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Release notes
- CGMES identifiers mapping (#1812)
- TP export (#1648)
- Topological nodes set can not be null (#1957)
- Additional clarifications on power flow inputs (SSH) and state values (SV) (#1963)
- Delete CGMES update to only use CGMES full export (#1949)
- Allows to ensure ID unicity in Measurement and DiscreteMeasurement (#1927)
- redundant attribute in ObservabilityQuality is a boolean and not a Boolean anymore + some code improvements (#1941)
- Converted from floats to double in LoadDetail (#1973)
- Make a set of extensions multi-variant (#1982)
- Fix transformers substation check (#1865)
- Remove useless getConnectable() private method (#1972)
- Fix removing the "last" variant of a network for tap changers (#1979)
- Fix network corruption when second node already used (#1978)
- Bump to XIIDM 1.7
- Allow to delay network validation (#1819)
- Allow to delay network validation (#1819)
IIDM modification
- Create powsybl-iidm-modification (#1964)
- Add hypotheses to create a voltage level on a line and to attach a line to another line (#1945)
- User functional logs reporter in import data variants and importer wrapper (#1951)
- Replace simulShunt in LoadFlowParameters by shuntCompensatorVoltageControlOn (#1939)
- Import Matpower branch limits (#1931)
- Update resources to be consistent with the value of the phase shift angle (#1938)
- Fix: replace protected by public for GraalVM native image (#1985)
Security Analysis
- Improve security analysis api (#1967)
- Add parameters to limit post contingency limit violations result (#1975)
Sensitivity Analysis
- New sensitivity analysis API (#1741)
Shortcircuits (beta)
- Add shortcircuit API (#1933 & #1946)
- Add feeder results to shortcircuits results (#1956)
- Add run with reporter for short circuit analysis (#1970)
- Remove feeder result from short circuit analysis result (#1976)
Power Factory
- First version of the importer (#1653)