Releases: softwareQinc/nvim-sq
Releases · softwareQinc/nvim-sq
Version 1.2
Version 1.1
nvim-sq version 1.1
- Code refactoring
- Appends
when auto-completing paths in Command mode - Rounded boxes for LSP hover/signature_help
- Toggle transparent background
- Removed Neovide font settings, as it should be specified in
, see
New plugins
New key mappings
to toggle transparent background, non-transparent by default
Version 1.0
- Initial public release
- Code base refactoring
sort_lastused = true
in telescope.lua, sort last two used buffers- New key mappings
toggles LSP format buffer on save on/off, on by default
- Updated key mapping
executes the current OpenQASM buffer count number of times withqpp_qasm
(requires Quantum++), displaying the final quantum state
Version 0.3.2
nvim-spectre updates
- Added
send all items to Quickfix list
Telescope updates
- Added
Telescope live_grep
in local buffer list,<leader>fG
- Added
Telescope grep_string
for finding string under cursor in all files in the current directory,<leader>fS
- Added
Telescope grep_string
for finding string under cursor in local buffer list,<leader>fT
Version 0.3.1
- Replaced
Version 0.3.0
- Added customized LuaSnips snippets for CMake, GoogleTest, OpenQASM 2.0, Lorem Ipsum and LaTeX, see lua/snippets
- Enabled running OpenQASM files via
(requires Quantum++) - Enabled transparent editing of GnuPG-encrypted files (UNIX-like platforms only)
- Improved UI for Lazy, Mason, and nvim-cmp
- Changed default dark colour scheme from Catppuccin to Kanagawa
- Bugfix in auto colour scheme setting
- Disabled lua_ls formatting, as it conflicted with stylua from none-ls
- New plugins:
- New keymaps:
maps to:set background=dark<CR>
maps to:set background=light<CR>
toggles between light <-> dark backgroundscount-<leader>cx
executes the current OpenQASM buffercount
number of times withqpp_qasm
executes the current OpenQASM buffercount
number of times withqpp_qasm
, displaying the final quantum state<leader>fC
maps to:Telescope git_bcommits<CR>
maps to:Telescope lsp_definitions<CR>
maps to:TodoTelescope<CR>
maps to:FloatermNew<CR>
maps to:TodoTrouble<CR>
Version 0.2.5
- Colour scheme changes automatically at specific time (see bottom of init.lua)
shows buffer-local keymaps
Version 0.2.4
- Key mappings mnemonics (e.g.,
gd -> LSP [g]o to [d]efinition
) - Telescope LSP definitions/references,
- Minor bug fixes
Version 0.2.3
- Minor fixes
- vimls LSP