[8]: require [module.js:~379] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global 
Object>#3#,path=0x276c789d <String[73]: 
// optimized frame
[9]: /* anonymous */ 
(this=0x21da0eb5 <an Object>#10#,exports=0x21da0eb5 <an 
Object>#10#,require=0x21da0e3d <JS Function 
require>#11#,module=0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#,__filename=0x276870a1 
<String[59]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic>) {
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [02] : 0x276c789d <String[73]: 
   [01] : 0x52634701 <JS Global Object>#3#
   [00] : 0x21da0e3d <JS Function require>#11#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { 
/*???Portastic bootstrap for loading .coffee on the fly.?????@author 
Alan Hoffmeister <>???@copyright Cranic Tecnologia e 
Inform?tics LTDA???@version 0.0.1???@date 2012-07-16??*/????coffee = 
require('coffee-script');??port = requi...


[11]: _compile [module.js:456] (this=0x21da0e15 <a 
Module>#9#,content=0x276873f5 <String[313]\: /*\r\n\x09Portastic 
bootstrap for loading .coffee on the fly.\r\n\r\n\x09@author Alan 
Hoffmeister <>\r\n\x09@copyright Cranic Tecnologia e 
Inform\xe1tics LTDA\r\n\x09@version 0.0.1\r\n\x09@date 
2012-07-16\r\n*/\r\n\r\ncoffee = require('coffee-script');\r\nport = 
require(__dirname + '/lib/portastic');\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = new 
port();>,filename=0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/app.js>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var require = 0x21da0e3d <JS Function require>#11#
   var dirname = 0x21da0ea1 <String[59]: 
   var sandbox = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var k = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var wrapper = 0x276870f1 <String[379]\: (function (exports, require, 
module, __filename, __dirname) { /*\r\n\x09Portastic bootstrap for 
loading .coffee on the fly.\r\n\r\n\x09@author Alan Hoffmeister 
<>\r\n\x09@copyright Cranic Tecnologia e 
Inform\xe1tics LTDA\r\n\x09@version 0.0.1\r\n\x09@date 
2012-07-16\r\n*/\r\n\r\ncoffee = require('coffee-script');\r\nport = 
require(__dirname + '/lib/portastic');\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = new 
   var compiledWrapper = 0x21da0e7d <JS Function>#32#
   var args = 0x21da0ec1 <JS Array[5]>#33#
   // heap-allocated locals
   var self = 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [09] : 0x21da0ec1 <JS Array[5]>#33#
   [08] : 0x21da0eb5 <an Object>#10#
   [07] : 0x21da0e7d <JS Function>#32#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (content, filename) {?  var self = this;?  // remove shebang?  
content = content.replace(/^\#\!.*/, '');??  function require(path) 
{?    return self.require(path);?  }?? require.resolve = 
function(request) {?    return Module._resolveFilename(request, self);?  
};?? Object.defineProperty(require, '...


[12]: .js [module.js:474] (this=0x5665cbc5 <an 
Object>#6#,module=0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#,filename=0x276870a1 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/app.js>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var content = 0x276873f5 <String[313]\: /*\r\n\x09Portastic bootstrap 
for loading .coffee on the fly.\r\n\r\n\x09@author Alan Hoffmeister 
<>\r\n\x09@copyright Cranic Tecnologia e 
Inform\xe1tics LTDA\r\n\x09@version 0.0.1\r\n\x09@date 
2012-07-16\r\n*/\r\n\r\ncoffee = require('coffee-script');\r\nport = 
require(__dirname + '/lib/portastic');\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = new port();>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [03] : 0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
   [02] : 0x276873f5 <String[313]\: /*\r\n\x09Portastic bootstrap for 
loading .coffee on the fly.\r\n\r\n\x09@author Alan Hoffmeister 
<>\r\n\x09@copyright Cranic Tecnologia e 
Inform\xe1tics LTDA\r\n\x09@version 0.0.1\r\n\x09@date 
2012-07-16\r\n*/\r\n\r\ncoffee = require('coffee-script');\r\nport = 
require(__dirname + '/lib/portastic');\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = new port();>
   [01] : 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (module, filename) {?  var content = 
NativeModule.require('fs').readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');? 
module._compile(stripBOM(content), filename);?}

[13]: load [module.js:356] (this=0x21da0e15 <a 
Module>#9#,filename=0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/node_modules/portastic/app.js>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var extension = 0x27687675 <String[3]: .js>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [04] : 0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
   [03] : 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
   [02] : 0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#
   [01] : 0x27687675 <String[3]: .js>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (filename) {?  debug('load ' + JSON.stringify(filename) 
+?        ' for module ' + JSON.stringify(;?? 
assert(!this.loaded);?  this.filename = filename;?  this.paths = 
Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename));??  var extension = 
path.extname(filename) || '.js';?  if (!Module._extensi...


[14]: _load [module.js:312] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function 
Module>#8#,request=0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>,parent=0x5665d045 
<a Module>#12#,isMain=0x52608091 <undefined>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var filename = 0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
   var cachedModule = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var replModule = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var module = 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
   var hadException = 0x526080b1 <true>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [11] : 0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
   [10] : 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (request, parent, isMain) {?  if (parent) {? 
debug('Module._load REQUEST  ' + (request) + ' parent: ' +;?  
}??  var filename = Module._resolveFilename(request, parent);??  var 
cachedModule = Module._cache[filename];?  if (cachedModule) {?    return 
cachedModule.exports;?  }??  if (Nati...


[15]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->3 {
   // actual arguments
   [00] : 0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>
   [01] : 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#

[16]: require [module.js:364] (this=0x5665d045 <a 
Module>#12#,path=0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>) {
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [02] : 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
   [01] : 0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>
   [00] : 0x5665cba1 <JS Function Module>#8#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (path) {?  assert(typeof path === 'string', 'path must be a 
string');?  assert(path, 'missing path');?  return Module._load(path, 

[17]: require [module.js:380] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global 
Object>#3#,path=0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>) {
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [01] : 0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>
   [00] : 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function require(path) {?    return self.require(path);?  }

[18]: /* anonymous */ 
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main.js:4] (this=0x5665d10d 
<an Object>#13#,exports=0x5665d10d <an Object>#13#,require=0x5665d06d 
<JS Function require>#14#,module=0x5665d045 <a 
Module>#12#,__filename=0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
<String[40]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var sonos = 0x5665cf6d <an Object>#34#
   var flags = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var pjson = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var diag = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   // heap-allocated locals
   var portastic = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var ip = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var NodeTunes = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var Nicercast = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [06] : 0x35c26065 <String[9]: portastic>
   [05] : 0x52634701 <JS Global Object>#3#
   [04] : 0x5665d06d <JS Function require>#14#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { "use 
strict";??var sonos = require('sonos');?var portastic = 
require('portastic');?var ip = require('ip');?var NodeTunes = 
require('nodetunes');?var Nicercast = require('nicercast');?var flags = 


[20]: _compile [module.js:456] (this=0x5665d045 <a 
Module>#12#,content=0x46f81ca5 <Very long 
string[3067]>#15#,filename=0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main.js>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var require = 0x5665d06d <JS Function require>#14#
   var dirname = 0x5665d0f9 <String[40]: 
   var sandbox = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var k = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var wrapper = 0x46f81059 <Very long string[3133]>#35#
   var compiledWrapper = 0x5665d0ad <JS Function>#36#
   var args = 0x5665d119 <JS Array[5]>#37#
   // heap-allocated locals
   var self = 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [09] : 0x5665d119 <JS Array[5]>#37#
   [08] : 0x5665d10d <an Object>#13#
   [07] : 0x5665d0ad <JS Function>#36#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (content, filename) {?  var self = this;?  // remove shebang?  
content = content.replace(/^\#\!.*/, '');??  function require(path) 
{?    return self.require(path);?  }?? require.resolve = 
function(request) {?    return Module._resolveFilename(request, self);?  
};?? Object.defineProperty(require, '...


[21]: .js [module.js:474] (this=0x5665cbc5 <an 
Object>#6#,module=0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#,filename=0x46f8101d 
<String[48]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main.js>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var content = 0x46f81ca5 <Very long string[3067]>#15#
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [03] : 0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
   [02] : 0x46f81ca5 <Very long string[3067]>#15#
   [01] : 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (module, filename) {?  var content = 
NativeModule.require('fs').readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');? 
module._compile(stripBOM(content), filename);?}

[22]: load [module.js:356] (this=0x5665d045 <a 
Module>#12#,filename=0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main.js>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var extension = 0x46f828ad <String[3]: .js>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [04] : 0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
   [03] : 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
   [02] : 0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#
   [01] : 0x46f828ad <String[3]: .js>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (filename) {?  debug('load ' + JSON.stringify(filename) 
+?        ' for module ' + JSON.stringify(;?? 
assert(!this.loaded);?  this.filename = filename;?  this.paths = 
Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename));??  var extension = 
path.extname(filename) || '.js';?  if (!Module._extensi...


[23]: _load [module.js:312] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function 
Module>#8#,request=0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main>,parent=0x5665d129 <a 
Module>#16#,isMain=0x52608091 <undefined>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var filename = 0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
   var cachedModule = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var replModule = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var module = 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
   var hadException = 0x526080b1 <true>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [11] : 0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
   [10] : 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (request, parent, isMain) {?  if (parent) {? 
debug('Module._load REQUEST  ' + (request) + ' parent: ' +;?  
}??  var filename = Module._resolveFilename(request, parent);??  var 
cachedModule = Module._cache[filename];?  if (cachedModule) {?    return 
cachedModule.exports;?  }??  if (Nati...


[24]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->3 {
   // actual arguments
   [00] : 0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
   [01] : 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#

[25]: require [module.js:364] (this=0x5665d129 <a 
Module>#16#,path=0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main>) {
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [02] : 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
   [01] : 0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
   [00] : 0x5665cba1 <JS Function Module>#8#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (path) {?  assert(typeof path === 'string', 'path must be a 
string');?  assert(path, 'missing path');?  return Module._load(path, 

[26]: require [module.js:380] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global 
Object>#3#,path=0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main>) {
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [01] : 0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
   [00] : 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function require(path) {?    return self.require(path);?  }

[27]: /* anonymous */ [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/index.js:2] 
(this=0x5665d1c9 <an Object>#17#,exports=0x5665d1c9 <an 
Object>#17#,require=0x5665d151 <JS Function 
require>#18#,module=0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#,__filename=0x46f828f9 
<String[36]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos>) {
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [02] : 0x46f828bd <String[45]: 
   [01] : 0x52634701 <JS Global Object>#3#
   [00] : 0x5665d151 <JS Function require>#18#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { 
?require(__dirname + '/lib/main');??}

[29]: _compile [module.js:456] (this=0x5665d129 <a 
Module>#16#,content=0x46f829a9 <String[35]\: \nrequire(__dirname + 
'/lib/main');\n>,filename=0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/index.js>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var require = 0x5665d151 <JS Function require>#18#
   var dirname = 0x5665d1b5 <String[36]: 
   var sandbox = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var k = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var wrapper = 0x46f82935 <String[101]\: (function (exports, require, 
module, __filename, __dirname) { \nrequire(__dirname + '/lib/main');\n\n});>
   var compiledWrapper = 0x5665d191 <JS Function>#38#
   var args = 0x5665d1d5 <JS Array[5]>#39#
   // heap-allocated locals
   var self = 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [09] : 0x5665d1d5 <JS Array[5]>#39#
   [08] : 0x5665d1c9 <an Object>#17#
   [07] : 0x5665d191 <JS Function>#38#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (content, filename) {?  var self = this;?  // remove shebang?  
content = content.replace(/^\#\!.*/, '');??  function require(path) 
{?    return self.require(path);?  }?? require.resolve = 
function(request) {?    return Module._resolveFilename(request, self);?  
};?? Object.defineProperty(require, '...


[30]: .js [module.js:474] (this=0x5665cbc5 <an 
Object>#6#,module=0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#,filename=0x46f828f9 
<String[45]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/index.js>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var content = 0x46f829d9 <String[54]\: #!/usr/bin/env 
node\nrequire(__dirname + '/lib/main');\n>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [03] : 0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
   [02] : 0x46f829a9 <String[35]\: \nrequire(__dirname + '/lib/main');\n>
   [01] : 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (module, filename) {?  var content = 
NativeModule.require('fs').readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');? 
module._compile(stripBOM(content), filename);?}

[31]: load [module.js:356] (this=0x5665d129 <a 
Module>#16#,filename=0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/index.js>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var extension = 0x46f82a1d <String[3]: .js>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [04] : 0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
   [03] : 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
   [02] : 0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#
   [01] : 0x46f82a1d <String[3]: .js>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (filename) {?  debug('load ' + JSON.stringify(filename) 
+?        ' for module ' + JSON.stringify(;?? 
assert(!this.loaded);?  this.filename = filename;?  this.paths = 
Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename));??  var extension = 
path.extname(filename) || '.js';?  if (!Module._extensi...


[32]: _load [module.js:312] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function 
Module>#8#,request=0x46f82a2d <String[23]: 
/usr/local/bin/airsonos>,parent=0x52608081 <null>,isMain=0x526080b1 
<true>) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var filename = 0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
   var cachedModule = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var replModule = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var module = 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
   var hadException = 0x526080b1 <true>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [11] : 0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
   [10] : 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (request, parent, isMain) {?  if (parent) {? 
debug('Module._load REQUEST  ' + (request) + ' parent: ' +;?  
}??  var filename = Module._resolveFilename(request, parent);??  var 
cachedModule = Module._cache[filename];?  if (cachedModule) {?    return 
cachedModule.exports;?  }??  if (Nati...


[33]: runMain [module.js:497] (this=0x5665cba1 <JS Function Module>#8#) {
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [03] : 0x526080b1 <true>
   [02] : 0x52608081 <null>
   [01] : 0x46f82a2d <String[23]: /usr/local/bin/airsonos>
   [00] : 0x5665cba1 <JS Function Module>#8#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function () {?  // Load the main module--the command line argument.?  
Module._load(process.argv[1], null, true);?  // Handle any nextTicks 
added in the first tick of the program? process._tickCallback();?}

[34]: startup [node.js:119] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global Object>#3#) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var EventEmitter = 0x5665ceb9 <JS Function EventEmitter>#40#
   var d = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var path = 0x5665d1e5 <an Object>#41#
   var cluster = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var Module = 0x5665cba1 <JS Function Module>#8#
   var debugTimeout = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var opts = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   var repl = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   // heap-allocated locals
   var code = 0x52608091 <undefined>
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [08] : 0x5665cba1 <JS Function Module>#8#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function startup() {?    var EventEmitter = 
NativeModule.require('events').EventEmitter;??    process.__proto__ = 
Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype, {?      constructor: {?        
value: process.constructor?      }?    });?;??    process.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; // 


[35]: /* anonymous */ [node.js:906] (this=0x52634701 <JS Global 
Object>#3#,process=0x5665d28d <a process>#19#) {
   // stack-allocated locals
   var Script = 0x52638f5d <JS Function NodeScript>#42#
   // heap-allocated locals
   var process = 0x5665d28d <a process>#19#
   var startup = 0x5665d1f1 <JS Function startup>#43#
   var assert = 0x526405a1 <JS Function>#44#
   var evalScript = 0x5663f369 <JS Function evalScript>#45#
   var errnoException = 0x5663f38d <JS Function errnoException>#46#
   var createWritableStdioStream = 0x5663f3b1 <JS Function 
   var runInThisContext = 0x52638df9 <JS Function>#48#
   var NativeModule = 0x5666129d <JS Function NativeModule>#49#
   // expression stack (top to bottom)
   [02] : 0x52634701 <JS Global Object>#3#
   [01] : 0x5665d1f1 <JS Function startup>#43#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (process) {? = this;??  function startup() {?    
var EventEmitter = NativeModule.require('events').EventEmitter;??    
process.__proto__ = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype, {?      
constructor: {?        value: process.constructor?      }?    });?;??    ...


==== Key         ============================================

  #0# 0x52634659: 0x52634659 <JS Object>
  #1# 0x566d30c9: 0x566d30c9 <an Object>
              trace: 0x566b1419 <JS Function trace>#50#
                 yy: 0x5668a611 <an Object>#51#
           symbols_: 0x566d30fd <an Object>#52#
         terminals_: 0x566d3331 <an Object>#53#
       productions_: 0x566d37ed <JS Array[202]>#54#
      performAction: 0x566b143d <JS Function anonymous>#55#
              table: 0x566d47bd <JS Array[325]>#20#
     defaultActions: 0x566d35f5 <an Object>#56#
         parseError: 0x566b1515 <JS Function parseError>#57#
              parse: 0x566b1539 <JS Function parse>#29#
              lexer: 0x5668a445 <an Object>#58#
  #2# 0x526270b1: 0x526270b1 <JS Array[678]>
                  0: 0x526271c1 <JS Array[3]>#59#
                  1: 0x52627221 <JS Array[3]>#60#
                  2: 0x52627259 <JS Array[3]>#61#
                  3: 0x21da6d3d <JS Array[3]>#62#
                  4: 0x52627291 <JS Array[3]>#63#
                  5: 0x21da6d75 <JS Array[3]>#64#
                  6: 0x52627341 <JS Array[3]>#65#
                  7: 0x52627365 <JS Array[3]>#66#
                  8: 0x5262739d <JS Array[3]>#67#
                  9: 0x526273d5 <JS Array[3]>#68#
  #3# 0x52634701: 0x52634701 <JS Global Object>
  #4# 0x276c7df9: 0x276c7df9 <Very long string[5072]>
  #5# 0x52626f99: 0x52626f99 <an Object>
           filename: 0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
  #6# 0x5665cbc5: 0x5665cbc5 <an Object>
  #7# 0x52626e8d: 0x52626e8d <a Module>
                 id: 0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
            exports: 0x52626eb5 <an Object>#69#
             parent: 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
           filename: 0x276c7965 <String[80]: 
             loaded: 0x526080c1 <false>
           children: 0x52626ec1 <JS Array[0]>#70#
              paths: 0x52626ed1 <JS Array[7]>#71#
  #8# 0x5665cba1: 0x5665cba1 <JS Function Module>
       _contextLoad: 0x526080c1 <false>
             _cache: 0x56645d81 <an Object>#72#
         _pathCache: 0x56645d8d <an Object>#73#
        _extensions: 0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#
        globalPaths: 0x56645d99 <JS Array[3]>#74#
            wrapper: 0x56645ab1 <JS Array[2]>#75#
     _realpathCache: 0x56645da9 <an Object>#76#
  #9# 0x21da0e15: 0x21da0e15 <a Module>
                 id: 0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
            exports: 0x21da0eb5 <an Object>#10#
             parent: 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
           filename: 0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
             loaded: 0x526080c1 <false>
           children: 0x21d6bb11 <JS Array[2]>#77#
              paths: 0x21d6bb21 <JS Array[6]>#78#
  #10# 0x21da0eb5: 0x21da0eb5 <an Object>
  #11# 0x21da0e3d: 0x21da0e3d <JS Function require>
               main: 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
         extensions: 0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#
              cache: 0x56645d81 <an Object>#72#
  #12# 0x5665d045: 0x5665d045 <a Module>
                 id: 0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
            exports: 0x5665d10d <an Object>#13#
             parent: 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
           filename: 0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
             loaded: 0x526080c1 <false>
           children: 0x5663f7dd <JS Array[2]>#79#
              paths: 0x5663f7ed <JS Array[6]>#80#
  #13# 0x5665d10d: 0x5665d10d <an Object>
  #14# 0x5665d06d: 0x5665d06d <JS Function require>
            resolve: 0x5660cd95 <JS Function>#81#
               main: 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
         extensions: 0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#
              cache: 0x56645d81 <an Object>#72#
  #15# 0x46f81ca5: 0x46f81ca5 <Very long string[3067]>
  #16# 0x5665d129: 0x5665d129 <a Module>
                 id: 0x35c0c6dd <String[1]: .>
            exports: 0x5665d1c9 <an Object>#17#
             parent: 0x52608081 <null>
           filename: 0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
             loaded: 0x526080c1 <false>
           children: 0x5663f84d <JS Array[1]>#82#
              paths: 0x5663f85d <JS Array[5]>#83#
  #17# 0x5665d1c9: 0x5665d1c9 <an Object>
  #18# 0x5665d151: 0x5665d151 <JS Function require>
               main: 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
         extensions: 0x5665cbc5 <an Object>#6#
              cache: 0x56645d81 <an Object>#72#
  #19# 0x5665d28d: 0x5665d28d <a process>
            version: 0x46f54ad5 <String[8]: v0.10.33>
     moduleLoadList: 0x5665ded5 <JS Array[43]>#84#
           versions: 0x56645a45 <an Object>#85#
               arch: 0x46f54ae9 <String[3]: arm>
           platform: 0x46f54af9 <String[5]: linux>
               argv: 0x56645a25 <JS Array[2]>#86#
           execArgv: 0x56645a35 <JS Array[0]>#87#
                env: 0x56645a19 <JS Object>#88#
                pid: 4840
           features: 0x56645a51 <an Object>#89#
           execPath: 0x46f54ab5 <String[19]: /usr/local/bin/node>
       _tickInfoBox: 0x56642091 <an Object>#90#
            _events: 0x56645a5d <an Object>#91#
             domain: 0x52608081 <null>
      _maxListeners: 10
           _exiting: 0x526080c1 <false>
             config: 0x56645a69 <an Object>#92#
       maxTickDepth: 1000
         mainModule: 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
  #20# 0x566d47bd: 0x566d47bd <JS Array[325]>
                  0: 0x566d4ce9 <an Object>#93#
                  1: 0x21d8db55 <an Object>#94#
                  2: 0x21d8dbc5 <an Object>#95#
                  3: 0x21d8dc45 <an Object>#96#
                  4: 0x21d8dcd1 <an Object>#97#
                  5: 0x21d8deb9 <an Object>#98#
                  6: 0x21d8e38d <an Object>#99#
                  7: 0x21d8ca81 <an Object>#100#
                  8: 0x21d8cca9 <an Object>#101#
                  9: 0x21d8e3f9 <an Object>#102#
  #21# 0x21da7e6d: 0x21da7e6d <an Object>
  #22# 0x21da7d95: 0x21da7d95 <JS Function popStack>
  #23# 0x21da7db9: 0x21da7db9 <JS Function lex>
  #24# 0x21d69865: 0x21d69865 <JS Array[2]>
  #25# 0x21da7f31: 0x21da7f31 <an Object>
                  $: 0x2e79735d <a Value>#103#
                 _$: 0x2e797955 <an Object>#104#
  #26# 0x2e797995: 0x2e797995 <JS Array[61]>
  #27# 0x2e797a99: 0x2e797a99 <JS Array[31]>
                  0: 0x52608081 <null>
                  1: 0x21da8535 <a Block>#105#
                  2: 0x35c15bc9 <String[1]\: \n>
                  3: 0x276cccbd <String[5]: class>
                  4: 0x21da878d <a Value>#106#
                  5: 1
                  6: 0x21da6b55 <a String value = 0x35c1a1a5 <String[1]: 
                  7: 0x2e76663d <JS Array[1]>#108#
                  8: 0x2e76663d <JS Array[1]>#108#
                  9: 0x35c15bc9 <String[1]\: \n>
  #28# 0x2e797b29: 0x2e797b29 <JS Array[31]>
                  0: 0x21da7e6d <an Object>#21#
                  1: 0x21da8745 <an Object>#109#
                  2: 0x21da7e6d <an Object>#21#
                  3: 0x21da7e6d <an Object>#21#
                  4: 0x21da8771 <an Object>#110#
                  5: 0x21da7e6d <an Object>#21#
                  6: 0x21da7e6d <an Object>#21#
                  7: 0x2e7665e1 <an Object>#111#
                  8: 0x2e766899 <an Object>#112#
                  9: 0x21da7e6d <an Object>#21#
  #29# 0x566b1539: 0x566b1539 <JS Function parse>
  #30# 0x566e8ee5: 0x566e8ee5 <JS Function>
  #31# 0x5668a2b5: 0x5668a2b5 <JS Function>
  #32# 0x21da0e7d: 0x21da0e7d <JS Function>
  #33# 0x21da0ec1: 0x21da0ec1 <JS Array[5]>
                  0: 0x21da0eb5 <an Object>#10#
                  1: 0x21da0e3d <JS Function require>#11#
                  2: 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
                  3: 0x276870a1 <String[66]: 
                  4: 0x21da0ea1 <String[59]: 
  #34# 0x5665cf6d: 0x5665cf6d <an Object>
           Services: 0x21d657e9 <an Object>#113#
  #35# 0x46f81059: 0x46f81059 <Very long string[3133]>
  #36# 0x5665d0ad: 0x5665d0ad <JS Function>
  #37# 0x5665d119: 0x5665d119 <JS Array[5]>
                  0: 0x5665d10d <an Object>#13#
                  1: 0x5665d06d <JS Function require>#14#
                  2: 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
                  3: 0x46f8101d <String[48]: 
                  4: 0x5665d0f9 <String[40]: 
  #38# 0x5665d191: 0x5665d191 <JS Function>
  #39# 0x5665d1d5: 0x5665d1d5 <JS Array[5]>
                  0: 0x5665d1c9 <an Object>#17#
                  1: 0x5665d151 <JS Function require>#18#
                  2: 0x5665d129 <a Module>#16#
                  3: 0x46f828f9 <String[45]: 
                  4: 0x5665d1b5 <String[36]: 
  #40# 0x5665ceb9: 0x5665ceb9 <JS Function EventEmitter>
  #41# 0x5665d1e5: 0x5665d1e5 <an Object>
                sep: 0x35c167a1 <String[1]: />
          delimiter: 0x35c1a539 <String[1]: :>
  #42# 0x52638f5d: 0x52638f5d <JS Function NodeScript>
  #43# 0x5665d1f1: 0x5665d1f1 <JS Function startup>
     _lazyConstants: 0x56642e09 <an Object>#114#
  #44# 0x526405a1: 0x526405a1 <JS Function>
  #45# 0x5663f369: 0x5663f369 <JS Function evalScript>
  #46# 0x5663f38d: 0x5663f38d <JS Function errnoException>
  #47# 0x5663f3b1: 0x5663f3b1 <JS Function createWritableStdioStream>
  #48# 0x52638df9: 0x52638df9 <JS Function>
  #49# 0x5666129d: 0x5666129d <JS Function NativeModule>
            _source: 0x56645a99 <an Object>#115#
             _cache: 0x56645aa5 <an Object>#116#
            wrapper: 0x56645ab1 <JS Array[2]>#75#
  #50# 0x566b1419: 0x566b1419 <JS Function trace>
  #51# 0x5668a611: 0x5668a611 <an Object>
              lexer: 0x5668a445 <an Object>#58#
  #52# 0x566d30fd: 0x566d30fd <an Object>
              error: 2
               Root: 3
               Body: 4
              Block: 5
         TERMINATOR: 6
               Line: 7
         Expression: 8
          Statement: 9
             Return: 10
            Comment: 11
          STATEMENT: 12
              Value: 13
         Invocation: 14
               Code: 15
          Operation: 16
             Assign: 17
                 If: 18
                Try: 19
              While: 20
                For: 21
             Switch: 22
              Class: 23
              Throw: 24
             INDENT: 25
            OUTDENT: 26
         Identifier: 27
         IDENTIFIER: 28
       AlphaNumeric: 29
             NUMBER: 30
             STRING: 31
            Literal: 32
                 JS: 33
              REGEX: 34
           DEBUGGER: 35
          UNDEFINED: 36
               NULL: 37
               BOOL: 38
         Assignable: 39
                  =: 40
          AssignObj: 41
      ObjAssignable: 42
                  :: 43
       ThisProperty: 44
             RETURN: 45
        HERECOMMENT: 46
        PARAM_START: 47
          ParamList: 48
          PARAM_END: 49
          FuncGlyph: 50
                 ->: 51
                 =>: 52
           OptComma: 53
                  ,: 54
              Param: 55
           ParamVar: 56
                ...: 57
              Array: 58
             Object: 59
              Splat: 60
   SimpleAssignable: 61
           Accessor: 62
      Parenthetical: 63
              Range: 64
               This: 65
                  .: 66
                 ?.: 67
                 ::: 68
              Index: 69
        INDEX_START: 70
         IndexValue: 71
          INDEX_END: 72
         INDEX_SOAK: 73
              Slice: 74
                  {: 75
         AssignList: 76
                  }: 77
              CLASS: 78
            EXTENDS: 79
       OptFuncExist: 80
          Arguments: 81
              SUPER: 82
         FUNC_EXIST: 83
         CALL_START: 84
           CALL_END: 85
            ArgList: 86
               THIS: 87
                  @: 88
                  [: 89
                  ]: 90
          RangeDots: 91
                 ..: 92
                Arg: 93
         SimpleArgs: 94
                TRY: 95
              Catch: 96
            FINALLY: 97
              CATCH: 98
              THROW: 99
                  (: 100
                  ): 101
        WhileSource: 102
              WHILE: 103
               WHEN: 104
              UNTIL: 105
               Loop: 106
               LOOP: 107
            ForBody: 108
                FOR: 109
           ForStart: 110
          ForSource: 111
       ForVariables: 112
                OWN: 113
           ForValue: 114
              FORIN: 115
              FOROF: 116
                 BY: 117
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              Whens: 119
               ELSE: 120
               When: 121
       LEADING_WHEN: 122
            IfBlock: 123
                 IF: 124
            POST_IF: 125
              UNARY: 126
                  -: 127
                  +: 128
                 --: 129
                 ++: 130
                  ?: 131
               MATH: 132
              SHIFT: 133
            COMPARE: 134
              LOGIC: 135
           RELATION: 136
            $accept: 0
               $end: 1
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                  0: 0
                  1: 0x566d3b2d <JS Array[2]>#117#
                  2: 0x566d3b3d <JS Array[2]>#118#
                  3: 0x566d3b4d <JS Array[2]>#119#
                  4: 0x566d3b5d <JS Array[2]>#120#
                  5: 0x566d3b6d <JS Array[2]>#121#
                  6: 0x566d3b7d <JS Array[2]>#122#
                  7: 0x566d3b8d <JS Array[2]>#123#
                  8: 0x566d3b9d <JS Array[2]>#124#
                  9: 0x566d3bad <JS Array[2]>#125#
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  #57# 0x566b1515: 0x566b1515 <JS Function parseError>
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      upcomingInput: 0x5668a4b5 <JS Function>#128#
             tokens: 0x526270b1 <JS Array[678]>#2#
                pos: 216
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             spaced: 0x526080b1 <true>
                  0: 0x46ff9ce5 <String[10]: IDENTIFIER>
                  1: 0x276ccc25 <String[5]: async>
                  2: 8
  #60# 0x52627221: 0x52627221 <JS Array[3]>
             spaced: 0x526080b1 <true>
                  0: 0x35c1c73d <String[1]: =>
                  1: 0x35c1c73d <String[1]: =>
                  2: 8
  #61# 0x52627259: 0x52627259 <JS Array[3]>
             spaced: 0x526080b1 <true>
                  0: 0x46ff9ce5 <String[10]: IDENTIFIER>
                  1: 0x276ccc3d <String[7]: require>
                  2: 8
  #62# 0x21da6d3d: 0x21da6d3d <JS Array[3]>
          generated: 0x526080b1 <true>
                  0: 0x46ffa7a5 <String[10]: CALL_START>
                  1: 0x46ff44b5 <String[1]: (>
                  2: 8
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            newLine: 0x526080b1 <true>
                  0: 0x46ffa4f9 <String[6]: STRING>
                  1: 0x276ccc59 <String[7]: 'async'>
                  2: 8
  #64# 0x21da6d75: 0x21da6d75 <JS Array[3]>
          generated: 0x526080b1 <true>
                  0: 0x46ffbd8d <String[8]: CALL_END>
                  1: 0x35c13745 <String[1]: )>
                  2: 9
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                  0: 0x46ffa8a9 <String[10]: TERMINATOR>
                  1: 0x35c15bc9 <String[1]\: \n>
                  2: 9
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             spaced: 0x526080b1 <true>
                  0: 0x46ff9ce5 <String[10]: IDENTIFIER>
                  1: 0x276ccc75 <String[3]: net>
                  2: 9
  #67# 0x5262739d: 0x5262739d <JS Array[3]>
             spaced: 0x526080b1 <true>
                  0: 0x35c1c73d <String[1]: =>
                  1: 0x35c1c73d <String[1]: =>
                  2: 9
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             spaced: 0x526080b1 <true>
                  0: 0x46ff9ce5 <String[10]: IDENTIFIER>
                  1: 0x276ccc89 <String[7]: require>
                  2: 9
  #69# 0x52626eb5: 0x52626eb5 <an Object>
  #70# 0x52626ec1: 0x52626ec1 <JS Array[0]>
  #71# 0x52626ed1: 0x52626ed1 <JS Array[7]>
                  0: 0x276c7b49 <String[76]: 
                  1: 0x276c7bed <String[72]: 
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                  4: 0x276c7d3d <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
                  5: 0x276c7d79 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
                  6: 0x276c7da9 <String[13]: /node_modules>
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  #73# 0x56645d8d: 0x56645d8d <an Object>
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                  1: 0x46f5540d <String[24]: /home/pi/.node_libraries>
                  2: 0x46f55449 <String[19]: /usr/local/lib/node>
  #75# 0x56645ab1: 0x56645ab1 <JS Array[2]>
                  0: 0x35c16939 <String[62]: (function (exports, 
require, module, __filename, __dirname) { >
                  1: 0x35c16985 <String[4]\: \n});>
  #76# 0x56645da9: 0x56645da9 <an Object>
  #77# 0x21d6bb11: 0x21d6bb11 <JS Array[2]>
                  0: 0x21da1259 <a Module>#129#
                  1: 0x52626e8d <a Module>#7#
  #78# 0x21d6bb21: 0x21d6bb21 <JS Array[6]>
                  0: 0x276523b5 <String[72]: 
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                  3: 0x27652471 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
                  4: 0x27652495 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
                  5: 0x276524b5 <String[13]: /node_modules>
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                  0: 0x5665cf89 <a Module>#130#
                  1: 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
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                  0: 0x46f55bb1 <String[53]: 
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                  4: 0x46f55c81 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
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                  3: 0x46f55d49 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
                  4: 0x46f55d69 <String[13]: /node_modules>
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                  2: 0x56646181 <String[19]: NativeModule events>
                  3: 0x56646195 <String[19]: NativeModule buffer>
                  4: 0x46f54b55 <String[14]: Binding buffer>
                  5: 0x566461a9 <String[19]: NativeModule assert>
                  6: 0x566461bd <String[17]: NativeModule util>
                  7: 0x566461d1 <String[17]: NativeModule path>
                  8: 0x566461e5 <String[19]: NativeModule module>
                  9: 0x566461f9 <String[15]: NativeModule fs>
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               zlib: 0x46f55edd <String[5]: 1.2.3>
            modules: 0x46f55ef1 <String[2]: 11>
            openssl: 0x46f55f01 <String[6]: 1.0.1j>
  #86# 0x56645a25: 0x56645a25 <JS Array[2]>
                  0: 0x46f55e69 <String[4]: node>
                  1: 0x46f82a2d <String[23]: /usr/local/bin/airsonos>
  #87# 0x56645a35: 0x56645a35 <JS Array[0]>
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  #91# 0x56645a5d: 0x56645a5d <an Object>
  #92# 0x56645a69: 0x56645a69 <an Object>
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          variables: 0x5664c629 <an Object>#132#
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  #95# 0x21d8dbc5: 0x21d8dbc5 <an Object>
  #96# 0x21d8dc45: 0x21d8dc45 <an Object>
  #97# 0x21d8dcd1: 0x21d8dcd1 <an Object>
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  #99# 0x21d8e38d: 0x21d8e38d <an Object>
  #100# 0x21d8ca81: 0x21d8ca81 <an Object>
  #101# 0x21d8cca9: 0x21d8cca9 <an Object>
  #102# 0x21d8e3f9: 0x21d8e3f9 <an Object>
  #103# 0x2e79735d: 0x2e79735d <a Value>
               base: 0x2e796d39 <a Literal>#133#
         properties: 0x2e797371 <JS Array[0]>#134#
  #104# 0x2e797955: 0x2e797955 <an Object>
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  #105# 0x21da8535: 0x21da8535 <a Block>
        expressions: 0x21da8585 <JS Array[2]>#135#
  #106# 0x21da878d: 0x21da878d <a Value>
               base: 0x21da8761 <a Literal>#136#
         properties: 0x21da87a1 <JS Array[0]>#137#
  #107# 0x21da6b55: 0x21da6b55 <a String value = 0x35c1a1a5 <String[1]: {>>
            value(): 0x35c1a1a5 <String[1]: {>
          generated: 0x526080b1 <true>
  #108# 0x2e76663d: 0x2e76663d <JS Array[1]>
                  0: 0x2e766361 <an Assign>#138#
  #109# 0x21da8745: 0x21da8745 <an Object>
         first_line: 0x52608091 <undefined>
          last_line: 0x52608091 <undefined>
       first_column: 0x52608091 <undefined>
        last_column: 0x52608091 <undefined>
  #110# 0x21da8771: 0x21da8771 <an Object>
         first_line: 0x52608091 <undefined>
          last_line: 0x52608091 <undefined>
       first_column: 0x52608091 <undefined>
        last_column: 0x52608091 <undefined>
  #111# 0x2e7665e1: 0x2e7665e1 <an Object>
         first_line: 0x52608091 <undefined>
          last_line: 0x52608091 <undefined>
       first_column: 0x52608091 <undefined>
        last_column: 0x52608091 <undefined>
  #112# 0x2e766899: 0x2e766899 <an Object>
         first_line: 0x52608091 <undefined>
          last_line: 0x52608091 <undefined>
       first_column: 0x52608091 <undefined>
        last_column: 0x52608091 <undefined>
  #113# 0x21d657e9: 0x21d657e9 <an Object>
  #114# 0x56642e09: 0x56642e09 <an Object>
  #115# 0x56645a99: 0x56645a99 <an Object>
  #116# 0x56645aa5: 0x56645aa5 <an Object>
  #117# 0x566d3b2d: 0x566d3b2d <JS Array[2]>
  #118# 0x566d3b3d: 0x566d3b3d <JS Array[2]>
  #119# 0x566d3b4d: 0x566d3b4d <JS Array[2]>
  #120# 0x566d3b5d: 0x566d3b5d <JS Array[2]>
  #121# 0x566d3b6d: 0x566d3b6d <JS Array[2]>
  #122# 0x566d3b7d: 0x566d3b7d <JS Array[2]>
  #123# 0x566d3b8d: 0x566d3b8d <JS Array[2]>
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  #125# 0x566d3bad: 0x566d3bad <JS Array[2]>
  #126# 0x5668a45d: 0x5668a45d <JS Function>
  #127# 0x5668a491: 0x5668a491 <JS Function>
  #128# 0x5668a4b5: 0x5668a4b5 <JS Function>
  #129# 0x21da1259: 0x21da1259 <a Module>
                 id: 0x27685c71 <String[121]: 
            exports: 0x21da0dc5 <an Object>#139#
             parent: 0x21da0e15 <a Module>#9#
           filename: 0x27685c71 <String[121]: 
             loaded: 0x526080b1 <true>
           children: 0x566d2f51 <JS Array[3]>#140#
              paths: 0x566d2f61 <JS Array[9]>#141#
  #130# 0x5665cf89: 0x5665cf89 <a Module>
                 id: 0x46f80f15 <String[64]: 
            exports: 0x5665cf6d <an Object>#34#
             parent: 0x5665d045 <a Module>#12#
           filename: 0x46f80f15 <String[64]: 
             loaded: 0x526080b1 <true>
           children: 0x5663f779 <JS Array[1]>#142#
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  #131# 0x5664c61d: 0x5664c61d <an Object>
             cflags: 0x5664fab5 <JS Array[0]>#144#
default_configuration: 0x46f58d7d <String[7]: Release>
            defines: 0x5664fac5 <JS Array[0]>#145#
       include_dirs: 0x5664fad5 <JS Array[0]>#146#
          libraries: 0x5664fae5 <JS Array[0]>#147#
  #132# 0x5664c629: 0x5664c629 <an Object>
  #133# 0x2e796d39: 0x2e796d39 <a Literal>
              value: 0x276cd719 <String[5]: Array>
  #134# 0x2e797371: 0x2e797371 <JS Array[0]>
  #135# 0x21da8585: 0x21da8585 <JS Array[2]>
                  0: 0x21da8431 <an Assign>#148#
                  1: 0x21da8705 <an Assign>#149#
  #136# 0x21da8761: 0x21da8761 <a Literal>
              value: 0x276ccced <String[9]: Portastic>
  #137# 0x21da87a1: 0x21da87a1 <JS Array[0]>
  #138# 0x2e766361: 0x2e766361 <an Assign>
           variable: 0x2e76633d <a Value>#150#
              value: 0x2e765d61 <a Code>#151#
            context: 0x35c0c2b1 <String[6]: object>
              param: 0x52608091 <undefined>
         subpattern: 0x52608091 <undefined>
  #139# 0x21da0dc5: 0x21da0dc5 <an Object>
            VERSION: 0x46ff981d <String[5]: 1.3.3>
           RESERVED: 0x21da12cd <JS Array[71]>#152#
            helpers: 0x21d6ff75 <an Object>#153#
  #140# 0x566d2f51: 0x566d2f51 <JS Array[3]>
                  0: 0x21d94395 <a Module>#154#
                  1: 0x21da1c01 <a Module>#155#
                  2: 0x5668a5e9 <a Module>#156#
  #141# 0x566d2f61: 0x566d2f61 <JS Array[9]>
                  0: 0x27651ed1 <String[117]: 
                  1: 0x27651fc9 <String[103]: 
                  2: 0x276520a5 <String[99]: 
                  3: 0x27652179 <String[72]: 
                  4: 0x27652215 <String[49]: 
                  5: 0x27652285 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
                  6: 0x276522c9 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
                  7: 0x27652305 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
                  8: 0x27652335 <String[13]: /node_modules>
  #142# 0x5663f779: 0x5663f779 <JS Array[1]>
                  0: 0x5665ce51 <a Module>#157#
  #143# 0x5663f789: 0x5663f789 <JS Array[6]>
                  0: 0x46f55a99 <String[68]: 
                  1: 0x46f55ae9 <String[49]: 
                  2: 0x46f55b29 <String[27]: /usr/local/lib/node_modules>
                  3: 0x46f55b51 <String[23]: /usr/local/node_modules>
                  4: 0x46f55b75 <String[17]: /usr/node_modules>
                  5: 0x46f55b95 <String[13]: /node_modules>
  #144# 0x5664fab5: 0x5664fab5 <JS Array[0]>
  #145# 0x5664fac5: 0x5664fac5 <JS Array[0]>
  #146# 0x5664fad5: 0x5664fad5 <JS Array[0]>
  #147# 0x5664fae5: 0x5664fae5 <JS Array[0]>
  #148# 0x21da8431: 0x21da8431 <an Assign>
           variable: 0x21da822d <a Value>#158#
              value: 0x21da8349 <a Call>#159#
            context: 0x52608091 <undefined>
              param: 0x52608091 <undefined>
         subpattern: 0x52608091 <undefined>
  #149# 0x21da8705: 0x21da8705 <an Assign>
           variable: 0x21da861d <a Value>#160#
              value: 0x21da86c5 <a Call>#161#
            context: 0x52608091 <undefined>
              param: 0x52608091 <undefined>
         subpattern: 0x52608091 <undefined>
  #150# 0x2e76633d: 0x2e76633d <a Value>
               base: 0x21da87b1 <a Literal>#162#
         properties: 0x2e766351 <JS Array[0]>#163#
  #151# 0x2e765d61: 0x2e765d61 <a Code>
             params: 0x21da8919 <JS Array[2]>#164#
               body: 0x2e76556d <a Block>#165#
              bound: 0x526080c1 <false>
  #152# 0x21da12cd: 0x21da12cd <JS Array[71]>
                  0: 0x46ffad39 <String[4]: case>
                  1: 0x46ffad49 <String[7]: default>
                  2: 0x35c0c16d <String[8]: function>
                  3: 0x46ffad5d <String[3]: var>
                  4: 0x46ffad6d <String[4]: void>
                  5: 0x46ffad7d <String[4]: with>
                  6: 0x46ffad8d <String[5]: const>
                  7: 0x46ffada1 <String[3]: let>
                  8: 0x46ffadb1 <String[4]: enum>
                  9: 0x46ffadc1 <String[6]: export>
  #153# 0x21d6ff75: 0x21d6ff75 <an Object>
  #154# 0x21d94395: 0x21d94395 <a Module>
                 id: 0x276a51d9 <String[113]: 

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stephen commented Nov 13, 2014

Hm, I'm not really sure what's going on here. Does node.js work at all on your device? (e.g. just running node in the shell.)

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stephen commented Nov 23, 2014

Closing for now, as this doesn't appear to be an airsonos issue.

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