Releases: softwareQinc/nvim-sq
Releases · softwareQinc/nvim-sq
Version 0.2.1
- Code refactoring and bug-fixes
- hardtime.nvim sets
vim.opt.showmode = false
when enabled, and restores the original flag when disabled - Added runtime state in
Version 0.2.0
- Bug fixes and refactoring
Version 0.1.8
- Minor fixes and refactoring
Version 0.1.7
- Keymaps for split resizing, M(Alt/Option)-hjkl
- Minor bugfixes
Version 0.1.6
- Added hardtime.nvim (requires Neovim >= 0.10)
- Modified trouble.nvim config as v3.x introduced breaking changes
Version 0.1.5
- Minor bug fixes
Version 0.1.4
- Inlay hints for Lua (lua_ls) and Go (gopls)
- Minor configuration tweaks
Version 0.1.3
- Rose-pine colour scheme
- LSP inlay hints toggle with
(requires Neovim 0.10 or later) - Minor configuration tweaks
Version 0.1.2
- Added tables as keys in
- Added ZenMode plugin
Version 0.1.1
- Additional popular colour schemes
- Telescope git_files keybinding (<leader>ft)
- Minor bugfixes